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Official DLC Speculation Discussion Volume II

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Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
SMT V is much much bigger than Three Houses and with a Smash fighter revealed close to its release it will outsell Three Houses too.
I don’t doubt it’ll be a GoTY contender or score well on similar categories and sell well and all, but I was talking in the past tense. As I said in my post, in order to find such a game we’d have to stretch out the time frame of our search to include games whose release date is cutting it a little closer to the release of the character (or, less relevantly, move the timeframe back a bit to include less recent candidates). Whether that’s possible is not particularly the point of my post.


Sep 26, 2013
Anyway, new page.

Kinda not feeling it for this week. I'd like it to, but with NSO's 3 year anniversary NEXT week, I could 100% see it drop then.

I want to be wrong, because I wanna get this song and dance over with.


Smash Hero
Aug 7, 2021
your mom
Honestly at my current state I highkey hope the direct is next week. That way I'll be able to actually enjoy it.
Still think it's happening this week tho since Nintendo hates me


Smash Master
Sep 22, 2013


Smash Master
Feb 22, 2019
Calm down, fella. It's just a game.

Edit: Whoops, made a mistake in responding to you. Just thought of this clip when you mentioned it. Ah well.

I can see an even stronger shift in the next Smash game if the strategy for the Switch 2 (or equivalent) is backwards compatible. Still being able to play Ultimate with all of its characters would at least given Nintendo some cover in going with a different direction as far as roster focus. Won't stop all the complaints, but having two different style Smash titles side by side would give the audience some choice.
But at the same time wouldn't Nintendo view that as driving people away from the new Switch game? It might be - from Nintendo's PoV - better to keep the backwards compatible Ultimate around as long as possible on the successor console. That would give Sakurai and co. a few years to either take a vacation, take on other projects or figure out Smash 6's project plan. And when Sakurai or whoever's ready go from there.

As for when I think (and hope) the Direct is?

I'm thinking and kinda hoping next week, but I'm prepared to wait until December. Worst case scenario. Got all the dumb images ready and everything.



(I'm still really salty over Games Workshops new restrictive fanworks policy. Which is directly the reason why the creator behind the image source - a fan webseries akin to DBZA - had to stop working on it, but that's a different topic entirely.)
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 22, 2021
Let's hold our horses here.

Let's not compare a game that's not even out to one that is.
From everything we know right now SMT V will blow Three Houses out of the water in terms of quality, and Three Houses was my 2nd most hyped Switch title when I got my Switch in 2018(guess what was/is my 1st most hyped….).

You act like we don’t anything about the game when we actually know more than enough for most fans to be sold on it and literally stop watching the trailers(aside from maybe watching the trailer in the Nintendo direct to know the English voice actors).

Right now SMT V is pretty much guaranteed to be a candidate for game of the year, what we don’t know(which I suspect is still quite a lot despite the fact that we understand a lot about the gameplay already) will only make this game go from one of the greatest games of the year to one of the greatest games of all time.

Three Houses never really had much of a chance to do anything other than being one of the best games of the year and bring the old and the new Fire Emblem fanbases together. The next new Fire Emblem will be the big one that is able to get the franchise to the 5 million seller and expand the reach of the genre forever.


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC


Smash Master
May 6, 2019
Nowhere (no, not the Islands)
If CP11 was Nahobino, I think I'd be genuinely impressed.

Because damn, reserving a spot for a game that won't be out for over a year before Pass 2's announcement, and a third party one at that, which would require Sakurai to play the game early?

And all of that work just because of a series that likely already had a shot based on its own merits and history is getting a new game two years down the line?

Holy ****, that would probably be the single biggest red carpet treatment a guest character would ever get in Smash. Nothing comes close.

On the flipside, hair physics in Smash pls.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 22, 2021
Anyway, new page.

Kinda not feeling it for this week. I'd like it to, but with NSO's 3 year anniversary NEXT week, I could 100% see it drop then.

I want to be wrong, because I wanna get this song and dance over with.
I think you are actually right because the “news” for the next SMT V trailer is at the end of the month and the trailers and “news” videos for those trailers are not this far spread apart.

Dan Quixote

Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2020
1-2 Switch is the only thing with nothing
Therefore we'll get a 1-2 Switch rep that combines all the minigames together and the Final smash should be obvious:

Wow that's kinda surprising now that I think about it. 1 2 Switch was advertised a lot in 2017, and it was a launch title. You'd think it would have at least music or something.

(This is an argument for bringing back the Chronicle from Brawl)
Oh, she was popular alright, and I have no doubt she did well. My point isn't that they outright lied about Bayo doing well, and more that she was either picked really early in a suggestion box that was open for months, or she was going to make it either way and just so happened to do well in the Ballot at the same time (probably what "among realizable characters" means in this context).

