To claim his throne again of best smash player in the Orlando area...Ah Hell... Might as well expand it to two timezones and state "Best in Florida."
(I've been a member since 05-30-2002) it had the best in Florida attend all of the early tournaments.... Me.
I will be happy to give out my friend code, let other people play only 1 game against me. Since, its a no brainer they will lose... I will post the videos online either by youtube, or sending the replay videos to whoever is creating a database of them. (You know somebody will create a bank of the best players matches)
So, i am taking requests now, first come, first serve for the people who want public humiliation.
Brawl Friend Code
Orlando, Fl 4725-7609-8623 -- Nickname Neawn
I have already talked to XYZ and Zoro, both of them say they are not allowed on the internet without their parental units permission.
I see that ?!? is challenging anybody who is a little kid, and who wants some ****(y). I will pass thank you. No Sword Fighting for me! Keep that stuff in the churches... thank you very much!
Name of Contestant Vs. Luigi_Factor Results below:
Vs. Luigi_Factor -- Winner --> Luigi_Factor
Vs. Luigi_Factor -- Winner --> Luigi_Factor
Vs. Luigi_Factor -- Winner --> Luigi_Factor
Vs. Luigi_Factor -- Winner --> Luigi_Factor