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Confirmed Character Discussion (Part 2)

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Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
now the topic is an english lesson about alliteration.
i here so much about the wii,that i cant wait to get it on my b-day in april.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
Gimme a moment to retrieve my hand from my undies so I can respond...;) Ah, there we go!
Oh my. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed my ambiguous alliteration... ?

:pThat kind of reaction pleases me.
Dammit Devastlian, she's at it again D:

I'm sorry, Rhyme, but there's really only one profession I can think of that includes servicing internet fanboys... ;p

So um...to us gamers who don't follow Japanese, what is all this nonsense about Kid Icarus being translated poorly and losing it's original meaning?
It's exactly as you said it. Nonsense. Even if "Kid Icarus" was translated poorly, the people in the States could care less. Most accurate translations from any language to any other language come out not sounding right or even straight up akward. Slightly changing it from the original meaning isn't really a bad thing. This goes double for Japanese. Their spoken language is relatively hard to follow considering their nak for excluding nouns in sentences, assuming the people around them know what is being talked about. Also in French where most English speakers would perceive their adjectives and verb uses as overstatements or understatements. For example, "Je t'aime." can be used to mean "I love you." using the verb, "aimer," literally meaning, "to like."

Take notes. This will also be on the test.

Ipslne, glad to know you liked my phrase, that should be on a T-shirt or bra or something.:chuckle:
No one would be able to see it if it were on a bra. Or at least no one would read it xD

On a side note, since joining Smashboards I have learned how to correctly spell "original" and "lose". Chalk one up for videogames, public education remains at zilch.
Yeah, but both seem to have funding issues u_u;

My guess would be classic Nintendo censorship. With Pit being an angel and all the crosses abound, they probably wanted to avoid the Christianity references and likened him to Greek mythology since there were a lot of mythological elements in the game already. It's not really concretedly either but might as just cover up any controversial stuff.
I see, more of a legal manuver than translation error. Whatever makes them happy, crafty devils.
However much that may be a possibility, I still am going to have to go with the difficulty in translation bit. Around the time that Kid Icarus was released, there was little dispute over Christian refrences in the media.

If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickle peppers,what happened to the pickled peppers that Peter Piper pecked?


How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck can chuck wood?


I'm sorry, I'm bored.
Yeah me too. Blame Rhyme :D

Tasteful 'til the end, eh Rhyme? While they're at it they can make panties that say "Shine Get" on the front or boxers that read "Deku Stick."
You are a winner.

And yes, Rhyme is always tasty. And by that I mean full of taste. "Tasteful," per se.

And as far as alliteration is concerned, it is a lost art, arguably aroused only by the act of anticipating articles to which it might aptly and actively pertain.

Okay, maybe that was a bit much.
Hey at least it was less of a stretch than mine.

now the topic is an english lesson about alliteration.
i here so much about the wii,that i cant wait to get it on my b-day in april.
Man I can't wait to get nothing for my birthday next week :3 It's awesome being poor and recently mugged on your 20th birthday :/


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
But it just feels so right. Can't argue with that.

Dammit Devastlian, she's at it again D:

I'm sorry, Rhyme, but there's really only one profession I can think of that includes servicing internet fanboys... ;p

Oh baby, you know you want it.;)

For example, "Je t'aime." can be used to mean "I love you." using the verb, "aimer," literally meaning, "to like."
Take notes. This will also be on the test.

I doubt that. Interesting about the french, though.

No one would be able to see it if it were on a bra. Or at least no one would read it xD

I would!

Yeah me too. Blame Rhyme :D

A particularly popular practice nowadays.

You are a winner.
And yes, Rhyme is always tasty. And by that I mean full of taste. "Tasteful," per se.

You wish you knew.

Hey at least it was less of a stretch than mine.

Not mine.;)

Man I can't wait to get nothing for my birthday next week :3 It's awesome being poor and recently mugged on your 20th birthday :/
That sucks, I hope that never happens to me.

Tasteful 'til the end, eh Rhyme? While they're at it they can make panties that say "Shine Get" on the front or boxers that read "Deku Stick."
I lost my breath to that one. Took me a while to find it as well.

