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Confirmed Character Discussion (Part 2)

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Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
I misunderstood you. I had to look up the word surrogate for a school project, and well here's what I got: A traditional surrogate is a woman who is inseminated with the sperm of a man who is not her partner in order to conceive and carry a child to be reared by the biological genetic father and his partner. So yeah, I didn't get exactly what you were saying I guess. But I wasn't yelling at you. I thought you were making a joke, so I tried to come up with a confusing way of saying you were immature, hence the ":p". Don't worry, I'm not that easily offended.:cool:

Okay had to get that out. I feel almost bad because the thought crossed my mind:

"Huh, I sure hope Rhyme doesn't think he means 'surrogate' as in the surrogate mother of a clone... naw I'm sure she got it."

Rhyme, you're falling behind with those long words. Better come up with something quick to redeem yourself ;p


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity

Okay had to get that out. I feel almost bad because the thought crossed my mind:

"Huh, I sure hope Rhyme doesn't think he means 'surrogate' as in the surrogate mother of a clone... naw I'm sure she got it."

Rhyme, you're falling behind with those long words. Better come up with something quick to redeem yourself ;p
Haha, since you mentioned it, yes that's what I thought Shadenexus meant, originally. I find it necessary to now re-tell a humorous story from my public school. My Participation in Government class had to do a research project and report to the class what they had learned. I picked cloning, so maybe you can see where I'm going with this. OMG though, I was a tad nervous in the beginning and accidentally said "genital" instead of "general". Aah good times.:)


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Dizzam! Three pages of stuff since I left! D:

to break this off-topicness, I'm going to go back in time to bring up a topic that was raised... Three or so pages ago!!! *runs around in a circle at exactly 88 miles per hour!!*
I... I, I'll just click the previouse page button...

One thing, and I'm fairly confident it hasn't been discussed, is a detail about Metaknight. We all assumed that the sword would make him a unique character because he now has something with which to slice and dice the masses. But, did anyone notice that he seems to posess moves involving his feet? blah, blah, other stuffs...
yeah, I noticed this. so far I've only seen a running attack, which is a forward kick... not much to say on this; but while were on the topic of Meta Knight, I have a very strong belief that his rapid slash is a forward B move. if you note in the first video; right when he makes his apearence, he walks (yes, thats his walk. his run makes him glide forward along the ground) up to Mario, and does his Rapuid slash without stoping first. that either means a) the rapid slash is his forward B, or b) they changed the game mechanics so that you can do neutral A attacks out of a walk without stoping first.

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
Yay for being home.

Well, its nice to know that in my absence everyone has honored my memory by staying off topic. Thank you, its nice to know my legacy of A.D.D. will always live on.

So, I could just check the first page to see any new updates, but if memory serves it took a few months for Fox to make it onto the confirmed list, so reliability could be a minor factor. And let's face it, by this point, asking you all about any possible updates would actually be nudging things in the direction of good, on topic posting (I mean that in the most empathetic and well meaning way, of course :p), so I think I'll go ahead and ask what I've missed.

Oh, and btw, I know nobody realized I was gone (a month in Europe if anyone is curious), and am quite crushed, but you can make it up to me by voting for me in some random catergory of your choice in the SWF awards. Except resident asshat. Because I rock.



Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
Haha, since you mentioned it, yes that's what I thought Shadenexus meant, originally. I find it necessary to now re-tell a humorous story from my public school. My Participation in Government class had to do a research project and report to the class what they had learned. I picked cloning, so maybe you can see where I'm going with this. OMG though, I was a tad nervous in the beginning and accidentally said "genital" instead of "general". Aah good times.:)
Ugh... This reminds me of a presentation I had done for my Anatomy class. Everyone was supposed to do a PowerPoint presentation. I decided to do an animation. A rather shoddy one at that. I made several frames depecting a stick figure in Photoshop, compiled them in Adobe Premiere with my personal studio's splash at the beginning. (Mind you did this project in one night. We were given several weeks).

Well, the shoddiness of animation was supposed to, in a way, help the fact that I was presenting Lou Garrison's.

