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Confirmed Character Discussion (Part 2)

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Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Interesting perspective on this widely debated topic. Might I interject?

I think smashers generally reffer to Link as the original because he was the first of the two to appear in a Smash title. Not to say he is chronologically the original, but he holds a place in my heart as 'being there before his younger personality'.

Also, Young Love is swifter and faster than Love, arguably the best love there is, so I'm stumped.

Inside joke, Link=Love and Y. Link=Young Love. Then there's captain love and dr love, but those are the most popular variations.
that may be true, and I understand why people would think of Link as the original. I personaly like Link better then Young Link, because I find him to be a better depiction of a warrior. however, that doesn't mean Y. Link needs to leave. Link could represent the 3-d console Zelda games, while Young link could represent the old-school games, as well as the handheld games. also, to my knowledge, Vaati is a largly requested Villian to be in brawl; if he gets in (which I think he should, what with him being the second most frequently reacuring Zelda villian next to Ganondorf), Young Link needs to get in, because so far he's the only version of Link to fight againced him.

but either way... this is still off topic... no maor off-topic! D:<

also, lawl at "captain love"... hehe, love punch..

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
You know, every time I enter this topic, I wonder if the Mods actually know it exists, or if they created it intentionally, as some unholy tupperware to house all their spam. Not that I don't enjoy it, mind you. Call it personal intrigue.

Anyhow, these discussions of Young Link vs. Adult Link always interest me for a couple of reasons. First of all "Adult" Link is not an adult. No offense to those of you who are around seventeen, but in the overall scheme of things, it still falls under what most people see as young. Second of all, "Young" Link and "Adult" Link each only appear in one game. That is to say that "Young" Link and "Adult" Link are terms that exist as a frame of reference toward a character at two exact ages (10 and 17, if I remember correctly), right? Well, in Majora's Mask, he has aged to the ripe old age of 11, but I can see the point, in that it refers to the same Link. Every other game refers to a completely different character, who just so happens to share a few common traits. And here's the interesting part; none of them are as young as 10 or as old as 17. The two commonly cited "Adult" Link's besides OoT Link are AoL Link and TP Link, who are both 16. Some of the commonly cited "Young" Links are WW Link and LttP Link in which he is respectively 12 and inconclusive. I say inconclusive because I remember my manual saying something around 13 or 14, but I have to dig it up before I can say that with any confidence. One I am quite confident on is the Oracle series, in the manuals of which he is listed as being 14.

All of this to say that each Link is a different age. There is no "Young" Link and there is no "Adult" Link outside the context of OoT. They simply have preffered to utilize the older Links suchas the elder version of OoT Link and TP Link for Smash Bros. Honestly, I think if we were to see LttP Link or LoZ Link or LA Link, each one would look different.

It is all a matter of perspective. I mean, for one thing, they are all young Links to me. But that aside, there is only a dramatic difference between the oldest and youngest Link (ironically they are both the same Link), and the rest are closer to the middle.

As far as the actual inclusion of the OoT Young Link, his inclusion makes no sense. Why? Because the Link included in this game as of yet is TP Link, rather than OoT Adult Link. It made sense in Melee, because all of the Zelda characters were patterned off of OoT, that is obviously not the case in Brawl, and so far I have yet to see any younger incarnations of Link in Twillight Princess (though I'm not done yet). What might make some sense would be the inclusion of another recent incarnation of Link which is distinct from either OoT Young Link and TP Adult Link; WW Link. Because he didn't appear in OoT he ISN'T Young Link, and therein lies the reason his inclusion would make sense when OoT Young Link's would not; because Wind Waker falls between the release of Melee and Brawl, and his game currently has no representation even though it was a major tentpole of the Gamecube, his inclusion as a character makes sense.

Okay, that was a friggin long post. I don't blame those of you who did not read it. Honestly, perhaps it would fit better on the Zelda Timeline topic, but I didn't put it there for two reasons; first, it's already been discussed there something like a year and a half ago (during which, there was great joy and enlightenment and feasting on suckling pig), second, I'm not touching that topic until I've beaten TP, because I don't trust anyone.

On that note, I stop. Good night.



Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
Y. Link is NOT an alter-ego and clone of Link. Young Link IS Link, theres a difference. Y. Link has been in more games then Adult Link, and he also came first. if anything, Adult Link is an alter ego and clone of Young Link! Young Link will get in, with a new moveset. end of story! and besides, this is off-topic anyways...