And for the record, Pikachu needs no arms. He holds himself on th edge by sheer force of will. And static cling.
Of course, it was so obvious.:laugh:

I want to say something on topic so um...let's see...Kirby's overB is still his hammer, he used that move in the first trailer and actually got lift out of it.

I've been laughing to hard at these last few posts.


Smash Cadet
Oct 2, 2006
Anchorage, Alaksa
stupid ****ing noobs go the hell away!!! lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol vlol lol :dk: :dk: :dk: :dk: :bumper: :item9: :smash: :chainsaw: :rocket: :ouch: :tnt: :laser: :burst: :bigrocket :teleportg :sniper: :enforcer: :mushroom: :heart: super spam super spam super spam super spam super spam super spam super spam super spam super spam super spam super spam super spam super spam


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
[I'm sorry, was my grammar off? You just wait 'til you slip up. I'll never let you hear the end of it xD

Oh baby, you know you want it.;)
Can I get, like, a voice recording of that? It would make some great blackmail :3

I doubt that. Interesting about the french, though.
If I were a Mod I'd totally force people to take periodic tests. It would be a good way of filtering n00blettes.

Unless you're really flat, I doubt you'd be able to read what's on your bra unless you wrote it on with mirrored lettering (which, once again, no one else would notice). Shall I go into the psychology of most men and how their attention span drops dramatically when they are presented with breasts?

A particularly popular practice nowadays.
OHFXCKINGLORD that one hurt my head. Dammit Rhyme D: I don't even want to make an alliteration now.

You wish you knew.
I'll admit, I'm plenty intrigued... but I have many better things to wish for ^_^

That sucks, I hope that never happens to me.
Beh, I had gotten mugged the day after Christmas. I was on my way to a store across the street from my friend's place in South Lansing (not a great side of town) at around 11PM. I had $400 in Christmas money in my wallet (which I needed after recently losing a job and being practically homeless). Luckily I left my wallet at my friend's house and took only $20, just in case.

So coming out of the store, this guy comes up to me and asks for a cigarette. I looked down when I was pulling out the cig; and as I look up all I catch is his fist 2 inches from my face. Being caught off guard, my head snapped back, lost my balance and fell. The guy gets on top of me and starts digging through my pockets. I just pulled a 10 out of my coat and gave it to him. He just ran off, didn't bother to take any of the drinks or cigarettes that I bought.

The really bad part, is that I had to spend $380 to fix the tooth that the guy broke and a gash in my lip. I'm fine now, but no money. I'm staying at my dad's for the time being, which is a really bad thing. There's kind of a depressing history behind that as well... not really worth meantioning (though I suppose I could PM someone if they were that bloody curious. Sadly enough, I already have a life story of sorts typed out for the sole purpose of online friends who want to actually know me).

The whole point here is that my birthday is kind of ruined-ish, and my ex-girlfriend/best friend (best ex?) is trying to plan something... which also has it's downsides.

OMG RANTkthnx I'm done now xD


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
And as far as alliteration is concerned, it is a lost art, arguably aroused only by the act of anticipating articles to which it might aptly and actively pertain.
I believe that that is assonance, not alliteration.
Dammit Devastlian, she's at it again D:
Eh, I don't mind.
It's exactly as you said it. Nonsense. Even if "Kid Icarus" was translated poorly, the people in the States could care less. Most accurate translations from any language to any other language come out not sounding right or even straight up akward. Slightly changing it from the original meaning isn't really a bad thing. This goes double for Japanese. Their spoken language is relatively hard to follow considering their nak for excluding nouns in sentences, assuming the people around them know what is being talked about. Also in French where most English speakers would perceive their adjectives and verb uses as overstatements or understatements. For example, "Je t'aime." can be used to mean "I love you." using the verb, "aimer," literally meaning, "to like."

Take notes. This will also be on the test.
That's why it's called "localization" instead of just translation.

