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Banned via Warnings
Jun 16, 2009
Hey lets cry to people who don't care!
Just pointing out a fact and a problem with American smashers and American culture. i'm not trying to change anyone's mind on anything.

And Ace I shouldn't have called you dumb. When I read your post the first thing that came to my mind was that you are stupid, but this is a friendly forum and the hostility isn't needed so I'm sorry about that.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 5, 2005
Puerto Rico
loool thats messed up. First tourney match that I've seen a win by default.
IF by that you mean Pink Shinobi's first bracket match, it was Excel_Zero. He didn't want to play it because he was focusing on Brawl that day and decided to forfeit Melee even thou he made it out of the Pool. He is a campy fox against Peach players and he knows the match ups really well (guess who his practice is lol). Also you need to camp peach or else you are ****ed up (by this i don't mean a really good technical close battle would be bad, but its easy way to camp the **** out of peach). You guys need to learn the peach match up... *cough* Armada *cough*, hes really good thou! She really good with her pressure game but she gets camped a lot. =/

EDIT: Also about the camping is gay and all that BS I have been seeing. You are playing for money, so that means play to win. Play to win = do w/e you need to do to win even if it means to run away. Run away is a really effective strategy depending on the match up. Peach gets served when she gets camp by certain characters. Even thou that's one of her weakness (probably her main one), idc I keep playing with her and beating someone that's camping the hell out of you is satisfying (like the fox i beat that camped the **** out of me in the 3 matches on the bracket and I still manage to pull a come back and beat him). People need to stop qq'ing about that camping is gay. If you come to PR, everyone camps the **** of everyone here but I guess thats in the Puerto Ricans blood LOL!


Banned via Warnings
Jun 16, 2009
EDIT: Also about the camping is gay and all that BS I have been seeing. You are playing for money, so that means play to win. Play to win = do w/e you need to do to win even if it means to run away. Run away is a really effective strategy depending on the match up. Peach gets served when she gets camp by certain characters. Even thou that's one of her weakness (probably her main one), idc I keep playing with her and beating someone that's camping the hell out of you is satisfying (like the fox i beat that camped the **** out of me in the 3 matches on the bracket and I still manage to pull a come back and beat him). People need to stop qq'ing about that camping is gay. If you come to PR, everyone camps the **** of everyone here but I guess thats in the Puerto Ricans blood LOL!
Well if your only purpose for playing the game is to make money and all concepts of fun and gamesmanship goes out the window then you can make a good argument for camping, gaying and timing out your opponent. Otherwise what you're ruining the game, you are supposed to fight your opponent, not run away until the time hits 0. I'm amazed that no tournament has banned Peach's float camping, it's the same as pound rising; it's banned because it's broken. Do we really have to wait for Pink Shinobi to win a major tournament before they ban his gayness? That's sad; and as for Puerto Ricans loving to camp have you ever wondered why the level of play in Puerto Rico is low and they never win major tournaments in America ever?

DJ Nintendo

Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2005
Bronx, NY
IF by that you mean Pink Shinobi's first bracket match, it was Excel_Zero. He didn't want to play it because he was focusing on Brawl that day and decided to forfeit Melee even thou he made it out of the Pool. He is a campy fox against Peach players and he knows the match ups really well (guess who his practice is lol). Also you need to camp peach or else you are ****ed up (by this i don't mean a really good technical close battle would be bad, but its easy way to camp the **** out of peach). You guys need to learn the peach match up... *cough* Armada *cough*, hes really good thou! She really good with her pressure game but she gets camped a lot. =/

EDIT: Also about the camping is gay and all that BS I have been seeing. You are playing for money, so that means play to win. Play to win = do w/e you need to do to win even if it means to run away. Run away is a really effective strategy depending on the match up. Peach gets served when she gets camp by certain characters. Even thou that's one of her weakness (probably her main one), idc I keep playing with her and beating someone that's camping the hell out of you is satisfying (like the fox i beat that camped the **** out of me in the 3 matches on the bracket and I still manage to pull a come back and beat him). People need to stop qq'ing about that camping is gay. If you come to PR, everyone camps the **** of everyone here but I guess thats in the Puerto Ricans blood LOL!
I agree 500 million % with you lol. Do what you gotta do to win and thats it. If I need to camp my a$$ off to win a match, then I will definitely do so and not give a f*ck. I don't need to entertain anyone. I'm having fun but I'm also playing to win. End of story.