It seems my horrible public speaking skills and my rather dark humour caused most of the class to pretty much hate me xD

And what a great tangent this is. Moving along now...

yeah, I noticed this. so far I've only seen a running attack, which is a forward kick... not much to say on this; but while were on the topic of Meta Knight, I have a very strong belief that his rapid slash is a forward B move. if you note in the first video; right when he makes his apearence, he walks (yes, thats his walk. his run makes him glide forward along the ground) up to Mario, and does his Rapuid slash without stoping first. that either means a) the rapid slash is his forward B, or b) they changed the game mechanics so that you can do neutral A attacks out of a walk without stoping first.

Last I checked, you could perform a neutral A "combo" (depending on the character) from a walk, as long as you weren't running or dashing. Though I wonder what your definition of a walk is. There's the slow tilt of the control stick (my definition), or the full tilt of the control stick, without the force of a dash (which I'm guessing is your definition).

Either way, I'm pretty sure I saw him do the rapid slash in the air as well, which would further support your argument. But hey, it could've been a similar aerial. I'm kind of too lazy to keep reviewing the trailers on this one.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
To tell you the truth, I didn't even think there was another defination to the word "surrogate." With that being said, Ipslne & Rhyme, do you want to be my surrogate sisters?

Well anyway, Meta-Knight is gonna own Kirby! After all he is our advertisement for these boards, Ha Ha! His swordsplay looks just as good if not better than Link's swordsplay. Also, one can conclude that Meta-Knight & Kirby (Meta-Knight > Kirby) will once again reach godly tier status like Kirby was on Smash 64 because Masahiro Sakurai created Kirby & Meta-Knight and sports his Kirby shirts as everyday casual clothing.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
To tell you the truth, I didn't even think there was another defination to the word "surrogate." With that being said, Ipslne & Rhyme, do you want to be my surrogate sisters?

LOL. Don't get me wrong here, I appreciate the offer, but I'm pretty sure I'm a guy. Yeah I might be rather effeminate... and have been mistaken for a girl on occasion (it's the long hair), but I do have a *****. Last I checked that's the differentiating factor.

I can't say the actual word for the external organ of the male anatomy?! What kind of website is this... I feel oppressed as a male.

Well anyway, Meta-Knight is gonna own Kirby! After all he is our advertisement for these boards, Ha Ha! His swordsplay looks just as good if not better than Link's swordsplay. Also, one can conclude that Meta-Knight & Kirby (Meta-Knight > Kirby) will once again reach godly tier status like Kirby was on Smash 64 because Masahiro Sakurai created Kirby & Meta-Knight and sports his Kirby shirts as everyday casual clothing.
haha his puny sword skills will fail in comperison to the one they call ~~Link~~

I'm not gonna lie, I'm totally biased. Being a Young Link main, I can't just renounce my faith and say someone else will be better. Meta Knight may be better than Link because he's about as slow as Rhyme is to the pick-up ;p ... But in terms of swordy bits, I'd have to give it to Young Link. (Though only between these two. In the grand scheme of things, Marth has the sword.)


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
Young link will die because....

1.he's only a faster link
2.big link has appered in more games
3.he was in wind waker
4.how can you call that a sword? it's more like a dagger
5.he's not that popular.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 27, 2006
Young link will die because....

1.he's only a faster link
2.big link has appered in more games
3.he was in wind waker
4.how can you call that a sword? it's more like a dagger
5.he's not that popular.
1. In Melee, yes. That doesn't mean that it can't be different in Brawl.
2. False. Adult Link has only been in AoL, OoT and TP. Young Link? All the others.
3. Er, I'm sorry, but what kind of a reason is that? TWW was great!
4. So, call it a dagger if you want to. What does that change?
5. Uh, but he is... He's Link, darnit! That is enough to make him popular. Look at FD Link and Shadow Link. They're really popular and they are nothing but unimaginative copies of the Hylian hero. :lick:

Personally, I don't really know what they could do to him. He is the predominant form of Link, but then again, do we really need him?
I guess I'll just wait and see. It would be cool to have him back, but I personally wouldn't be disappointed either way.

Oh crap, I'm off-topic! Fly away!