Aussi, je voudrais garer mon visage dans les oreillers de cette fille. Les idiomes sont amusement!
However much that may be a possibility, I still am going to have to go with the difficulty in translation bit. Around the time that Kid Icarus was released, there was little dispute over Christian refrences in the media.
Well, such censorships happened in Dragon Warrior as well.
i can argue. How right does it feel.Or do you feel left?
I feel left every day of my life.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Did you ever catch the mugger? I've never been mugged, but if I were the mugger probably wouldn't get much unless I happen to be buying a game, otherwise he'd get less than $5.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
Aussi, je voudrais garer mon visage dans les oreillers de cette fille. Les idiomes sont amusement!
LOL You better hope Rhyme doesn't know French... xD

Though that's not quite what I meant about over/understating... it was a pleasing thought nontheless.


Beh, we never caught the mugger. Then again, I didn't even call the police. I was concerned they'd just patrol the area and arrest the first black guy they could find carrying 10 bucks. South Lansing is a really bad side of town... me reporting it would make the crime rate go up and nothing more.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
[I'm sorry, was my grammar off? You just wait 'til you slip up. I'll never let you hear the end of it xD

Then what punk?! That's right, sit there and take it.:cool:

Can I get, like, a voice recording of that? It would make some great blackmail :3

Unless you're really flat, I doubt you'd be able to read what's on your bra unless you wrote it on with mirrored lettering (which, once again, no one else would notice). Shall I go into the psychology of most men and how their attention span drops dramatically when they are presented with breasts?

You don't have to, I take your word for it. Also, you as a guy should be supporting this idea. If it were hard to read you would have an excuse for staring.;)

OHFXCKINGLORD that one hurt my head. Dammit Rhyme D: I don't even want to make an alliteration now.

Owned. On the other hand, sorry I ruinded alliterations for you.:(

I'll admit, I'm plenty intrigued... but I have many better things to wish for ^_^

My ego has sustained irreparable damage...like what else would you wish for? Brawl?

I feel left every day of my life.


Aussi, je voudrais garer mon visage dans les oreillers de cette fille. Les idiomes sont amusement!

LOL You better hope Rhyme doesn't know French... xD

Haha, my friend and I had this crazy idea that we're going to market when we get cash: The Lonely Man, which takes advantage of this bizzare obsession. The product itself is a pillow, it has a 'valley' in the middle and two raised supports for either side of your head. The pillow is designed to look like a shapely pair of twins, and even comes fitted with a removable custome covering. This case covers unsightly details and is machine washable, plus there are different sizes/stiffnesses that you can select between for the pillows themselves. And you could have made that joke in english, I'm here, so I obviously won't mind some laughter at my expense.:)

Hey everyone, I spent the afternoon getting wood for my dad! Aren't you proud of me?:chuckle:

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.

I believe that that is assonance, not alliteration.
Isn't it both? I could be wrong, but I didn't think alliterations had to begin with a consonant.

Ipslne, 20th wasn't really a great b-day for me either. I didn't get mugged, but I do remember being pretty depressed. Anyhow, here's to things getting better, right?

As far as the tastiness level of Rhyme; I don't know, I haven't gotten my free sample yet... (I dunno which worries me more, that I just typed that sentence, or that I haven't deleted it yet)
(semi)Seriously, though when did Rhyme become such a hot topic?

I also wish to make some comment slightly pertaining to Smash Bros. It is as follows; I feel that Pikachu's new super special smash (or whatever the heck we're calling it) should involve the death of all humanity, animality, and plantity in this universe and two neighboring ones, with the exception of those chosen to weild his great and terrible power as herralds of the coming doom, each one marked with with the symbol of the gods; the great posterior of injustice being swiftly and powerfully kicked by the foot of vengence, surrounded by the flames of retribution and emblazed upon the left butt-cheek.




Smash Rookie
Jan 19, 2007
I interested in Pit he has three jumps along with quick strikes and ranged attacks. I really hope Zero Suit Samus doesn't replace Sheik ;_;"


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
LOL You better hope Rhyme doesn't know French... xD
Well, it wasn't really directed towards her. I just like saying it.
Haha, my friend and I had this crazy idea that we're going to market when we get cash: The Lonely Man, which takes advantage of this bizzare obsession. The product itself is a pillow, it has a 'valley' in the middle and two raised supports for either side of your head. The pillow is designed to look like a shapely pair of twins, and even comes fitted with a removable custome covering. This case covers unsightly details and is machine washable, plus there are different sizes/stiffnesses that you can select between for the pillows themselves. And you could have made that joke in english, I'm here, so I obviously won't mind some laughter at my expense.:)
I believe someone has come up with a similar concept:

I would, however, deeply enjoy your idea.

