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Jun 7, 2009
Spruce Grove, Alberta
If crews happen again, I refuse to be bunched up with a bunch of players who don't even play the game (Brawl). In all fairness though, for the sake of fun it really was nice of them to enter for the fun of it. But last time that happened, SuPeRbOoM and I got screwed. SK92 steamrolled the rest of them (I forget, but I know Armada and his Sheik had a fighting chance), and pwned me because I had chosen Dedede before the crew battle happened, and I had expected SK92 to at least be gone by the time it was my turn. lol

I failed hardcore at the D3 vs. Falco match-up. Still do. =.=


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2006
Tuk House, WA
I guess when it gets closer to this tournament we'll be able to post our hotel room numbers once we have them reserved (I think there was a thread made for last genesis?) and we can organize things like that.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
So um

im seriously considering this

few questions.

I would want to see a few sites of san fran while im there since i plan on making a holiday out of this (im coming from australia). This hotel that people would be staying at for the venue, I see it is kind of far from the rest of the city and attractions like alcatraz. would it be a better idea to stay at a different hotel for the few days prior?

is there going to be some sort of bus of people or something which will travel to antioch the day before? Like so I could potentially get housing in LA/SD instead of staying at san fran.

what sort of prices are you looking at for a normal hotel near san fran bay around that time. I expect its going to be a lot but thats ok...

hmmm so many things to think about. idk id like to see about housing for the few days before the event but i do wanna see the sights and stuff instead of playing smash lol.


So um, are there any people around cali who are housing visitors before/after the event? If anyone might want to host an aussie please let me know so I can figure out what my options are.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2008
Torrance, CA
hey, me and a few of my friends are graduating high school in june and wanna take a road trip up to play at genesis (from torrance, CA).
About how much money should we save up for entry fees, food and lodging?


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
Check hotel prices and guestimate for that accordingly. I usually budget 10-15 dollars a day for food to be on the safe side. The first post will cover fees for you. And then it's always good to have additional money on you just in case. If you have 150 or so then you should be fine. Be sure to split a hotel room between 5 or so of you.

@Browny: I'd help you out but I'm not familiar with the area. I'm sure you can find housing though fairly easily.

And no Mexican twins coming to this makes me sad :(
No Mexican twins vs New Mexican twins MMs :(


Smash Lord
Jan 9, 2006
Hotel prices have gone up by like $10 per night (they are now about the same as the "discount price").
I still have my one $63 room, and don't know what to do with it. Re-booking in the tournament's name would cost us $10, plus we need a second room.


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2003
Concord CA
Hotel prices have gone up by like $10 per night (they are now about the same as the "discount price").
I still have my one $63 room, and don't know what to do with it. Re-booking in the tournament's name would cost us $10, plus we need a second room.
From what I understand, you lucked out and got the Winter rates on the very last day they were available since it took a few days for our prices to become finalized through corporate. The prices you see now online for the Genesis dates are their summer rates, which are a lot more expensive. The prices for the rooms under Genesis are 59,69,69,79 per night (single queen, double queen, executive, and the suite), and will remain those prices until Genesis, they will not go up. So I'm not exactly sure what you paid 63 dolllars for, but if it was for the single queen, you can call in and get it cheaper for 59. If you got a double queen or executive for 69, I'm pretty sure you got the Winter rates last second, but I'll find out soon for you.

ajp anton: What is your full name so I can find out? and did you book through ramada.com or some other website?


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2009
Check hotel prices and guestimate for that accordingly. I usually budget 10-15 dollars a day for food to be on the safe side. The first post will cover fees for you. And then it's always good to have additional money on you just in case. If you have 150 or so then you should be fine. Be sure to split a hotel room between 5 or so of you.

@Browny: I'd help you out but I'm not familiar with the area. I'm sure you can find housing though fairly easily.

And no Mexican twins coming to this makes me sad :(
No Mexican twins vs New Mexican twins MMs :(
Javi (who is actually the Twin with the better chance of placing top 10) might still be going, EX might go too.


The Reality!
May 1, 2006
London, Barkingside
I'd rather get someone really good to team with while I can -_-

im not gonna travel all the way there an not enter teams, but if its not anyone worth teaming with then im just gonna team with a level 9 ganon (no joke)

unless ice does come in the end :/


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
I'd rather get someone really good to team with while I can -_-

im not gonna travel all the way there an not enter teams, but if its not anyone worth teaming with then im just gonna team with a level 9 ganon (no joke)

unless ice does come in the end :/
Hmm.. how about a real Ganon? lol.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 25, 2005
I'm not sure how to start this post so I'll just write whatever comes to my mind, this will be long but please read :)

So I'm a very active smash player from Israel, if you follow the ice climbers boards you probably know me already, and this July I'm fulfilling my dream and coming to Genesis 2 (HYPE!!!) but since international tourneys are sadly a new thing for me I need help with a million and one topics and questions:

1. Since my main goal in this soon-to-be epic trip is to play as much smash as possible, when is the earliest time I can arrive at the venue/hotel and still find people to play with? Once I'm there, how will I find people to play with etc... Pretty much any information and help you can give me about anything that happens before the actual event is appreciated.

