10-four on testing the canceling of the chain into dash attack. I’ve never tried to do that before.
and lol @ Marz. Zelda can still be semi useful just it's purely match up dependent so like if your
fighting de3 a sheik/zelda combo is a dream come true but fighting someone like Link (randomly pick character) then pretty much rolling with sheik OoS nair is better.
We need to figure out who it is smart to turn into Zelda against.
Yea Sheiks main problems are her recovery and weight.
Chain cancel would be amazing.
Hey, weight is not much of an issue. That is why I'm learning to DI and play more hit and run at high percents.
I know lol. Imagine the possibilities. Now imagine that we don't replicate it....
Do you remember the exact timing when your finger slipped from B to A and which direction you where pressing on your control stick? Where you pressing any other buttons besides A, B? Also, I find it kind of weird that you waited until the day after to tell us

No, but it shouldn't be more than 5 seconds.
I was locking to the right so I was waving it from 6 to 3 oclock.
BTW, I was doing this at the Metroid Acid stage (I can't remember its name.)
Meh, I don't tell you guys a lot of thing.
ie Vanish Boosting (not the edge kind), a new USmash set up, a new way to end the f-tilt lock that directly leads into f-tilt again for a USmash, silent chain and more. I don't tell cuz I just don't know.
saviors think closely about whether it was sh or not thats important. Were u doing a lock where it hits like every 2 frames or was it more steady hits. The scenario sounds more like a grounded one since u really dont have to sdi sh-chain as much since it has more knockback
hmm.. good idea. It was a normal one cuz he was in there longer than he would if it was a SH.
On another note:
I found out that M2K have some similarities.
We were both home schooled.
We both have strange disease's. He has autism. Both disease's help us in SSBB.
Mine is like a weird version of autism. Basically I have a hyper active mind. If my mind goes onto something I can't get it off. This includes songs, movies and what people have said. Because of this I have developed almost a second me. My mind can completely be doing something else while the other part of me does another thing. ie Playing a song while doing math. It just... if I have a visual I can't do anything else and it can take me hours to get my mind on something new. If I get my mind on School I have been known to do 5 days of work in 1.
Guess what my mind has been on for the past few months? lol
It also helps me play Brawl. Part of me can focus on what they are doing and memorizing what they do. The other part of me can compare what I have learned in the past, and then develop a way to get around that. I also do that for if anyone if pressuring me.
I haven't fought Nicalobe in months except for about 30 minutes on Saturday and about 1 hour maybe more on Wendsday. I went from losing every match and getting 2 or 3 stocked to winning half of the time.
With the above said, I curse the day I ever watched Bob the Builder.
It has been years now and I still get that stupid episode to play through my head. -_-
We both live in Ohio.
In a year I hope to be at a high level.
I can upload a match of me from this time last year to compare to now.
lol, December of last year I thought f-tilt lock was to hard to perform in a match.