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Confirmed Character Discussion (Part 2)

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Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2007
Wow, quietmouse came out of nowhere.

Confirmed things
1.wario is fat
2.pit is not gay q mouse
3.mario is italien
4.ryme is in her b friend
5.ipslen is a spelling nazi.
6this is off topic.
Dude... do you post a lot of stuff like this? Because if you do, I'm surprised you still post here at all!


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
Hence the reason brawlmatt i said this was off topic.I do post thing that have good relivence to the topic.People are just trying to have a laugh.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
You don't have to go about explaining it to me, I got your joke. Usually I do, it's other people that don't know you're kidding...maybe? Never explain jokes, just let them float over people's heads.:laugh:
Ah I see. I had assumed you didn't see the page that joke originally appeared on in the first place, thus taking it out of context. But you're right, I do ruin my own wit D:

How did I misspell that word? I would like to reinstate my disclaimer that I am a horrible speller.:cool:
Wow, quietmouse came out of nowhere.

Confirmed things
1.wario is fat
2.pit is not gay q mouse
3.mario is italien
4.ryme is in her b friend
5.ipslen is a spelling nazi.
6this is off topic.
Wait what?! C'mon now, it's not like I know how to spell. I'll have you know I failed Highschool English 3 three different times! Man, I just wanna fit in ;-;

Thenkxs brouw.youuz reeeli knmow hwo too makie somoane fiil giid.
||,o_•,|| what the hell did that say. I can hardly read your typing without you trying to type like this.

Wrath, was this grand hatred of you started by Ipslne? Because for some strange reason I think it was. Just wondering...
Guh... I'm so lost right now :gonk:

Dude... do you post a lot of stuff like this? Because if you do, I'm surprised you still post here at all!
Hey man, back off. Twok's mah dogg, ya hear?

Not to mention, we all post stuff like this. We keep it relatively on topic, and as far as I can tell, you haven't contributed anything on topic to this thread. That puts us at alot and you at nil. Nice try :/

Wow, I've been really mean for the last couple days. **** the internet and the fact that anonimity makes being an uncharactaristic assmonkey so easy!


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
This is kinda late but...the only thing I don't really like about Pit's design is that ring on his thigh. Everything else is awesome. Just that darn ring needs to go...

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
Holy crap, every time I come back here there's another three pages to read!

Ipslne, feel free to hang onto those mods for as long as you like, so long as you let them out to b**** slap someone every so often. Not gonna drop any names, but I have someone in mind :p
As far as links between Links (okay, you knew it was coming eventually), Devastlian was right about WW, but I think I remember one of the games saying that the triforce was passed down in the lineage of both Zelda and Link (both OoT or LttP are popping to mind) perhaps that is what you were thinking of?

Thanks for the hypothetical props shadenexus18. If you have a cookie, I'll take that instead.

As far as attempting to say something on topic... yeah, forget that. Later.



Smash Lord
Jan 6, 2006
Bendigo, Australia.
This is kinda late but...the only thing I don't really like about Pit's design is that ring on his thigh. Everything else is awesome. Just that darn ring needs to go...
What's wrong with it? Anyway, its not really THAT big of a thing. I'm sure it won't interrupt people playing as him.
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
dude just look at him

pit is a sad life form

hes like a fairy version of a young link fused with a fruity version of marth ( ok shut up now they are both of my alts ok) but hes light and a whole bunch of crap. he jus doesnt look like a good idea
Your purpose in this post is to be a complete ******* and ignore all recognized facts and important details on a character despite who it is just so you can just echo your biased opinions correct?

Oh..it isn't? I could have sworn it was.

I dont care about his game being a cult classic. It doesnt matter. I never knew about fire emblem and F-Zero until this game..
there gonna pull some random char from a random game that no one has ever heard of outta there a**es and i pick the one quere char that they have allready chosen and the whole f***in world filps out.
Because you know nothing of the character doesn't mean the rest of the world doesn't.Maybe you should do some research insted of giving us a half ***** post,but that would make too much sense wouldn't it.And it appears that the extent of your knowledge can only succumb to the level of molasis.Your opinions are completly biased and unsupported.
Maybe you shoud just quit posting,i can smell the folly through my monitor...

And stop b****in bout Dante I KNOW HES UNLIKELY BUT LOOK AT SOLID SNAKE STFU!!!!!!!!

watch im gonna be rite....
Fact: The only 3rd party characters that are allowed in brawl are the 3rd party representatives that have had a game on a Nintendo consol previously.

Fact 2: Metal Gear was the first game in the franchise,and was released on the NES,Metal Gear 2 was also on the NES,and Twin snakes was on the cube.

Fact 3:The Devil May Cry series has only recieved consol representation on the PlayStation 2 and the upcoming,PlayStation 3.

Yeah...So why don't you STFU.

Also,when brawl becomes online compatable,i'm going to find you and and humiliate you with Pit(He's going to be my main anyway).And if possible,i will do it in an alternitave Pink outfit,just so it can be more gay for you...Homophobe.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
What's wrong with it? Anyway, its not really THAT big of a thing. I'm sure it won't interrupt people playing as him.
Eh...it just looked weird the first time I saw it. Looking at it now, I think it gives good balance with the part of his shirt that hangs down on the other side of his body. I think it would look better as being more shiny/reflective or maybe a duller color but it's not that big of a deal. I guess I just need to get used to it more.

Jeeze, EpF...you sure are angry a lot. >.<
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California

Eh...it just looked weird the first time I saw it. Looking at it now, I think it gives good balance with the part of his shirt that hangs down on the other side of his body. I think it would look better as being more shiny/reflective or maybe a duller color but it's not that big of a deal. I guess I just need to get used to it more.