Smash Cadet
Jun 8, 2006
1. In Melee, yes. That doesn't mean that it can't be different in Brawl.
2. False. Adult Link has only been in AoL, OoT and TP. Young Link? All the others.
3. Er, I'm sorry, but what kind of a reason is that? TWW was great!
4. So, call it a dagger if you want to. What does that change?
5. Uh, but he is... He's Link, darnit! That is enough to make him popular. Look at FD Link and Shadow Link. They're really popular and they are nothing but unimaginative copies of the Hylian hero. :lick:

Personally, I don't really know what they could do to him. He is the predominant form of Link, but then again, do we really need him?
I guess I'll just wait and see. It would be cool to have him back, but I personally wouldn't be disappointed either way.

Oh crap, I'm off-topic! Fly away!
The Y Link/Link problem is a bad one. Y Link is THE Link, he's far more important than adult Link, however Adult Link has owned all the recent major games, including the newest one, TP. This puts them on equal ground, which suggests we should keep both, like in Melee. THIS causes the cloning problem, which can be resolved with a cel-shaded young link. (I don't care if he "doesn't fit", I'd personally love an out of place character in primary colours), which allows a different moveset.

On another note, I find it rather horrible that in Melee, they call Adult Link, Link and Young Link, Young Link. It tells you Nintendo's definitely a bit biased on this point!


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
Young link will die because....

1.he's only a faster link
2.big link has appered in more games
3.he was in wind waker
4.how can you call that a sword? it's more like a dagger
5.he's not that popular.
1. In Melee, yes. That doesn't mean that it can't be different in Brawl.
2. False. Adult Link has only been in AoL, OoT and TP. Young Link? All the others.
3. Er, I'm sorry, but what kind of a reason is that? TWW was great!
4. So, call it a dagger if you want to. What does that change?
5. Uh, but he is... He's Link, darnit! That is enough to make him popular. Look at FD Link and Shadow Link. They're really popular and they are nothing but unimaginative copies of the Hylian hero. :lick:

Personally, I don't really know what they could do to him. He is the predominant form of Link, but then again, do we really need him?
I guess I'll just wait and see. It would be cool to have him back, but I personally wouldn't be disappointed either way.

Oh crap, I'm off-topic! Fly away!
TwoK: (lol twok...) sry, okay. You're

1. Horribley misinformed.
2. Not good at backing up your opinions.
3. Wrong.
4. Not correct.

Komayto: You pretty much covered everything I was going for... though I'd like to add a bit and attempt to be more specific.

For one thing, Young Link appears in:

1. The Legend of Zelda
2. A Link to the Past
4. The Ocarina of Time
5. Majora's Mask
6-7. The Oracle of Ages and Seasons
8. The Wind Waker
9. Four Swords
10. Minish Cap
11. (I know I'm missing another hand-held one...)

And Adult Link appears in:

1. Adventure of Link
2. Link's Awakening
(when he wakes from the dream, you see him as he was in AoL)
3. The Ocarina of Time
4. Majora's Mask
(if you'd like to count Oni-Link after you get all the masks)
5. Twilight Princess

TwoK, if you'd like to include the animated series for Adult Link's list, or the CDI games, than you aren't helping your case.

Not to mention, do you recall that "sword" Adult Link wields in AoL? I'm pretty sure that was a dagger. Yeah, yeah it was.

And just to go on my rant about differences between YL and Adult Link, in direct relation to SSBM:

1. YL's bombs hit 4 different times, whereas Link's only hit for 2.
2. YL's boomerang can be thrown at steeper angles, allowing for a bounce-back off the ground (good for mindgames to catch your opponent off guard) and to disrupt most characters who attack from the air.
3. Fire arrows cause more lag, damage, and knock-back when they hit without being fully charged.
4. The first swing from YL's fsmash doesn't knock the opponent back, but instead holds them in place to hit with a more devastating second slash.
5. YL's up-smash can more easily hit characters standing on the ground, and when the opponent is at low percentage, allows for a geat up-smash combo.
6. YL's upB is easier to maneuver in mid-air. To further this point, YL has supperior DI over Link.

These would have to be my top five
(six... i meant six) reasons other than YL being faster, seeing as how that was already stated.

Please correct me if I'm wrong here, but isn't Link's only advantage over YL his over-all strength and his spiking upB?

K I'm done ranting now :3

Edit (for, like, the sixth time...):

The Y Link/Link problem is a bad one. Y Link is THE Link, he's far more important than adult Link, however Adult Link has owned all the recent major games, including the newest one, TP. This puts them on equal ground, which suggests we should keep both, like in Melee. THIS causes the cloning problem, which can be resolved with a cel-shaded young link. (I don't care if he "doesn't fit", I'd personally love an out of place character in primary colours), which allows a different moveset.