Also, why can't you just wrap your entire post with your tags like I do (though, I only use one)? :/
Isn't it both? I could be wrong, but I didn't think alliterations had to begin with a consonant.
Well, it's not really either since alliteration requires multiple words to begin with the same consonant and assonance is when you have multiple vowel sounds in the words of the sentence and, since you used the long 'a' sound and the 'ar' sound, I don't think it counts as assonance.


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2007


My guess would be classic Nintendo censorship. With Pit being an angel and all the crosses abound, they probably wanted to avoid the Christianity references and likened him to Greek mythology since there were a lot of mythological elements in the game already. It's not really concretedly either but might as just cover up any controversial stuff.
I feel i shouold say before people start asking about the 2nd kid Icarus game that it was American-made.

And for those of you who aren't getting what I'm saying,in the second Kid Icarus game, Of Myths and Monsters, Pit's wings melt off whenhe flew too close to the sun, a direct reference to the Icarus in question.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
I feel i shouold say before people start asking about the 2nd kid Icarus game that it was American-made.

And for those of you who aren't getting what I'm saying,in the second Kid Icarus game, Of Myths and Monsters, Pit's wings melt off whenhe flew too close to the sun, a direct reference to the Icarus in question.
If he flew so close to the sun that his wings melted, Pit would have been trapped by its gravitational field and died. Just saying.

Well, it wasn't really directed towards her. I just like saying it.

I believe someone has come up with a similar concept:

I would, however, deeply enjoy your idea.

Also, why can't you just wrap your entire post with your tags like I do (though, I only use one)? :/
Haha, good idea as well.

I can't wrap the entire thing, that's just the way Smashboards coding works. Also, if I tried highlighting the whole thing it would change the color of your posts.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
That's right, sit there and take it.:cool:
Hey now, I'm sure there are times I'd enjoy hearing that from you; but now is not one of them. I'll let it slide though. Besides, how could I pass up all that negative affection? ;p

Aw man. It this rate, a recording from you would be worth something in no time.

You don't have to, I take your word for it. Also, you as a guy should be supporting this idea. If it were hard to read you would have an excuse for staring.;)
So we're stereotyping now? What if I'm not straight? Actually, whether or not I were straight, I'm sure I'd still find aesthetic value in breasts.

Not to meantion, I'm not a great example of typical male psychology u_u;

Owned. On the other hand, sorry I ruinded alliterations for you.:(
It's okay. It's my fault. I just can't quite conjure the correct combination of correlating consonants.

My ego has sustained irreparable damage...like what else would you wish for? Brawl?
Tell your ego I said it's not her, it's me...

And I wouldn't wish for Brawl. That's sure to be released eventually, not worth wasting a wish on. Should I wish for something as fickle as money or that amazing sex I haven't had in months? Or should I wish for something as unjust as unearned love? I think I'd rather wish for the opportunity to better myself and to meet someone with a potential for a relationship. (And PLEASE no more crazy hippie girls or guys that wont stop talking just long enough to get my tongue down his throat. Maybe a not so crazy hippie girl? Or a guy who could converse and kiss?)

Oh, and for a third wish (because you always get 3, duh) Young Link for Brawl...

Haha, my friend and I had this crazy idea that we're going to market when we get cash: The Lonely Man, which takes advantage of this bizzare obsession. The product itself is a pillow, it has a 'valley' in the middle and two raised supports for either side of your head. The pillow is designed to look like a shapely pair of twins, and even comes fitted with a removable custome covering. This case covers unsightly details and is machine washable, plus there are different sizes/stiffnesses that you can select between for the pillows themselves. And you could have made that joke in english, I'm here, so I obviously won't mind some laughter at my expense.:)

Hey everyone, I spent the afternoon getting wood for my dad! Aren't you proud of me?:chuckle:
That's almost cute... but makes me worried that you're 10 or something.