Virusbluemage, even though Pink Shinobi was float camping alot during that match, he was still attacking RockCrock. If Pink Shinobi was to just float camp for an extended period of time and not attack RockCrock, then he would be DQ'ed. Just drop the issue about camping. Many players camp not because it'll be gay and lower their integrity or whatever, its because it might be how their playing style is. Many players' playing style is camping. Camping is part of this fighting game and others as well. So quit life sir lol.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
Weston, Florida
No respect for Pink Shinobi, when I play you ill **** you 1st match and you might win on a gay stage but the **** will come back 3rd match.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
<3 Pink Shinobi's style. Even tho you talked **** on scar(or was that neighborhood?) I cant help but love your peach. If I were to play peach thats how I'd wanna do it.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 5, 2005
Puerto Rico
Well if your only purpose for playing the game is to make money and all concepts of fun and gamesmanship goes out the window then you can make a good argument for camping, gaying and timing out your opponent.
DO you see me complaining for losing just cause I play Peach. No. Campy player is no gay ****, camping is a strategy on certain match ups. If I need to camp to win something, you will see me do it. Peach gets far in a bracket until she faces an *** campy and skilled fox player (or w/e char can outcamp her) because hes smart and knows how to win this match up.

Otherwise what you're ruining the game, you are supposed to fight your opponent, not run away until the time hits 0.
I think you have a bad definition about what camping play style is. Pink Shinobi was running away and waiting for Rock to make a mistake and then punish it.

I'm amazed that no tournament has banned Peach's float camping, it's the same as pound rising; it's banned because it's broken.
Float camping broken... please give me a break.

Do we really have to wait for Pink Shinobi to win a major tournament before they ban his gayness?
Im still waiting for a day that a Peach wins a Major tournament. Armada was close on doing this until Mango figured out exploits in his gamestyle which I noticed too and a couple of people agreed with me. Still Armada is great and all and Im pretty sure m2k and jman would have beat him too.

That's sad; and as for Puerto Ricans loving to camp have you ever wondered why the level of play in Puerto Rico is low and they never win major tournaments in America ever?
Lol, I dont wanna talk about this.

Also talk to JMAN please...

PS. Nice June 2009.


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
Lol, you're dumb. You've missed my point completely. And people I'm not telling Americans to stop playing as cheap and gay as the want, I'm just saying it's pretty sad. I'm pretty sure most people who don't play gay would agree with me over you.
I was never attempting to address your alleged "point" lmao. Simply pointing out that you unnecessarily b**** about Americans pretty much every chance you get when you really have no idea what you're talking about.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 16, 2009
I agree 500 million % with you lol. Do what you gotta do to win and thats it. If I need to camp my a$$ off to win a match, then I will definitely do so and not give a f*ck. I don't need to entertain anyone. I'm having fun but I'm also playing to win. End of story.