.... I don't think there's much left to discuss about confirmed characters... unless we think outside the box... liiiiiiiiiiikeeee....... OH! how bou.. no that won't work.... um.. lets see here-aaaaa... f**k... I'm stumped........
I dont recall young link in the first zelda game.Or in ssb.So since link came first in ssb it makes y link a clone.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
My lord I'm not replying to all that at once. Taking this in striiiiides. I'll begin with nothing other than off-topic conversation :3

So we're even now?
Yeah sure... uh wait, since when were either of us ahead?! Actually, nvm.[/end topic]

Why is it that I get a strange nickname everywhere I go? On SmashBlog everyone calls me piano boy. So messed up.
I wouldn't consider it a nickname. I have no intent of calling you Ms. Intelect consistently for fear of sounding like a complete ***.

You know what's even more enjoyable and orgasmic at the same time? Yawning.:laugh:
I... what? I'm not even replying to this. (dammit ><)

Haha, ironic, it's almost like the creators juxtaposed the game civilizations. I usually don't know jack **** about politics though.:ohwell:
Heh, pretty much. I used to really hate politics, but after quite a bit of controversey during the Hezbollah attacks in Lebanon, my family getting caught up in that, as well as hate mail that we still get after 9-11 (despite being non-islamic lebanese)... I've pretty much been forced to take a personal interest.

Hey, if there's not going to be a PPR thread/forum, let me rant someplace ;p

While all of that is true, I didn't think that you were a girl at all. I don't judge anyone on their gender in the least and never make assumptions about it, because it just doesn't matter. And every time I say this I confuse people...I'm just stating my opinion not yelling at anyone. I just didn't want to say "himself" in the sentence before I said I was reffering to you as a guy instead of "user" or his/her or (s)he, etc.
That's generally a good way to be. And I do appreciate it ^_^ Though now I'm kind of curious to know who's been breathing heavily over my posts o.ô; (o**** am I stereotyping?! ;p )

-.^ I'm not sure what you're thinking there... whatever it is, uh... yeah, no. ;p

Ooh myyy GOSH! That completely came out the wrong way! And don't take that statement the wrong way either.;)
A bit late for that now I'd think? Sorry, it was just too good not to point out XD

You know you've got a point there.:)
hahaha, and they're still broken xD s'alright though. You tried ;p

Hey can we like get back on topic, Ive been wanted to post here for a while, yet with all the posts on offtopic-ness of Ipslne and rhyme I just didnt know WHAT to post... XD meh...
Alright, alright... I'm moving on now ^_^ Christ, this thing is turning into a long string of PM's or something. And because I can't double post, and I would like to reply to everything, I'm sort of forced into page-long quoting sprees.

Yeah that's right. Close range is hard with Samus because her attacks are slow, but you get used to it.
I know Samus' tilts are good as well, but even then she's still slow. I like her attacks, I just fail when I'm not using a fast-ish character.

my defanition would be the underlined part. in my experiance, "walking" (my defention) and then pressing A makes you do an Ftilt, which is why I think Meta Knight's Rapid slash (which I will now refer to as "R.S.") is a forward B; if it is a rapid A attack, MK would have done an Ftilt if A was pressed, insted of an A combo........
....acualy.. I just watched the first video again, and it seems that Meta Knight is acualy running (as aposed to "walking" like I first thought) before he does his R.S. on Mario (it was a short distance run, so I didn't notice until I looked harder)... my mistake ^^;. however, my thoery is still valid, because he would have done a Dash attack (which is a forward kick; he does it near he end of the second video) when A was pressed, soooo... yeah. you get the idea. it could be a neutral A combo, but it's still to early to say. I'm going for a forward B, because the evidence seems to make it seem that way.

and the R.S. in the air is just a similar aerial if you ask me. I would think that his forward B when used in the air is that forward glide thing he does; that or a air dash (which would be a new feature into the game)
Maybe they made it so that if, during a dash, you return the control stick to a neutral position and can do tilts from a dash without having to wait to stop. Or maybe they could've added dash tilts kinda like dash grabs. Or something.
hmmm... I don't know... seems a but too-um.. complex, if you ask me... at least from the way you described it (no offence); even if they did add that, I doubt that Meta Knight's R.S. would be a "dash tilt". in fact, I would bet cash-money on it... unless you were refering to something else?:confused:

I'm going to have to agree with T here to a certian extent. It's much more plausible that the attack is just a forward-B. However, I doubt that Nintendo would add "air-dashes" into the mix, unless it's a character specific move for Meta Knight. Think about it, would you really want a Captain Falcon knee-to-the-face from an "air-dash?" I would assume not. After finally getting around to reviewing the trailers, I'd also agree that the small kick that Meta Knight does after what looks to me like a dash, would indeed be his dash attack; further supporting the forward-B theory.