Otherwise, the dev time to ballot opening ratio simply doesn't add up.
okay ngl, closing the ballot unofficially after just a week is still pretty mean and would probably be tantamount to lying, but lmao it sounds like such a Nintendo thing to do


Sep 26, 2013
From everything we know right now SMT V will blow Three Houses out of the water in terms of quality, and Three Houses was my 2nd most hyped Switch title when I got my Switch in 2018(guess what was/is my 1st most hyped….).

You act like we don’t anything about the game when we actually know more than enough for most fans to be sold on it and literally stop watching the trailers(aside from maybe watching the trailer in the Nintendo direct to know the English voice actors).

Right now SMT V is pretty much guaranteed to be a candidate for game of the year, what we don’t know(which I suspect is still quite a lot despite the fact that we understand a lot about the gameplay already) will only make this game go from one of the greatest games of the year to one of the greatest games of all time.

Three Houses never really had much of a chance to do anything other than being one of the best games of the year and bring the old and the new Fire Emblem fanbases together. The next new Fire Emblem will be the big one that is able to get the franchise to the 5 million seller and expand the reach of the genre forever.

But again, let's not compare a game that's not even out yet to a game that is.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
You mean that new game maker game Nintendo made?

IIRC Nintendo went after Dreams for fan games, so it doesn't surprise me that they shut them down on Game Builder Garage (I think that's the title).
Games Workshop are the owners of Warhammer, who recently made a policy basically saying you can't make fan animations anymore.


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2018
Wow! We just missed Waluigi and we will have gotten the trinity of self assured discussed characters. It would have been interesting to see a discussion between those three characters by our most passionate posters.


Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2018
The 104 Building
I was working more on my prospective character lineup for a hypothetical next Smash (down to 45 veterans and 12-15 newcomers) and a thought occurred to me: what if the next Smash cut all third party content to make room for more Nintendo content and eliminate the need for negotiation with outside companies?


Sep 26, 2013
I was working more on my prospective character lineup for a hypothetical next Smash (down to 45 veterans and 12-15 newcomers) and a thought occurred to me: what if the next Smash cut all third party content to make room for more Nintendo content and eliminate the need for negotiation with outside companies?
It'd definitely garner less interest from the general gaming sphere.

Part of the appeal of Smash nowadays is the crossover aspect.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Wow that's kinda surprising now that I think about it. 1 2 Switch was advertised a lot in 2017, and it was a launch title. You'd think it would have at least music or something.
I think it's because literally nobody was impressed despite the heavy marketing, and forgot about it the second they stopped.

On the flipside, hair physics in Smash pls.
Super Smash Bros. does have hair physics, it's just not particularly involved, and I think it's only for the long haired characters (it might also only do its thing when characters are idle).

Games Workshop are the owners of Warhammer, who recently made a policy basically saying you can't make fan animations anymore.
...Are they affiliated with Game Builder Garage in some way?


Smash Hero
Aug 7, 2021
your mom
I was working more on my prospective character lineup for a hypothetical next Smash (down to 45 veterans and 12-15 newcomers) and a thought occurred to me: what if the next Smash cut all third party content to make room for more Nintendo content and eliminate the need for negotiation with outside companies?
That would be absolutely lame and I don't think Nintendo would want to do that.


Smash Master
Sep 22, 2013
I was working more on my prospective character lineup for a hypothetical next Smash (down to 45 veterans and 12-15 newcomers) and a thought occurred to me: what if the next Smash cut all third party content to make room for more Nintendo content and eliminate the need for negotiation with outside companies?
Would be a ginormous step back for the series.


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2018
I was working more on my prospective character lineup for a hypothetical next Smash (down to 45 veterans and 12-15 newcomers) and a thought occurred to me: what if the next Smash cut all third party content to make room for more Nintendo content and eliminate the need for negotiation with outside companies?
Quite the scary prospect. I really hope we keep at least some of our current third party characters. It just ouldnt be the same if all of them were left behind.


Sep 26, 2013
Not according to some people I know of. There’s genuinely some blokes I’ve seen who have sworn off the game solely because of third-party content in Smash. You’d be surprised how vehement it gets where I’ve seen it.
They're nothing new.

I remember a infamous poster from these boards years ago always went on rants about how "3rd parties ruin the PURITY of Smash" and ****.
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Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
I was working more on my prospective character lineup for a hypothetical next Smash (down to 45 veterans and 12-15 newcomers) and a thought occurred to me: what if the next Smash cut all third party content to make room for more Nintendo content and eliminate the need for negotiation with outside companies?
I don't think they would do that. There will likely be a lot cut, but I don't think all of them would be.

In my hypothetical list, I kept Snake, Sonic, Mega Man, PAC-Man, and Steve since from what I know they're the biggest characters in general and/or the most beloved within the community.