Virusbluemage, even though Pink Shinobi was float camping alot during that match, he was still attacking RockCrock. If Pink Shinobi was to just float camp for an extended period of time and not attack RockCrock, then he would be DQ'ed. Just drop the issue about camping. Many players camp not because it'll be gay and lower their integrity or whatever, its because it might be how their playing style is. Many players' playing style is camping. Camping is part of this fighting game and others as well. So quit life sir lol.
Wow, you really need to watch that match again. Pink Shinobi did not attack RockCrock unless Rockcrock approached Pink Shinobi, then attacked and then missed. When Rockcrock stayed still Pink Shinobi just float camped. And sadly there is just nothing Ganon can do about that(especially not on that stage) You're being silly about being DQ'd, at Genesis lots of players beat opponents this way(like Fly Amanita vs Eddie Mexico) and nothing was done about it. The organizers of the tournament just didn't seem to care. And people need to understand that my problem isn't just camping. If you stay at one side of the screen and spam projectiles, wait for your opponent to approach you and then fight then there is nothing wrong. The problem is when you run from one side of the screen to the other side of the screen over and over again camping and spamming, and when your opponent approaches you, you run to the other side of the screen and repeat the process. It's ****ing ridiculous, you fight this way because you cannot defeat your opponent fairly. If that's how their ''playstyle'' is then they are a *****.

Edit: I didn't bring up this point to rant, my point was that only Americans do this. The Mexicans, Canadians and Japanese never play like that, and the problem with America is that their culture disregards integrity and just stresses the important of being successful and therefore they really don't regard anything as cheating or unsportly. DJ Nintendo kind of proves my point about the problem with American culture: ''I agree 500 million % with you lol. Do what you gotta do to win and thats it. If I need to camp my a$$ off to win a match, then I will definitely do so and not give a f*ck''


Zobaia -Deus- Ariana
Apr 4, 2006
Learn from Armada Pink shinobi, learn from aramda... That was gay playing by you :p I remember u did something like that to Germ as well... No respect!! xD


Banned via Warnings
Jun 16, 2009
DO you see me complaining for losing just cause I play Peach. No. Campy player is no gay ****, camping is a strategy on certain match ups. If I need to camp to win something, you will see me do it. Peach gets far in a bracket until she faces an *** campy and skilled fox player (or w/e char can outcamp her) because hes smart and knows how to win this match up.
You weren't gayed as badly as what happened to Rockcrock. And if you were then you would be complaining. Also this case doesn't apply to you as you'd be losing because of your lack of skill and not just because you were camped.

I think you have a bad definition about what camping play style is. Pink Shinobi was running away and waiting for Rock to make a mistake and then punish it.
Lol, scrub that is what camping is. How old are you? And Pink Shinobi did more than just wait for Rockcrock to run away, he was avoiding him the entire match. If Rockcrock just stood still then Pink Shinobi would have float camped the entire match.

Float camping broken... please give me a break.
*sighs* I regret speaking you to begin with. You don't seem to be the least bit intelligent. You claim float camping isn't broken then what should have Rockcrock done against Pink Shinobi? There is nothing he could have done. Your ignorance is sickening, lol next you're gonna say Pound Rising isn't broken.

Im still waiting for a day that a Peach wins a Major tournament. Armada was close on doing this until Mango figured out exploits in his gamestyle which I noticed too and a couple of people agreed with me. Still Armada is great and all and Im pretty sure m2k and jman would have beat him too.
Wow, just wow. I doubt I'm gonna speak to you anymore. I'll try to enlighten you however. M2k fought Armada and lost to him. Armada is obviously a great deal better than M2k as he did in one try what M2k has been trying and failing to do for over a year. Take a set from Mango. Jman cannot beat Armada seeing as how M2k ***** him whenever they fight. And this is kind of off topic but Jman isn't that great. He got ***** pretty badly by a Pikachu at genesis. And he can't seem to place in the top 10 in any tournament that isn't limited to the east coast(he couldn't get top 10 a RoM or Genesis)

Lol, I dont wanna talk about this.

Also talk to JMAN please...
Lol, I doubt any Pourta Rican wants to talk about it.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
I find it hilarious that the Ganons are complaining about people camping them, when you can watch their matches and count the number of times they willingly cross the stage on one hand.

Not that I endorse Pink Shinobi's "fighting" style or anything; I'm just somewhat amused by this.

I suppose just spacing aerials when people engage you and scare tactics are different than running away for 8 minutes, but I'd think Ganons would be one of the characters who could appreciate such defensive homosexuality.

