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DDD Social: we livin' in smash 4


Jan 3, 2006
Nick Riddle DOES know how to sheildgrab right?
Of course I know how to sheildgrab. Just playing ZSS made me never want to, since it sucks.

Edit: I love how the one time I'm lurking the DDD boards, my name comes up.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
Namesearching is very hard for me. I always end up looking at threads about Microsoft.


Smash Lord
May 3, 2008
Woodhaven, MI
Malcom and Ninjalink are coming to the next Lolis, that should be interesting. I'll try to get some matches in and hopefully recorded.


Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2008
OMG YES. SOOOO many sex jokes in that movie. It was wonderful. Glad to finally get a true ending to the series.
omg it was on my tv, but i was doing other things...is it coming on again?

EDIT: nvm, found it on youtube.


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms

i'm so ****ing tired of losing to metaknight

at tournaments my losses are almost exclusively either ridiculously good national-class players, or MK

how the hell do i beat a good MK

answer wisely, my smash career is riding on this


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
if ur having trouble with approaches, IF YOU HAVE THE LEAD

the mk can only do one of 3 or 4 things.

1. Run==>shield grab, hoping to block ur ftilt.

Instead of ftilt, read his approach, and simply stay on ur side, then when u think he's gona running shield, u do a dash grab (no shield) and meet him half way. That way your grabbing his approaching shield.

2. Jump in space dairs/fairs

for spacy mk's mixup between dash shielding==>grab (if they do recieding fairs), sh bairs or utilts out of shield for spacy dairs, be very patient with this...

like shield 2, even 3 dairs before making a move, if they're too high, try to time a full hop uair or fair after abotu the third or 4th dair, if they land before then, grab/dsmash the landing depending on spacing, only other option is nado which if ur shield is low either roll away or try to utilt it. if ur shield is fine (they did nado before doing 3-4 dairs on ur shield) then just hold shield, try to predict if he's gona stay inside u, OR retreat. if he retreats u can actually time a roll in that direction to move with him, and finish ur roll where he lands, this seems to be the only consistant way to punish retreating nado, if they stayed in ur shield at all, and it avoids the mindgame of -retreat, just kidding hit u while u run-

3. Walk slowly up and space tilts


DSMASH-sounds weird but it destroys mk's grounded spacing game once he's passed ur ftilt range. just hold shield accordingly, when he fuks up, give him a swing.
itss sooooo good and soooo big. and hurts, and puts them above u. i <3 dsmash..

4. Dash, jump, nado.

SOLUTION-This one you gota watch out for, as it can shut out like ur other two solutions if u pick wrong. (IE he has a rock that beats ur scissor and lizard, BUT you have this paper) this one will seem the most blatent if u pay attention enough, and aggressive, they will run full speed and jump AT you, not near you. thats ur que to either throw out utilt, try to grab it, OR the safest thing, shield. -----the issue is when they read ur shield, and instead of jump nadoing, they just dash grab ur shield, so watch out for that.

instead of linking specific vids, since i do all these strats often,
i'll link u here instead.


watch the latest vids vs mk to see these strats in action.

I only want to remind everyone, and this is something that should be on the TOP of the first post, Matchups=/=a scientific method to consistantly win. All matchups are is knowing how to find bad habits, and knowing what your characters best punishments are, how to use them, and how to avoid being punished. If i tell you to wait for a mk's 3rd Dair, that's me saying be patient, look at him, and find out what his habits are first before trying to blatently attack him. See if he likes to commit to dairing, or if he's gona throw in a nado. Im telling you what you can do for both options, and how to handle it, it's up to you (the players) to MIX IN the right options given certain circumstances. I cannot tell you do this, this and this, and you WILL beat this character. I can only give you the tools to to use, its up to you to find out how to best use those tools.

I hope my point gets accrossed. While I'm sure my words on MK have helped, they are not the end all be all, as you can see it takes a good deal of prediction, but the rewards are great. Almost makes the matchup seem even.
this is it.


Smash Master
May 25, 2009
Allston, MA
Yeah, I always have a bit of trouble against my friend's Dedede as my mains (Snake Falco), but once I start using MK against him, its surprisingly effective.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008

i'm so ****ing tired of losing to metaknight

at tournaments my losses are almost exclusively either ridiculously good national-class players, or MK

how the hell do i beat a good MK

answer wisely, my smash career is riding on this
Read the Q&A thread.
Read the Matchup thread.
Read the Matchup Export thread.
Read the Grand Unified Guide.
Read the "How to deal with specific moves" thread.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
So I'm thinking about quitting Smash.

There's no scene close (within 15 minutes) to me and I can't do WiFi due to a ****ty internet connection (like really ****ty, you have no idea) and practicing against braindead computers only gets you so far (which is to say, not far at all). I have no real means of practicing and getting better other than going to biweekly tournies that are an hour away from me and scrubbing out to better players than me and hoping I retain some information from those *** kickings. It's extremely frustrating and time consuming and I generally feel that I have better things to do with my life.

There's a good chance I'll still lurk and I may get back into the scene once I get better access to WiFi to learn/relearn matchups or live somewhere that is reasonably close to a circuit event, biweekly tourneys, etc.

None of this is final, it's just how I feel right now.


Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2008
Ive felt that way before(feeling like you have better things to do in life)its also the reason i haven't been to a tourny in like 6 months(also ride johns and money johns)

if you do quit, i hope you'll still hang around here.


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
Something I have been meaning to post for a while...

Does anyone else think of DDD more of a fat eagle rather than a penguin. I just don't see how he looks like a Penguin.


Smash Champion
Dec 11, 2008
Redondo Beach, California
So I'm thinking about quitting Smash.

There's no scene close (within 15 minutes) to me and I can't do WiFi due to a ****ty internet connection (like really ****ty, you have no idea) and practicing against braindead computers only gets you so far (which is to say, not far at all). I have no real means of practicing and getting better other than going to biweekly tournies that are an hour away from me and scrubbing out to better players than me and hoping I retain some information from those *** kickings. It's extremely frustrating and time consuming and I generally feel that I have better things to do with my life.

There's a good chance I'll still lurk and I may get back into the scene once I get better access to WiFi to learn/relearn matchups or live somewhere that is reasonably close to a circuit event, biweekly tourneys, etc.

None of this is final, it's just how I feel right now.
Thanks for letting us know this beforehand Gates. I understand how you feel because I'm partly the same. Just keep working, save all the money, and get a car.


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
Who will take over the D3 Matchup thread, I don' think anyone of us non-pros are level headed about the matchups enough to take over it, so unless Seibrik took it over, what would happen to it? You are the only one in here who neither

1. theory crafts
2. gets beat at a tournament and goes OMG GUYS WOLF VERSUS D3 IN 40-60 HIS FAVOR GAWWWD


Smash Master
Jun 21, 2008
Perth, Australia
I'd love to run it, I have experience with running several threads in a few boards and my summer holidays is coming up soon so I have a lot of time.

You'll be sorely missed Gates :(


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
Wolf was an over exaggeration of course, but it happens all the time, someone comes back from a tournament of MM and goes, I think are ration is wrong guys! I got my *** whooped. Gates is the only Non-pro I see who is very level headed about the matchups, mainly because he only listenes to the pro DDDs.

Still though Gates, don't stay in Smash just for a single thread lol. If you wanna quit, don't let the interwebs old you back.

EDIT- Jupz or Seibrik would be the best two options I think. Seibrik cause he's pro and Jupz because he's also got a good head on his shoulders.

Just don't give it to Lain, all our matchups will be 40:20 then.
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