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gay marriage

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Mar 16, 2007
Kepler, Boyle, Newton, Linnaeus, Euler, Faraday, Babbage, Joule, Pasteur, Kelvin, Maxwell, and Werner von Braun
to name a few


an entire online book on the subject
you can skim it pg.168 has a good summary
the authors biography
The first five names were of men who were most likely dead by the time Darwin and Mendel popped out. Don't give me those names, as they knew nothing of synthetic evolution. Not even Darwin and Mendel knew of Synthetic Evolution.

Of the others, Faraday believed in spontaneous generation of life through physico-chemical stimulation. Babbage and Kelvin were a theistic evolutionist, believing that evolution was true, but was guided/supervised by God. Joule and Kelvin used the Law of Thermodynamics to determine that the sun was too young for evolution to have occurred, but they didn't know that the had a massive fusion reactor in its core to create energy; they just thought it was a burning ball of gas. Pasteur accepted evolution, and (like scientists today) merely quibbled about particulars.

Maxwell opposed evolution insofar as molecules don't grow or decay. Fortunately for evolution, he was wrong, and modern science has shown that with all the discoveries of modern chemistry. Von Braun liked to teach intelligent design, but he could not disprove evolution, that I'm aware. That he liked to teach untestable hypotheses in a science classroom is questionable, but he did good science. Note that of all the names you listed, only Werner von Braun was alive to see Synthetic Evolution arise as a theory, and he never disputed it; but rather supported ID as an alternative to the equally unscientific supposition that evolution just happens because it can.

I like how the book you've quoted says exactly what I've been saying: "Synthetic Evolution Theory is today underpinned by a vast number of experimental findings. It's validity has been confirmed so many times that it now must be regarded as the fundamental theory of biology." You can't get any more plain and simple than that.

A bio major friend of mine likened evolution to gravity. The notion that life forms evolve, and that all that have been found on earth have genes made of dna and/or rna is irrefutable. All evidence supports it, and no evidence disproves it. Werner von Braun could have said that gravity occurs because God will mass to be attracted to mass, possibly even by designing physical qualities of the universe that make it so. That would not have disproved gravity. Von Braun has done the same with evolution. It is merely the suggestion that whatever mechanics and physical laws drive evolution were put there by God.

If you want to believe that, fine by me. Just don't get your beliefs confused with fact. Evolution happens. Gravity happens. Neither theory says whether they happen by design or just because they do.


A.K.A. Disafter
Jul 7, 2007
Dallas, Tx
I love Zoro.

But his real first name is Christian.

So his arguments are all biased. LOLZ

seriously though.

God helped me meet Amber.

And let me own in Brawl for a while.

and sooooo.....

God is awesome.

But we seriously evolve.

Rafael Nadal is proof that we evolve. he is the next level of human.


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2008
Passion Central
Being gay destroys family. If they decide to adopt. Marriage shouldn't be an option for gays.
Most people that become gay were raised in a bad family and had a bad child hood. And some parents dont care if they re child dresses up as a fruitcake or as a boy. It's the parents job to tell the kid when they are young, to dress like a boy if they are a boy, vice versa. Otherwise the kid will be confused for the rest of his life, its why most families that have someone gay in it are broken up families, cause they were not good parents. No one is born gay, unless they are a transgender from birth.

People only support gays to make money off them. Then there are those type of people who say anything just to be accepted in society and they accept gays as "normal" because they don't want to hurt their friends that are possibly gay.
It's just like with drugs, if you care about your friend, you would tell them to stop taking drugs.
Same thing should apply if your friend is a gay. There are consequences for being gay, they can be making the AID's virus more deadly and widespread. Just like how AID's probably came about from bestiality... and no one accepts beastiality, its not normal, and same thing with being gay, being gay isn't normal, and it isn't right. I'm saying gay people need spiritual and pyschological help, I'm not hating on them just so you guys know. They need HELP to get rid of that mindset, NOT SUPPORT for them to continue as they are.
Everyone ignored this guy...???

Lol he just spoke a side that is so contreversial now because most dont care enough about the topic to give 2 ****s about it or they just accept the "peaceful" way of accepting because they either dont care or that how they feel...

Some disagree and some go with it. Basically what it is.

I will agree with one thing...this
Being gay destroys family. If they decide to adopt. Marriage shouldn't be an option for gays.
Most people that become gay were raised in a bad family and had a bad child hood. And some parents dont care if they re child dresses up as a fruitcake or as a boy. It's the parents job to tell the kid when they are young, to dress like a boy if they are a boy, vice versa. Otherwise the kid will be confused for the rest of his life, its why most families that have someone gay in it are broken up families, cause they were not good parents. No one is born gay, unless they are a transgender from birth.