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
year: 2009

*people still bashing campy styles*


Virus: Do I really have to stuff your face with points, again?


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
Edit: I didn't bring up this point to rant, my point was that only Americans do this. The Mexicans, Canadians and Japanese never play like that, and the problem with America is that their culture disregards integrity and just stresses the important of being successful and therefore they really don't regard anything as cheating or unsportly.
It's illegal to compete for money in Japan, so that would certainly explain why they don't care about winning quite as much.

I don't know about the rest of America, but I definitely regard unplugging your opponent's controller midmatch as cheating. And in regard to "unsportly," we shake hands after a match just like everybody else. I'm pretty sure you're one of those people who just latches onto every negative stereotype about Americans and how they act compared to the rest of the world.

*sighs* I regret speaking you to begin with. You don't seem to be the least bit intelligent. You claim float camping isn't broken then what should have Rockcrock done against Pink Shinobi? There is nothing he could have done. Your ignorance is sickening, lol next you're gonna say Pound Rising isn't broken.
Rockcrock had opportunities to hit him repeatedly throughout the match. He just got outplayed. Also, if you really think floating over and over is in any way analogous to infinite rising Pound, you are either a terrible troll or just really, really dumb.


And this is kind of off topic but Jman isn't that great. He got ***** pretty badly by a Pikachu at genesis. And he can't seem to place in the top 10 in any tournament that isn't limited to the east coast(he couldn't get top 10 a RoM or Genesis)
It's really obvious that you've never played Jman for any decent period of time, if at all.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Pink Shinobi

Smash Ace
Oct 14, 2007
Davis, CA / Fresno, CA
It was a pretty gay win. Americans are really the only smashers who will try to win by gaying and timing out their opponent. It's probably cultural thing, Americans are taught to win strive for success however they can; integrity isn't important them.
Nah, I think its only me and Jman. :)

And Peach's float lasts for like 3 seconds. She's open after that. :)


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
It's illegal to compete for money in Japan, so that would certainly explain why they don't care about winning quite as much.

I don't know about the rest of America, but I definitely regard unplugging your opponent's controller midmatch as cheating. And in regard to "unsportly," we shake hands after a match just like everybody else. I'm pretty sure you're one of those people who just latches onto every negative stereotype about Americans and how they act compared to the rest of the world.

Rockcrock had opportunities to hit him repeatedly throughout the match. He just got outplayed. Also, if you really think floating over and over is in any way analogous to infinite rising Pound, you are either a terrible troll or just really, really dumb.


It's really obvious that you've never played Jman for any decent period of time, if at all.

You don't know what you're talking about.
wow true, true, and true

@ virusbluemage
timing an opponent out has nothing to do with "integrity", please choose to use another word

being gay in video games is not THAT bad, ganondorf ***** all of CF's approaches so you would say that i play with integrity if i run into his fair all day?

just camp him


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
alameda, ca
oh daaaaaamn that's really really good quality for a stream
good ****

paul camping is basically as good as paul not camping
you shoulda seen him bursting onto the scene in norcal
beat jeff, lunin, the germ, etc without camping
sf4 made him play gay haha


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
pink shinobi vs rockcrock was gay, but it's funny that when ganon's camp it's "spacing" and "****" and they say "no johns", but when they get camped it's a different story.

Also, I wish I was there with linguini's braclet.


Smash Master
Apr 15, 2008
Dallas, TX
Well if your only purpose for playing the game is to make money and all concepts of fun and gamesmanship goes out the window then you can make a good argument for camping, gaying and timing out your opponent. Otherwise what you're ruining the game, you are supposed to fight your opponent, not run away until the time hits 0. I'm amazed that no tournament has banned Peach's float camping, it's the same as pound rising; it's banned because it's broken. Do we really have to wait for Pink Shinobi to win a major tournament before they ban his gayness? That's sad; and as for Puerto Ricans loving to camp have you ever wondered why the level of play in Puerto Rico is low and they never win major tournaments in America ever?
I was going to write a long and detailed post that shows why you're an idiot scrub, but It'll suffice to call you a hypocrite
You basically responded to my post saying
"You proved my point because it's not always the way you see it. It's the way I see it."