As for the more simple dash cancel that Devastlian mentioned, I'm going to go with probably not. It sounds like just another addition that would take away from the feel of the game. Melee's complexity within the simplicity of the physics is what makes it require some sort of skill to play, and still enjoyable for people who don't have the advanced techniques down. If you take away that added difficulty of mastering advanced tech, it greatly narrows the gap between "skilled" and "unskilled" players. The proposed "air-dash," on the other hand, would add to the intricacy of the game; no matter how implausible I find such a technique.

Okay Stryks, resuming on topic conversations & discussions.

All of these guys that think Young Link is coming back are in denial. Don't get me wrong, his performance in Melee was impressive, but he's just an alter ego & clone of Link. Then again, if there are plenty of character spots to go around (like on Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi about 128 characters) then yeah, he'll definately make it; however, if the character roster has just like.......say around 50 characters per say, then he doesn't have a chance especially with all of these Twilight Princess characters running around.
Fine ShadowSpiritFunDestroyerMan, we'll get 'back on topic'.:laugh:

I must say, if there are 50 character slots then some form of YL will return. Whether it be a luigified version or cel-shaded, 50 is plenty for YL to be deserving enough. 40 is iffy and 35 for me is no. I wouldn't assume that vast quantities of TP characters will be in Brawl. I'm sure that the characters from TP will gain moves(Zelda/Link) Ganon I'm not sure between a TP upgrade or a remake with some of his other weapons.

That is a fairly bold proclimation, what with YL and all. The only characters that I am 100% sure are gone are Pichu, Doc, and Shiek. I will even go as far as to say "that was the order they were removed in." :rotf: But seriously I have no idea.
As much as I really don't want to agree, I will. Mainly because you two make sense with that argument. At the same time, however, I really want Young Link to stay. I've tried others to main, but so far I've found Young Link to be the most fun to play. If they do decide to cell-shade him, than I guess I'll be bouncing around as a more colourful little boy. And if they Luigify him, I'll be fine. What I don't want them to change is his current physics. I love the way his DI works, his speed and tech capabilities. Short-hop boomerang wave-land back is great with the mindgames. ;-; if he changes I dunno what I'd do *begins rocking back and forth* ;p

I'm pretty sure Link's only TP upgrade will be his skin (character design). Ganon hopefully will be revamped to have his own move-set; probably to match however he is in Twilight Princess (which I have yet to play). Zelda on the other hand, will most likely stay the same. She was already an original character in Melee, and there's little for her to change other than possibely her skin as well.

Y. Link is NOT an alter-ego and clone of Link. Young Link IS Link, theres a difference. Y. Link has been in more games then Adult Link, and he also came first. if anything, Adult Link is an alter ego and clone of Young Link! Young Link will get in, with a new moveset. end of story! and besides, this is off-topic anyways...

.... I don't think there's much left to discuss about confirmed characters... unless we think outside the box... liiiiiiiiiiikeeee....... OH! how bou.. no that won't work.... um.. lets see here-aaaaa... f**k... I'm stumped........
Yeah, it's off-topic... but so is the "Who's going to return?" thread. Seriously, both have turned into a general Brawl character discussion; and then some. As much as I'd like you to be right about this Young Link bit, don't be so sure about it. It's better to play it safe than give your hopes up ;p (plus, I could beg to differ on the new move-set...)

Interesting perspective on this widely debated topic. Might I interject?

I think smashers generally reffer to Link as the original because he was the first of the two to appear in a Smash title. Not to say he is chronologically the original, but he holds a place in my heart as 'being there before his younger personality'.

Also, Young Love is swifter and faster than Love, arguably the best love there is, so I'm stumped.

Inside joke, Link=Love and Y. Link=Young Love. Then there's captain love and dr love, but those are the most popular variations.
Your humor confuses the ever "loving" **** out of me. At least wherever you derived that inside joke from u_u;

I understand the sentiment of Link being the original to the SSB scene; but on the same note, I'd have to suggest that Young Link is just as important in the grand scheme of all that is gaming. So why not have the best of both, eh?

Heh, and just because you're good at inadvertently making witty parallels to real-life, I'm going to call you out on this one:

"Young Love" moving swifter and faster than "Love" (assuming we compare to a more mature love) makes complete sense. Hehe, I also apologize if that was your intent and I'm just underestimating you ;p

Link could represent the 3-d console Zelda games, while Young link could represent the old-school games, as well as the handheld games. also, to my knowledge, Vaati is a largly requested Villian to be in brawl; if he gets in (which I think he should, what with him being the second most frequently reacuring Zelda villian next to Ganondorf), Young Link needs to get in, because so far he's the only version of Link to fight againced him.
Eh... Even though Young Link was the sole version to appear in Majora's Mask and The Wind Waker? And Four Swords I believe? I believe that's 3.5 to 1.5 in Young Link's favour.

also, lawl at "captain love"... hehe, love punch..
Awww, do I sense some negative affection here? ^_~

Sometimes it's just fun to be a jack-***, as well as fill a page of a thread. All in good humor though, I do hope.

