- Ridiculous power. He has the highest average damage per-hit of any character by a considerable margin, gets tons of reward of grabs, combos as well as Captain Falcon, has the deadliest edgeguarding in the game, has lots of ways to set up kill reads, and his only move that doesn't kill is his pummel. Nobody can end a stock faster than Ganondorf.
- Fat. Ganondorf clocks in at 112 weight.
- Very long range, plus his attacks have fairly low endlag.
- His big fast aerials make him fairly good in disadvantage, and also make it hard to edgeguard him... provided he doesn't need to use his recovery move. More on that later
- U-air (deserves it's own spot)
- Flame Choke (also deserves it's own spot)
- He's friggin' GANONDORF

(Completely unrelated, but when looking at these smilies, I noticed a lot of character's stock icon faces the same way between games. Ganondorf faces right, Mario faces left, Captain Falcon faces straight forward etc. Coincidence?)
- Easily the worst movement stats in the game. Bad walk speed, bad run speed, bad airspeed, bad double jump etc. The only slower character is Robin, and why would Robin need to move around that much anyway?
- Start-up on his attacks leaves a lot to be desired.
- Terrible grab range.
- Crappy recovery move make him fairly vulnerable to edgeguards if and only if he doesn't have time to use his aerials. Ganondorf's aerials are so good that he's basically invincible offstage if he doesn't have to use his recovery move. Partially alleviated by customs.
- One of the most mentally difficult characters. Ganon's design means that even things like approaching require reads on some characters, which is balanced by his insane reward. Basically, a Ganondorf main needs to think several moves ahead of his opponent to win.
- Sheik, ZSS, Villager, and Rosa. In other words, what Ganondorf hates most: Safety. These foul four can just sit around and poke Ganon to death. Thankfully, they're the only four that are really very good at it. Most other characters need to make at least some risks to fight Ganon.
Good matchups
Basically, any matchup where Ganon has a significant range advantage is already in his favor. He may be bad at approaching, but actually approaching Ganondorf when he can just boot you from several miles away is incredibly difficult. Ganondorf also likes matchups against characters that have
very low weights. Ganondorf's reward is already insane, but when his
tilts are killing characters 40% before the other characters
smashes, he has an advantage. Some examples of his good matchups include: Kirby, Little Mac, and G&W.
Bad matchups
As mentioned above, ZSS, Sheik, Villager, and Rosa are absolutely terrible for Ganon, maybe as bad as 30:70. To be honest, none of Ganon's matchups are bad besides these four
abominations, a slight disadvantage (45:55) at most. With that said, Ganon is very volatile. He'll either pound the poor sap into paste or die a death of a thousand cuts. It's important not to get discouraged. No matter how hard the mosquitoes try to pester the Dark Lord, he will always rise again to break their spirits and drag their souls to oblivion.