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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2006
jolly old england. hohoho.
morg is pretty lame to lane against. even with her nerfs.

i autopush lanes to the turret without wards and harass like a noob. the enemy junglers will continuously fail gank me (probably because their mid cries that i'm autoattacking them under the turret) and i still have the most cs on the map by the end of the lane phase.

i'm climbing 1700s with this strategy and there's nothing to it. it's so lame to play against. her shield, spellvamp and snares make her frustrating.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I hate that all she does is through a pool down and outfarms without even trying. Then has a spellshield that gives a middle finger to CC so ganking her is not likely to work unless your Shaco or bait her shield out first.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
There isn't nearly enough Yorick hate in this thread. I can maybe forgive the fact that his laning is super obnoxious, and the fact that he builds ultra tanky while still doing a lot of damage lategame, because there are others that do that too. But that ult man.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
If the MS on his ghouls didn't get nerfed into the ground I'd rage about him more.

Well that and when I play Nasus top I like free Q farm.


Smash Hero
Nov 11, 2008
There isn't nearly enough Yorick hate in this thread. I can maybe forgive the fact that his laning is super obnoxious, and the fact that he builds ultra tanky while still doing a lot of damage lategame, because there are others that do that too. But that ult man.



Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
I enjoy playing yorick and i enjoy being super annoying with him




Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
morg is pretty lame to lane against. even with her nerfs.

i autopush lanes to the turret without wards and harass like a noob. the enemy junglers will continuously fail gank me (probably because their mid cries that i'm autoattacking them under the turret) and i still have the most cs on the map by the end of the lane phase.

i'm climbing 1700s with this strategy and there's nothing to it. it's so lame to play against. her shield, spellvamp and snares make her frustrating.
I don't think she's op or even a pubstomper, the snare is super dodgeable and there are lots of champs that can outpush her and do more. It's just she's a brick wall, she's near impossible to force out of lane, but she doesn't even do anything while there unless you get close enough for a flash ult and can't escape cause bind is so slow. Except push if you don't have a character that doesn't kill her creeps before your creeps die to the puddle.

Still super annoying that her snare and ult allows her to support a jungler gank really well.

And ganking morg is near impossible because of how stupid her shield is.

I almost never lose to morg, it's just playing as or against her bores more out of my skull, she makes yorick look exciting by comparison.


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
If I going mid against Morg I just take someone who is balls to the walls burst or someone who has an equally good waveclear ability.


bair-condtioned nightmare
Aug 21, 2011
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
that blitzcrank gif is gross

i'm a noob, are certain champions better at pro level than at regular player level? like blitz or amumu is banned every time in online draft, but the pro stats showed otherwise


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Holy **** Wes, you work for Riot? Can you make it clear to them that they have no ****ing clue how to balance this game?

Things I learned today.

Maokai is the best jungler.

AD Carry Thresh is OP as balls.
Laned against an AD thresh top as Vlad. Dominated in cs, got the first kill on him. 5 min later he's winning every 1v1 vs me and basically 3 shotting me with whatever the **** he does

AP Rengar guize. Clearly that's how he's building.

Taric solo top is infinite lulz in normals.
Once lost mid lane to a Taric with Singed ha. I did not expect that burst damage at all

i don't respect poppy players because she's a ****ing broken champion who i hope never gets played ever again

so go eat a ****
Poppy's late game might be the dumbest thing in this game if she ever makes it that far

Kayle is being picked and banned more than Shen at EU Qualifiers, wowsa.

I've been banning Kayle on and off for the past 2 years lol I instantly knew she was one of those champs that should be removed from the game

Yorick and Elise are in a tier of their own in terms of making you hate your life IMO. After that, idk, Shaco, Poppy, Vlad, Rumble, and Nidalee are all on my list. Teemo would be there too but, I mean, come on, just look at the dude :teemo:
I've been using Vlad a lot more recently. I don't consider him as amazing as all that though. He isn't like Ryze, who can lose his lane and still completely **** on the entire enemy team basically by himself late game. Don't get me wrong, I love Vlad's utility and his potent team fighting ability. But I feel he is like Viktor where he does his initial burst and then he sort of has to stall for a while (even 3 seconds is an eternity in teamfights), but Vlad has to be closer up to the enemy where he can get killed pretty quick. Even with troll pool I feel there are much stronger ap picks. Still gonna play the **** out of him though.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
If I going mid against Morg I just take someone who is balls to the walls burst or someone who has an equally good waveclear ability.
It's nothing to do with beating her, i have no problem counterpicking her with my normal picks.

The thing is, if she plays remotely intelligently, pretty much nobody can kill her in lane, even with a jungler because of her stupid cc immunity shield. At the same time without her jungler she can do pretty much nothing unless you get in range for her to flash ult when she's able to insta-burst you, and you have no escape mechanisms.

