Yea, I think the payout for this tournament was absolutely fine, and I would gladly attend these in the future...
They way I look at it was:
total pot for singles was about $100.
They paid out $40 in cash to the winners, and bought at least $20 in pizza for everyone. (Everyone got a slice of large Papa Johns hot fresh pizza for free.)
I've convinced myself that there is no reason that anyone should ever complain about payout.
To show this, I will divide smashers into 3 groups...
Group 1: People who will never (or never plan on) winning $$$ from a tournament.
-These people shouldn't care about payout for obvious reasons. They go to tournaments for the fun or for getting better, but payout means nothing to them.
Group 2: People who sometimes win money, but not always.
-This is what group I would consider myself to be a part of.
-These people shouldn't care about payout because placing top 3 SHOULD mean a lot more to them. I'm not saying it always does, but that it certainly should.
Group 3: People who almost always get money from tournaments.
-These people should never care about the payout of a tournament because they can pick and choose which tournaments they want to attend, and if the payout ANGERS them or something, they can choose to just not go. No one is forcing these people to go to tournaments.
The ONLY true payout complaint I can think of right now is if the payout is changed from what is said in the original post. That's a fair thing to say, and it's super ****ty when tournament hosts do things like that...
It's really late, so none of this will probably make any sense in the morning, but Happy Easter everyone!