Ive been sayin this for the longest time.

My stand on it is this. Idc, I really dont. But it would affect me if my lil bro or sis turns gay...why? Because I know deep inside its not right. Not even because im Roman ****ing Catholic...

Deep inside, I dont agree with it.

Ive been saying that people who are gay usually had a bad childhood/ or childhood envirement. Its been my point for the longest time.

The thing that troubles me the most is how there trying to prove how homosexuals are just imperfect beings due to somehow mishap in the genetics and something triggered there "gay" ways...

I could explain it better but you know what im saying.

I just think homo activity is a barbaric act/emotion that has been suppressed over time by those who have overcome the feeling and slowly through the help of a society has expelled the idea as being correct.
The head of the roman circle would do each other (idk the true facts but I know it happened if Im not mistakened), and child molestation was a sick and twisted way to show power and/or gain the feeling of it and it still is.

Like I said Idk and I have alot of gay friends, but thats how I feel.

Your destiny's path is chosen through your actions, You ultimately control your destiny.

God foresees it ... God has a path for you ...

You chose it...

What I say,thats all

Hawks go Caw

Smash Ace
Feb 28, 2008
New Orleans, LA
more stuff about stuff
I ignored it because he seemed like an obvious troll. Not only that, if he were serious it's not like I could argue/debate/have a conversation with someone so . . . I don't know dogmatic and ignorant. It'd be aggravating.


You need to be able to back up your statements about a majority of gay people coming from abused families with more than just your words.

And what about all the other people that had abusive or dysfunctional families and came out heterosexual? Should they not be allowed to have families of their own either? Aside from their sexuality, what makes them different than gay people who came from the same kind of families? It doesn't make sense to me that sexuality should be a determining factor about whether or not someone should be allowed to raise children, especially since sexuality has absolutely nothing to do with parenthood.


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2008
Passion Central
Problem is getting those to speak about there childhood ;)

...Hard to that that, ive only got 2 to talk, real close friends...

Both very harsh childhood storys...


Smash Master
Oct 13, 2003
Fort Lauderdale, FL
I talked to gay people before, and I also seen news channels on it, ALL of them that I heard of had abusive families, where the parents did drugs, died off, or the parents weren't very supportive, or the parents were just plain old ********, and gave the young kids the wrong idea that is okay to be gay from an early age and dress up as a girl when your a boy, momma thinks thats cute because momma always wanted a baby girl moreso than a baby boy. It's easy to understand what I'm saying... if you have a good conscious.

This is going to be my last post in this thread. I answered very reasonably, and there's no more reason to waste my time on this any longer. If you agree with me, your sensible and logical. If you don't agree with me, you hate to admit your wrong, you have a disability, or you believe in hypothetical theories like evolution.
True facts...

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA

*Reads CaliburChamp's last post*

So basically what you just said was: "This is the truth because I seen it on TV and I know people that told me stuff. So if you agree with me you're cool and if you don't go kill yourself"

Whether I agree with you or not that was some outstanding arrogance and bigotry in your last posts, sir.

It's not suitable for debating at all. But it's a good thing that was your last post :)

To the rest of you: Keep this debate healthy and clean or I will shut it down

Master Raven

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
Whatever I feel like posting in regards to CaliburChamp's last post is going to lead to an infraction, so I'll just leave it at that.


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
I talked to gay people before, and I also seen news channels on it, ALL of them that I heard of had abusive families, where the parents did drugs, died off, or the parents weren't very supportive, or the parents were just plain old ********, and gave the young kids the wrong idea that is okay to be gay from an early age and dress up as a girl when your a boy, momma thinks thats cute because momma always wanted a baby girl moreso than a baby boy. It's easy to understand what I'm saying... if you have a good conscious.

This is going to be my last post in this thread. I answered very reasonably, and there's no more reason to waste my time on this any longer. If you agree with me, your sensible and logical. If you don't agree with me, you hate to admit your wrong, you have a disability, or you believe in hypothetical theories like evolution.
True facts...
I dont know a single gay person who went through something like that.

Mabye in some of the cases, the parents became abuse because their child wasn't acting "right" IE their child was homosexual.

You can't MAKE someone gay. Otherwise Willsmith would have LONNGGGG made me gay. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

And gay people are cool as long as they're not looking at my ***. As far as gay marriage, it's about what makes you happy. You can have whatever you like.


