So herb2.
-skips random nonsense on friday leading to herb2-
Actually, I will note that while playing some team friendlies, i got this hilarious *** tech chase combo. Upsmash -> upsmash -> upsmash -> upsmash -> f.air. It was just comical.
Just some quick highlights from the tourney itself.
Teams: I teamed with Gofg, IC main from NC. ****, was, hilarious. My whole strat was like "can he chaingrab? (looks over) yeah he looks fine -goes to do random nonsense-" Aaaaaaand first game we played in brackets we 8stocked the other team. Technically we jv 8 stocked them because my last hit killed the guy and gofg, but I like saying we 8stocked them to boost my worthless ego. ^_^
Um, we got like, 9th or so? I dunno. I really was on autopilot the whole time in teams. We really didnt work together as much as we just kinda did our own thing and only met up when both of our targets wound up near each other. -shrug-
Singles: Landed 2nd seed in my pool. 2-0'd everybody cept for 'That maa****er from the combo vids' Chudat, who 2-0'd me.
People got the business in pools. It was fun. Some people got hit with the Kagekaze (which Im going to officially rename the Kumite just because that's kooler).
I didnt know anybody in the pool aside from chu. I actually didnt get to see the pool sheet. The guy runnin the pull basically just had me play all my matches in a row. First time I got to be "that guy". It was interesting.
*random note* for anybody who doesnt know, you just dont have a reason to jump at sheik if she's neutral (read: not in an animation). You just wont win. Same goes with marth, really. Somebody was asking me about doc matchups during pools and I almost crammed my controller down their throat while explaining that idea. And then I proceeded to jump clean into a sheikslap. Like a champ.
*vs IC Note* I actually didnt do bad against chu, like I thought I would. I actually held my own, didnt get annhilated by grabs, or anything of the like (He pulled some Chu Dat nonsense on me, but.... he's chu, that's his purpose in life. :D) I did learn (read: pretty much confirm i guess?) that ICs really dont have any chaingrab on doc. I always had it in the back of my mind that there has to be something crazy that people overlook, but there really isnt. Chu checked me with d.throw -> d.air to see if I was ******** and thankfully I passed that test (read: I di'd away.) so then he just proceeded to try/succeed in comboing the crap out of me from grabs. It was fun.
*General note* What really got me jacked up by chu was his jab mixups. Lately i've been kinda thinkin about it reaaaal hard (especially after the disaster of a set with chops), but kinda just drew blanks about all of the actual options from mixups. Then chu came along was like "Well here, how bout I just f**k with your head with a while and see if you pick up on it." And I did. It's kinda ironic, because I actually did watch alot of chu vids from a while ago to learn stuff about ground game, but I guess the jab mixups never clicked in my head until I was there holding the sticks.
So after pools comes brackets, yaaaaaaaaaay.
1) First game I had cyrain. Before we started playing, he starts running off at the mouth about how he has problems with marios. Well good for him he decided to pull out falco, and I have an inherit problem with lasers (Black people, guns, i dunno?) Aaaand I lost. It wasnt bad on my end (not enough to where Im crying), it's cyrain, he's pretty good. He played good. That's waht gets Ws.
*random tidbit* I think I got yet-another crazy idea of how to practice against lasers by yourself. Im going to try it out and get back to you guys on it. ..... Solo practice, woo. -rolls eyes-
2) So first game in losers bracket, I get Audi. He plays marth. It goes aight. He did some nice spacing and was doin good at keeping me out. Thing was, I sat around in shield alot and he kept throwing f.smashes. That's a pretty nice thing to have for doc in the matchup.
*Blocked f.smash* -> WD In -> d.smash. It's pretty kool. Grab is kooler if you're on top of things.
3) And then I had my second and last game in losers bracket. Vs Scar. -rolls eyes- uuuuugh.
Actually, I didnt do bad. Not bad at all. First game we randomed yoshis. I dunno how much he likes YS (if at all), but I dont like it. And I actually had that game sealed up at the end. Had him in my hands at dunk percent and everything. But just like a champ, ****ed up the dash from the grab, missed the dunk, aaaaaaand i got a knee back to the character select screen. Cause that's kinda what happens when you **** up.
So game 2, i took him to FD. It starts out with like, me trying to run from scar cause well, he wouldnt go away.
*thinks for a sec* Well, few random things to point out about the matchup so far.
a) Although I did catch myself doing it a few times in game 1 (which usually got me kneed), i really started to catchon to me trying to approach from too far. It's like, scar would be out of my range doing something (dash dancing, break dancing, egypt dancing, standing, whatever), and i'd be like "Well, he's gunna try to nair me, so im going to come in and nair/u.air him, because I win", and then he's like -runs away- *Runs back* *moveset*. Average person looks at the situation and says "Oh you got baited by DDing" when what really happened is that i was trying to attack something out of range. Bowser could have done the exact same thing from where I was standing at. I have a reaaaaaaal bad habit of doing it.
b) somewhere in one of the earlier stocks of game 2, I realized that scar "actually knew how to edgeguard doc". That being dont waste the time doing stuff off the stage and potentially dying, just make him up+b onto the stage and punish him from there. I kinda laughed when i went back and forth across FD a few times because I had gotten into an arguement with Chops the day before about "me having a bad recovery and I need to learn how to mindgame my recovery", and how I need to be more like greenmario (yes his doc apparently), with my recovery. Im going to go watch some vids eventually to see what he's talking about cause im not agreeing with chops here.