Ipslne, 20th wasn't really a great b-day for me either. I didn't get mugged, but I do remember being pretty depressed. Anyhow, here's to things getting better, right?
I could only hope... thanks though ^_^

As far as the tastiness level of Rhyme; I don't know, I haven't gotten my free sample yet... (I dunno which worries me more, that I just typed that sentence, or that I haven't deleted it yet)
(semi)Seriously, though when did Rhyme become such a hot topic?
LOL, I have no idea; but I'm sure she's enjoying this little ego trip.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
If he flew so close to the sun that his wings melted, Pit would have been trapped by its gravitational field and died. Just saying.
The sun they show isn't that big...

I can't wrap the entire thing, that's just the way Smashboards coding works. Also, if I tried highlighting the whole thing it would change the color of your posts.
Alright, I'll try it...Works for me (I previewed it). Quote's are set to the default italisized setting and counted seperate from what's outside I guess...


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Alright, I'll try it...Works for me (I previewed it). Quote's are set to the default italisized setting and counted seperate from what's outside I guess...
Well I'll try it then just to make you happy. But remember, this is just for you.;)

Hey now, I'm sure there are times I'd enjoy hearing that from you; but now is not one of them. I'll let it slide though. Besides, how could I pass up all that negative affection? ;p
I'm sure there are, not that you will be hearing those things.

Aw man. It this rate, a recording from you would be worth something in no time.
Just don't get your hopes up.:p

So we're stereotyping now? What if I'm not straight? Actually, whether or not I were straight, I'm sure I'd still find aesthetic value in breasts.
You said men not straight men. Also, you didn't show possessive speach, which meant you weren't talking about yourself. For all I know and don't care, you could be gay. I don't mind.

Tell your ego I said it's not her, it's me...
How can you be confident about the gender of my ego?

Maybe a not so crazy hippie girl? Or a guy who could converse and kiss?)
Oh, and for a third wish (because you always get 3, duh) Young Link for Brawl...
I see you're not picky.:)

That's almost cute... but makes me worried that you're 10 or something.
I could only hope... thanks though ^_^
Haha, even if i were 10, would it matter? Not like you planned on shanking me.

LOL, I have no idea; but I'm sure she's enjoying this little ego trip.
You have no idea.:chuckle:

It was just a myth, not tobetakenseriously.:ohwell:

EDIT: Aach! It messed up. I'm gonna stick to my old way which annoys BigD. :)


Smash Champion
Jan 3, 2006
Wow, geez, is it that hard to stay on topic? Seriousy, what the heck are you guys talking about?
Fox- I bet he loses his side B. It needs to be something more interesting.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
Alright, alright... I'll say something on topic. But only because Rhyme failed to amuse me.

First off, how could you even ask for his side B to go?! It's a key recovery move. Yes, it has little uses elsewhere... but if you consider most charaters' recovery moves and their general uselessness otherwise, how is this one any different?


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
I agree, the side B of foxs i a useful recovery, I can easily (using mario) change the direction of foxs upB with the cape, but I can rarely hit fox/falco with the cape when they use the side B, cause I rarely expect it, lame example, but its useful...


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
I agree, the side B of foxs i a useful recovery, I can easily (using mario) change the direction of foxs upB with the cape, but I can rarely hit fox/falco with the cape when they use the side B, cause I rarely expect it, lame example, but its useful...

Actually, I find that to be a great example. I was going to go on about the usefulness of his side-b compared to his up-b in terms of recovery in my previous post; but decided against it. However that was one of my examples... u_u; heh, one that I thought fewer people knew of. Of other good examples... Fox's up-b is a classic target for Link or YL dair. However risky for the (Young)Link player to dair off the edge, if it hits he's got plenty of time for recovery. I've timed many a hilt doing this, and somehow the fire from Fox's up-b hits me just as the hilt hits. Also, Young Link's fair is higher priority; and Marth can easily tip a flying Fox.

Only a few examples.

do you guys think that snake will be the only confirmed third party!? :confused:
Stupid question. Next?


Smash Apprentice
Feb 15, 2007
Didn't have time to read all 178 pages, but I was just hoping to clear up a few little things about Zero-Suit Samus. This might have already been discussed, but I'll do it just in case.