Not at all, SKX31 was just making an off topic comment about that dumb policy.
Oooooh OK. I was still fixated on the Game Builder Garage thing that I thought it was. lol


Smash Master
May 6, 2019
Nowhere (no, not the Islands)
okay ngl, closing the ballot unofficially after just a week is still pretty mean and would probably be tantamount to lying, but lmao it sounds like such a Nintendo thing to do
I'm not saying that either.

I'm saying they kept taking suggestions, because they were going to be used for Ultimate.

And Bayonetta, who managed to do well in the ballot, was either picked two weeks in because she had done well in that time, or she was going to get in anyway and happened to be requested overall.

That's probably why they added that "*Among realizable characters"in her results. Which isn't really a lie, because she did well, it's just that it's not the only factor in her getting in.

Super Smash Bros. does have hair physics, it's just not particularly involved, and I think it's only for the long haired characters (it might also only do its thing when characters are idle).
Are they as fabulous as Nahobino's, though?

Yeah, that's what I thought. :roll:


Smash Master
Apr 29, 2018
The island of Svölbard
They're nothing new.

I remember a infamous poster from these boards years ago always went on rants about how "3rd parties ruin the PURITY of Smash" and ****.
Yeah, it’s more console elitism than anything, really. Quite a few of the ones I’ve seen have admitted to only having played Nintendo games. I wonder if the one you’re talking about was like that?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 22, 2021
If CP11 was Nahobino, I think I'd be genuinely impressed.

Because damn, reserving a spot for a game that won't be out for over a year before Pass 2's announcement, and a third party one at that, which would require Sakurai to play the game early?

And all of that work just because of a series that likely already had a shot based on its own merits and history is getting a new game two years down the line?

Holy ****, that would probably be the single biggest red carpet treatment a guest character would ever get in Smash. Nothing comes close.

On the flipside, hair physics in Smash pls.
SMT V is a HUGE game for the Switch, so waiting to put in Nahobino and not a SMT character from the Strange Journey remaster or the IV duology to push SMT V specifically is the best way for Nintendo and Atlus to really put the focus on SMT V specifically as a big Switch exclusive and not so much SMT or Megaten as a whole. SMT quite frankly deserves this after sticking with Nintendo since the NES.

And as I already said many times before, the Japanese version has been done for a long time, the entire world is literally just waiting on the localization at this point(even Japan). Sakurai could have beaten the game 3 times by now. Even if I wasn’t absolutely sure Nahobino is the final character I would still say that Sakurai has already beaten SMT V.


Smash Master
Feb 22, 2019
...Are they affiliated with Game Builder Garage in some way?
Nope, they're very much in the toys business - more specifically, miniature wargames. Warhammer and its 40K counterpart do get a lot of video games, including on the Switch.

The image source is a fanwork - specifically animated parody of the 40K setting where one of the settings' main characters - Mankind's Emperor, reduced to a skeleton, gets a text to speech device. Hilarity Ensues.

Not according to some people I know of. There’s genuinely some blokes I’ve seen who have sworn off the game solely because of third-party content in Smash. You’d be surprised how vehement it gets where I’ve seen it.
Considering that people can and oftentimes do choose to die on the weirdest hills because losing an argument is unthinkable... I'm not surprised.

SMT V is a HUGE game for the Switch, so waiting to put in Nahobino and not a SMT character from the Strange Journey remaster or the IV duology to push SMT V specifically is the best way for Nintendo and Atlus to really put the focus on SMT V specifically as a big Switch exclusive and not so much SMT or Megaten as a whole. SMT quite frankly deserves this after sticking with Nintendo since the NES.

And as I already said many times before, the Japanese version has been done for a long time, the entire world is literally just waiting on the localization at this point(even Japan). Sakurai could have beaten the game 3 times by now. Even if I wasn’t absolutely sure Nahobino is the final character I would still say that Sakurai has already beaten SMT V.
Seriously, don't put the cart before the bloody horse.

Yes, you've evidently staked everything on SMT V being this megasuccess. But if you're trying to argue for SMT V in good faith then saying its huge before its even released is giving me some severe Cyberpunk 2077 flashbacks. Not that the outcome need to be the same, no, but still.


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
I was working more on my prospective character lineup for a hypothetical next Smash (down to 45 veterans and 12-15 newcomers) and a thought occurred to me: what if the next Smash cut all third party content to make room for more Nintendo content and eliminate the need for negotiation with outside companies?
I imagine the game would sell less as a result, as lots of people buy the game because of characters like Sonic, Pac-Man, etc. and many others might buy the game just because there's a chance their favorite third party character get in. So the question becomes whether Nintendo would save enough money from licensing to make up for the lost sales. I think a more likely outcome is that some but not all third parties get cut.

As for whether I'd like it, I'm indifferent. Depends on who we get to make up for it. But I'd be interested in seeing your hypothetical roster for it in any case.
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