Few questions here. I'm quite new to the competitive scene of Brawl so any advanced techniques and some terminology has me lost.
I'm sure this has been asked before, but rather than dig through 69 pages, can I get this clarified: DACUS, with tap jump on. Is the order of combinations dash, up, c-down, A? Or Dash, C-down, up, A? Also, does anyone suggest going to training mode and starting at a lower speed for this? I can't get it, I hit 1 in 20 -maybe-.
Also, chainlock. Possibly missing the entire concept of it, but every time I try using the chain on anyone I get maybe two hits in and then smacked with an fsmash or ftilt. What am I doing wrong here? From what I understand I -don't- want to start with a sweetspot, right?
Finally, I keep hearing about the rising transformation. It says to do something out of the "tumble" animation. What is this animation? I don't understand when I can do said transformation.
Thanks in advanced, sorry for the assumingly common questions ^^;