well everytime I have ever built AP kat like...I get *****
so then one game my friend was playing YI and i said "every item you get I'm getting"
I ***** that game...We tanked towers and then did A base Dive (pass the base tower) and killed 3 of the people in there and made it out alive....**** was hilarious
and ever since then I have just been playing AD Kat
don't her Abilities scale off AD also anyway?
I usually go for gunblade when I start going hybrid but My Attack is usually way higher than my AP (by atleast 100)
I put rylai on annie so that tibbers gets more free hits because of the slowing effect.
Full annie build
-rylais - 4
-Deathcap -5
-Rod of ages -2
-sorc boots-1
- Void staff -3
The numbers are the order I usually get them.
uhg, you can't do much worse than copying a Yi build with Kat... You're a mage who scales off of Magic Pen, AD and AP, he's a DPS who scales best off of Armor Pen, AS and Crit. I'm guessing you guys are still learning the game and that's fine, but I'm just telling you that those 2 characters should have pretty much no overlap between their builds.
As for Annie... Annie builds really need to be focused on early dominance, namely, they need to focus on flat magic penetration. A standard high elo Annie build would be something like
sorc shoes
haunting guise
*pump blue elixirs from here on out*
void staff or abyssal scepter, depending on how much MR they've bought.
absolutely not, by going hybrid your shunpo and BB do less for a bit more ult damage, the ult damage is only decent from hextech gunblades, but AP + deathcap gives you reasonable damage and a shunpo that doesn't suck
her Q and ult scale off of AD but you want BFs or Bloodthirsters not bloodrazors and rageblade
ok, so I decided to mathcraft this out of curiosity.
with a rylais and a deathcap you're looking at:
BB Bonus Damage = 106.93 (AP)
Shunpo Bonus Damage = 229.13 (AP)
DL Bonus Damage = 91.65 (AP)
with a rylais and a Gunblade you're looking at:
BB Bonus Damage = 48 (AD) + 54.25 (AP)
Shunpo Bonus Damage = 116.25 (AP)
DL Bonus Damage = 33 (AD) + 46.5 (AP)
hmmm, it turns out everything is stronger off of just a deathcap. looks like you're right, touche.