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Q&A -Fox Advice/Questions Topic-


Smash Champion
Jan 16, 2006
Plymouth Rock, eating Thanksgiving dinner
no lol. I never put videos up. I watch them a lot myself, and like, figure out what I can improve on/entertain myself with flashy tech skill, but I don't really show them to people. I can put something up if you want to see though lol.

btw that tier list is garbage rofl. i was kidding. however, trombone is definitely sexy top tier. it's like luigi but shiny and it can do stuff.

EDIT: **** rofl, I keep forgetting to stay on topic. Let's talk about edgeguarding with Fox. dtilt to shinespike? I kind of like it, but it's a bit silly. It's alright for keeping you out of reach though, so depending on stuffs, like if you don't want to get grabbed by falcon's dive, then dtilt to shinespike works. I think it's also valid vs spacies, since I don't think you can be hit by firefox that way.


Smash Champion
Jun 8, 2007
Port Chester, New York
its better to put videos up so people that know what theyre talking about can critique you and stuff, thats the best way to learn imo

but yea man put something up, i have a few vids up myself..

lol trombone, thats so weak man..

the drums is so much better then any other instrument..it makes everything else look silly and gay lol


Smash Champion
Jan 16, 2006
Plymouth Rock, eating Thanksgiving dinner
Yeah, but but people never know what they're talking about. I've put up stuff in the past and they normally just say useless things. And TBH I don't have much faith in musicians surfing youtube because most of them are not very good and can't give me any good advice anyway. I dunno, I think you really need to SEE a person play in order to figure them out. It's like the difference between listening to live recordings of really good musicians and seeing them live. There's just something about instrumental performances that are like that.

I find a similar problem with smash in terms of advice; people just give silly regurgitated advice to videos half the time. Mostly the Fox boards are really good, but a lot of people will just say things like "practice l canceling and shdl" or something. I've been trying to put an end to this. There are still a fair few people who give really good advice, though, and I think the Fox boards are much better than, say, the Falco boards about that.

EDIT: Dude trombone is amazing. One of the best solo instruments, easily. But yeah rofl, drums are pretty ****.


Smash Champion
Jun 8, 2007
Port Chester, New York
i think when you see someone live you'll think theyre awesome because you cant go back and review what they did since its a one time deal...recordings are where you can see things slowly and over again and break things down to see errors and stuff, and thats what you want...
and when you get advice, youll know whats useful and whats just stupid, you'll be able to tell who knows what theyre talking about and hows just talking out theyre butt

and i feel what your saying about smash..but like alot of times the only answer you can give is practice...people want things to come in a snap but you gotta remind them practice makes perfect...

lol people that play the trombone are tromboners lolololol
i just think once you get to a certain point playing the drums youll realize how ******** everything else is.. lol i only play drums so idk what im talking about


Smash Champion
Jan 16, 2006
Plymouth Rock, eating Thanksgiving dinner
I think piano is ********. Anyway yeah, you're right. I just think people on youtube are ******** lol. Anyway, I wrote a thing about practicing **** and how it's the only way, to drill it in to people. i'll link it in my sig in a sec


Smash Champion
Jun 8, 2007
Port Chester, New York
piano is gay, but like its kinda romantic........................yeaaa its for the lady..
its good for finger coordination, like smash

its like alright, its cool to know a song and stuff but its not that great..
id say 2nd to drums would be the bass but yea wheres your sig son


Faster than most vehicles
Aug 6, 2005
The tall grass
lol, people are always developing new techniques to maximize finger/hand control/movement. Some of the ones I've heard are absolutely insane.

I just wash my hands under some hot water. It feels great and eliminates cold-hand johns.


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
I've been playing Flute/Piano for about 7 years. Thats how my fingers got all speedy and stuff. I used to also play alot of stepmania. It feel helps finger dexterity, hand-eye coordination, etc etc


Smash Lord
Jan 14, 2008
chicago, illinois
I think the one thing that helped me with techskill/movement with fox and for ANY character for thhat matter is to set up a match against a level 1 cpu change the settings to time and make the time unlimited...then you just play against that cpu on any random stage..
really helps on my movement and its a faster way to get things down. the reason I practice with vlv 1's is because if i practice against lvl 9's it messes up my play style against actual people...idk why just does.


