Dekar how are you supposed to build AD sion in 3's?
i go 21/0/9
I do not like 21/0/9, and never will. There's a reason only ONE of the
Crit Quint
Crit reds
dodye yellows
mana/lvl blues
normally my build is like
Dorans Shield
boots of swiftness
it doesnt seem to fitting for treeline but still works. suggestion?
Main problem is at 3k, your build stagnates until 5k, then 7k.
You could probably just make that zeal a triforce instead of waiting to build IE, afterward (if the game actually goes past the 10k farm point) finishing the IE.
The huge movement boost as well as slow with your autoattack, stuns and proc on skills makes Triforce > IE with that build, imo.
Also, if you don't have mana issues, the boots of swift could be switched out for CdR boots, I have been saying and will continue to say, they're the best bang for your buck boots in the game right now, for soooooo many heroes.
TheOddOne- 1/8/21 (Swain, W)
Nolja- 9/0/21 (doesn't seem to play?)
frozt- 21/0/9 (Blitz, L)
l0cust- 9/0/21 (Malphite, W)
megazero- 12/7/11 (GP, L)
taenshi- 21/9/0 (Renekton, W)
ravenite- 1/8/21 (Nunu, W, Nunu on TT LOL)
ginormous noob (lmfao.)- 15/0/15 (Olaf, L)
me- 1/16/13 (Nunu, W, again not impressive since it's nunu on TT).
Deddy 21/0/9 (Another empty match history)
manyreason- 21/0/9 (Teemo, W)
grandjudge- 21/0/9 (0 match history, strange)
shimtreez- 0/21/9 (empty...)
scarletdoom- 9/0/21 (empty)
chauster- 9/0/21 (swain, W)
locodoco- 21/0/9 (Yi, L)
hotshotgg- 0/9/21 (Nid, W)
A Lilac- 9/0/21 (Mundo, W)
Reginald 21/0/9 (Ez, W)
Feedfest 21/9/0 (Akali, L)
doomtrobo 9/0/21 (Lux, L)
Monkey D Luffy Z 21/8/1 (Caitlyn, L)
SYDTKO 3/17/10 (Kayle. L)
Bigfatjiji 0/22/8 (Renekton, W)
3xecutioner 0/21/9 (Shen, L)
15-21 offense tree? 3/8 wins
15-21 defense tree? 2/4 wins
15-21 utility tree? 6/8 wins
This doesn't dictate how well certain builds do etc. and isn't the end-all be-all analysis of how certain characters should be built, BUT-
If your character is NOT an AD carry, and you're NOT playing SR- do not go 21/0/9, the other trees are just too effective and the metagame is too centralized around being tankier with more utility (AKA higher mana regen, movement speed, lower cooldowns on SS and skills) to pass up on the benefits of the other trees.