You're correct in your assumption that nair was not changed
Now that I am part of the WBR though, I suppose I should make my stance on the issue clear.
First and foremost, it would do well to remember what the new WBR's policy on balance changes are. That being, a change should now only be made under one of three conditions:
1. The aspect in question is obviously and blatantly overcentralizing to the character's metagame. A good example is D3's bair and Marth's SHDF, both of which could shut down a number if the cast through just using those moves. A more relevant example considering the topic is Falco's old SHDL which could also singlehandedly shut down a good chunk of the cast.
2. The aspect in question had an undesired side effect or did not work in the manner in which it was intended. Jigglypuff's new u-throw comes to mind.
3. The aspect in question is an infinite or very long-lasting loop that works on a number of the cast and that leads to either a very high accumulation of damage or loss of a stock.
Falco's nair has never been, to my knowledge, part of and infinite or loop, so that rules out #3. Any changes that have been made to it have worked in the desired manner, so #2 goes out the window. You probably want to argue for #1, but the nair being completely overcentralizing is simply not true. It singlehandedly shuts down a grand total of 0 characters. Hell, it's not his most central move (lasers) or even his best aerial (dair). You would be better off trying to make a case for either one of those two than you would for Falco's nair.
Don't get me wrong, nair is a very good aerial (though worse than dair/bair), and it definately has its niche that it can fill nicely (it is Falco's best shield poking aerial and a great cross-up attack that can be followed up with nicely given it's autocancel and low natural endlag). But let's entertain for a minute that the WBR had its old balance change policy. I recall at least 2 complaints of yours about the nair: that it could combo into whatever it wanted (nair->usmash in particular frustrated you), and its priority, shared with a good number of Falco's moves. On the first point, other characters can do falling multi-hit attacks into more potent kill moves, such as Fox's fair->usmash and G&W's nair->dsmash (which was possible even in vBrawl). Falco's nair is hardley unique in that respect, and isn't even the most deadly of the ones that are still in the game. Dealing with priority, it's true that Falco has very good priority...but next to no true disjoints. In a game where most likely a little under than half the cast has some sort of disjointed aerial (usually by way of sword, pikmin, turtle, or silly coding). Characters like DK also have just as good priority, but like Falco, he extends his hurtbox as well. In that respect, Falco in general falls a bit above just average as far as priorty is concerned with most of his attacks (barring his true disjoints: lasers and shine). Nair itself, as mentioned by another poster whom I've forgotten, mentioned that Falco's nair only really has range in front of him (give or take. For as bad as his fair is, his nair has nothing on his fair as far as forward range is concerned...or even most other fairs).
But that is all hypothetical anyway. I don't think Falco's nair is so overpowered that is needs to be changed right now. The most important thing for the WBR right now is changing as little as possible to establish a metagame, which has been a growing problem for Brawl+ and a source of frustration for potential Brawl+ players. First and foremost, Veril wishes us to keep to this mentality rigidly. When we have an established metagame and we have a little more leeway for balance changes, I would be happy to sit down and talk with you about potential nair changes (though I still don't see a need for it to be changed). I've been pushing against a shine buff Cape thought of for the very same reason, and perhaps we could work out some sort of trade off between the two to please both sides.
But right now, Falco's nair is not nearly broken enough to warrant any change. I do not see any need to alter it in any way.
Wow, this is the last time I write a dissertation on an iPhone X_X.