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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Laning with Poppy feels like it's a chore, teams fights with Poppy are silly when you charge the ADc and don't give a crap about anything else.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
It looks like some kind of League-themed social network?

And just picked up Udyr. As much as I loved Kha'zix, he was just a bit too squishy for my tastes. Udyr is a lot of fun, though I kinda miss having Jump. Oh well, guess I'll have to settle with a stun every 6-7 seconds or so. Per enemy champion that I can auto-attack. And decent AOE from phoenix stance. And a shield. And a runspeed steroid...

Think I might just straight-up main jungle.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
I feel like Udyr is still the last jungle I'd want on my team.
Unless every other role on my team has gap closers. :applejack:


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2011
I'm trying to get opinions on the Spellsword mastery on Lux (and in general, I suppose). Is 5% of AP in extra magic damage on auto attacks actually worth it? It seems like by the time you have enough AP for it to be really significant, you're not autoattacking that much anymore to proc your passive. But I guess it's nice when your spells are on CD? Is it ever worth it on anyone?

I'm leaning towards no.


Smash Hero
Nov 19, 2006
The Garden of Earthly Delights
spellsword is one of the best masteries in the game IMO

edit: then again, i've been playing eve and kayle recently so my opinion might be a teeny bit biased...

but think about it... you can easily get 10 autoattacks off in a fight if you don't get instagibbed. that's a free .5 AP spell, which is hundreds of damage late game. all this can be yours for just one mastery point.

What's The Point

Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Plymouth, MI
Spellsword is good. In lane you should always be auto attacking any time you use spells. Plus what else would you get instead? 1 point for Spellsword is worth way more than 1 extra point in Havoc, Sorcery, or Butcher.

Deleted member

That teamsummon thing seems cool but I wonder if there are enough English speaking Europeans on it


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2011
Yeah, thinking about it more, I see your point, John. That damage will add up, provided I autoattack appropriately.

@What's The Point: I think Butcher is really good for last hitting. Havoc kind of sucks, I agree. As for Sorcery, I think you need to get 4 points in it, so you can get Arcane Knowledge?

In any case, I found I can get Spellsword without giving anything else up by just not getting points in Mental Force (which, in my opinion, is lackluster).


Smash Apprentice
Nov 29, 2010
New York
spellsword good on champs who buy lichbane in general, but I've seen equal amounts of luxes buying it and not buying it
it's not a bunch of early game damage though


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
The Spellsword mastery also procs Morellonomicon's Grevious Wounds passive. So if you've got a lot of healing reliant enemies, snatch it up.


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
From the PBE:
Tiger Stance
Persistent Effect: Basic attacks deal 0.1 AD bonus damage.
Activation: Increases attack speed by 30/40/50/60/70% for 5 seconds and Udyr's next basic attack deals bonus 80/140/200/260/320 [2.5 Bonus AD] physical damage over 2 seconds.

Hmm, this will definitely require some math...
So I threw together a quick excel sheet with some damage formulas of both the old Tiger Stance and the new Tiger Stance. The old Tiger Stance will consistently outdamage the new Tiger Stance with any realistic AD total. Like, the total AD scaling of the old Tiger Stance scales harder than the bonus AD scaling of this new version until you hit impossible numbers (~650 bonus AD). That is just the activation damage, but the persistent effect allows the new Tiger Stance to outdamage the old stance after a couple of auto attacks. That is speaking strictly numbers, no resistances.
Obviously in lane the old Tiger Stance will always outdamage the new one early on given the split damage. On the bright side, good luck ever missing a last hit while in the new Tiger Stance. Focusing him into physical damage though opens up Black Cleaver/Last Whisper though. Given some penetration and his damage will mid to lategame will be higher with the new Tiger Stance. Especially because pen will also increase the damage he's dealing with BotRK's passive/active. The potential issue with this is that it will divide Tiger Udyr's item focus on damage and tankiness. If he builds the same way as before he is just being far less effective. By changing up his build he can significantly increase his damage to a point where the old Tiger Udyr couldn't hit, but it's not really increasing his survivability any. He will absolutely DUMP on anything remotely squishy, but he has to survive long enough to get to them. This will make him even more gold dependent. Phoenix Udyr in the jungle on the other hand deals lower damage numberwise, but the split damage allows him to focus on building tankiness.

The new persistent effect looks to be stronger than the old one especially because the he still keeps the attack speed of the old persistent by shifting it into the active, albeit at a 5% loss. The new persistent will be much more noticeable in lane by making last hitting a breeze. The attack speed being put into the active means you will continually have that HUGE boost when stance dancing. At 17% CDR you can continually keep the persistent attack speed active, which gives you a constant 70% attack speed boost even when outside of Tiger Stance, as opposed to having 40% when outside of Tiger Stance.
/rant for now

Deleted member

Is this compared to the old old udyr or the current one? Also I'm assuming this is about the persistent effect?