Smash Champion
Jan 16, 2006
Plymouth Rock, eating Thanksgiving dinner
piano is gay, but like its kinda romantic........................yeaaa its for the lady..
its good for finger coordination, like smash

its like alright, its cool to know a song and stuff but its not that great..
id say 2nd to drums would be the bass but yea wheres your sig son
lol it's right here
lol, people are always developing new techniques to maximize finger/hand control/movement. Some of the ones I've heard are absolutely insane.

I just wash my hands under some hot water. It feels great and eliminates cold-hand johns.
Yeah, that's what I do too. I usually put rubber gloves on beforehand rofl. It works surprisingly well. btw thanks for reminding me of that; I had forgotten.
I've been playing Flute/Piano for about 7 years. Thats how my fingers got all speedy and stuff. I used to also play alot of stepmania. It feel helps finger dexterity, hand-eye coordination, etc etc
Oh yeah, stepmania too. I used to be epicly good at that, but I think I overdid it and did some damage at one point.
I think the one thing that helped me with techskill/movement with fox and for ANY character for thhat matter is to set up a match against a level 1 cpu change the settings to time and make the time unlimited...then you just play against that cpu on any random stage..
really helps on my movement and its a faster way to get things down. the reason I practice with vlv 1's is because if i practice against lvl 9's it messes up my play style against actual people...idk why just does.
lvl 1 CPUs are underrated. I think it's very important, especially for Fox, to have a combo dummy to practice stuff against, since moves have different lag times and it's good to become accustomed to them (you really can't afford to mess those up in a match). I mean, you don't have to approach level 1s, you just have to keep hitting them. I've never noticed any bad habits. However, it's true that level 9s mess you up because you automatically play differently just to get around their stupid attacks.

In the case of Fox, as I mentioned before, level 1 cpus are important to practice against because him, often more than other characters, relies on combos that aren't as DI-oriented, such as drillshine or any of the other weird combos we've been talking about that involve tech chasing. I find that the fact that they only tech like 3% of the time isn't so bad, because I'm able to react to them whenever they do tech. I dunno, I really don't find anything bad about that. I usually play against one for like 20 minutes every day or so, then I practice some stuff like ledge wavedashing with fox and ganon, or moonwalking stuff with falcon. I really don't like playing a lot at a time, because I find it's bad for you to play for more than 30 minutes at a time. Actually, all the instruction manuals say so :laugh:
Jun 27, 2005
the west
lol, people are always developing new techniques to maximize finger/hand control/movement. Some of the ones I've heard are absolutely insane.

I just wash my hands under some hot water. It feels great and eliminates cold-hand johns.
It helps cold hands, but for me it makes it hard to slide from Y to B and vice versa until after they've dried and accumulated sweat lol. I stick to putting my hands by my armpits for warmth. =P

I listen to a lot of music and move my hands to it while doing so, that helps keep my hands on par in terms of flexibility for the most part.


Smash Champion
Jun 8, 2007
Port Chester, New York
werent you a mod silent wolf?

but if you really worried about grip and stuff you should try that powder on your hands, like the gymnast powder...whats it called, talcum powder..im sure that stuff works

guitar hero is also good for fingers..


Smash Champion
Jan 16, 2006
Plymouth Rock, eating Thanksgiving dinner
I like Rock Band a lot more because singing + making up fake lyrics and singing them an octave lower/higher is fun

**** all that plastic guitar **** lol

btw I found the worst way to practice smash: teams with lvl 9 cpus lol


Faster than most vehicles
Aug 6, 2005
The tall grass
It helps cold hands, but for me it makes it hard to slide from Y to B and vice versa until after they've dried and accumulated sweat lol. I stick to putting my hands by my armpits for warmth. =P

I listen to a lot of music and move my hands to it while doing so, that helps keep my hands on par in terms of flexibility for the most part.
Tru dat.

I find there's got to be a small amount of moisture accumulated on my hands to play well, or else I find them a bit stiff. By moisture I mean what happens when you huff into your hands to warm them up.


Smash Master
Sep 10, 2007
Central IL
rofl, my senior year in high school when rock band came out, our physics teacher let us bring it in and play it on the projection screen, and I sang timmy and the lords of the underworld in front of the whole class (most of that class hated me)
It was fukcing great


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
i'm going to it though. : D

I lost to hungrybox at revival of smash. I'm not sure what to do about super campy puffs. I know about laser and shiet, but beyond that its like ugh..how do I fight or approach..


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
i'm going to it though. : D

I lost to hungrybox at revival of smash. I'm not sure what to do about super campy puffs. I know about laser and shiet, but beyond that its like ugh..how do I fight or approach..
Lots of Bairs. Uthrow > Uair.


