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Confirmed Character Discussion (Part 2)

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Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2007
i believe sakurai's poll was infused with ATs and serious character choices

therefore people like Dedede who was a serious question and got high remarks will be a character

however serious characters that failed or nonserious characters with some fans (chain chomp) will become ATs


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Sorry, LOOONG post. Don't read if you don't wana waste your time. :laugh:

Hopefully, I'm wrong though, and we get another phenominal update tomorrow. *Fingers crossed*
Haha, you're right! Each week there were two great updates, followed by one lousy one. Although, if the pattern continued, then we would be due for a great update, since it's Tuesday tomorrow (or today because of when I'm typing this). I guess Sakurai's got somephin' against hump day. :/ Go figure.

Yes, this article is from two years ago. But with a fair portion of the candidates being confirmed for inclusion already, this slightly outdated article could prove a handy checklist for Brawl. Expect to see more of these in the coming weeks, either as ATs or perhaps even characters (if we're lucky!). Unless, of course, they're hidden characters; then, don't expect them to appear for a while. :chuckle:
You've got a great point there. Most of the characters who were featured as high-ranking in popularity polls wound up being presented as final game material. That's crazy, especially considering some of the characters still remaining on that list: DARK SAMUS ZOMG! Phew -pant...pant- huh *gasp* Oh'..kayah...I'm better now. Been a while since I've gotten really passionate about something. Dark Samus is my most desired character after all.

Um...strange question, but did Dyce's mention of "keeping our fingers crossed" trigger you to remember about that article? That'd be a pretty randomly crazy if that's how it actually happened.

I'm just curious as to why Meta Knight hasn't been updated yet. You don't think he's a secret character do you? I don't see why he would be. He was the first newcomer revealed in the trailers.

I hope he isn't because he's the first new character I want to play with. But if he is, there's nothing I can do about that and I'll just play as Pit for the time being.
When we transitioned from Smash64 to Melee, all but Luigi and Jiggs remained from the original twelve, making it the original ten. Melee's added characters to the oppening roster (Bowser, Peach, ICs, Zelda and Shiek) gave us fourteen starting characters. Brawl's starting character selection screen should feature all from the original ten (otherwise known as the returnees from Smash64) added to "the thirteen characters addd into the roster to make Melee (Doc, Bowser, Peach, Gannondorf, Falco, Zelda, Shiek, Young Link, Pichu, G&W, Mewtwo, Marth, Roy)" returnees, plus all characters returning as secret characters, plus an additional four-six characters from the group "characters added to Melee's roster to make Brawl (MK, Pit, Wario, Snake, ZSS, X, X added to <insert some positive intiger here> (which is equal to Sakurai's Constant)", and finally, any characters added only into Brawl, but as secret characters.

So...for any of you who missed that:

The characters who returned from Smash 64 (All of them but Luigi.)

The characters who return from Melee (*My list, do not judge, for purpose of example: Bowser, Peach, Zelda, Mewtwo, Marth)

The characters who return, but as secret (unlockable) characters (Luigi, Jigglypuff, Gannondorf, Falco)

Plus the characters added to turn Melee's roster into Brawl's roster, minus the rare inconsistancies (people cut from Melee) (Pit, MK, Zamus, Wario, Krystal, King Dedede).

And lastly, people added exclusively on Brawl, but are on Brawl's unlockable character roster section (Snake, Sakurai's Constant)

Basically, I just used my method to predict the character selection screen players will be presented with for Brawl...and it reads as follows:

Mario, Wario, Bowser, Peach, Yoshi, DK, Captain Falcon, Fox, Krystal, Ness, King Dedede, Link, Zelda, Pikachu, Mewtwo, Marth, MK, Pit, Samus, Zamus. That's twenty spaces, compared with fourteen in Melee and eight in Smash64. I'd say that's a fair guess.

I went through the trouble of typing all that so I could say that MK will probably wind up following my guesswork above, which means he will be a starting character. Just be patient for him to appear on the website.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
No, actually. I had that article in mind for a while, and I just recently was able to find it. Any relation you might see is purely coincidental. =)


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Ness might well be replaced by Lucas, who's pretty much the same except blond. I heard that Sakurai already wanted to make that change for Melee, but didn't because Earthbound for the N64 was canceled. It's really quite possible, I hear he even worked on Mother 3/Earthbound 2 as well.

Either way, I hope they do a good job with my beloved Earthbound rep and give him some grab range again. That's all I need. I love playing as the little guy. ^^

As for his Final Smash? Easy. Either PSI Rockin' Omega, or...
Ness has a dramatic flashback and realizes true strength or something to the effect - his newfound strength temporarily gives him an almost endless grab range! Gasp!
Grab dthrow grab dthrow grab uthrow grab bthrow DOOM.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Wow. Giga Bowser looks PHENOMENAL. I figured that if Bowser didn't bust out the Koopa Klown Car or whatever it's called, he would go the Giga route, but wow. Great work, Nintendo! Let's keep the Mario week (Mon: Hammer Bro AT, Tue: Bowser, Wed: GB Transformation) going with Peach updates tomorrow and Friday. =)


Smash Rookie
Jun 26, 2007
one question that bothers me is wheter zero suit samus will be single character or transformable one (from normal samus).

