So I came to a small little epiphany today.
I really like talking about Smash, and I feel like I gain a lot from it, but I'm not a giant fan of the open forum setting for a few reasons. It takes a long time to get your responses (not a giant problem, but still slightly off-putting), but moreover, since it's a free-for all discussion, there's a bit too much entropy in discussion for my liking (things can deviate too far from what we're talking about) and since people aren't speaking directly to me, I don't feel particularly inclined to respond.
I've generally liked my experiences talking about Smash through Facebook messages or through AIM because both people get constant feedback on everything they say as opposed to writing up some broad general statement that is open and addressed to everyone. I feel like direct conversations about the game are just much more productive, meaningful, and interactive, which makes it a better medium for learning.
Feel free to even send me a link to a match for me to watch and talk about, but I'll warn you that I'll be less likely to do that because it requires me to dedicate a few minutes of concentration to just that, and I don't exactly have a specific thing to look for, and because it's just me talking about a match rather than having an interactive discussion on-the-fly... although that can lead to a nice discussion. As I said, feel free to send matches my way, but don't take it personally if I don't watch them
tl;dr: Feel free to hit me up on AIM (xroflmaowtfx) or messaging me directly on Facebook with questions or topics of discussion of pretty much anything pertaining to the game (does not necessarily have to be directly Marth related).