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Confirmed Character Discussion (Part 2)

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Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
My respects to sakurai and his team, how they design pit is just awesome, the same with fox, at 1st I didnt like the face, but I got used to it, and with all those details they gave him, he looks better than ever, I believe other retro characters like mach rider, balloon fighter and duck hunt dog will probably get new looks IF theyre in, and they'll probably give killer new desings to characters like falcon, yoshi, DK, ganondorf, falco, and ness, cant wait 4 brawl!!


Smash Cadet
Dec 6, 2006
He's not my friend, he's more like an...err....acquiantance. Anyway, there's no need to flame bro. Just chill.

Also, I don't understand why you hate Pit so much. He's an archangel, & he looks so revamped. The developers put there heart, soul, & then some to make him come out so tight. I'm so looking forward to a gothic fallen angel Pit as well. If the developers make his outfits like I think there going to make his outfits then he's gonna be a winner in my book.
ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok
pit looks descent
i rewatched the trailer and every one looks fine
cept fox
hes not lookin 2 hot
i like how he is now
and i want star wolf
like a gannondwarf of the foxes
he'd be cool
like jus get rid of his gun make it a kick
change the color of the fire and the flare (shine)
and make all of his attacks more powerful and slow him down alot
just my two cents:psycho:


Smash Journeyman
Dec 20, 2006
w/e. from now on, he's an archer with wings...that is it.

for that guy who said nintendogs as a character, dont beleive some of the stuff they put into the mags. i think it will be an item, like the darkness created by togepi in the first game, to block the screen and give you adventage


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Pit can unite the daggers at will, if he has the the bow in his hand, and does a move where he uses the daggers, after the attack hell have a dagger in each hand, so after that if he uses an attack where he nedds the bow, like using an arrow or the windmil lattack of the trailer, he'll unite the daggers and make the bow, after the attack he'll have the bow, I dont know if u understood me, but I bet somone gets the idea XD...


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
So you're trying to say that Pit may have a good potential for comboing by using the bow before or after certain attacks?

Pit has a sword in both hands.So how will he grab an edge?
When Link/YL has a bomb in his hands (or any other sword holding character has an item) they are still able to grab the edge. I'm guessing it isn't going to be a problem.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
No I mean... gah hetre I go again:

If pit has the daggers, and say he does a smash attack, if the smash attack has to do using the bow and not the seperated daggers, he''ll join the daggers, does the bow attack, and then after he'll have the bow in his hand and not the daggers, not if he has the bow, and let say he does the AAA atack, and if the attack involves using the daggers, he'll seperate the bow to make the daggers, after the attack he'll have the daggers and not the bow... and do it more simpler than that...


Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2007
I don't know if someone has post it (there are a lot of pages) but the new characters have their signs put yet. In the 2º trailer, when the character apears, in a corner it apears his Nintendo saga sign. Wario has a W, Snake has the Fox (the corporation) symbol. Zamus has Samus symbol, and the Knight have kirby simbol.

I dont know if anyone has put it :S but if not, here is

Edit: Watching the trailer you can tell the moves the characters are going to have... except for Snake, is the only one it isnt atacking in the in-game scenes (he gets atacked xD)

Also, Snake seems like is gonna be a Samus character: float, is mid-slow with his attacks...

Also: who is going to be Snake 3rd jump o.o

Edited again: Well, actually Snake has a attack in the in-game scenes. In the last in-game before Fox, Wario is in fire. Well, looks kinda the Up smash of Snake, like he is down, with a gun, when he gets hited by Zamus

I like so much the characters designs. Mario looks great, like Pit, and Wario. Zamus is a bit... well... -.-u you know. Fox is kinda great, and well, the in-game scenes looks like the attacks are going to be with much minus lag, or they are using Z-canceling xD

How it says - in english?

More edition: It seems like Wario Smash is going to be like SSB64 MArio' smash. And the roll of Pit is a teleport, and a quick teleport...

In the middle of the trailer, apear link and mario ko 2 characters. They are Snake and Wario, Snake doing a forward attack (because it didnt apear to jump an attack, so I think is kinda of Smash or tilt) and it seems mario is going t have his fireball - smash, but SO quickly and stronger *¬*. I think they get mario much stronger than Melee (in Melee, mario attacks are kinda soft... but in the trailer Mario attacks seem much great, like in SSB64...)

And Snake Dtilt is somewaht put a Grenade in the ground, or tilt or special, is kinda... strange. It ocurs in the temple


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
voshi_fan, I appreciate someone coming in here with a nice analytical post and whatnot... but you realize this thread has reached 175 pages, right? These things have been discussed time and time again. Without any new information, we're left to talk about things like... well, urban_shinobi has a good example right there.