Regarding her moves, speed, etc., watch this trailer...


At 1:15 into the video, you can see her jump, run (doesn't appear to be full speed), then do a D-tilt, F-tilt, D-smash combo. They also show her second jump after that in slo-mo. IMO, she seems like she's going to move like Sheik. She'll be much lighter and more agile than normal Samus, and her D-smash is the same as Sheik. Factor in same body type, and the need to make her as different as normal Samus as possible to justify even adding her into the game to begin with.

Anyone agree, disagree? Please explain.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
I shouldn't even be acknowledging that, TwoK -.-

As for BuSHiDo's post, I'd have to agree with your suspicions; though after Melee is it really that easy to trust Nintendo to make characters that are different

The first time I even saw ZSS, my first thought was, "oh **** shiek clone..." I still haven't seen decent proof that she's not just a Luigified Shiek with possibly different (yet similar) B moves.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I hope Shiek comes back and ZS:samus: isn't a shiek clone. I also hope the 'special coniditions' required to play as ZS:samus: aren't stupid because ZS:samus: looks like an interesting character.

EDIT: I think I was drunk when I posted, I left out a bunch of words.

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.

The first time I even saw ZSS, my first thought was, "oh **** shiek clone..." I still haven't seen decent proof that she's not just a Luigified Shiek with possibly different (yet similar) B moves.
Two thoughts.

1) I love the fact that Luigified is a legitimate adjective in Smash lingo.

B) I have not seen either of the trailers in quite some time (mainly because I learned my lesson with Twillight Princess; don't start obsessing over a game until you get a concrete release date), however doesn't ZS's gun double as a whip? It makes me wonder if her gun will act anything like Sheik's pin/darts. I'd wouldn't be surprised if teleportation were to factor in as ZS's up + B, given her sci-fi background as a character, and even less surprised if it were very reminiscent of the way Shiek's disappearing act.

Finally, I honestly don't think we'll see Shiek this time around. As we've seen, the Link of this Smash generation is TP Link. Granted Nintendo could include OoT versions of some characters, but why? We haven't even seen Wind Waker versions of any Zelda characters, and that was both more recent than OoT and more stylistically distinct from TP than OoT. Plus, Shiek has only appeared (and let's be honest, unless there is a pretty big shift in the Zelda series, will only appear) in one game, in a very large series. I mean, honestly, that would make as much sense to me as putting in those little purple dinosaurs from Mario World as playable characters.



Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2007
I have proof, but a friend tell me that only be the trailer...

For example: running attack and dair, in the last game before fox.

And others things.

Also Snake seems to use a bazooka/rocket launcher for his smashes.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
But rAt, the thing you must keep in mind, and the thing you're forgetting, about Sheik is this:

Sheik is MASSIVELY popular in Smash. Everyone around the world has a copy of this game, and everyone of them has at one point or time played Sheik or played against Sheik and said 'Dammit! She's too good!'

Now, Smash is a very popular series, with many MANY fans. It's argueably one of Nintendo's most important games ever created (especially in the GC days). Nintendo doesn't want to dissapoint millions of fans...so, they might be coaxed into keeping Sheik.

Or, like many have said, a Sheik-like character...which is why Z Suit Samus is present.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Vault 101
ZSS will be much better than Shiek is. IMO, Shiek is a last resort. I would NEVER choose him over any of the other characters...except maybe Pichu. *shudders*


Smash Champion
Jan 3, 2006
To continue the Fox side B debate...
Sure, there are ways it helps his recovery. However, against some characters (Mewtwo dsmash, peach dsmash, Marth fsmash or dtilt... basically anyone with a below the edge attack) it's a free KO, and if someone edgehogs and rolls away fast enough you are dead again. I would love to see something more versatile, and useful in battle.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
Every great move in SSBM has a great counter. Of course, Fox's side B isn't a great move, but it's useful. It adds a variety and ambiguity to his recovery. You don't have to use the side b to recover. It gives you options.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
I disagree, or else there wouldn't be any truly 'great' moves.

For proof I point to Mewtwo's Up B and also to Sheik's Fair.
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