oh noes
I guess I'll add some things that hasn't been mentioned yet
-Ledge stall/take the ledge later so you'll have max invincibility
Wait longer than usual then do shine [to cover low angles that want to go under your usual ledgehop stuffs] ->jump bair. You can use nair (for when they try to under your bair but over your shine) or turnaround -> dair for specific angles /situations (for example, when bair isn't strong enough)
-ledgedash. It makes you able to cover all but perfect sweet spots with dsmash, makes you invincible for when they aim straight onto the stage and gives you a free shine for that. Most importantly though it gives you great punishes for when they go high angle.
This isn't the most reliable option overall, but its invaluable for teams.
I usually go for it in teams a LOT, since going with high with firefox is the "best" option almost everytime [buys them more time for their teammate to help them out, you almost always just get weak baired when going high get shined and instakilled when going low]
Ledgedashing -> jumping out with a hard punish (doubleshine, bair, nair) is so good for killing them quickly
-the reason to why you often miss your Dsmash/ftilt is because you need to realize the fastfall/no fastfall mixup. He doesn't need to fastfall instantly either... and then you need to estimate decently well what timing you need to use against what option/timing they do.
I'd advice ppl to use jump/runoff shine after the bair instead, since it has a much bigger hitbox vertically and thus covers more timings... I also do another JC shine (so it becomes a "javi" shine if the first one hits) to cover even more options
Dsmash/ftilt are superior at times though, such as when he can decide to just barely land on the stage (which would case the shine(s) to reverse 90% of the times
Don't ever fsmash really, it doesn't hit low at all (you can hang on the ledge and fsmash will never hit you, I use this for doubles while edgeguarding) and its slow and its punishable
Just do a jump bair/jump off nair instead, they come out at frame 7 ;o
-Shine->instabair->regrab is also **** and its better and easier than just jumping and bairing
-Scar jump -> shinetournaroundbair/jump nair would **** for this specific situation since its invincible and would even have covered a random randall
Overall, people need to start get better at beating UP B by jumping out. If they are too low to side b, then you'll have a easy time by just shine->turnaround bairing (above ~25%, gives you a lot of margin for error) or falling on top of them with a nair/dair/reverse bair to trade.
You could also just be a pro if you have good execution and shine their *** - but almost everyone chokes this/doesn't know how firefox works >_>