Though I don't really agree with him. I'm rather positive the chocolate would melt far before you could get it to the center of the sun; let alone the whole vaporization bit that comes before even reaching the surface.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 20, 2006
hmmmm, yea. i was talking about on a sidewalk or something, not in the sun but [em]in[/em] the sun. Although,i suppose layer of cartridges highly resistant on the rays of the sun could work out, i think

i feels sorry for yoshi man, he got here late.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
Wait a sec... resistant to the sun's rays? I'm going to explain this one to you, and try not to be mean about it, considering you're still in highschool.

What's going to melt the chocolate, in general, is heat. Heat comes in the form of vibrating molecules. It can't really be a "ray" of any sort. However, there are UV rays, as well as cosmic radiation emitted by the sun. Those technically can create heat. Whatever packaging you had that could block both those rays (such as the many layers of a space shuttle's walls) still wouldn't stop the heat from reaching the chocolate, no matter how much insulation you had. You wouldn't make it past Mercury to be honest.

You will be tested on this.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Ispline speaks the truth, you'd need to have something completely heat resistant, even at those extreme temperatures. I doubt such a thing exists on earth.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Wait a sec... resistant to the sun's rays? I'm going to explain this one to you, and try not to be mean about it, considering you're still in highschool.

What's going to melt the chocolate, in general, is heat. Heat comes in the form of vibrating molecules. It can't really be a "ray" of any sort. However, there are UV rays, as well as cosmic radiation emitted by the sun. Those technically can create heat. Whatever packaging you had that could block both those rays (such as the many layers of a space shuttle's walls) still wouldn't stop the heat from reaching the chocolate, no matter how much insulation you had. You wouldn't make it past Mercury to be honest.

You will be tested on this.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
I understood what Ipslne typed with minimal brain usage.:)

Many issues need to be addressed, I will state my opinion on these topics in no particular order.

For Pit holding two swords, this is irrelivant. Peach grabs edge with both hands all the time whether or not she is holding a radish and never drops it. I am 99.99% positive that Roy grabs edge with his sword hand even though he has 2 hands. God only knows how Pikachu grabs the edge since he uses his mouth for items. I don't think holding a weapon is going to present a problem for the staff.

UrbanShinobi means that if chocolate is exposed to sunlight, like on a windowsill or something similar, not literally IN the sun.

Stryks, I believe I can comprehend what you were trying to say. It goes like this. Pit essentially will have 2 fighting positions, similar to how ZSS will have 2 gun forms. In one mode, Pit will be able to fire arrows and use any other ranged attacks he might have. The other mode grants him access to his more powerful attacks. If you notice, the rapid hit attacks seem to feature the ends attached, while the tilts make use of individual slashes. I hypothesize that if the player continues to use moves that exclusively have the ends seperated(tilts, grabs maybe) that (s)he will suffer less lag. Likewise, if you shoot an arrow then do a slash that involves the ends being together you will have less lag. If you go directly from shooting an arrow to a tilt attack which requires seperated blades, you may be charged lag for the seperation. This would require extensive knowledge of all Pit's attacks and intense planning on the part of both player and opponent. There is one other thing Stryks could have been getting at. Will it return you to the style of sword play, so to speak, that you were using before the attack as soon as you were done with the attack. That I doubt, I like the first complex idea more because it adds strategy and uniqueness to gameplay.

If you were to put chocolate in a box and fit the entire surface area of the box with mirrors you might stand a chance. The mirrors would have to be so uniform that there are no jagged surfaces for the light to be absorbed by. If you recall, all surfaces are irregular no matter how smooth they appear to be. Of course, even a highly mirrored surface wouldn't grant you access to the sun.

Yoshi fan, whatever online translator you used worked fairly well. I'm sorry but I probably made spelling mistakes/grammar mistakes and my post might not translate well. Sh*t happens.:laugh:

Oh, and my favorite new saying which came up in a PM between me and Shade;

United wii stand, together wii Brawl!!


