This guy.Haven't played the one with Seymour in it, too bad. Cloud's got competition haha.
It might not look that bad in the artwork, but when you see him in game, well... yeah.
I wish that were the case, but I highly doubt it. I think it's closer to Square just whoring FFI, II and IV again and again (seriously, those three have received a stupid amount of remakes). I find it strange that they haven't remade VI more, I know it isn't particularly popular with the Japanese but it has a huge fanbase in North America.I'm gonna go by my theory of Square-Enix releasing genuine remakes as they have been. First Final Fantasy I and II on the PSP, Final Fantasy III & IV on the DS, and now we're just waiting on the rest. They'll probably go in chronological order, so V and/or VI are next for the likes of the PSP/PSP2/3DS. And then once we hit VII and onward, next-gen consoles or whatever happens to be out at the time. Long time in the making, but it's possible. Wouldn't doubt it if I was right if they were going in order.
I still think the PlayStation cycle is in need of some remakes. VII's script could use some serious revisions given the amount of mistranslated or awkwardly translated dialog in addition to numerous grammar errors. Plus it would be nice to see VII's story with the art style of the later games rather than the lego people.I'm still content with the normal games. VIII and IX, I feel, don't need the remake as much as VII does on the shallow perspective of graphics though, imo. When VII was released Sony and Squaresoft were just beginning to discover the capabilities of the graphics. It's what it seemed like when we got the classic blocky lego appearances and then suddenly, VIII and the music got a massive face and sound lift.
As for the other games, VIII and IX are kind of ugly these days and IX really needs some improvements to it's honestly slow battle system and needs trance to be reworked.
Future-wise, I'm hoping that the next VII game we do get is the last one. Be all to end all with the cliffhanger Dirge of Cerberus left us with. That, and making the Buster Sword the ultimate weapon of the last title for Cloud. Like, he goes to the Church, takes it from the pedestal he left it in at the end of Advent Children Complete, and it's an end-game last weapon kinda thing that's a nice throwback. Oh, and to pay tribute to Zack and Crisis Core, once you get it, the music that plays in the church will switch to 'The Burdened'
I think it would be nice to see a final game that wraps up the entirety of the FFVII saga, but I seriously don't remember **** from DoC. All I can remember was Gackt at the end of the game, turning into a weird thing (also at the end), the cyberpunk loli, the doctor lady missing one eye and Cid being awesome.