60/40 odds in favor of Geno being in smash. Along my friends, I've seen as a fool for such odds.
I know hell is full of lukewatm people. Still, 60/40 seems probable.
19 years of waiting for geno(in smash).
There's a ☆□?!man waiting in the sky...
Get a tv and the gamecube adapter. Me,I love the pro controller. It feels so good. You should definitely put your friend code in your profile/signature.
Such a shame that Nintendo doesn't host servers or does rollback netcode.
Perhaps you haven't read my recent posts, but friend I'm out of state.
My family's old home is in Illinois and we are doing some DIY remodeling to get it off my dad's back financially. Where we normally reside is in Texas.
It was already a chore to lug my dinosaur PC here and I had no intentions of getting a Switch when I got here, it kinda ended up being gifted to me.
We had no room for a TV, no way to protect it with the whole SUV of tools we brought with us, and I had no reason to bring the GC adapter I have.
I'm sure my experience will be better once I have a TV, a GC Controller, and I have a direct connection to the internet. Until then, you gotta make do with what you got.
Speaking of that, I just played a match for the Royal Tournament, and it was fun...for three minutes. When it was a 4-man on Castle Siege with me as



and another

it was absolutely amazing and I won by a landslide. When I versed

on Peach's Castle N64 and she got every single item, it was hopeless and miserable. It was at this time this morning that I learned a number of things.
- This game has always been made and mostly balanced around it being a party brawler with more than 2 players (now up to 8) and having a fun time with friends. That is also the way I enjoy it most, when there is wacky stages and items and at least four people bumbling around. The chaos is where I excel and where I have the most fun.
- I'm still decent at Smash but Ultimate is a much different beast than Smash 4. None of the same combos I know work so I end up going buck wild and it doesn't always work.
- I still have a desire to be moderately good at competitive Smash despite it not being the original way it was intended to be played. However, I always pick up janky characters that I love either for the character themselves or because of the 'Oomph Factor' which heavy-hitters bring when you do land a hit. However, my playstyle is with trap/setup characters in about every other fighting game I've played: I like to make the battlefield a minigame of dodge this and jump over that and then punish you when you guess wrong. I think the closest I can get to that in Smash is with
so I'll need to spend more time with them but I really dislike the slingshot.
, The Great Equalizer, is the MOST fun character to play in Ultimate thus far. You can fight me on that but but you will lose.