On another note, I find it rather horrible that in Melee, they call Adult Link, Link and Young Link, Young Link. It tells you Nintendo's definitely a bit biased on this point!

All good points. You'd think that Nintendo would be ashamed of AoL or something. I'm afraid TP and OoT can't make up for that. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW LONG IT TOOK ME TO BEAT IT?! I'm ashamed to say I even had to use save-state ,u_u, I'm a worthless human being[/emo]

I agree, a cel-shaded Young Link wouldn't hurt at all. Even though I like him the way he is now, a change in moveset would be interesting to see. Hopefully for the better though...


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA

LOL. Don't get me wrong here, I appreciate the offer, but I'm pretty sure I'm a guy. Yeah I might be rather effeminate... and have been mistaken for a girl on occasion (it's the long hair), but I do have a *****. Last I checked that's the differentiating factor.
Man, now I feel really foolish.....my mistake. You're probably never gonna let me live this one down eh Ipslne?


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Man, now I feel really foolish.....my mistake. You're probably never gonna let me live this one down eh Ipslne?
Well since Ipslne said itself was a guy, I will live under that assumption for a while. And no, I'm sure he'd let it go. I'm still not exactly sure what surrogate sister means, but if it's anything like part of a possy/hommie/you know, follower I got your back kind of deal, then I can manage with that.:cool:

Adult Link's upB spikes/YL does not
Link's upB has greater sweetspot range
Link's boomerang does more damage on a rebound and deflection from ground
Sure Link's Fsmash hits the person away, but unless YL hits an airborn foe, they will DI down and shield the second hit almost every time. plus Link has overall better range
Link's grapple is longer
Link is much heavier
Link's fully charged arrows do more damage
Link's Uair/Dair have better range and priority than YL(which are arguably 2 of their best moves)
Link generally has better KOing moves(YL has Dsmash and that's limited)
Link's tilts are stronger so he can juggle fastfallers

My friends argue over L/YL all the time so I've got a pretty good idea on their specs

One more thing I'm editing in unofficially, Link's shield is bigger(the one in his hand) and he holds it in front of him much longer during his standing animation, blocking projectiles better. YL has the longest taunt too. :p

Either way, I'm pretty sure I saw him do the rapid slash in the air as well, which would further support your argument. But hey, it could've been a similar aerial. I'm kind of too lazy to keep reviewing the trailers on this one.
Or maybe that's his running attack?

Well, its nice to know that in my absence everyone has honored my memory by staying off topic. Thank you, its nice to know my legacy of A.D.D. will always live on.
Of course your legacy lives in our hearts! But I still refuse to get back on topic.

Haha, don't worry about it.

Could've been worse. At least you didn't pick me up as a hooker and figured it out when it was too late :o
Which means you almost just admitted to being a hooker. :p


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Well since Ipslne said itself was a guy, I will live under that assumption for a while. And no, I'm sure he'd let it go. I'm still not exactly sure what surrogate sister means, but if it's anything like part of a possy/hommie/you know, follower I got your back kind of deal, then I can manage with that.:cool:
[. :p[/COLOR][/FONT][/B]
Yeah, that's what I meant. If you have my back then I will have yours.

Well anyway, how did we go from Meta-Knight/Kirby discussion & shift it to Link/Young Link discussion even though I did mention Link in my Meta-Knight discussion. Oh well...I guess.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
I feel like we're all playing an awful game of Civ where we just reached some sort of Allied victory.

Oh dear ****ing **** I really need to stop playing that game u_u;

Well since Ipslne said itself was a guy, I will live under that assumption for a while. And no, I'm sure he'd let it go. I'm still not exactly sure what surrogate sister means, but if it's anything like part of a possy/hommie/you know, follower I got your back kind of deal, then I can manage with that.:cool:

"Itself?" What, is it so unbelievable to find a relatively straight guy who likes faeries and the color purple (which you stole, so I took the next best thing: teal). If you need any sort of proof click this scary, scary link.

And surrogate sister, if anything, would mean a sister not by blood. Just as a surrogate mother has a fertalized egg implanted, therefore birthing a child who is not blood related. In terms of describing siblings, it simply could mean one of the two was adopted into the family.

