Yeah so a four hit combo does 80 dmg. How often do you think those happen? I'm lucky to get those once a set.
And where do you get off claiming "some of the best edgeguarding in the game?" I hear that a lot, and I think its a load of crap. Your telling me that ganon/samus compare to the shine spiking, falco's dair, Marth's poke/fwrd smash, and Sheik's ledgehoped bairs? Mario's Cape? Peach's dair to nair combo and dsmash? I would not be surprised if Hungry could edgeguard five players at once. And you are telling ME that Ganon has some of the best edgeguarding in the game? It's good, but its far from "some of the best." And Samus? What the hell does Samus have?
Ganon should move down, not up.
But you're not a combo oriented player. Your Fox and DK don't combo nearly as well as either character can. You focus far more on spacing which is one of Ganon's strong points, so you still place well (plus you're smart so that helps,) but don't tell me Ganon's combos aren't good when...
Grabs go for ~20% against most of the cast from 0-kill percents, with the grabbed character typically being left high in the air/off the stage for some edgeguarding. That's better than Falco, Puff, Peach, Samus, Doc, Mario, Luigi, etc. etc.
A single dair leads to another which does 44% if it's the first dair, into a tech chase. 44% is CCing most of peach's dsmash (one of peach's best combos.) If ganon goes for a dsmash or overb instead, he can pretty easily lengthen combos to 3-4 hits which is about 60% or more than half a stock when you're playing against Ganon.
Ganon's edgeguarding is verrry good, because IF it hits, the opponent is DEAD. Peach dair->nair? It's good against Ganon, but even then it must be done right 4 times in a row before Ganon dies. Against the other characters? It's really not that good.
Point being: OK Ganon isn't the best comboer, but he kills in less hits. Doing 18% with a fair is like a 40% combo for Marth in some matchups (thankfully they are also equivalently easy to do for both characters.) Doing a 60+% combo? that's a little more difficult, but so is doing a 100+% combo with marth, neither happen very often.
Just because he can't guarantee consecutive hits doesn't stop him from being a good character. His ability to KILL is a big strength not enjoyed by (Peach) Doc, Mario, Luigi or Samus.