*sidenote* After that arguement with chops and thinking about it for a while, I honestly think we're talking about 2 different things. Im guessing he was talking about just running to the stage frmo anywhere (from edgeguard or above the stage), and I interpretted it as him talking about JUST edgeguarding. ..... if he is talking about just recovery from edgeguarding, then yeah, Im going to have to fight him one day. In the streets. 1 stock. Items. >.>
Anyway, back to match, and speaking of chops, I actually got to see some of his random advice work (well, moreso here than the rest of the day because well, now im playing somebody that I except to space well).
*vs capfal note* Quick random flashback, chops and I were talkin about matchups, and we're on the topic of doc vs capfal. I tell him it's 6-4 for capfal and he's like "Why? Because you know that for a fact or because you just dont know the matchup." and im like "Well, capfal outranges and outspeeds doc. Range is pretty important because it's doc's flaw." He's like "What? Range should never play a part in matchups."
Yeah, you just read that. I did the same thing when he told me.
Im like "Well if range isnt an issue, how the f**k am I supposed to do with a well spaced nair?" He's like "shieldgrab it." I reply "... Im doc, im not going to reach him." Then he's like "Dash up and shieldgrab him." *edited because I noticed vulcan's quote. XD
I look at him and I'm like "there's no way in hell that's going to work, and if it does he's just going to short it even more." And chops told me "just try it." of course im thinkin whatever.
(Note: For the record, we're not talking about dashing like, across the stage or literally running up, we're talking like, 1 inital dash, or even ½, into a shield.)
Back to the match, I try it and it works. It works quite a few times. I actually laughed that something that subtle and simple works. I got it to work on every marth I played that day in pools and brackets, but I figured it was just luck of the draw. *shrugs* Just a random simple and effective idea that worked for the best. Maybe I just did it before and never really noticed it, i dunno.
In the end, it still didnt matter too much because all the shieldgrabbing in the world doesnt matter when you dont finish, and the only thing that got finished were scar combos.
-rolls eyes- Ah well. I didnt do bad. Didnt do bad at all. I say I played sloppy at times, but not the normal "Oh I was playing like s**t" sloppy. Just some minor mistakes here and there that just added up.
As for other docs there:
I played Dr Neo (guy from NC). He's actually pretty good. Played him in some friendlies. I honestly cant remember if he mains doc and plays falco or mains falco and plays doc. But we played some dittos and talked. T'was fun. I watched him wreck a few people, and I mean he handed out some business cards. It was pretty hilarious.
He reminded me that I need to (once again) look for places to slot in f.smashes.
Some guy in my pools also played Doc. I cant remember his name because he was in the middle of the gauntlet. It was really "dogy sit. dogy play. Good dogy." at that point.
He was good too. He did alot of FH and SH pills though, and I ran under all of them. I hone in on that in doc dittos because people dont get that concept.
last, but definitately not least, I played boss. Yeah, he's still alive, and still plays melee. I actually didnt play his doc, though. Played his mario. And he's still good and tricky as ****. We played a set before I hopped up to take a break and watch some games on the main tv.
As much as I love doing fake jumps with wavedash in place, boss literally does fake jumps (read: triangle dashes). It just looked odd as hell and was weird to follow. I think im actually going to steal that from him. Fake jump -> d.smash. It's pretty kool.
It was maaaaaaad fun playin boss for the lil bit I did. Havent seen him since pound2. Im glad he recognized me.
*vs Luigi* I randomly sat down and played vist (I think that was his name. Im terrible with names). Pretty good luigi. Says he's old skool and getting back into melee. Also said he played velocity back when he played.
We played about 5 or 6 games, and I tried a buncha things because, well, I see good luigi's once a year.
Some things to note (LIKE I KEEP SCREAMING AT YOU 18S), if you're really afraid of him wavedashing in, you have to keep ground pills going. He cant come straight through them, so he's going to have to do SOMETHING when he meets the pill. Jumping isnt his best option because that makes him a target in the air.
Speaking of aerials, if the second aerial isnt luigi f.air/d.air, you can probably CC it.
And contrary to popular belief, you can actually jump up and hit luigi with stuff like nair and u.air and whatnot, you just have to *gasp* space yourself out. It's the same thing as some people trying to combo Doc, but instead of getting naired into a combo, we just kinda nair them away. So yeah, if you're going to jump at luigi, space yourself.
The one thing I really DIDNT get to try is my idea of caping vs misfire. Like, I caped a few green missles (and that's mad good against luigi), but I unluckily didnt see if I could time a cape vs misfire. Im going to sit down 2morrow and figure some stuff out, but I think I have a flowchart for edgeguarding misfire.
Just a random tidbit to note how good this guy is, he came from under the stage and up+b. Simple as hell cape for me. And he knew it. So he reverse up+b'd. I caped him onto the ledge. I laughed to myself.
uuuuuuuuuuuuum, that's pretty much all I got. Have fun sorting through it.