SOOo this is a little off topic but i just thought i would share my SSBB experiance from last night..
So i have this friend who isn't bad at Brawl by any means, but he REALLY loves to plays any char he can spam gay moves (lucario, pika, pit, IC's). At a certain point in the night when certain beverages are consumed, projectile spamming becomes exponentially more effective.... and this makes my friend that much more excited/proud of his spamming abilities..
after lots of trash talk we decide to do a best of 5 to see who is the champion for the night
Round1) we start off with randoms, i get yoshi... and SD 2.5 times.....Not very happy..
Round 2) I say Fk randys and pick Ganon, he picks IC's and we randy Corneria... I'm not scared of his IC's but that works against me, I'm playing sloppy and am running into alot of spam, basically going hit for hit with him.. the point when the spam got ******** was on the last stock, when he had the IC's de-sync'd(he has no idea how to do this...) at the top of the fin faceing the left just spaming de-sync'd blocks.... normally this would not be an impossible obstacle course of pain... but tonight... things are differnt... we are both at 130%+ and i loose to some random smash attack..
Round 3) He is now smiling like a little girl at horse camp... I go snake, he goes pit.. long story short I spam nades til he crys..I win.
Round 4) Ganon time again, he goes lucario (HIS FAV) now his Lucario is based 100% around rolling, grabbing, spaming AS, and throw in a jab every now and again.. literally he will just roll around and wait til i use anymove then either grab or spam a couple AS's my way... (you may be thinking "Thats sounds like the noobest Lucario EVER!")... trust me, he has had plenty of time to perfect his scruby roll/spam techs... this is usually a painful match that, if i dont play very patiently, i will get noobed to death... I really get into his head with my Gerudo this match, and 2 stock him...
ROUND 5!) this is for all the glory... He goes Ike, and I stick with my Ganon... Now its time to ****..(i have this replay recorded BTW and ill be submitting it for the combo vid) rolling over from the last match i am really trying to get under his skin with Gerudo.. and it works.. I'm (sudo)chain choking him, I'm landing things like Gerudo -> Jab -> Gerudo -> Jab -> Uair from 0%... hes getting angry. after 2 stocks of being ***** by my Gerudo follow-ups i notice he is starting to delay inputs after i Gerudo, somehow thinking this will save him from the destruction... I've got him at about 100% I land a Gerudo and Down tilted F-smash him off the ground FTW..
Sorry for the very long(pointless) story.. just thought i would let you know what my Ganon did last night