DLC Speculation v. II
Hello and good day to you, fellow Smashers. This is to be the new home of general discussion relating to DLC speculation. The rules here are the same that can be found around the site (no spam, no trolling, no flaming, etc). Please refer or refresh yourself on the Smashboards Forum Rules before posting. Also, please familiarize yourselves with the Smashboards Diversity and Inclusivity Policy before posting; we will not hesitate to enforce these rules.
When posting, please be respectful of other people's opinions and theories. There is nothing wrong with disagreement and debate as long as it is held in some sort of civilized manner ie no attacks on character (poster or literal characters), no flaming, no trolling.
To reiterate, please be respectful to your fellow posters; we are all Smash fans after all.

Released DLC thus far:
Fighter Pass 1: Complete
Fighter Pass 2: Ongoing
Lastly, have fun. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me,


@Venus of the Desert Bloom
Link to the old thread: https://smashboards.com/threads/newcomer-dlc-speculation-discussion.453424/
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