2. This isn't going to cheap and I'm aware of it, but I would greatly appreciate help and information regarding splitting a room, housing solutions besides the hotel and other ways that I'm not aware of to save money.

3. Although Genesis is going to be the main event, I will be in the US for ~3 weeks, I currently don't know exactly when and where but mostly in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Las Vegas (Again, as far as I know). Where and how can I find other smash events, no matter how small, in this general area between 12.7.11-3.8.11.

4. I need a teams partner, for both melee and brawl (Although I mainly play melee), obviously I prefer having someone good :p. If you want to see my level, in a couple of weeks I should have good videos to upload, don't judge me by the severely outdated videos of me you can currently find on youtube, I assure you I'm much better than that now. Do not worry about the language barrier, my English is fine.

5. Since this is a unique event for me and maybe a once in a life time experience (Hopefully not!), I have a special request to personally meet and play some of the big names, I understand if it's not realistic/possible but I would really appreciate it :), think about it, how many chances will you have to play with an Israeli top smasher...

6. Well, if you have anything else to say to help me make these 3 weeks the best time of my life, please do!

Void out, mad hyped, thanks everyone!


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2009
First of alll....HYPE.

second of all to avoid any point of confusion the days you'll be in the U.S. are 7/12/11-8/3/11.(for Americans who might be confused)

Thirdly , are you the only Israeli top smasher coming and how active is your tourney scene?

Finally, this tournament has sooo much international hype it's ridiculous.

Cambodia, Brazil, Japan where you at?

Also @ Fuzzyness i hope things work out that Ice will be abe to come, same with Javi, EX, Dark, and Roche.

Anyone know if there's any interest from Spain, or are they hesitant to go to another international after such a short period of time? Over and Strawhat Dahean are so chill.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 25, 2005
second of all to avoid any point of confusion the days you'll be in the U.S. are 7/12/11-8/3/11.(for Americans who might be confused)

Thirdly , are you the only Israeli top smasher coming and how active is your tourney scene?
Yeah I forgot the dates are switched, to avoid confusion: I'll be in the US between July 12nd to August 3rd (Or something similar)

There are a few people here besides me that would love to come too but mostly financial issues prevent them from doing so, maybe we'll go to some tournament in Europe in the future.

The tournament scene here is rather weird, there are only a few people here that play melee competitively but they are very dedicated, play as much as they can, follow big tourneys online and so on. Brawl's release negatively affected the scene here, and a couple of months after the release after we had our first (And last) brawl tournament we had almost a year of melee "Drought". I've been working since then on restoring it, with rather impressive success :)


The Reality!
May 1, 2006
London, Barkingside
im jewish

but not froom/relgiious

was born jewish, had a barmitzvah and everything. Can read hebrew but cant translate >_> so its pretty useless

the morning prayer is still drilled into my head and I cant ever forget it (the shema)



Smash Lord
Jan 9, 2006
Yeah I forgot the dates are switched, to avoid confusion: I'll be in the US between July 12nd to August 3rd (Or something similar)
Or use the "international" format: 2011-07-12 to 2011-08-03
There are a few people here besides me that would love to come too but mostly financial issues prevent them from doing so, maybe we'll go to some tournament in Europe in the future.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 25, 2005
ah israel :p I remember that samus player from there haha

Fizz still plays, he also improved since then, he told me he got owned when he played the people there :p

I'm also Jewish and not relgiious, I eat bacon too.

About B.E.A.S.T II, I was talking about going to a tournament in Europe next year or something, not straight after Genesis (I would do that if I had the money tho!)

Anyway, I hope to get more detailed answers to what I asked, will be rather intimidating to arrive there alone and not know anyone etc....


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2009
Yeah I forgot the dates are switched, to avoid confusion: I'll be in the US between July 12nd to August 3rd (Or something similar)

There are a few people here besides me that would love to come too but mostly financial issues prevent them from doing so, maybe we'll go to some tournament in Europe in the future.

The tournament scene here is rather weird, there are only a few people here that play melee competitively but they are very dedicated, play as much as they can, follow big tourneys online and so on. Brawl's release negatively affected the scene here, and a couple of months after the release after we had our first (And last) brawl tournament we had almost a year of melee "Drought". I've been working since then on restoring it, with rather impressive success :)
impressive, i guess melee is still an international force to be reckoned with...i mean there's a scene in Brazil, Chile, Cambodia, Japan (not as strong with big names like before in Ken/Isai's era but still living with guys like CJ occasionally, Mach Dash, Tani, Masashi occasionally, Thunders, and kou), Israel, Europe as a whole, and a small scene that KDJ helped form in Korea...not to mention Jamaica (my roots). If there's a region i've failed to mention forgive my ignorance. Oh **** forgot Venezuela, was watching the Dont Choke vids with Shiz, Col Bol. Dark Sonic, and Blea Gelo (he's from Venezuela)...him and Dark_Chrono
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