Adult Link's upB spikes/YL does not
Link's upB has greater sweetspot range
Link's boomerang does more damage on a rebound and deflection from ground
Sure Link's Fsmash hits the person away, but unless YL hits an airborn foe, they will DI down and shield the second hit almost every time. plus Link has overall better range
Link's grapple is longer
Link is much heavier
Link's fully charged arrows do more damage
Link's Uair/Dair have better range and priority than YL(which are arguably 2 of their best moves)
Link generally has better KOing moves(YL has Dsmash and that's limited)
Link's tilts are stronger so he can juggle fastfallers

My friends argue over L/YL all the time so I've got a pretty good idea on their specs

One more thing I'm editing in unofficially, Link's shield is bigger(the one in his hand) and he holds it in front of him much longer during his standing animation, blocking projectiles better. YL has the longest taunt too. :p

Not to belittle your points or anything, as they all are valid; but most of those refer to the "Link is bigger and stronger" argument. You're just pointing out specific capabilities. And if someone gets hit by a fully charged arrow, they deserve more damage than it gives ;p

Which means you almost just admitted to being a hooker. :p
If I were a hooker I wouldn't be so **** unemployed :(

But then again, I'd probably not crossdress to ensure I don't confuse people like shadownexus.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
It's not like i dont like ylink.I like all the characters respectivly.I'm just going with what my gut instinc is telling me who will get cut.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
Um, I don't think someone can have "instinct," per se, when it comes to video game politics.

Don't worry, I know what you mean. I'm just being a douchebaggy nitpick ;p


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Before I address any of your post, I wanted to congradulate myself on getting to the color you wanted first, just like everything else you want that I do before you get a chance.:p Now that my effective intelligence quotient has dropped by a few points, I can better communicate on your level. (you know i'm playin')

Oh dear ****ing **** I really need to stop playing that game u_u;

Yes...yes you do.

"Itself?" ...scary, scary link.

Yes, I didn't want to say "himself" until I had officially stated for the non-existant, highly inaccurate record that I would consider you a guy. If I said himself instead of itself, it would be chronologically and gramatically inaccurate.:lick:

Yes, that is a scary link. I did appreciate the political satire in your friend's comment about
deleting the earth

Not to belittle your points or anything, as they all are valid; but most of those refer to the "Link is bigger and stronger" argument. You're just pointing out specific capabilities.

Actually the sweetspoting thing has absolutely nothing to do with your two overly vague points.:p I can prove that size doesn't effect sweetspot range if you want me to.

And if someone gets hit by a fully charged arrow, they deserve more damage than it gives ;p

I full-heartedly agree, though sometimes they are hard to avoid while bomb-jump recovering. (I'm a Samus main)

If I were a hooker I wouldn't be so **** unemployed :(


But then again, I'd probably not crossdress to ensure I don't confuse people like shadownexus.
Ooh! Burn! Lol, and it's SHADEnexus.

EDIT: Also, I fixed one of your quotes that wasn't working correctly, so now I feel special.:colorful:


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
Before I address any of your post, I wanted to congradulate myself on getting to the color you wanted first, just like everything else you want that I do before you get a chance.:p Now that my effective intelligence quotient has dropped by a few points, I can better communicate on your level. (you know i'm playin')
I tell ya what... I'm going to let you go for that one, merely because I had it comin. That and you got surrogate wrong. C'mon now Ms. Intelect... ;p
Yes...yes you do.

HOW DO YOU STOP?! It's like crack. Not to meantion the frequent parallels I come across. At one point I sold the technology to build Nuclear weapons to Arabia so they wouldn't get owned by the Netherlands (effictively Germany and surrounding reigons). As soon as the war was over, Arabia nuked me. I laughed. I bet most of you who read this didn't u_u;;

All the more reason I need to stop playing this game.

Yes, I didn't want to say "himself" until I had officially stated for the non-existant, highly inaccurate record that I would consider you a guy. If I said himself instead of itself, it would be chronologically and gramatically inaccurate.:lick:

See what I mean? You thought I was a girl too! *sigh* I wonder how most politicians can deny that stereotyping exists on the interwebs. It's even easier with impersonal communication if you ask me. Any attempt to personalize yourself on the internet gives even more reason for people to throw you into a subgroup.