Smash Legend
May 28, 2007
Orlando, FL (walking distance from the Loop)
see what i say about it being a bad thing to disagree with homosexuality in modern society
thats his opinion you call him a bigot because he doesnt share your opinions?
You think its hormanal , he thinks its bad childhoods...so?
he thinks its a bad thing you dont...again..so what?
Your talking down to him as if your OPINION is the correct one.

i dont believe any species has changed dramatically from the process of evolution, ever. I dont believe that we gradually came into this form after millions of years. If evolution is happening currently it doesnt mean its the way in which we came to be. evolution caused by god is still creationism imo. If Not the deity creationism then just supernatural causes for existence.
there are books on these subjects so i doubt you would be able to put out all your evidence on here.
I can see why evolution really cant be discredited...
I have my reasons, you have yours, evolution as a origin of life science is not a fact . It might be close but it can still be disputed. Thats my argument. Its kinda like ghosts some people believe and some dont but you cant really prove it because if you see one youll just be called loco.

-Zoro (on da boxes comp)

i just reread that and it made no sense but i got 2 hours of sleep so like...maybe later ill fix it lol.

time for florida gaming :)

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
maybe I went a bit far but I said there was only bigotry is his posts. I tried not put a label on him personally because I know he isn't one. It's fine to disagree with homosexuality and have you own opinion on the matter but this

"If you agree with me, your sensible and logical. If you don't agree with me, you hate to admit your wrong, you have a disability, or you believe in hypothetical theories like evolution.
True facts..."

is not acceptable. How would you like it if someone just flat out said:

"Evolution is the absolute truth. I've read all the books and talked to my professor so therefore this is the most logical explanation of the way things happened. You people that believe in Creationism are delusional and ********."

Sure that wouldn't bother you that much. Alot of people think like that on both sides so it's nothing new. It's when people post like that and don't have anyway to back it up is what causes pointless arguments while forgetting the issue.

or maybe I should stop being so sensible >_>

EDIT: Zoro I had no opinion on the subject to begin with. Before you attack me think about what he posted lol


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
Winter Haven, Florida
Zoro you're cool an all but you've got it the wrong way here

You can't make an analogy between believing in evolution and believing in ghosts; its just not the same

It is actually ridiculous how much evidence we have in favor of evolution
It was proposed 150 years ago and its still a major tenet of biology; nothing makes sense in biology without it; nested hierarchies, vestigial organs, etc.

Evolution actually has more physical evidence for it than does Gravity; it is as much a fact as it is a theory. Its just that, in science, nothing is considered absolute fact, or (dare I say it) "truth". Truth is anathema to science; there is always that small chance that new evidence will come to light to refute a long held theory. But so far, nothing of the sort has been found yet.

And if scientists had found it, we'd know

Any scientist to find evidence that disproves evolution would be given money and fame out the wazoo

Anyways I'm really interested in this subject (like I talk to people about it everyday), so I could click and clack about it forever

but I wont


Smash Hero
Sep 11, 2005
Kissimmee, Florida playing melee! (f*** brawl, th

ok, so this is all i have to say. If god exists, and creationism is how we got here, then even if we were finding this evidence for evolution, it would just be god that gave us the intelligence to find this stuff out on our own. All the facts that we're finding, and how things in nature work intelligently and systematically, that we have evidence of and that is considered fact, if god was real, then he would have been the one to create it like that. the reason scientists are finding this stuff is cuz god gave us the intelligence to do so. He made the world the way it is, and he made all that intelligent design. All the evidence we have for evolution, would have been made by god to begin with. So scientists can believe in all these facts, and find all this evidence, but its only cuz god made it that way, and gave them that life.

DISCLAIMER*i am completely neutral. i dont even know if god exists right now. i am kinda an atheist right now*

so i have no bias. i am just saying, IF god was real, then everything we think, and feel, and find out, would have been all fabricated by him.



Smash Ace
Jul 18, 2005
Melbourne, Fl
Hating on someone because he or she is gay is like hating on someone because he or she is black, white, or whatever. You can't help what you are. also, I really don't get why some people are saying it's "not right." Maybe in religion it's not right, but I really couldn't give 2 craps about what religions have to say about anything anyway.

If you don't agree with me, you hate to admit your wrong, you have a disability, or you believe in hypothetical theories like evolution.
Your sources are news channels. Get out of here with that noise. Go take a psychology course. You might learn something.

Life After Death

Smash Champion
May 27, 2008
Bronx, NY
I talked to gay people before, and I also seen news channels on it, ALL of them that I heard of had abusive families, where the parents did drugs, died off, or the parents weren't very supportive, or the parents were just plain old ********, and gave the young kids the wrong idea that is okay to be gay from an early age and dress up as a girl when your a boy, momma thinks thats cute because momma always wanted a baby girl moreso than a baby boy. It's easy to understand what I'm saying... if you have a good conscious.