CC everything. Usmash OOS

tell jman to make his thread again. it was fun.


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
Illusion tricksies thats how you fight Jiggs :bee:

I think I remember m2k saying that he aims his nairs behind jigglypuff expecting them to fall back into it.

I sometimes try to upsmash under jiggs's first bair which sometimes works if they mess up their rhythm.

I really am not sure what to do either since I don't play it that much. All I really do in terms of attacking a jigglypuff with fox is just run away if I see them jump at me then on their descent chase them with nairs or grab them if I think they are going to shield.

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
i'm going to it though. : D

I lost to hungrybox at revival of smash. I'm not sure what to do about super campy puffs. I know about laser and shiet, but beyond that its like ugh..how do I fight or approach..
Learn to play the game.

You know I am joking how come it seems like whenever we might meet at the same tourney, one of us doesn't show up. It is annoying
Jun 27, 2005
the west
werent you a mod silent wolf?

but if you really worried about grip and stuff you should try that powder on your hands, like the gymnast powder...whats it called, talcum powder..im sure that stuff works

guitar hero is also good for fingers..
Yeah. All the mods hated me though because they don't even play smash. I didn't want my name red and apparently it's a requirement lol..


Faster than most vehicles
Aug 6, 2005
The tall grass
On the contrary.
Nobody hated you, Otto, it just seemed like you were highly inactive for a while. The whole "make your name red again" was just to show that you were active.


Smash Ace
May 17, 2007
UC Davis
When I see a really good Fox (like PC or Jman) do a fullhopped nair->shine, did they most likely do that by accident or on purpose? I know they do make mistakes occasionally (like doing a regular shine w/ no JC/waveshine), so I'm really not sure.

Also, is this as okay approach if you land behind them?


Smash Champion
Jan 16, 2006
Plymouth Rock, eating Thanksgiving dinner
i'm going to it though. : D

I lost to hungrybox at revival of smash. I'm not sure what to do about super campy puffs. I know about laser and shiet, but beyond that its like ugh..how do I fight or approach..
Normally I would just tell you to space Bair and Up Kick Attack, but vs someone as good as him I don't think it would work that well :(

I'll help you figure something out lol. Let's get together and play more, maybe at like Ryan's house or something.

EDIT: did you get those matches recorded?


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
When I see a really good Fox (like PC or Jman) do a fullhopped nair->shine, did they most likely do that by accident or on purpose? I know they do make mistakes occasionally (like doing a regular shine w/ no JC/waveshine), so I'm really not sure.

Also, is this as okay approach if you land behind them?
Fullhop Nairs are amazing.

Its probably not an accident but I guess it really depends on the situation they used it in.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
I finally did a shine to bair with Fox in the air :D pulled it off four times yesterday and got a nair to shine to nair combo on a Marth as well. Omg I was so happy, thanks Raynex and everyone else who gave me advice on how to do it, specifically saying to use the control stick to jump out of the shine. My God it makes it 2349328432874932 times easier.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2005
against jiggs just move around as random and dumb looking as possible till they're lulledf into a false sense of security and when the try to do anything you smash attack them f smash > bair. It helps if you're already drunk.


Faster than most vehicles
Aug 6, 2005
The tall grass
I'm an offensive beast when I play drunk.

Also, keep in mind that a Jiggs player will use your shielding to an advantage with the wall. That's where u-smash out of shield comes in, like already stated. Shine-out-of-shield is great as well, but be careful with the timing. Try bair -> pivotjab -> u-smash.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
i'm going to it though. : D

I lost to hungrybox at revival of smash. I'm not sure what to do about super campy puffs. I know about laser and shiet, but beyond that its like ugh..how do I fight or approach..
stop running to the edge where they're camping :laugh:

you keep being hit off the stage for that crap and then i get sad :urg:

also, kick them. and don't be behind for any reason at all. :)


Smash Ace
May 17, 2007
UC Davis
Fullhop Nairs are amazing.

Its probably not an accident but I guess it really depends on the situation they used it in.
So when would be the ideal time to use it? I usually do it by accident, but when I do it my friend thinks he has time to shield-grab (he shield-grabs my Falco if I don't hit at the last second so I know he has good timing) and I end up shining him.

I assume you'd do it if your opponent was using a high-priority attack to intercept your SHFFLd nairs so you can hit them from above.
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