¬_¬ heh, no hard feelings though. I'm thoroughly amused xD

Yes, that is a scary link. I did appreciate the political satire in your friend's comment about
deleting the earth

That's actually my sister spamming my Myspace. We spoke for the first time in about 4 years. Long story, either way she's kind of obsessed with me now o_ô

Real sister btw, not surrogate ;p

Actually the sweetspoting thing has absolutely nothing to do with your two overly vague points.:p I can prove that size doesn't effect sweetspot range if you want me to.

I'm just not going to resist the urge to take that completely the wrong way ^_~

I full-heartedly agree, though sometimes they are hard to avoid while bomb-jump recovering. (I'm a Samus main)

Samus huh? Interesting choice. Samus was my first choice as an alternate to YL, but I couldn't get used to the floatyness. I got pretty decent with the projectiles at least... but I've got nothing on close-range battle.

Ooh! Burn! Lol, and it's SHADEnexus.
Oh right, forgot there was something I was supposed to edit <_<;

EDIT: Also, I fixed one of your quotes that wasn't working correctly, so now I feel special.:colorful:
Hey I wasn't the one who broke it ;p But thanks anyways? lol wut?


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
I tell ya what... I'm going to let you go for that one, merely because I had it comin. That and you got surrogate wrong.

So we're even now?

C'mon now Ms. Intelect... ;p

Why is it that I get a strange nickname everywhere I go? On SmashBlog everyone calls me piano boy. So messed up.

HOW DO YOU STOP?! It's like crack. Arabia nuked me. I laughed. I bet most of you who read this didn't u_u;;
You know what's even more enjoyable and orgasmic at the same time? Yawning.:laugh:

All the more reason I need to stop playing this game.

Haha, ironic, it's almost like the creators juxtaposed the game civilizations. I usually don't know jack **** about politics though.:ohwell:

See what I mean? You thought I was a girl too! *sigh* I wonder how most politicians can deny that stereotyping exists on the interwebs. It's even easier with impersonal communication if you ask me. Any attempt to personalize yourself on the internet gives even more reason for people to throw you into a subgroup.¬_¬ heh, no hard feelings though. I'm thoroughly amused xD

While all of that is true, I didn't think that you were a girl at all. I don't judge anyone on their gender in the least and never make assumptions about it, because it just doesn't matter. And every time I say this I confuse people...I'm just stating my opinion not yelling at anyone. I just didn't want to say "himself" in the sentence before I said I was reffering to you as a guy instead of "user" or his/her or (s)he, etc.

That's actually my sister spamming my Myspace. We spoke for the first time in about 4 years. Long story, either way she's kind of obsessed with me now o_ô

Real sister btw, not surrogate ;p


I'm just not going to resist the urge to take that completely the wrong way ^_~

Ooh myyy GOSH! That completely came out the wrong way! And don't take that statement the wrong way either.;)

Samus huh?

Yeah that's right. Close range is hard with Samus because her attacks are slow, but you get used to it.

Hey I wasn't the one who broke it ;p But thanks anyways? lol wut?
You know you've got a point there.:)

EDIT: Yiis! I fixed it, that's how amazingly good I am.:cool:


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
what th...! when did the extra page get here!?!!?......... anyways...

Last I checked, you could perform a neutral A "combo" (depending on the character) from a walk, as long as you weren't running or dashing. Though I wonder what your definition of a walk is. There's the slow tilt of the control stick (my definition), or the full tilt of the control stick, without the force of a dash (which I'm guessing is your definition).

Either way, I'm pretty sure I saw him do the rapid slash in the air as well, which would further support your argument. But hey, it could've been a similar aerial. I'm kind of too lazy to keep reviewing the trailers on this one.
my defanition would be the underlined part. in my experiance, "walking" (my defention) and then pressing A makes you do an Ftilt, which is why I think Meta Knight's Rapid slash (which I will now refer to as "R.S.") is a forward B; if it is a rapid A attack, MK would have done an Ftilt if A was pressed, insted of an A combo........
....acualy.. I just watched the first video again, and it seems that Meta Knight is acualy running (as aposed to "walking" like I first thought) before he does his R.S. on Mario (it was a short distance run, so I didn't notice until I looked harder)... my mistake ^^;. however, my thoery is still valid, because he would have done a Dash attack (which is a forward kick; he does it near he end of the second video) when A was pressed, soooo... yeah. you get the idea. it could be a neutral A combo, but it's still to early to say. I'm going for a forward B, because the evidence seems to make it seem that way.