Edit: somewhat confused because the new new active is better in literally every way (asp, base and scaling) and you say the new persistent is better.


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
Is this compared to the old old udyr or the current one? Also I'm assuming this is about the persistent effect?

Edit: somewhat confused because the new new active is better in literally every way (asp, base and scaling) and you say the new persistent is better.
Being compared to Udyr right now. When I made formulas on Excel, I missed a parenthesis so the numbers I was getting were off.
When I first looked at it, it was taking over 600 bonus AD to have the new Tiger Stance outdamage the new one (which in hindsight is laughably wrong). So scratch what I said about the damage being compared. At 60 Bonus AD the damage of both current Udyr and PBE Udyr will be within one damage of each other assuming you aren't priming the Tiger Stance. So we'll just say they are at equal damage at 60 Bonus AD, number wise. If you are priming the stance, like say to get the Tiger proc while in Turtle Stance thus losing the damage from PBE Tiger's persistent effect, it will take 75 Bonus AD to equal out the damage. Past those points PBE Udyr does more damage with strictly numbers.
This is without resistances, so despite having higher numbers later on, the new version can be outdamaged by the old until you get some sort of penetration, especially against tankier opponents. For instance, you can build a Cloth Armor, and in addition to armor yellows, and the armor mastery, heavily reduce the damage of PBE Udyr early on. You don't get that luxury against current Udyr. As he is right now, Udyr in lane is about dumping damage on them in forced exchanges, and there's no counterplay because the damage is mixed, unless the opposing character themselves counters Udyr. So it was either counter Udyr with your character pick, or lose the lane. Now you can at least build some early armor to not just lose to his damage output.
So given a build of BotRK, and Black Cleaver, with AD Runes, you can expect the PBE Tiger Stance to outdamage the current version especially when you consider penetration. Plus, a single Tiger Stance maxes out the stacks of Black Cleaver because each tick of the DoT adds a stack.

By putting the attack speed completely into the active, it also makes your other stances more effective. You can keep that 70% attack speed going in all of your stances as opposed to the current version which gives a 40% bonus to other stances when dancing. It also makes it far more attractive to Phoenix builds to dance into Tiger. Even without the proc, dancing quickly into Tiger and then out gives you a still hefty 50% bonus assuming you put the standard 3 points into it lategame.
The persistent effect makes last hitting virtually braindead early on, and plays off well with the obvious need for the new Tiger Stance to build a lot of AD. It also makes just staying in Tiger Stance better, which is good because he can't afford to dance too much in lane without Turtle Stance returning mana. By scaling off of Total AD, the current Udyr still deals heavy damage without AD items, plus the diversified damage helps a tanky build do more damage overall. By making him build high Bonus AD to hit high damage numbers, and by making it physical (making penetration needed), it makes building a tanky Tiger Udyr harder. He has to split his gold into high damage and survivability so he is more gold dependent than before, especially compared to Phoenix.


Smash Champion
May 8, 2007
can someone explain the 2 points in Brute Force on AP mids? from what i understand it's for last hitting?

i don't put any points in it


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
I like taking Butcher on casters that I have trouble last hitting with, but I've never taken Brute Force.
What are they taking it instead of? Is the extra 2 AD for harassing champions better than the damage you get towards creeps from Butcher?
I guess I can see it, but personally I use Butcher because I would rather be more assured that I'm going to get the CS.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
1 point in butcher, 1 point in spellsword, 2 points in brute force gives you 6 damage for last hitting, assuming spellsword is only adding 1 damage like it usually does at level 1. Should be plenty. And it gives you some auto damage for harassing in lane. I actually just took out my 2 points in that % AP mastery, I think 2.5% AP for an extra 3 AD early game is a good tradeoff. (edit, probably gonna trade 4 flat AP for the 2.5% instead since it scales better at 200 ap, which isn't hard to get) Especially since I usually play Malz mid and his voidlings love AD.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
More importantly, her gapcloser now has a knockup, and she has an actual tank steroid with her passive. Sejuani rework sounds stupidly good (in its current state)


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2011
I actually think she's pretty underrated right now.

This change is going to send her over the top into fotm > subsequently get nerfed territory. Can't say I like that too much. But at least she won't be snow bikini princess anymore.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
and sej still has a supermodel body.... like heroic nudity would work thematically... if they actually made her look like an athlete instead of a pinup model.


Smash Master
Mar 23, 2008
Planking Gnes While He Watches Invincible Youth
Lmfao this thread and all these udyr posts.... IMO Phoenix udyr is way better then tiger ATM, you know you can Phoenix(proc cone) auto attack (save an auto stack), bear back to Phoenix (another proc plus add another auto attack stack to auto attack 3 Phoenix proc right)??? That's literally 3 Phoenix proc within 5 auto attacks.... Lmfao
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