I mean i take mental notes of what i could have done better or why i got gimped, but i always like to see other players insight on my matches. I would still love a critique xD
Only because I like doing critiques for myself. It'll be elaborate.
Before we start, some ideas, vs Marth you do NOT want to be in shield, it's even worse than against Falco, since he can space stuff well enough that you can't punish it, even if it's laggy, and then punish you for trying. You want to go back to neutral game and just WAIT for Marth to approach or make a move. Marth does not like neutral game since he is not that good at creating opportunities if you just react correctly to him. After that you try to get him to misspace a move or an aerial and punish with a JC grab, U-air, and everything that is involved with juggling Marth.
0:04 You decide to start the match by shielddropping (failing it once), which gives him so much time to just drop down and get free ground. Instead you could just drop down and gain control of the ground, maybe just stand below him and shield his F-air he would most likely throw and grab etc. etc. Shield drop is just unnecessary when he is all the way on the top platform like that.
0:06 Since he already got that free ground, he was able to approach you. He does a very standard Marth approach of run up down-tilt (pretty poorly spaced at that). You try to punish that with a wavedash out of shield (not succesfully as you first drop your shield, then wavedash which didn't go smooth), which he punished with an easy grab. What he was doing was making sure you stay in shield and react to what you did. A good option here is wavedashing back, because he then has to cover a lot of distance and you create space where you can go back to neutral game (albeit a bit close to the ledge, but you can return to platforms and move over to the other side)
A few seconds later, you were in a situation where you were behind him and he was in his shield. You decide to D-air through him and land in front of him. Marth's ABSOLUTE worst position ever on stage is in his shield and you behind him. You can just stand there and WAIT. No need to even D-air him (it's possibly a good option though), almost all Marth's will instinctively wavedash forward out of shield, away from you. You can just react to his movement and follow him, don't give up that position so easily.
At 0:12, you were doing well in pressuring him to the ledge, but you take it too far and do another rising N-air, instead of late, which he just crouch cancel grabs which results in you off-stage and should be a death (but you sweetspot nicely). After that first N-air at 0:13, shinegrab would be a great option. If you got the grab, he would be above you, above a platform. The reward would be so much greater than just mindlessly shield pressuring and getting a N-air at 15%. When Marth is in his shield, think about what you want to do to win, instead of just trying to make him roll or grab or break his shield. You want to GRAB him.
By now TAI knows your pattern and when you will N-air in. He spaces himself at the perfect position where he can dash-dance grab evade your N-air. This will be recurring throughout the set.
At 0:22 you jump in, no aerial, but he still knew you would eventually jump in and he just had to wait. Approaching with a N-air, or any aerial, just SHFFLing aerial in neutral game towards Marth is a very bad idea. Try to find other ways to get in, or better, make him come to you (shoot a laser or 2).
0:26, he knows it again and is already running but barely gets clipped. By now TAI has fully caught on to your habit of N-airing at a specific distance.
0:33 He now correctly punishes you for it with his F-air. You weren't ready, missed the tech, he gets the tech chase, F-smash, you're dead.
Be back later so I'll edit this later. More to come.
FOR ****S SAKE I CAME ALL THE WAY TO MINUTE 3:12 AND I MISCLICK AND LOST IT ALL I AM SO UPSET THAT I AM DONE AAAHRGG. So many good things (3x the length of this) that we lost...