Smash Journeyman
Dec 20, 2006
****, i know i meeant it, but having a pointless arguement, even when i know i'm wrong, would have actually spiced up the page



Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
Blah blah blah.
Ya know, I always pictured something like that as a new thing for the next SSB game when SSB was first announced for the Revolution. Like, if Link used his aerial forward A move or Donkey Kong used his aerial neutral A move and then they used their Up B move it would be faster or stronger or something like that. Just that kind of logical-flow-combo type stuff. Like how, in OoT, MM, and WW, Link would slash in the same direction multiple times in a row...that looked really weird and illogical. But in Dark Cloud, Dark Chronicle, and TP (and other games) characters would swing more back and forth and it would flow better. So, what I'm getting at (this kind of stuff really is hard to explain :/) if you did more flowing combos you'd be rewarded with less lag or more damage or something. It'd probably be somewhat abusable but I thought it sounded cool. I'd like it if it was just for Pit/a small number characters, too.


Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2007
I think another thing. I think Pit will have when he is stopped (or seems that in the Trailer) the 2 dagger together, and when he uses a attack with the dagger separates, he separates it, and then the attack finishes, he rejoin the dagger.

seeing de movie


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
I just looked at this page and saw my statment about pit's ledge problem and somthing about not leting chocalate melt.

I see what ryme and strkye are saying about pit,so i understand.

If there are two forms of weaponary will that mean two sets of edge attacks based on the weapon you have?


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Devastlian: Glad to know that somewhere out there, someone else was thinking exactly what I was thinking.

Wrath: I assume that there would have to be 2 different ledge attacks(well 4 technically) if there were different weapon modes. ZSS might also encounter this odd problem.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Specifically for Yoshi, semi-confirmed means that we have seen an incredibly Yoshi-esq level several times throughout the NWT but have not actually been shown Yoshi. Seeing his level makes him semi-confirmed because chances are that Nintendo would not include the level belonging to a character without including the character themselves. Also, Yoshi was 100% garunteed from the start anyways.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
Yoshi is "semi-confirmed" because, even though a stage that's very obviously from a Yoshi game is shown in the second trailer, Yoshi himself hasn't been shown and hasn't been mentioned. So, while it's certain that he's there, they haven't said or shown anything about him. So he's "semi-confirmed".

...What Rhyme said. ;/

Also, how come "The Official Super Smash Bros. Website" only covers the third game? You'd think it'd cover the series or at least link to the SSBM site (even though they had the same address; the SSBM Nintendo page links to the SSBB site :/). I just thought that was kind of weird.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
I understood what Ipslne typed with minimal brain usage.:)
Sweet. Maybe I'm getting better at explaining things ^_^

For Pit holding two swords, this is irrelivant. Peach grabs edge with both hands all the time whether or not she is holding a radish and never drops it. I am 99.99% positive that Roy grabs edge with his sword hand even though he has 2 hands. God only knows how Pikachu grabs the edge since he uses his mouth for items. I don't think holding a weapon is going to present a problem for the staff.
Um, yeah. Pretty much what I had said a few pages back. Except I pointed out that any sword user holding an item in their other hand can still, "somehow," grab the ledge.

UrbanShinobi means that if chocolate is exposed to sunlight, like on a windowsill or something similar, not literally IN the sun.
Yes I understood that. I was just having fun taking him literally ;p

Stryks, I believe I can comprehend what you were trying to say. It goes like this. Pit essentially will have 2 fighting positions, similar to how ZSS will have 2 gun forms. In one mode, Pit will be able to fire arrows and use any other ranged attacks he might have. The other mode grants him access to his more powerful attacks. If you notice, the rapid hit attacks seem to feature the ends attached, while the tilts make use of individual slashes. I hypothesize that if the player continues to use moves that exclusively have the ends seperated(tilts, grabs maybe) that (s)he will suffer less lag. Likewise, if you shoot an arrow then do a slash that involves the ends being together you will have less lag. If you go directly from shooting an arrow to a tilt attack which requires seperated blades, you may be charged lag for the seperation. This would require extensive knowledge of all Pit's attacks and intense planning on the part of both player and opponent. There is one other thing Stryks could have been getting at. Will it return you to the style of sword play, so to speak, that you were using before the attack as soon as you were done with the attack. That I doubt, I like the first complex idea more because it adds strategy and uniqueness to gameplay.
Ahh... If that's what Stryks was trying to get at, than I'm all for the concept. It would add an interesting level of gameplay. However I would suspect some people would get just as frustrated with that as they did with even the Shiek/Zelda transformation. (Don't worry, they'll find a reason).