You know, every time I enter this topic, I wonder if the Mods actually know it exists, or if they created it intentionally, as some unholy tupperware to house all their spam. Not that I don't enjoy it, mind you. Call it personal intrigue.

Anyhow, these discussions of Young Link vs. Adult Link always interest me for a couple of reasons. First of all "Adult" Link is not an adult. No offense to those of you who are around seventeen, but in the overall scheme of things, it still falls under what most people see as young. Second of all, "Young" Link and "Adult" Link each only appear in one game. That is to say that "Young" Link and "Adult" Link are terms that exist as a frame of reference toward a character at two exact ages (10 and 17, if I remember correctly), right? Well, in Majora's Mask, he has aged to the ripe old age of 11, but I can see the point, in that it refers to the same Link. Every other game refers to a completely different character, who just so happens to share a few common traits. And here's the interesting part; none of them are as young as 10 or as old as 17. The two commonly cited "Adult" Link's besides OoT Link are AoL Link and TP Link, who are both 16. Some of the commonly cited "Young" Links are WW Link and LttP Link in which he is respectively 12 and inconclusive. I say inconclusive because I remember my manual saying something around 13 or 14, but I have to dig it up before I can say that with any confidence. One I am quite confident on is the Oracle series, in the manuals of which he is listed as being 14.

All of this to say that each Link is a different age. There is no "Young" Link and there is no "Adult" Link outside the context of OoT. They simply have preffered to utilize the older Links suchas the elder version of OoT Link and TP Link for Smash Bros. Honestly, I think if we were to see LttP Link or LoZ Link or LA Link, each one would look different.

It is all a matter of perspective. I mean, for one thing, they are all young Links to me. But that aside, there is only a dramatic difference between the oldest and youngest Link (ironically they are both the same Link), and the rest are closer to the middle.

As far as the actual inclusion of the OoT Young Link, his inclusion makes no sense. Why? Because the Link included in this game as of yet is TP Link, rather than OoT Adult Link. It made sense in Melee, because all of the Zelda characters were patterned off of OoT, that is obviously not the case in Brawl, and so far I have yet to see any younger incarnations of Link in Twillight Princess (though I'm not done yet). What might make some sense would be the inclusion of another recent incarnation of Link which is distinct from either OoT Young Link and TP Adult Link; WW Link. Because he didn't appear in OoT he ISN'T Young Link, and therein lies the reason his inclusion would make sense when OoT Young Link's would not; because Wind Waker falls between the release of Melee and Brawl, and his game currently has no representation even though it was a major tentpole of the Gamecube, his inclusion as a character makes sense.

Okay, that was a friggin long post. I don't blame those of you who did not read it. Honestly, perhaps it would fit better on the Zelda Timeline topic, but I didn't put it there for two reasons; first, it's already been discussed there something like a year and a half ago (during which, there was great joy and enlightenment and feasting on suckling pig), second, I'm not touching that topic until I've beaten TP, because I don't trust anyone.

On that note, I stop. Good night.

Why thank you... erm... Andy. I've actually been waiting for someone to point all of that out. Honestly I didn't consider it worthy of conversation before seeing as how I figured we were grouping them all under relative character design and appearance. However you did bring up many good points I'd like to address.

First off, I locked all the mods in my closet. They have access to the site, but they don't get their daily bread (creepy movie btw) if they threaten the existence of this and a few other threads. It's all a matter of internet politics. Best you don't get involved. In fact, forget I said anything.

Secondly, the groupings are labeled as such because it's more simple. Young Link is easier to say than "Pre-Pubecent Link" and Adult Link is better than "Adolescent Link" or "Young-Man Link" (however more factual the other names are); but once again these names are based more uppon character design. I understand that Link isn't always the same Link. Though the only direct reference to this being the case (that I know of) is in
Wind Waker, where the Link you play is the "original" hero's great great great great great great grandson.
Or something along those lines.

As you said, it's a matter of perspective, though in this case it's almost moot to discuss making the catagories more complex to fit the needs of Brawl. Though you do make a good point that Young Link doesn't neccessarily fit, and if anything should be replaced by Wind Waker Link. I would much rather see that than ditching the little guy all together.

I dont recall young link in the first zelda game.Or in ssb.So since link came first in ssb it makes y link a clone.
A reply to TwoK that he apparently didn't see in the "Who's going to return?" thread, where he made a similar yet slightly more incorrect statement.

