Hahah, thanks! Our AP Calc teacher was really fond of it, so a few of us actually picked it up.
Ohh, I love Peach's DownB! I love her DSmash just as much. Haha, I just love Peach. I'm dying to see her new Brawl look, hopefully with SPP incorporation (new B and SideB please!).
The only two characters yet to be confirmed that might not make it are Ness and Ice Climbers. Sakurai has expressed interest in Lucas (Mother 3) and even said that, had Mother 3 been released before Melee, Lucas would have taken Ness' place. And as far as ICs go, I just don't know if they garnered enough popular support to be a worthy return candidate. I don't have anything against them, and I'm sure Sakurai likes them, but who knwos?
And yeah, E3 will probably consist of another trailer. We can only hope that it had better be a ****ed good one! IGN also presented the possibility that, even though the game will not be available for demo, Nintendo reps might still demo the game during the presentation. I would certainly expect the final default roster to be announced by this time, though. I might also even go so far as to expect a release date. I can't wait to see what next week will bring! =)