Didn't Morello straight up tell the community to go **** itself? I don't know if those were his exact words but I remember there was a lot of complaints about his less than kind words about the players. Also how they manage the game is laughable. I think I heard they're nerfing Yi. Like come on, I don't care how small the nerf is, when champs like Shen exist they decide to take time to nerf YI?!
It's that kind of **** that pisses me off. There are so many things wrong with league as a game. The champs themselves are fun to use but the game they are in is flawed. And riot does not do **** to help. I'm not even talking about minor complaints that is different from person to person. I'm talking universally noticed major problems with the game that go unfixed. I'm assuming the riot staff isn't completely ******** so I have to assume they really just don't care about balancing the game. Hope you change it up Wes. It's really sad when the same champs get banned every game and they're never nerfed and then champs like Yi get nerfed and then they just release more champs that have bigger escapes and better gap closers and more aoe ults blah blah blah IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY BOYS
You're wrong, morello's gotten pissed off at people individually, and vocal segments of the community for things like, not knowing game design, you know things like people constantly pushing for invoker.
As far as balance... wtf? Shen has been chain nerfed to the point that he's got like a 45% solo queue winrate across elos and is pretty much only useful in comps designed to take direct advantage of him. Eve just got hardcore nerfed, kha just got nerfed, talon got nerfed. Seriously, what high winrate well known op champ didn't get nerfed?
As far as yi, you realize that the new itemization was a MASSIVE buff to him, right? The fact is, while AD yi has issues, AP yi is troublesome in a number of design ways, I don't expect a net nerf to make it to live. It's bad design to leave something horrific in the game just because the rest of the character isn't that good.
At the same time, nerfs are inherently a lot easier to do then buffs, because if something is nonviable, only a small percentage of people are affected (dedicated players of that character). If something is too strong, everyone is affected. This is especially true of a champ like master yi, who with the new itemization could easily shift from UP to very op.
Combine this with the fact that any changes have a major bottleneck (iterative testing and builds) and you have a recipe for certain things taking a LONG time. They were reworking stealth for years, and not for lack of trying or manpower, but because of how incredibly long the process takes with a champ that's unstable by nature.
You're WAY too hard on riot.
Build health. I mean everyone get warmogs and now he can't kill anyone.
I gave up on Yi being viable like a year ago and I just use him for fun now. I guarantee you that's not it. The problem with Riot as a company is that they release new champs often (game breaking at times) to make more money. This would not be a problem if they fixed the issues with the OPs and the unviables. Is it really so hard to slightly nerf the 4 or 5 champs that literally get banned or first picked every game? Or how about slightly buffing champs which are useless in the current meta game? Or how about making it so it isn't league of mogs and armor and mr mean zero because all you have to do is stack health and you win.
I dunno, I'm certainly not the only person who thinks it's pathetic that there are a few champs that just build straight tank and out dps those that build damage. What kind of logic is that?
You realize there's a reason why we're in pre-season, they up-ended everything, it will take time to work out the kinks, but dear lord it's obvious it's on riot's radar that the health stacking is out of control. I mean look what they did to flask.
As far as health stacking doing more damage then stacking damage, different roles. For example darius might be able to do a lot of damage while building pure tank, but pantheon has global presence, they do different things for a thing. Pure damage ouput versus each other is not a valid measure.