You can still play to win and have fun. No one plays solely for money. That would make smash just a job that pays next to nothing. Integrity? Honor? It's a video game. Besides, these are subjective qualities.

"ruining the game" is an opinion. Not a fact.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
Weston, Florida
pink shinobi vs rockcrock was gay, but it's funny that when ganon's camp it's "spacing" and "****" and they say "no johns", but when they get camped it's a different story.

Also, I wish I was there with linguini's braclet.
Don't get me wrong, im not complaining about his playstyle, im just saying I have no repect for him as a plyer lulz.

and why did you want my bracket.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
/run antivirus_program.exe
I was going to write a long and detailed post that shows why you're an idiot scrub, but It'll suffice to call you a hypocrite
You basically responded to my post saying
"You proved my point because it's not always the way you see it. It's the way I see it."

You can still play to win and have fun. No one plays solely for money. That would make smash just a job that pays next to nothing. Integrity? Honor? It's a video game. Besides, these are subjective qualities.

"ruining the game" is an opinion. Not a fact.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
I find it hilarious that the Ganons are complaining about people camping them, when you can watch their matches and count the number of times they willingly cross the stage on one hand.

Not that I endorse Pink Shinobi's "fighting" style or anything; I'm just somewhat amused by this.

I suppose just spacing aerials when people engage you and scare tactics are different than running away for 8 minutes, but I'd think Ganons would be one of the characters who could appreciate such defensive homosexuality.
What? Where did you read that? That's a BS statement. I have never seen a Ganon complain about being camped ever.


Smash Lord
Jan 14, 2008
chicago, illinois
If you don't like camping and don't know how to get around it other then complaining about how "gay" it is and how it ruins the fun..
Maybe the some of you shouldn't go to tournaments because people in tourney are GOING to camp you out and they are going to laser/turnip/missle/pill/needle/pikachu electectric thingy/fireball/bomb/arrow spam you til' they get the match..
Fact is people do these things at tourney people are playing competetively to win and aren't going to feel sympathetic because you've been gayed out of a chance of obtaining the money THEY are trying to get..

Eh i'm just glad I main falco and falco is hard to camp against


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
If you don't like camping and don't know how to get around it other then complaining about how "gay" it is and how it ruins the fun..
Maybe the some of you shouldn't go to tournaments because people in tourney are GOING to camp you out and they are going to laser/turnip/missle/pill/needle/pikachu electectric thingy/fireball/bomb/arrow spam you til' they get the match..
Fact is people do these things at tourney people are playing competetively to win and aren't going to feel sympathetic because you've been gayed out of a chance of obtaining the money THEY are trying to get..

Eh i'm just glad I main falco and falco is hard to camp against
Imo, if they are able to camp you, then that means you are doing something wrong. You have to able to read the opponent very well to overcome this.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
alameda, ca
to be honest, pink shinobi is very cordial about camping/being camped
he'll laugh about it and everything, he's a really good sportsman


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
Don't get me wrong, im not complaining about his playstyle, im just saying I have no repect for him as a plyer lulz.

and why did you want my bracket.
I understand that you wouldn't respect that kind of play. I feel the same way, my bad.

your loser's bracket was easy.

Nah, I think its only me and Jman. :)

And Peach's float lasts for like 3 seconds. She's open after that. :)
but what about her disjointed f-air and faster air mobility?

Still, there were many times where rockcrock could've attacked your openings, or used u-air, instead of other moves. A few wavelands might have helped him too. I still think that he was screwed because of the level.

No respect for Pink Shinobi, when I play you ill **** you 1st match and you might win on a gay stage but the **** will come back 3rd match.
I feel the exact same way against peach.

.....Except for that time I lost to Wife. Stitchface ftw
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