:DMogwai said:Urgot has perhaps the most dominant laning in the game atm and frequently just wins based on that.
I actually think that Pirate has a better laning game than Urgot. Not more dominant necessarily, but better, because without ever putting himself at risk he deprives you of important farm and exp. It's tougher to pick up kills like Urgot can, but at the same time he can participate in global ganks without ever leaving. So he'll pick up extra gold and assists like that, outdo his laning opponents even without taking that into account... I think he's a phenomenal character to take in top lane because he can even assist with dragon fights and still never stop farming and leveling.
As for Urgot though, now he actually resembles a late-game carry now. The scaling change on his Q isn't what did it, it's the change to his E; it's turned him into a monster.
These are the stats on my end-game Urgot
People look at me funny when I get the Atma's, but as I see it you're pretty much getting a bunch of what you need for end-game; more armor for tankability, more AD for your Q and autoattacks, and more crit.
And the page is lying, you actually have 60 flat armor pen which applies AFTER the 20% armor reduction from your level 5 Corrosive Charge. Meaning that if a champ has 75 armor or less and you bomb them, your Q will deal 390 true damage every 1.2 seconds, slightly faster if you have a golem buff or you buy a blue potion. And it will almost be 400 damage if you purchase a red potion. The bomb itself will also apply a 400 damage physical DoT and work from your flat arpen.
Also worth noting; because of the combo of AoE armor reduction and flat Arpen, Corki and Urgot make a phenomenal physical DPS combo.
Seriously who doesn't realize how good this is. The gold cost on that build is pretty cheap too, compared to most carry costs, and considering how easily Urgot can pick up kills... fffffff he's so good why don't you people play him.