If you were to put chocolate in a box and fit the entire surface area of the box with mirrors you might stand a chance. The mirrors would have to be so uniform that there are no jagged surfaces for the light to be absorbed by. If you recall, all surfaces are irregular no matter how smooth they appear to be. Of course, even a highly mirrored surface wouldn't grant you access to the sun.
I like the idea, though it really wont work. At all. A mirror is a piece of glass with a metallic (or painted silver) backing. All light will pass through the glass, hit the back, and be reflected back through the glass. Any refraction that takes place in the glass is reversed. However, UV rays will be more likely to be absorbed by the silver backing, especially if it's painted. And if the backing is metallic, it will be taking heat from the air anyways... thus practically cooking the chocolate inside. Now my solution, would be a bright white box, if anything made from cardbord or canvas. No hard plastics or rubber. Why, wood would work wickedly as well.

Yoshi fan, whatever online translator you used worked fairly well. I'm sorry but I probably made spelling mistakes/grammar mistakes and my post might not translate well. Sh*t happens.:laugh:
Oh dear. I'm glad I didn't comment on his grammar; I hadn't caught that it was probably a traslator. Ima go sulk now...

Oh, and my favorite new saying which came up in a PM between me and Shade;

United wii stand, together wii Brawl!!
D: That was so awful. I'm going to have to make a banner now. With that.

Also, how come "The Official Super Smash Bros. Website" only covers the third game? You'd think it'd cover the series or at least link to the SSBM site (even though they had the same address; the SSBM Nintendo page links to the SSBB site :/). I just thought that was kind of weird.
Hm. I've known of many game sites that push everything on their page towards whatever new game in the series is coming out, and after the release they revert to sponsoring each game. I'm guessing that's what they're doing at this point, and after the release we'll have an official SSBM site.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
I tortured my tongue trying to utter that. Now I've got a massive moaning muscle in my mouth ;-;-;-;

I can't believe I just pulled all that out of my ***.

Oh, and I was being sarcastic. That's why I want it on a banner n_n;


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2007
On the topic of Pit's origins, I'm a bit surprised by the references to him as an angel. I'd always thought he was intended to be what the name of the game implied; a kid Icarus.
Speaking of Kid Icarus,i just downloadedthat game for my new Wii system! ihaven't goten very far though.

"Kid Icarus" is just the English name. the japanese name is 光神話 パルテナの鏡, Hikari shinwa: Parutena no Kagami?, Myth of Light: The Mirror of Parthena.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Gimme a moment to retrieve my hand from my undies so I can respond...;) Ah, there we go!

So um...to us gamers who don't follow Japanese, what is all this nonsense about Kid Icarus being translated poorly and losing it's original meaning?

Ipslne, glad to know you liked my phrase, that should be on a T-shirt or bra or something.:chuckle:

On a side note, since joining Smashboards I have learned how to correctly spell "original" and "lose". Chalk one up for videogames, public education remains at zilch.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
Gimme a moment to retrieve my hand from my undies so I can respond...;) Ah, there we go!
So um...to us gamers who don't follow Japanese, what is all this nonsense about Kid Icarus being translated poorly and losing it's original meaning?
My guess would be classic Nintendo censorship. With Pit being an angel and all the crosses abound, they probably wanted to avoid the Christianity references and likened him to Greek mythology since there were a lot of mythological elements in the game already. It's not really concretedly either but might as just cover up any controversial stuff.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity

:p That kind of reaction pleases me.

My guess would be classic Nintendo censorship. With Pit being an angel and all the crosses abound, they probably wanted to avoid the Christianity references and likened him to Greek mythology since there were a lot of mythological elements in the game already. It's not really concretedly either but might as just cover up any controversial stuff.
I see, more of a legal manuver than translation error. Whatever makes them happy, crafty devils.
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
I tortured my tongue trying to utter that. Now I've got a massive moaning muscle in my mouth ;-;-;-;

I can't believe I just pulled all that out of my ***.

Oh, and I was being sarcastic. That's why I want it on a banner n_n;
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickle peppers,what happened to the pickled peppers that Peter Piper pecked?


How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck can chuck wood?


I'm sorry,I'm bored.

And Brawlmatt,Kid Icarus has been released in the U.S. already?Wow,I need to check the shop channel,even though it would be an insignificant attempt due to the fact that I have no Wii points.


The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
Ipslne, glad to know you liked my phrase, that should be on a... bra or something.:chuckle:
Tasteful 'til the end, eh Rhyme? While they're at it they can make panties that say "Shine Get" on the front or boxers that read "Deku Stick."

And for the record, Pikachu needs no arms. He holds himself on th edge by sheer force of will. And static cling.

And as far as alliteration is concerned, it is a lost art, arguably aroused only by the act of anticipating articles to which it might aptly and actively pertain.

Okay, maybe that was a bit much.

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