Why is everyone all of a sudden *****ing about their characters?
That's a ***** move.
It's really simple, if you want to win, play top tier--not high tier, not med. tier--top tier.
Stop thinking there's pride in playing low tier characters! Nobody cares! If you want to win and feel like your pick is holding you back, step it up or stop complaining.
@Bradon -- Plays half the cast, never complains, knows when to break out the MK.
@Adam -- Falcon main, BY CHOICE, and beats over half of you with him--still, breaks out Snake when manliness won't win the match-up.
@Sushi -- wouldn't have half the success without MK, but he's not *****in', he's winning.
@Justin -- Sonic can KO, others just do it better--if that's really your problem, switch it up and see if you win.
@Ali -- see "@Sushi," replace MK with Snake.
@Peter -- Generally places top three with med-high tier characters, what else to say?
@JoeC --Top 3, DK, same situation as Peter.
@Me -- Marth main since Melee, wouldn't matter if he sucked in Brawl, luckily he doesn't--however, I am trying to learn Dedede, so be ready for that.
Most of the successful players that attend the GE tournaments play top of the top tier characters, or if that isn't the case--have a back up that is... top of the top tier.
Bottom line? Tier whores win tournaments. Doesn't always mean they're a better player than you, but they do win. Yes, there are occasional "abnormals" where a Ness might win a tournament somewhere in Europe, but that's exactly what it is: unusual--and the player was probably smart as **** and if he mained someone higher, would **** EVERYONE up. Two equally skilled players, playing differently tiered characters ALWAYS leads to the higher one winning, that's just fact, and we all know it, so stop complaining about it!
It really comes down to who the smarter player is--THAT is what can allow low tiers to conquer those above them. What does that mean for GE? Adam can beat half the regulars with Falcon alone--top tier, high tier, med. tier--that by itself should tell a lot of you that you have a ton of room to improve when it comes to analyzing, mindgames and pretty much everything in the head. So don't blame it all on your character, you wield them, they don't have minds of their own to play with.