TwoK: (lol twok...) sry, okay. You're

1. Horribley misinformed.
2. Not good at backing up your opinions.
3. Wrong.
4. Not correct.

Komayto: You pretty much covered everything I was going for... though I'd like to add a bit and attempt to be more specific.

For one thing, Young Link appears in:

1. The Legend of Zelda
2. A Link to the Past
4. The Ocarina of Time
5. Majora's Mask
6-7. The Oracle of Ages and Seasons
8. The Wind Waker
9. Four Swords
10. Minish Cap
11. (I know I'm missing another hand-held one...)

And Adult Link appears in:

1. Adventure of Link
2. Link's Awakening
(when he wakes from the dream, you see him as he was in AoL)
3. The Ocarina of Time
4. Majora's Mask
(if you'd like to count Oni-Link after you get all the masks)
5. Twilight Princess

TwoK, if you'd like to include the animated series for Adult Link's list, or the CDI games, than you aren't helping your case.

K, done with my thesis now.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Seriously, mad props to the Rat cause his arguement was strong & firm. He pretty much covered everything that I said or I was going to say. Man, if the rep system was up bro, you would be getting + rep from me.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
I... just can't help it. Big things are just in my genes.

(I'll concede to anything you guys throw at me. I'm ashamed enough for even putting that out there...)


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2007
Yeah, those are the confirmed characters, alright. I suppose Yoshi's going to be in, seeing as how he's one of the most popular characters, he's been in the past two games, and there are stages based on his games. Still, hehasn't appeared playing/fighting, like the rest of the confirmed characters.

Do any of you feel annoyed waiting for new characters to be confirmed? I do, sometimes, but then again, I don't want too many characters to be revealed, because thatwould ruin the game when I buy it.


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2006
South East Denver
My lord I'm not replying to all that at once. Taking this in striiiiides. I'll begin with nothing other than off-topic conversation :3

Yeah sure... uh wait, since when were either of us ahead?! Actually, nvm.[/end topic]

I wouldn't consider it a nickname. I have no intent of calling you Ms. Intelect consistently for fear of sounding like a complete ***.

I... what? I'm not even replying to this. (dammit ><)

Heh, pretty much. I used to really hate politics, but after quite a bit of controversey during the Hezbollah attacks in Lebanon, my family getting caught up in that, as well as hate mail that we still get after 9-11 (despite being non-islamic lebanese)... I've pretty much been forced to take a personal interest.

Hey, if there's not going to be a PPR thread/forum, let me rant someplace ;p

That's generally a good way to be. And I do appreciate it ^_^ Though now I'm kind of curious to know who's been breathing heavily over my posts o.ô; (o**** am I stereotyping?! ;p )

-.^ I'm not sure what you're thinking there... whatever it is, uh... yeah, no. ;p

A bit late for that now I'd think? Sorry, it was just too good not to point out XD

hahaha, and they're still broken xD s'alright though. You tried ;p

Alright, alright... I'm moving on now ^_^ Christ, this thing is turning into a long string of PM's or something. And because I can't double post, and I would like to reply to everything, I'm sort of forced into page-long quoting sprees.

I know Samus' tilts are good as well, but even then she's still slow. I like her attacks, I just fail when I'm not using a fast-ish character.

I'm going to have to agree with T here to a certian extent. It's much more plausible that the attack is just a forward-B. However, I doubt that Nintendo would add "air-dashes" into the mix, unless it's a character specific move for Meta Knight. Think about it, would you really want a Captain Falcon knee-to-the-face from an "air-dash?" I would assume not. After finally getting around to reviewing the trailers, I'd also agree that the small kick that Meta Knight does after what looks to me like a dash, would indeed be his dash attack; further supporting the forward-B theory.

As for the more simple dash cancel that Devastlian mentioned, I'm going to go with probably not. It sounds like just another addition that would take away from the feel of the game. Melee's complexity within the simplicity of the physics is what makes it require some sort of skill to play, and still enjoyable for people who don't have the advanced techniques down. If you take away that added difficulty of mastering advanced tech, it greatly narrows the gap between "skilled" and "unskilled" players. The proposed "air-dash," on the other hand, would add to the intricacy of the game; no matter how implausible I find such a technique.

As much as I really don't want to agree, I will. Mainly because you two make sense with that argument. At the same time, however, I really want Young Link to stay. I've tried others to main, but so far I've found Young Link to be the most fun to play. If they do decide to cell-shade him, than I guess I'll be bouncing around as a more colourful little boy. And if they Luigify him, I'll be fine. What I don't want them to change is his current physics. I love the way his DI works, his speed and tech capabilities. Short-hop boomerang wave-land back is great with the mindgames. ;-; if he changes I dunno what I'd do *begins rocking back and forth* ;p

I'm pretty sure Link's only TP upgrade will be his skin (character design). Ganon hopefully will be revamped to have his own move-set; probably to match however he is in Twilight Princess (which I have yet to play). Zelda on the other hand, will most likely stay the same. She was already an original character in Melee, and there's little for her to change other than possibely her skin as well.

