So, I noticed some of my comments the past couple of days have gotten some attention outside this site so I wanted to explain things so that there's no confusion about these rumors:
Donkey Kong: this story isn't new and I've talked about it since January. Markomaro was the one that broke the story last November here:
On my end, I first openly talked about it here:
Basically one of my "Christmas gifts" from one of my contacts was him telling me that three "missing" NSO SNES games would eventually be tied into (likely) E3 announcements.
From there, the evidence for a Donkey Kong just got stronger and stronger. Neither DK or Diddy's Smash Amiibo have been rereleased yet for some reason, pretty notable cameo in TOK, Dixie and Funky in MKT for seemingly no reason, DKC finally on the NSO, Nintendo's social media accounts talking a ton about DK since May, etc. There's a lot and it's been an avalanche this summer. When I shared this in the Dixie thread, a very notable insider reached out to me in private noting that they had heard the same things I had. Based on who it was, I definitely believe it's real.
Golden Sun: as I said, Golden Sun is one of the three dead franchises I've been teasing since last fall. I consider Naz a friend and I broke my silence to back up his claims. We both used to be in Sabi's circle and, honestly, aside from the NoA ambassador, he probably suffered from more abuse from Sabi and Maru than any of us. He deserves respect and I absolutely trust him.
Last October, Sabi's circle got a tip that Golden Sun was probably coming back. We were warned, however, the rumor came from a guy who had a history of half his stuff being true and half being total bull**** so to not take it super seriously. A few months pass and Nintendo strangely updates the Golden Sun trademark for the second time in two years. I then get a tip that Nintendo is very, very serious about reviving a lot of IPs in 2020 and beyond because of how stupidly well the Switch is doing. Like I said yesterday, Golden Sun was supposedly chosen not only because of Smash but because RPGs have been doing crazy good on the Switch and Nintendo wanted in on that. Like Naz said, he basically got a silver bullet within his own connections that Golden Sun was real around April and I definitely believe him based on things on my end.
The dead franchise being revived by an indie: there seems to be some confusion here so I'll clarify. Supposedly there's three NES/indie collabs coming and one dead franchise being handled by an indie that's supposed to be a major project ala Cadence of Hyrule. Here is the first time I specifically mentioned this project last December:
Now, the story here is interesting because it doesn't start in December but August of last year. While in Sabi's circle, we got a tip that one of Nintendo's E3 2020 plans was to revive a specific dead franchise. I made note it and life went on. By January, things had branched out. This franchise had not one notable rumor but four. "Okay, there has to be something to this" and I'd argue, like DK, the evidence has gotten stronger and stronger over time.
Now, some backstory, supposedly this project ties into Iwata's plans for Indies. The following is basically a patchwork of things I have heard on the matter and put together as a narrative. I can't totally confirm the total validity of this story since I'm not in the industry but it lines up with a lot that's already public:
Supposedly around 2008/2009, Iwata saw that the Wii was doing amazing but, as a smart business man, knew it couldn't last. He saw that games were getting bigger and bigger budgets and longer and longer development times and was already seeing the problems it was causing the industry. He knew this couldn't last and took a very strong interest in indie development, honestly believing they were the future of gaming. Iwata then put into motion the plan to not only support and give resources to indie developers but eventually get to a point where the company could trust them with Nintendo's IPs.
Iwata's plan sounded good to the suits at Nintendo but they were super skeptical about trusting Indies with their IPs. Third parties was one thing and that was already a mixed bag. Again, Iwata believed in the potential of indie developers and basically told the other executives that, in due time, Indies would come to produce AAA games and told them to take all the time they needed to see things from his point of view. The rumor was that the endgame of Iwata's plan was two fold: trust an indie with one of their big IPs and trust an indie to successfully revive a dead Nintendo IP.
Unfortunately, the executives didn't really see things from Iwata's point of view until after his passing and during the early days of the Switch. They finally realized that Indies were something to take seriously and then were on the lookout for Indies that could handle Iwata's two project ideas. Obviously, Cadence of Hyrule was the first and went with that one first because they considered it the bigger risk (flashbacks of the CD-I). The game was a huge success and critically acclaimed and then, almost a decade later, Nintendo was finally confident that it could trust indies with notable projects with their IPs.
In a sense, the dead franchise revival is meant to be a fulfillment of Iwata's plan, a realization of his faith in indie developers, and the kick off of a new era for Nintendo. This is also why I've kept it secret because it's a big deal and, symbolically, it's a hell of a statement about not only Iwata's legacy but his vision, trust, and even love of the gaming industry. I'm getting choked up typing that but, like Ultimate, I feel it's one of Iwata's final gifts to Nintendo fans.
NES/indie games: as an extension of the above, Nintendo wants to show it trusts Indies with their IPs and is supposedly very open to dusting off their more obscure and older IPs for the sake of Indies breathing new life into them. Basically the rumor is that these three games are essentially "Phase Two" of Nintendo trusting Indies with their IPs. Like I said, details are scarce. Three NES classics (no sequels and not Japanese exclusives) and three seperate indie developers Nintendo decided it could trust with them. My guy strongly believed he knew one of them but didn't want it shared and his educated guess for another was Balloon Fight. Apparently Nintendo told these developers to take all the time they needed to impress them with the final product and it's not known when they're coming but one of my guys was very confident one would be a 2020 release, maybe as soon as the end of the summer.