So yeah,
Roxy got made into an admin and now I'm taking over, what's up guys.
I don't like change! lol jk. For a person who doesn't actually play Brawl much, Roxy sure went far in the Smashboards world ahaha <3 you Jamaal.
@WABA - Nice $1000 pot. We have to super hype this up ASAP. Hopefully the tournament isn't TOO close since that pot would definitely attract OoS attendance. Everyone needs to post the link on OP to other PR/Social threads so AL, NC, and FL especially get wind of it.
@Tech Stuff - Yeah, the tournament is this Saturday, Free Play starts at 6 pm and there is doubles and singles (most likely will go 'til 4 AM unless I get a lot of setups). It's $5 for entry to any tournament you want but they can't overlap with other tournament time slots. The $5 also includes all you can eat and drink when they bring the food in. They usually bring taco/burritos in at one point then pizza at another.
The tournament will most likely be run by yours truly but this isn't guaranteed yet. I'm not affiliated with them officially but I've hosted the tournament for the past 2 semesters so most likely it will be the same. If you bring a full setup I can even waiver the $5 door fee. Wazoo said he'll prob bring his recording equipment too.
The top 2 at least in each event are guaranteed a prize. The prizes for Brawl aren't that magnificent but last year they gave away an external hard drive (250gb I think) and an 8gb SD card and digital cameras (kind of cheap though) as prizes to the top players (aka 4GOD and I lol).
I usually don't announce this stuff because I like the limelight I get at tournaments like this lol but the cat's out of the bag so the more the merrier. I'm sneaky I guess but whatever I'm being super helpful now for all you lazy people.
Location: Klaus Advanced Computing Building. It's on Georgia Tech campus off of Ferst Street. It's a big glass building.
Parking: Meters are free after 5 pm. Meters located on Fowler Street and Tech Square (2-5 minute walk from Klaus).
Time: Free Play 6-8pm Doubles 8-10:30 pm Food 10:30-11 pm Singles 11-4am (break for food at 2 am)
Price: $5 door fee (includes two meals). Free if bring full setup
Prize: Various decent prizes.
Contact Info: My phone is 7706347159 if you have any questions shoot me a text or give me a call.
Helpful Thing: You can sign up at the door but it's better and easier if you make an account on the website. You can create both a team name and enter both singles and double events ON the webpage so do it please if you plan on attending. Website is
My post count may be small but they're useful posts... usually. Darn Lounis.