Now, I might be completely wrong, but I just want to share my opinion on this matter.
When Mango says that Armada shouldn't have beaten him, I think it's just Mango saying that he could have won it if he didn't **** up. I'm pretty sure Mango is aware that his **** ups were his own fault, and that him ****ing up a few times does not in any way discredit Armada's win. However, if Mango were to complain about the stitch face Armada pulled in game 5, and said that Armada only won because of that stitch face, that would definitely be johning.
Another thing is what Mango stated in regard to how much more room for error Peach has than Fox. Any spacie main will tell you this is true. I'd imagine this is especially true against players like Armada, who can punish a missed l-cancel by basically just taking a stock from you. With Peach, you don't have to worry about that as much. Also, as Mango said, it's far easier to suicide with a space animal than with Peach. Mango ISN'T saying that he only lost because he suicided and Armada didn't, he's saying that, when you take into consideration that he suicided and Armada didn't and yet it was STILL a very close set, things may have turned out a little differently. However, he also acknowledges the fact that a lot of this can be credited to the designs of both characters. What makes this differ from johning is the fact that he said that Armada played great, which implies that it was Armada's sheer ability to utilize these advantages to earn himself that win. At the same time, however, you have to take into consideration that Fox IS the tougher character to play at that level. Obviously, it's not exactly an easy feat to play Peach like Armada does, but you also have to remember how tough it is to play Fox as technically as Mango does and still be consistent.
Another thing I would like to bring up is all this talk about Mango being arrogant. Is he? DEFINITELY. Is he willing to acknowledge that sometimes, his own arrogance gets the better of him? Judging by what he said when he talked about his feeling on losing to Taj, I'd say so. He KNOWS he can be exceedingly arrogant, and I believe he recognizes that that was a major influence in his loss to Taj. I think that match was pretty much reality punching him in the face, telling him that him winning the tournament wasn't something that would come to him unless he remembered NOT to underestimate his opponents. He didn't exactly like his chances after losing to Taj. After all, that would mean he would have to win 2 sets against Armada, and even for Mango, that's hard as **** to do. He admitted that him and Armada are almost even, with Armada just SLIGHTLY below him.
Anyway, I think we call all agree that the Genesis 2 grand finals were AMAZING, and that both Mango and Armada played amazingly. Like I said earlier, this is just simply my opinion and I may be completely wrong. I just wanted to throw this out there.