Jeeze, EpF...you sure are angry a lot. >.<
As long as ignorence lurks,i will be forever angered...


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Eternal, I think ignorence is spelled "ignorance." Just for future reference.

Well anyway, I don't know why some people don't approve of Pit's outfit. It's perfect, even though a halo above his head would be nice. Other than that, I don't see the problem.


Smash Cadet
Dec 6, 2006
Wow, quietmouse came out of nowhere.

Confirmed things
1.wario is fat
2.pit is not gay q mouse
3.mario is italien
4.ryme is in her b friend
5.ipslen is a spelling nazi.
6this is off topic.
well it muse as in a entertainer not mouse like a blind man would read it
u spelled Italian wrong *im italian i can be a nazi bout it


Smash Cadet
Dec 6, 2006
Your purpose in this post is to be a complete ******* and ignore all recognized facts and important details on a character despite who it is just so you can just echo your biased opinions correct?

Oh..it isn't? I could have sworn it was.

Because you know nothing of the character doesn't mean the rest of the world doesn't.Maybe you should do some research insted of giving us a half ***** post,but that would make too much sense wouldn't it.And it appears that the extent of your knowledge can only succumb to the level of molasis.Your opinions are completly biased and unsupported.
Maybe you shoud just quit posting,i can smell the folly through my monitor...

Fact: The only 3rd party characters that are allowed in brawl are the 3rd party representatives that have had a game on a Nintendo consol previously.

o and .... im pretty **** sure if you find me ill kill you with my fox... (he is my main) then falco then ill destroy you with yl

Fact 2: Metal Gear was the first game in the franchise,and was released on the NES,Metal Gear 2 was also on the NES,and Twin snakes was on the cube.

Fact 3:The Devil May Cry series has only recieved consol representation on the PlayStation 2 and the upcoming,PlayStation 3.

Yeah...So why don't you STFU.

Also,when brawl becomes online compatable,i'm going to find you and and humiliate you with Pit(He's going to be my main anyway).And if possible,i will do it in an alternitave Pink outfit,just so it can be more gay for you...Homophobe.

first im not a homophobe.... that is the DUMBEST thing i have EVER heard from a person for saying a F*****G VIDEOGAME CHARACTER IS GAY.... wth your a ******,

umm i dont care what consoles MGS and DMC were on.... Dante is badass the end.

your probally just a little kid who doesnt get anything cept sit infront of the tv and play smash .... its sad

its a fun game... yes i know.... people need to learn about the difference from life and a videogame....
Its really bad man.... like wow.
ok i think im done alltho im probally not


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2007
Quietmuse, it is against the rules to double post. just so you know

Do either of you have to use profane language?? Notice how it has asteriks where the original letters were, they're there because the language is not welcome on this site.

Just trying to lend a helping hand. No hard feelings


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2006
South East Denver
Quietmuse, it is against the rules to double post. just so you know

Do either of you have to use profane language?? Notice how it has asteriks where the original letters were, they're there because the language is not welcome on this site.

Just trying to lend a helping hand. No hard feelings


neone know how many characters have been shown in nintendo power? theyve gotta show a new one when theyve gone through all the current released characters.


Smash Cadet
Dec 6, 2006
umm im aware but people dont really bother with language...
its jus every where i read some ****** is trying to tell me off and i think it is quite funny because they leave them selves open for a perfectly good comeback and dont seal their argument. That, i really dont care about all of that stuff and all of that does is raises my posts and rank :p


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2006
South East Denver
just leave the repremending to the admins andd mods.

and for the love of god i know one of u peeps have a subscription to nintendo power!


Smash Cadet
Dec 6, 2006
whats that and is it to late to say that epsilon your my fav person on this site sept zelgadis


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
I believe they've shown eight characters out of the ten (or eleven if you count Samus and Zero Suit Samus as seperate characters). This means they'll run out after the next two or three issues so the issue the new character would appear in would either be the one coming out at the end of April or the end of May (depending on the Samus thing)(subscribers receive a certain month's issue sometime between the 25th of two months before and the 5th of the month before [at least this was how it was when I was subscribed] IE they will get the June issue sometime between the 25th of April and the 5th of May...this description probably wasn't necessary but I'm bored. :( )


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
Well, there's no real confirmation of this; they could just stop. I do, however, believe that they have when they're going to reveal information all planned out up until the game's release and the end of April would definately be a welcome end to a rather long drought of informationless time. So I do believe this is a definate possibility. So if nothing comes out of GDC (which I'm not expecting) then I hope Nintendo Power will pull through (they have been a source of some unique information lately, which is surprising for a printed magazine).


Smash Cadet
Dec 6, 2006
So you are saying you're a nerd who doesn't think spelling is important on the web?
whats thats supposted 2 mean dude look at you either you have belonged 2 this site for 15 years or you have no life
you have more posts then Pam anderson has screwed guys.
You really dont have room to talk


Smash Cadet
Dec 6, 2006
hey man dont dis my Cs... see what you get

ah ive noticed i have like ***** this post lol

its funny


Smash Cadet
Dec 6, 2006
lol ur wii # : ballin'
umm ya know
i love fox
but im not diggin how he is looking in the SSBB.....
but whats up with falco wit that HUGE gun
*whispers* i want it


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Gotta go with sonic and megaman, and if theyre could be more 3rd parties, then ok theyre welcome IMO... [lets get back on topic]

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
Note to self, EpF likes Pit. And has a temper. This makes me smile.

Devastlian, you really think we're going to have to resort to Nintendo Power to get our info? Nothing against those of you who like it, but there is no way I'm paying for one issue, come April, December or the apocalypse.
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