There's just no interesting counterplay, it's purely mechanical knowledge of how to exploit the character's weaknesses. All I have to do is pick anybody that clears before they can get sufficent ticks in her pool and voila, she's at turret and you're free to roam. Xerath (with enough ap), eve, anivia, talon, kha, and many others do this easily. Her being good or bad isn't what makes her poorly designed though, it's the boring passive gameplay she creates.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
I don't hate her because I can't beat her. I beat the bag out of her when I can counterpick her. I just hate how infuriatingly binary she is at literally every point in the game.
I'd hope so. You'd be absolutely pathetic if you couldn't beat her as a counterpick.
Binary? You're still describing pretty much every bruiser. :applejack:


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Well, considering I'm one of the guys balancing the game, consider your message received.
Eh I certainly hope you'll try to make it a better game cause riot's made it pretty clear they don't care about the players/state of the game or how it's played. Kinda blows my mind that they become progressively dumber with every patch.

I've never seen Poppy's late game, but I can imagine how terrifying it is.
Team fight starts, your ad and ap carry are killed almost instantly and now you have a full health Poppy to deal with 3v5


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Wes, tell lyte I said, "marry me"

Eh I certainly hope you'll try to make it a better game cause riot's made it pretty clear they don't care about the players/state of the game or how it's played. Kinda blows my mind that they become progressively dumber with every patch.
To be perfectly honest people always think that because, almost nobody's wishlist will ever match riot ends up putting out there, since well, everyone has different ideas about what's wrong with the game and only a tiny fraction of these people are right.

Yes, it has problems, but not caring? I don't think so, all the fotms that were actually op got nerfed, riot is using the pre-season to address core issues in gameplay. Top lane is still horrific, but I've given up hope on that a LONG time ago.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Wes, tell lyte I said, "marry me"

To be perfectly honest people always think that because, almost nobody's wishlist will ever match riot ends up putting out there, since well, everyone has different ideas about what's wrong with the game and only a tiny fraction of these people are right.

Yes, it has problems, but not caring? I don't think so, all the fotms that were actually op got nerfed, riot is using the pre-season to address core issues in gameplay. Top lane is still horrific, but I've given up hope on that a LONG time ago.
Didn't Morello straight up tell the community to go **** itself? I don't know if those were his exact words but I remember there was a lot of complaints about his less than kind words about the players. Also how they manage the game is laughable. I think I heard they're nerfing Yi. Like come on, I don't care how small the nerf is, when champs like Shen exist they decide to take time to nerf YI?!

It's that kind of **** that pisses me off. There are so many things wrong with league as a game. The champs themselves are fun to use but the game they are in is flawed. And riot does not do **** to help. I'm not even talking about minor complaints that is different from person to person. I'm talking universally noticed major problems with the game that go unfixed. I'm assuming the riot staff isn't completely ******** so I have to assume they really just don't care about balancing the game. Hope you change it up Wes. It's really sad when the same champs get banned every game and they're never nerfed and then champs like Yi get nerfed and then they just release more champs that have bigger escapes and better gap closers and more aoe ults blah blah blah IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY BOYS


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Riot really needs to release a summoner's rift deus ex machina mode where every character and item is at their most overpowered point.

global ults
ezreal with an aoe heal
twitch not being awful
shaco winning the game with 4k gold (lol GA + starks) (oh what's that, there's a LONE TOWER better *ult* backdoor through it -> go to next tower -> clone revives from dying to tower and bugs out and stays with shaco forever)
xin zhao healing at level 3 while diving more than the tower's dealing
ghost on every ranged carry
red buff being great
MF's ult being 3x its current size
Everyone's AS modifiers being multiplicative
7 sunfire cape builds

Maybe to be fair it should be from Season 1 start only. I don't think the games ready to handle 5 heimer turrets.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Thumbs, there's really no discourse to be had with you right now. It disappoints me that that's how you feel about the game and I assure you that you're mistaken, but you seem super emotionally charged by a character you personally like (Yi) so I don't see how I'm supposed to convince you of anything.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
I don't really mind much of what's going on with League at any given time, mostly because in the last two years of playing the game, I've quickly learned that no matter what, there will be something stupidly strong, aggravating, or obnoxious about a character or item in the game. So I just kinda roll with the punches. I mean, I might banter about something being dumb or whatnot, but you just kinda get over it, mostly because eventually it'll get nerfed/fall out of style.

It also helps that my favorite characters to play have hardly been touched ever since I started playing, but I don't imagine becoming overly bitter about something if they DID get nerfed. I'd probably still play them because I choose my characters based on the character, not the playstyle or kit.

With that said, my only true sadness of League is that there is absolutely no way I can ever get Ragdoll Poppy and Lollipoppy. I want the entire set. :applejack:


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Master Yi having his heal nerfed is very easy to be bitter about considering Yi's issues over all. I understand that Riot do not like having things that while having a pretty large list of counter characters is obnoxious to deal with if you do not. I would say Riot's never been great at managing those type of abilities/characters because they usually just gut it and give nothing to the character back.

Meditate is infuriating to others, but playing as Master Yi there are wayyyyyyyyyyyy too many situations where you're basically without a 4th ability. So while I gather they're reducing the duration from 5 to 3 seconds and gutting the heal, that doesn't alleviate all the issues that make Yi's want to cut themselves over.

Make him immune to CC once he's started it, cut it to three seconds and reduce the AP/base by a large shot? Would probably overall be a buff. Are they going to do that? Probably not.
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