What are the pros and cons of using nair shine as opposed to dair shine to end a shl approach?
I watched the Silent Spectre vs Zhu set from Mango Juice and Zhu seemed to do a lot of nair shines. I was wondering if it is a versus falcon thing or more of a generic strategy.
also, I wrote a whole little section in the approaching lesson in the first post about it. I'll reformat that for easier reading tonight.The best time to fast fall is when your ariel starts adding the stun and its best to do the ariel as late as possible unless you are expecting them to expect that and hit you as you jump towards them doing nothing for awhile. Another way to put it is fast fall when it "connects." I also prefer to approach a shield with nair as it has less l-cancel lag less chance of being shield grabbed between the ariel and the shine which is what most people aim for. Although m2k/magus usually wait for the 1st shine then grab immediately after and usually get me even if I was doubleshining its gay.