Yeah, it's off-topic... but so is the "Who's going to return?" thread. Seriously, both have turned into a general Brawl character discussion; and then some. As much as I'd like you to be right about this Young Link bit, don't be so sure about it. It's better to play it safe than give your hopes up ;p (plus, I could beg to differ on the new move-set...)

Your humor confuses the ever "loving" **** out of me. At least wherever you derived that inside joke from u_u;

I understand the sentiment of Link being the original to the SSB scene; but on the same note, I'd have to suggest that Young Link is just as important in the grand scheme of all that is gaming. So why not have the best of both, eh?

Heh, and just because you're good at inadvertently making witty parallels to real-life, I'm going to call you out on this one:

"Young Love" moving swifter and faster than "Love" (assuming we compare to a more mature love) makes complete sense. Hehe, I also apologize if that was your intent and I'm just underestimating you ;p

Eh... Even though Young Link was the sole version to appear in Majora's Mask and The Wind Waker? And Four Swords I believe? I believe that's 3.5 to 1.5 in Young Link's favour.

Awww, do I sense some negative affection here? ^_~

Sometimes it's just fun to be a jack-***, as well as fill a page of a thread. All in good humor though, I do hope.

Why thank you... erm... Andy. I've actually been waiting for someone to point all of that out. Honestly I didn't consider it worthy of conversation before seeing as how I figured we were grouping them all under relative character design and appearance. However you did bring up many good points I'd like to address.

First off, I locked all the mods in my closet. They have access to the site, but they don't get their daily bread (creepy movie btw) if they threaten the existence of this and a few other threads. It's all a matter of internet politics. Best you don't get involved. In fact, forget I said anything.

Secondly, the groupings are labeled as such because it's more simple. Young Link is easier to say than "Pre-Pubecent Link" and Adult Link is better than "Adolescent Link" or "Young-Man Link" (however more factual the other names are); but once again these names are based more uppon character design. I understand that Link isn't always the same Link. Though the only direct reference to this being the case (that I know of) is in
Wind Waker, where the Link you play is the "original" hero's great great great great great great grandson.
Or something along those lines.

As you said, it's a matter of perspective, though in this case it's almost moot to discuss making the catagories more complex to fit the needs of Brawl. Though you do make a good point that Young Link doesn't neccessarily fit, and if anything should be replaced by Wind Waker Link. I would much rather see that than ditching the little guy all together.

A reply to TwoK that he apparently didn't see in the "Who's going to return?" thread, where he made a similar yet slightly more incorrect statement.


K, done with my thesis now.

OMFG...........kudos for even completing that monstrosity of a reply


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
Eh, it's not that big...

Also, I'm not gonna quote said monstrosity but,
as said by the King of Red Lions and the Great Deku Tree, the Hero of Time and the Hero of Winds are unrelated. Just have to be anal
and stuff.

Also, I like the contrast of colors on Zero Suit Samus' suit.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2007
Nanticoke PA. (East Coast USA)
Wow, that was an essay + a redicolous amount of quotes. Anyway, the fact that theirs as of right now only Snake as a 3rd party character, I think it's safe to say that we have a serious amount of characters to choose from when brawl is released, If Hal debutes the 25 characters from melee to Brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
Eh, it's not that big...
It's okay, I like to consider myself just above average, but not monsterous.

In terms of posting.


Also, I'm not gonna quote said monstrosity but,
as said by the King of Red Lions and the Great Deku Tree, the Hero of Time and the Hero of Winds are unrelated. Just have to be anal
and stuff.

I'm going to take your word for it... I haven't played the game in a year or so, and it's pretty easy for details like that to get misconstrued in my head over time.

Also, I like the contrast of colors on Zero Suit Samus' suit.
I'm not sure if that's sarcasm or if you meant different lightnesses of the same colour. Either way I hope that different skins or colours will have that same effect.

Well hey now, you aren't some dope anymore. ^_^;

Wow, that was an essay + a redicolous amount of quotes. Anyway, the fact that theirs as of right now only Snake as a 3rd party character, I think it's safe to say that we have a serious amount of characters to choose from when brawl is released, If Hal debutes the 25 characters from melee to Brawl.
I worry that this game will indeed flop because of the lack of new characters that could have been very possible. I'm not at all saying that this will be a bad game; but if anything it wont meet the hype people have thrown towards it. After the inclusion of 3rd party characters was mentioned, people started speculating left and right and built up ideas in their head that they'd like to stick with. They have no reason not to (other than maybe common sense) because Sakurai is being so vague and secretive. So in the end people will have given their hopes up because the characters they wanted, the stages they wanted, the changes they wanted, etc... aren't there.