and the R.S. in the air is just a similar aerial if you ask me. I would think that his forward B when used in the air is that forward glide thing he does; that or a air dash (which would be a new feature into the game)


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
Maybe they made it so that if, during a dash, you return the control stick to a neutral position and can do tilts from a dash without having to wait to stop. Or maybe they could've added dash tilts kinda like dash grabs. Or something.


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Maybe they made it so that if, during a dash, you return the control stick to a neutral position and can do tilts from a dash without having to wait to stop. Or maybe they could've added dash tilts kinda like dash grabs. Or something.
hmmm... I don't know... seems a but too-um.. complex, if you ask me... at least from the way you described it (no offence); even if they did add that, I doubt that Meta Knight's R.S. would be a "dash tilt". in fact, I would bet cash-money on it... unless you were refering to something else?:confused:


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
I can't keep up with this topic....everytime I turn around, it's 100 more pages.

Although, I noticed that Red Exodus mentioned my boat sex, which is good.


Anything else happen?


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Well, Rhyme, actually I like shadownexus/shade/shadenexus just fine, ha ha.

@ Sensai, we've been off subject quite a bit, but you can blame me & Wrath of Koarin for that. Then again, we've been having a few rerun discussions of topics all ready brought up if you know what I mean. All & all urrg......it's a long story.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
What was this topic even called again?:laugh:

They didnt show much of reg samus.Think her missles are biigger.And do you think she can have that unlimited jump ability like on the gba fussion(make it a jigg jump on brawl though.

What does this do?


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Hey can we like get back on topic, Ive been wanted to post here for a while, yet with all the posts on offtopic-ness of Ipslne and rhyme I just didnt know WHAT to post... XD meh...


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Okay Stryks, resuming on topic conversations & discussions.

All of these guys that think Young Link is coming back are in denial. Don't get me wrong, his performance in Melee was impressive, but he's just an alter ego & clone of Link. Then again, if there are plenty of character spots to go around (like on Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi about 128 characters) then yeah, he'll definately make it; however, if the character roster has just like.......say around 50 characters per say, then he doesn't have a chance especially with all of these Twilight Princess characters running around.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Fine ShadowSpiritFunDestroyerMan, we'll get 'back on topic'.:laugh:

I must say, if there are 50 character slots then some form of YL will return. Whether it be a luigified version or cel-shaded, 50 is plenty for YL to be deserving enough. 40 is iffy and 35 for me is no. I wouldn't assume that vast quantities of TP characters will be in Brawl. I'm sure that the characters from TP will gain moves(Zelda/Link) Ganon I'm not sure between a TP upgrade or a remake with some of his other weapons.

That is a fairly bold proclimation, what with YL and all. The only characters that I am 100% sure are gone are Pichu, Doc, and Shiek. I will even go as far as to say "that was the order they were removed in." :rotf: But seriously I have no idea.


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
but he's just an alter ego & clone of Link.
Y. Link is NOT an alter-ego and clone of Link. Young Link IS Link, theres a difference. Y. Link has been in more games then Adult Link, and he also came first. if anything, Adult Link is an alter ego and clone of Young Link! Young Link will get in, with a new moveset. end of story! and besides, this is off-topic anyways...

.... I don't think there's much left to discuss about confirmed characters... unless we think outside the box... liiiiiiiiiiikeeee....... OH! how bou.. no that won't work.... um.. lets see here-aaaaa... f**k... I'm stumped........


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
if anything, Adult Link is an alter ego and clone of Young Link! aaaaa... f**k... I'm stumped........
Interesting perspective on this widely debated topic. Might I interject?

I think smashers generally reffer to Link as the original because he was the first of the two to appear in a Smash title. Not to say he is chronologically the original, but he holds a place in my heart as 'being there before his younger personality'.

Also, Young Love is swifter and faster than Love, arguably the best love there is, so I'm stumped.

Inside joke, Link=Love and Y. Link=Young Love. Then there's captain love and dr love, but those are the most popular variations.
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