Is there any hint for that?

chiyo-chan' dad

Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2007
Wow. Giga Bowser looks PHENOMENAL. I figured that if Bowser didn't bust out the Koopa Klown Car or whatever it's called, he would go the Giga route, but wow. Great work, Nintendo! Let's keep the Mario week (Mon: Hammer Bro AT, Tue: Bowser, Wed: GB Transformation) going with Peach updates tomorrow and Friday. =)
Yes, I hope Bowsers stage is tomorrow, then confirmed Peach on Friday.


Smash Lord
May 31, 2006
UGH PLEASE not another castle. They're BORING. If we HAVE to have one, please at least be retro Bowser's castle.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 26, 2006
Las Vegas
lol, if Giga Bowser is still a boss, it will be an epic battle of Giga vs. Giga.!

Bowser's Final Smash is awesome, but I wonder why he got his before Zelda's. Maybe hers is Sheik transformation plus invincibility...PWN!


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Oh GOD ultimate brokeness... Anyway yeah im surprised he didnt reveal zeldas final when she was revealed, but Bowser did, we may get it tomorrow, I mean we got Links and pikachus finals straight so it could happen...


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Wow... where would we be without you guys? Makoto and Ben, we would be lost without you!

Anyone think tomorrow's update is going to blow us out of the water like the rest of this week already has? I mean we won't find out until Ben and Makoto inform us, of course... but it will still be fun guessing until they show up! [/sarcasm]


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Bahaha I've been lawling this whole page. I love it! =)

On a more topical note, who thinks that we're in for another character update tomorrow? I can't say for sure, but since Sakurai still has a few returning characters to reconfirm (Peach, CF, Yoshi, DK, IC?, Ness?), I think it might behoove him to continue posting character updates until E3 begins. Plus, I just want to see Peach sans Toad as soon as possible, haha.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
"Behoove"... sweet word.

Lol... but anyway, we know we're getting Yoshi and Captain Falcon. They're definites at this point due to Samurai Goroh and the Yoshi stage/song, plus we've seen their icons. And it would be wrong to leave DK out since he's one of the more well known Nintendo characters. And the same pretty much goes for Peach as well (even though I hate her dB... Grrrr...).

I figure we'll be getting a trailer at E3. One chock-full of confirmed character action, unconfirmed returning characters, items and stages in action (Oh Boy! Assist Trophies!), and some more newcomers. Possibly even another 3rd Party guest? Who knows... but we'll definitely see next weeeeeeeeeeek!!!


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Hahah, thanks! Our AP Calc teacher was really fond of it, so a few of us actually picked it up.

Ohh, I love Peach's DownB! I love her DSmash just as much. Haha, I just love Peach. I'm dying to see her new Brawl look, hopefully with SPP incorporation (new B and SideB please!).

The only two characters yet to be confirmed that might not make it are Ness and Ice Climbers. Sakurai has expressed interest in Lucas (Mother 3) and even said that, had Mother 3 been released before Melee, Lucas would have taken Ness' place. And as far as ICs go, I just don't know if they garnered enough popular support to be a worthy return candidate. I don't have anything against them, and I'm sure Sakurai likes them, but who knwos?

And yeah, E3 will probably consist of another trailer. We can only hope that it had better be a ****ed good one! IGN also presented the possibility that, even though the game will not be available for demo, Nintendo reps might still demo the game during the presentation. I would certainly expect the final default roster to be announced by this time, though. I might also even go so far as to expect a release date. I can't wait to see what next week will bring! =)


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Eh, not all of them. I liked my Calc teacher: she was fun. I hated my Honors Geo. teacher in 9th grade, though. Big, fat and annoying. (My Calc teacher was skinny-average weight, by the way, haha).


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Actually... my Algebra teacher is an X-Israeli Army Lieutenant who looks like Jack Skellington and she always dresses in solid black.

Oh, we were talking about Calc teachers? Nevermind. (Actually, I just wanted to be cool and throw that in there!) (Teehee!)

**** right there will be a release date! There best be, or I'm gonna... I'm gonna... I swear I'll... ummm... CRY!!!


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Ah, you win for referencing Jack Skellington! NB4C is a brilliant piece of cinema, both visually and aurally. Tim Burton + Danny Elfman = WIN.

A release date just seems natural at this point. The defaults are mostly confirmed, and it's not like the gameplay is going to be radically different (although some differences may be small, like display and movement). All we need right now is a spiffy new trailer to drool over and a date to know when we can cease said drooling.

Does anyone else expect E3 to demonstrate how the other control options are employed, namely the Wiimote and/or Wiimote + Nunchaku?


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Oh yes indeedy! There better be one rediculously informative SSBB press confirence involving all of that. Could you imagine if Sakurai was to let us down and give us next to no information, granted he gives us just a trailer? I tell you what, I can't take much more of this teasing. Nintendo's driving me mad. Who'd've thought that 10+ years of my life revolved around a video game series? I swear this Smash sh;t is like crack-cocaine.
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