This is why I like not getting attatched to new ideas, but sifting through them carefully; being more inclined to discuss the more possible and plausible.

And with that out of the way, yes I do really hope that they keep every Melee character, whether or not clones are "Luigified" and movesets change. They will have the space for it if they don't include more than 25 or so new characters. Which I don't think they have time for at all.

*Thinks hard* [pun intended]:grin:
I haven't a clue what you mean n_n;



Smash Ace
Jan 13, 2007
Virginia Beach, Virginia
this post isnt about specific characters but my friend was telling me he knows that the japanese version of Super Smash Bros. Brawl is going to have more characters the the SSBB released in the US. I dont see why they would do this, and i dont know if its exactly true but my friend seems to have confidence in this.

I asked him how he knew this and he said he saw it somewhere or something. does anyone know about this? i personally dont think they would cut the U.S. short on characters though.


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2007
That would be an absolutely, positively, exquisitely, ripped off thing to do.
That better be false!!


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
What? Sensai's back?


I just noticed something in one of the 2 videos we have of Brawl. It's in the first one at 58 seconds in. Metaknight and Pit are fighting in the air.

Metaknight does his Dair, and it looks exactly like Marth's Dair: the downward sword swipe.

If this is a spike...then Metaknight is probably going to be broken. We've already seen his ability to fly and combo is immense, but to have a spike also (whether it's meteor or not, I'm not sure) is going to make him strong.


And Giggidax...I would doubt it. That means more work for them. It's going to be released in Japan first (probably), meaning they'd have to go back in and take out characters. Why would they do that?


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
What? Sensai's back?


I just noticed something in one of the 2 videos we have of Brawl. It's in the first one at 58 seconds in. Metaknight and Pit are fighting in the air.
Horray for Sensai being back. I mentioned that quicker spike that MK had a few weeks ago and got no response, but maybe I'm not important or people were ignoring me.:ohwell:

Anyway peeps, I don't have time to read all the posts since mine because I discovered something very exciting! Added by Scav to the SmashBlog only today, here's the overview.

"Sonic And The Secret Rings: Interview And Impressions
[06/02/2007 16:00]
ONM speaks to Yojiro Ogawa
The director and producer of Sonic And The Secret Rings has revealed that he would like to see Sonic appear in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
ONM met Yojiro Ogawa in London yesterday and when we asked him if he would like to see the blue blur brawling with the likes of Link, Wario and Solid Snake he said: "In my personal opinion, it would be great to have Sonic in it. But that would really involve Sonic and Nintendo's management, it's nothing to do with me!""

If that doesn't make Sonic semi-confirmed then I don't know what will. If Sakurai says he likes the idea of Sonic in Brawl AND Sonic creator says it would be great to have Sonic in Brawl, that virtually means that SONIC WILL BE IN BRAWL!

For the full article, about Sonic and the Secret Rings and whatnot, go here.

I... just can't help it. Big things are just in my genes.
I decided to be a kind sivilian and inform you that you misspelled "genes". :p


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
Mr. Ogawa isn't Sonic's creator, Naoto Oshima is.

Barring any sort of official or concrete evidence, I'd say Sonic is indeed in the game but they are saving an official announcement until, say, a month before the games release as a final attempt to spark an overload of hype. Or something like that.

And, weren't Marth and Roy going to be taken out of SSBM for it's western releases? Judging by Mr. Sakurai and Nintendo's increased consciousness of their worldwide fans, I doubt that any characters will be cut in the transition out of of Japan.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Do any of you feel annoyed waiting for new characters to be confirmed? I do, sometimes, but then again, I don't want too many characters to be revealed, because thatwould ruin the game when I buy it.
I agree with you bro. I feel really frustrated that Sakurai is keeping us in the dark feeding us tidbits of information so to speak; however, I wouldn't like it too much if he comfirmed all of the characters that will be on the game cause I too want to be surprised with something.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 6, 2007
Dacula, GA
I personally would rather have all the returning characters as a surprise myself, thats why I never look at too much of a game before I have played it. I wanna be surprised with some of the returning characters looking totally fresh and new.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Mr. Ogawa isn't Sonic's creator, Naoto Oshima is.

Barring any sort of official or concrete evidence, I'd say Sonic is indeed in the game but they are saving an official announcement until, say, a month before the games release as a final attempt to spark an overload of hype. Or something like that.
Awee poo.:(

In my overzealous excitement, it appears that I misread what was printed, quite literally, in black and white. *Long audible sigh* Oh well, we sort of knew Sonic would be in anyways.


