I swear Hero is the most annoying character to fight against, even as Hero.
Not the only time I was annoyed, but I was in a Free for All against a Link and 2 Heroes. The Heroes were teaming from the start, me and the Link soon realizing, and we were beaten. They proceeded to T-bag and take turns SDing until one of them won.
Other times included awful lag, a Sonic that kept spamming B and Side B until his team could 2v1 me...and really some things that were my fault tbh. Hero sure has some power, though...
I did have a nice match, though; I decided to be silly as King Dedede one match, and try to just lay down most of the time. There was a Hero and a Robin; the Hero decided to be on my side, and the Robin just kept trying to attack both of us even when I just kept laying. I did try to help the Hero sometimes, and attack sometimes when the Robin tried to get me, but mostly I just jumped around and laid. The Hero beat the Robin, I laid and jumped around a bit (as did he), and then I just let him win.