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Gathering of the Brethren I: The Last Best Hope of NC Smash, May 22nd


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
but kadaj, one day i'll be able to 3 stock m2k. dont you want to be one of the guys to say "hey i lived in his state at one point".


Smash Hero
Jan 18, 2007
Throw that P***y at me? B***h I think Im Babe Ruth


Foxy gg's like your mk

Rag fun games dbls were really funny at the end xD

Shady Nice doing damage once again Best team in NC :)

Kale time to start ******, top 3 son you can do it

LDPK - fun friendlies gg's in tvc too

gg's to everyone else had fun at this and Thanks for hosting Karn

that kimbo slice look alike at the end of the night had me in tears at one point xD
that guy had such a profound concern for the well being of the mutha ****ing puddle :laugh:

edit: MM keith :)

Snap what a night it was dude

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
awww, too bad I fell asleep before all this puddle nonsense

this tourney was pretty ****. people better show up to the next one: The Gathering of the Brethren II: I Can't Believe it's not Bill


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
If you're gonna do some weak sauce images-that-suggest-high-power, then let me help.

Kadaj has taken form of -



Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
lololololol. pp a actually said he would team with me next tourney. he wants to know if hes good enough to carry a scrub

Dark Hart

Rejected by Azua
Mar 25, 2008
Death Row, North Carolina
WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?!



Smash Champion
Feb 1, 2006
Johnson City Tennessee
It was fun guys! Shoutouts- sorry if I miss you

Karn- Thanks for hosting, it was fun. We also had some good matches. You've gotten mad good man.
Lucas- I love you |<---------------------------------------------------------------------------->| That much... At least
Foxy- It was awesome meeting you man. You're one of the most chill people I have met in the smash community. Good matches too!
M@t- You're pretty good man. Keep playing and you'll get it. Also, by the way I read you're post about beating me in friendlies. Just for the record you beat me once. Just saying. Good stuff though.
BlackChris- Good stuff in the tourney, crazy how I can go from ****** that ganon of yours to letting it **** me in tourney. I guess thats what happens when I'm out of the scene for so long. Good stuff on fifth bruh. (yea.. I'm salty)
David- I know you're probably not even gonna read this but you're still one of my favorite NC people ever. Love you're sense of humor man and we always have good times.
DJ- I can honestly say I wasn't really ***** by anybody consistently at the tournament except for you. I mean you pretty much bent me over a tree stump and put it in my put the whole time. Good stuff
Josh- Dude I missed ya bruh! It was awesome seeing you. Always a blast! I'm gonna come up and visit Adam this summer so we'll have to do it big like we did the last time I came up.
Cam- Love your sense of humor man. I think we have a lot in common in that sense. Also, it was fun ****** the piss out of your falco. lol.
Sergio- It was fun man you're getting better. Keep up the work son
Aaron- Thanks for the ride man. Keep up what you're doing and you'll get much better tournament wise. You've had some tough draws man. You'll get it
JMH?- I always forget the letters for your name. Anyway good matches sorry you couldn't get to the tourney sooner. Real bummer. You're the nicest guy I've met in the smash community. Sorry I had to spank that booty in arm wrestling. lol just kidding you mighta had me if it had not been for you getting shot in the face by a nerf gun. Thanks for the dollar
YAY!!!!!- Dude its always a blast. Seems like yesterday I was meeting you with your sisters in mcdonalds to go to my tournament. Our shots to the back of lucas's head were amazing. Double head shot! love you bro

I know I'm missing people and I'm sorry. Good stuff to everybody.

Also, I had the most amazing nerf gun shot of the night. Black chris was playing some friendlies against someone and I shot him right in the forehead. Wow @ the anger on his face. lol Go Me!


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
I wasn't really mad. I knew it was you, cuz I saw the fear in your eyes as you scampered to the next room.

go me!

but really though, nice shot. It's a shame you got frustrated during the second game of our set. It wouldve been more interesting if you hadn't.


Smash Champion
Feb 1, 2006
Johnson City Tennessee
I didn't really scamper... It was more of a teleport. Also, money match next tournament? And there was no fear, just genius and wit as I planned on framing some innocent brawl player.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
Ugh, I wish Ignore List worked like Blocking does on FB. Oh well.

Anyway, Saturday night was ****. I have not laughed that hard in a very long time.

Also, my Luigi is such ****ing ****. So much butter. <3

Can't wait to use my new SWF weapon on Kevin.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
I didn't really scamper... It was more of a teleport. Also, money match next tournament? And there was no fear, just genius and wit as I planned on framing some innocent brawl player.
I accept the mm. Idk what I'll be at next though...i was kinda surprised I made it to this. But things that sergio makes it to, I'll put in extra effort to go.

you did do that pretty slyly. He had the gun soon afterwards. If I were hot tempered, that brawler wouldve gotten it. Well played, sir.


Smash Champion
Jul 6, 2005
Raleigh, NC
Can't wait to use my new SWF weapon on Kevin.
Is it finished being constructed yet?

if not send me the supplies and i'll help

also i'd just like to make sure everyone knows, you ain't gonna touch her while she's sleeping, that's just ****in' sick. i can't believe you mother ****ers, you are the sickest nastiest ****ers i've ever met in my god**** life. you gonna have to go through me if you tryin to touch her while she's passed out. mullins can you believe these sick sons of *****es, what the **** they talkin' bout. what the **** is so funny? why is this funny? it's dead ****in' serious. you ain't gonna lay a finger on her while i'm here. what is so god**** funny? are you laughing at me? are you laughing at her? what the **** is so ****ing funny? will you still be laughing after I punch you in the stomach huh? after I lay you out? hey man, these guys are in here talking about sexu-ah-ly molestin' your girl. i protectin' her, don't worry, but still man, these are some sick ****s.

holy **** guys, you got a god**** puddle on the floor. go get some towels. come on! there's a puddle! a god**** puddle! what is so god**** funny? is this a trick puddle? is this some joke I don't know about? you mother****ers, i'll make a puddle in your god**** face. what is so ****ing funny? when there's a ****ing puddle you gotta get some towels, you gotta put some ****in' towels on it. No! I don't know where the puddle came from, what's so god**** funny? I will not lean over and smell it! What the **** is wrong with you *****s? You guys is ****in' nasty! What is so god**** funny?! what the **** is wrong with you? when you make a puddle at your parent's house, they kick you out? you guys ain't seen a stitch ah ***** in your life.

Fruitbag? you callin' me a fruitbag?
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