This is going to be my last post in this thread. I answered very reasonably, and there's no more reason to waste my time on this any longer. If you agree with me, your sensible and logical. If you don't agree with me, you hate to admit your wrong, you have a disability, or you believe in hypothetical theories like evolution.
True facts...
in which case you have an IQ lower than your age, drool alot and have serious problems remembering when you should take a breathe to avoid dying.

and about the gay thing - idc as long as gay n1ggas dont feel up on me like them **** azz cops do other than that im str8 with them gay chicos. no me odie


Smash Ace
Jul 18, 2005
Melbourne, Fl
I am not for it. I don't approve of being Gay. I think it's an excuse for something, because I honestly can't wrap my mind around how a one would find another of the same gender any attractive beyond friendship. :/ I mean, the instinct for survival includes our need to procreate to live on, I think. As for a marriage. That's the binding of two souls, right? So maybe it works out . . .

But I don't agree to it. I'm uneducated in the subject, but I have strong feelings against it . . . It's unfortunate a relative of mine thinks she's gay, or rather, placed in the wrong body. :/
When you see an attractive woman, you're attracted to her. Works the same way for a Gay couple. How hard is that to understand?
And what would that excuse be, anyway? I'm sure a lot of gay people just LOVE having to keep their sexual orientation a secret because it's not what society sees as "right."


Smash Master
Oct 13, 2003
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Wow, I'm definitly getting alot of hate comments. You guys are taking this too far with the insults...
It just shows what kind of society that we live in. I'm one of those outcasts, and its proven here. Gay people have alot more power in society more than ever before! Its up to the world to accept it, a divided world. It's wrong to be gay, just as it is wrong to commit bestiality (sex with an animal), and wrong to have sex with a young kid. They are on the same level of badness. Some Church's accept homosexuality for the extra money and media attention, and some priests are gay and have sex with young kids, so I understand if some of you people are turned off to religion because of that. Just keep in mind, that there is such things as false religion.

By the way, I'm not being prejudice when I say being gay is wrong, I'm listening to what the Bible says, not my own opinion, if I used my own opinion, emotions would take place, making it a biased opinion. I don't judge people, its not in my nature to, and its not my job to, I let God handle that job and God judges people, and God's guidelines and rules are in the Bible to help us make the right choice in life's decisions.


Mar 16, 2007
Evolution actually has more physical evidence for it than does Gravity;
This is true, as well. Furthermore, we at least have a clue as to what causes evolution. We have no idea what causes gravity, and yet the latter is never questioned.


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2008
Passion Central
Whats with this I am superior to you in every way because im smart and form proper grammatical sentences while you dont in which case your ignorant?...

this has gotten out of hand...Close this xD


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
Whats with this I am superior to you in every way because im smart and form proper grammatical sentences while you dont in which case your ignorant?...

this has gotten out of hand...Close this xD
I agree

the topics have been discussed and debated
everyone has a good idea on how the community stands on gay marriage


Mar 16, 2007
Whats with this I am superior to you in every way because im smart and form proper grammatical sentences while you dont in which case your ignorant?...

this has gotten out of hand...Close this xD
I blame the OP for making serious business threads.


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
Wow, I'm definitly getting alot of hate comments. You guys are taking this too far with the insults...
It just shows what kind of society that we live in. I'm one of those outcasts, and its proven here. Gay people have alot more power in society more than ever before! Its up to the world to accept it, a divided world. It's wrong to be gay, just as it is wrong to commit bestiality (sex with an animal), and wrong to have sex with a young kid. They are on the same level of badness. Some Church's accept homosexuality for the extra money and media attention, and some priests are gay and have sex with young kids, so I understand if some of you people are turned off to religion because of that. Just keep in mind, that there is such things as false religion.

By the way, I'm not being prejudice when I say being gay is wrong, I'm listening to what the Bible says, not my own opinion, if I used my own opinion, emotions would take place, making it a biased opinion. I don't judge people, its not in my nature to, and its not my job to, I let God handle that job and God judges people, and God's guidelines and rules are in the Bible to help us make the right choice in life's decisions.
Your arguements dont even make sense.
You've not said anything useful, all you've said is "Gay is wrong cuz i said so" and "the tv said gay people are bad".

This topic will turn into a war soon.

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
I'm glad you guys arrived to this conclusion.

CaliburChamp, I'm sure you're a cool dude an all but you need to present yourself with a stronger argument next time. :)

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