Smash Cadet
Dec 6, 2006
No your the gayist charecter. why did the world create you?

Anyway,since I saw the latest trailor i think i will try to mani pit this time around.Ony tho if he flows like falco and gannon did for me in melee
dude just look at him

pit is a sad life form

hes like a fairy version of a young link fused with a fruity version of marth ( ok shut up now they are both of my alts ok) but hes light and a whole bunch of crap. he jus doesnt look like a good idea

I dont care about his game being a cult classic. It doesnt matter. I never knew about fire emblem and F-Zero until this game..
there gonna pull some random char from a random game that no one has ever heard of outta there a**es and i pick the one quere char that they have allready chosen and the whole f***in world filps out.

And stop b****in bout Dante I KNOW HES UNLIKELY BUT LOOK AT SOLID SNAKE STFU!!!!!!!!

watch im gonna be rite....


Smash Cadet
Dec 6, 2006
ummm wrong quote but the whole argument is about pit....

and the world created me to slap you in the face



Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
[Confusion]Wait...what? I don't see the relevance of your post. Not to mention, your name has 'quiet' in it, but you come in here preaching nonsense, cursing uncontrollably, and slapping us un-deservers in our faces. Just calm down and talk, that's what we're here for.[/Confusion]


Smash Cadet
Dec 6, 2006
... um.. Daggers =/= swords... in ANY way besides the fact that they both have blades and look similar. they are both used entirly differently; so differently in fact, that it could turn people off to a character, simply because they use daggers. it's a preference thing, and preference does matter. Daggers = preference, preference = matters; therefore, Daggers = matters... sooo... yeah, logic pwned you. sorry.


@quietmuse: ...they thought of him because he was a highly requested character, and because his game is a cult classic with a huge fan base... I don't see why you think he's "gay" (you might want to watch how you use that word...)
Well seeing how hes freakin popular, and he aint gay, he just looks anime-ish, besides by ur standards Marth is gay too, and look hes in melee! *shocker!*
No your the gayist charecter. why did the world create you?

Anyway,since I saw the latest trailor i think i will try to mani pit this time around.Ony tho if he flows like falco and gannon did for me in melee
There's been a rumor scare going around that Snake would be Falcon's replacement. I believe this to be false. Besides Masahiro had been thinking about what to do with Snake. We do know that Snake knows hand to hand combat and Masahiro is really trying to avoid any firearms, but he did say explosives can work, so who knows. Down + B for hiding in a box? Then again I say it'd make a better shield.
ok and to go along with that we need a taunt where you pee on the box *It was in the game so dont b****


Smash Cadet
Dec 6, 2006
Um yea im sorry bout the language but yeaaa you have 2 read back a while....
its dumb stuff

i said pit was gay and people flipped....


Smash Cadet
Dec 6, 2006
but im sorry about the verbal irony in the context of my online tag....
i didnt mean to offend your poor soul for talking on a forum


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Haha, it's ok. I'm not offended. I just found it amusing that there appeared to be no logical reason for the way you acted, but you chose to act that way anyway. And you should have expected as much for insulting Pit.:laugh:


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
Haha, it's ok. I'm not offended. I just found it amusing that there appeared to be no logical reason for the way you acted, but you chose to act that way anyway. And you should have expected as much for insulting Pit.:laugh:
You forgot triple posting. Psh, no one here seems to care about foul language either. They will however find a way to goatsify your *** if you post more than once in a row.

I decided to be a kind sivilian and inform you that you misspelled "genes". :p
I've decided to be a ******* and inform you that you misspelled "civillian."

And the genes bit was a pun of sorts. (look a couple pages back... massive post, and three following it).

Dammit, if I have to go about explaining my wit whenever something like this happens... I'll probably just get depressed n_n;


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
I've decided to be a ******* and inform you that you misspelled "civillian."

And the genes bit was a pun of sorts. (look a couple pages back... massive post, and three following it).

Dammit, if I have to go about explaining my wit whenever something like this happens... I'll probably just get depressed n_n;
You don't have to go about explaining it to me, I got your joke. Usually I do, it's other people that don't know you're kidding...maybe? Never explain jokes, just let them float over people's heads.:laugh:

How did I misspell that word? I would like to reinstate my disclaimer that I am a horrible speller.:cool:


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
Wow, quietmouse came out of nowhere.

Confirmed things
1.wario is fat
2.pit is not gay q mouse
3.mario is italien
4.ryme is in her b friend
5.ipslen is a spelling nazi.
6this is off topic.
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