A very similar timeline to Banjo, honestly.
-May 2019: first rumblings of Crash in Smash.
-July 2019: apparent document leaks. Crash talks brought to Papagenos' attention by someone in Mii Costume Guy's network. Absurd amount of stuff for CTR:NF leaked.
-August 2019: Overwatch for Switch hard leaked. Activision vaguely talks about future Crash plans. Multiple insiders come out to support Crash isn't 4 or 5.
-November 2019: Insider rumors of at least two most western characters coming to Smash Ultimate. Tony Hawk Remasters heavily teased.
-December 2019: Overwatch 2 is leaked.
-January 2020: RARE confirms planning for Banjo in Smash kicked off E3 2018, confirming insider rumors and drawing parallels to Crash's E3 2019 emergence.
-February 2020: Crash Mobile is leaked. Activision says several remasters are coming in 2020.
-April 2020: Activision teases new Crash announcements will be made later this year.
Based on this, here are the big takeaways:
-Activision sucks at keeping secrets.
-Crash has basically had every major announcement leaked in the last three years.
-Activision is really gung-ho about making Crash a major gaming icon again.
Also, wonder upon wonders, I found this article from 2018 that talks about the existence of the Crash documents a whopping YEAR AND A HALF before they supposedly leaked: