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Official Competitive Character Impressions 2.0


  • Total voters


Smash Lord
Jul 14, 2014
I feel like wanting the meta to change just for the sake of saying it changed is one of those things that's more emblematic of the mentality that people have in a post-games as service world than the game itself.

Which is kinda unfortunate. Ultimate is a game where a lot of things can happen. We've seen a bunch of things happen throughout these last eight months already, from characters like Ridley and Bowser almost winning majors, to several characters seeing downtrends over others, solo mains of less represented characters rising up to become unlikely contenders, etc. It doesn't need patches to steer us on its way, beyond altering things about it that don't work as intended.

Smash ain't League, or Overwatch.
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Ziodyne 21

Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2016
ultimate has a stagant meta? are you watching the same game? since launch we have had the following:
snake sucks, snake is good, snake is god.
pichu rose and fell based on nerfs and is now considered too low by some people
pikachu rose and is sometimes questioned as claims made by players like Esam aren't proven by other players consistently
joker was a shake in the meta.
zss is a giant shake in the meta right now.
superheavy players are still pushing for bowser to get repect
k rool fell off the planet post release
and much more.
the state of ultimate metagame is great no overbearing character and many (not most) have a decent shot to win. Nintendo doesnt need to do any major patches cetain playerbases still want fixes, trust me i'm in one of them, but theres no immediate character that needs fixing except maybe sonic.

next regarding ken and ryu buffs. i know they aren't common they never will be they are high execution characters requiring inputs and matchup knowledge to perform with and can be hurt if the player has no idea how to skillfully ban stages. all that being said they are both good characters. they are both likely high tier prepatch they were not. ken Shoryuken connects properly (most of the time) and ryu had his zoning game buffed. ken and ryu are the only characters in the game with extensive combos and shield break setups based entirely on grounded moves and pressure.

ask someone that plays them for a better analysis but from what I've seen from a player like N post-patch is very supportive that they are elite characters.
:ultzss::ultjoker: are kinda in a very . They are no doubt very strong characters. But most of their incredible results have come from 2 of the Top 3 ranked players in the world right now.
Other top tiers like :ultinkling::ultwario::ultolimar: :ultsnake: have many notable reps behind them getting conistent resutls.

So are Joker are amazing or are tehy just happen to be the mains of amazing players, its hard to pinpoint but I think its like a 50/50. MKLeo can competely wreck with most characters before most peopel realize how to fully fight them. i.e :ultike:. There are arguments that as of Smash Factor 8 pro players are learning how to deal with his Joker a bit better
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Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
I've been thinking about it and part of why :ultyounglink:'s CQC game is unsafe is he has landing aerials (Fair1/Bair1) >smashes as kill confirms but in doing that he can't drift away and be safe from shield grabs/OoS like characters with simply aerials that kill. YL can throw projectiles at shields from far away but has no safe pokes up close from OoS due to poor frame data and a short sword. An odd exception to this is Dair because it bounces off shields. He can't tomahawk with his f12 tether grab either.
With that said vs Dtilt has little endlag and Fair/Bair/Nair all have 6f landing lag so vs bad OoS games YL often can buffer a dodge away.

YL's smashes are all punishable too with Dsmash being the safest.


What does everyone think about :ultryu::ultken:? I've heard good things about their buffs but so far they haven't broken out so to speak. Are they actually high tier or do other problems hold them back?


Smash Stick Space Cowboy
Jan 30, 2019
Tennessee (US)
Switch FC
:ultken:: Ken is scary. Flat out. You're not ever safe from the reality that one DAir jump in from Ken could result in a combo that makes you eat some staggeringly high amount of damage, then from there you're a single special cancel out of heavy jab away from death. Ken has his roundhouse which can help a lot against characters with better hitboxes than him and it can kind of allow him to play a spacing game with swordies and such. Ken is, like in SF, very reliant on footsies and being able to convert your hits into damage. Main focus is, Ken gets HUGE damage off of his hit confirms if the player using him has the knowledge and execution to pull it off.. the character can also kill you stupid early. He has some tricks, too. He can use his hado hover during recoveries to throw off edge guard attempts (it suspends him in place for a moment when he throws the hado) from a lot of characters. His off-the-edge game isn't great but it's not completely non existent either.. there's some setups into an angled DAir spike at the ledge you can do as well. His biggest problem is his neutral, he has fireballs yeah, and a multihit move in tatsu that won't allow for free parries if it gets read but overall Ken can definitely struggle to get in. He has things like his FSmash, his roundhouse, his fireball and to a small extent tatsu to assist the usual jumping-in, but if you can wall Ken out it's an uphill battle for him. I think in this regard, Ryu actually covers most of his poor matchups rather well. Ken is solid, likely High Tier +.

:ultryu:: Ryu is a little more nuanced. Ryu is in many areas condemned to live in Ken's shadow. He too has pretty high damage output, technical combos, the ability to get kills earlier than a lot of other characters.. Ryu has all that. But it's not as good as Ken's, and Ryu is also a slower character than Ken. Because of this alone I can see a lot of people overlooking the wayward warrior for his flashier counterpart by default.. but Ryu isn't hopeless by any stretch. His zoning game is actually, real, now. Between using his regular fireballs to manipulate space, cover dash ins and such, he has his Shaku which can put in a TON of work if people don't respect it. It can lead directly into some pretty juicy shield break setups too, and overall I'd personally call Ryu's ability to break and pressure shields better than Ken's. Ryu is a more defense-oriented character than Ken, but he's more well rounded (much like in SF) overall and can actually play neutral most of the time. Ken wants to rush you down and dish out huge damage and get quick kills, Ryu wants to hang back and play a mixed game that orients between letting you come to him and make your own mistakes he can punish, then mixing it up and coming in himself. As I said above, he covers most if not all of Ken's poorest MU's pretty alright.. and I too would put him in High Tier, albeit High Tier - below Ken as overall he just doesn't have the same kind of juice and oomph that Ken has.

They're pretty solid, but I have limited experience with them in Smash so I can't say as much as I'd like.
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   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Not to come across as "parents are fighting" (never would happen, fyi), but revisionism is a *****. It will always be a *****. This applies to both/any side or perspective. So I'm not saying "trust me blindly here" or whatever.

The goal post for banning MK in Brawl was STEEP, and I'd say inherently was made to never be achievable in the first place.

In countless community and backroom votes, the requirement stated by THE BIGGIES (MLG/The Midwest Cartel [even if this latter group were mostly pro-ban]) was 60 or 65%, in other words "hyper majorities".
I wouldn't want to guess, nor feel like scouring through the past to find the results, but I think almost every attempt ever had more than 50% of the vote being in favour of a ban, I think the best it ever mustered was between 55 and 59%.

By the time MK was "banned", as a decision made by a group of TOs known as the UBR, it was a unanimous decision - one person abstained. That West Coast TO ended up causing strife publicly afterwards.

How it fell apart incredibly quickly were two factors:
"Holy **** how could we ban the only character who actually has a neutral game vs Ice Climbers?" (as in, everyone's main would be near auto-lose or too risky a neutral, while MK at least had multiple jumps and down air to play anti-grab that most players could execute after 3-4 years of the game).
Alex Strife, Apex TO: "Japan won't come to American tournaments if MK is banned".

The mood changed rapidly.
ICs were becoming just as much of a problem for the game's health, and it just so happened the easiest player-based solution was also the biggest problem for the health of the game (but had produced a scene at that point of time who generally produced an 'immunity' to said plague). When talking about issues with stages, all the stages we lost due to MK being too dominant there, were also all the stages ICs essentially couldn't win on.
The multiple years of surgical rule changes and stuff backfired. Conservatism with stages won out forever as a result and we'll never see a perfectly fine stage that a character can shark on (when those potential sharkers mostly "sucked" prior to Bayo) ever coming back because of "trauma".

A fairly large amount of people who voted no to banning him were in a camp of "it's too late", "people have put too much time into him, it isn't fair" "I learned the MK match up and I like the challenge" (hint: this includes me).
Thus all the angst seen since then that oft is interpreted by people as "rushing". I am unbelievably afraid of a repeat of "it's too late" in any situation, thus my general stance of 'get rid of bayo' in S4 that people would remember me for.

I was mostly always on the fence for an MK ban, pretty sure I was "no" at the earliest stages, and I also empathised with the idea of "too late". I had a strong feeling that if S4's lifetime continued that by the time Bayo reached these "numbers" people were setting as goalposts we would've been hit with the "too late" once more. I would say I'm 99.9% confident on that, the human mass psyche aching in my bones.

In hindsight though, with those lovely 20/20 lenses, if we had banned MK shortly after genesis1, and then appropriately responded in a similar way to ICs once NAKAT figured out "mid range dash grab buffered back roll desync at low %" (and you had 3 opportunities per game to abuse this) was an almost unloseable strategy against probably all bar 4-5 characters, I am almost just as certain that Smash today would be entirely different, and how Brawl is looked back upon would be entirely different. We would've likely maintained popularity for a lot longer too.

But at the same time, a lot of what made the Brawl narrative so amazing to many was in fact due to Meta Knight.
If we banned MK really early, would've japan followed suit? Would we be struggling years later to bridge the West and Japan like is commonplace now?
If that occurred would we have had probably the single best set in smash history (Apex GFs, Salem vs Mew2King)?
Would "heroes" like MikeNeko, or Salem's performance at said Apex, or uhhh, a certain Snake main, etc etc ever been as emotive or powerful without the dynamic MK forced upon us?
Mew2King's legend of dominance could really only be mildly compared to ZeRo in S4, how he affected our lives was... something else.

Smash today would be incredibly different, the result as is might've been for the best.

In general for most national voting, if a referendum occurs and its a 50.1/49.9% split, the former wins, and once the pain and doomsday calls of the latter are actualized as falsehood, terms like "everyone" or holistic implications become a lot more common place. Most agree MK killed Brawl, whether you'd get the strong "No"-ers (like M2K) to agree he should've been banned is another thing, but 'if he never existed in the first place things would've been better' is an almost everyone opinion out of the social groups that I am/was involved with, at least.
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Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
^Brawl was full of politics, wasn't it?

I have no idea what the echelons of low and mid tier look like anymore. One thing I'll tell you is :ultganondorf: and :ultkrool: do not like the power creep. :ultridley: didn't either than he got buffed. Sure top tiers got nerfed but who are these characters beating? The characters around and below them got stronger and some passed them in tiers like probably :ultryu::ultken::ultmewtwo::ultfalcon:. I've always supported K.Rool and Ganon being mid tiers but now I'm not so sure. Bottom tier's definitely stronger with buffs to :ultlittlemac::ultisabelle::ultkirby: etc and mid tiers also got buffs. Ganon, K.Rool and a few others like possibly Incineroar, Jiggz, DDD, and maybe Robin are finding themselves in an increasingly fierce ecosystem.
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Ziodyne 21

Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2016
To me the bottom 5 now is the likes of :ultkirby::ultjigglypuff::ultlittlemac::ultisabelle::ultkrool:. Most Lower tier characters have at least some qualities that give them some fighting chance.

But yeah Is say the likes of :ultganondorf::ultrobinf::ultbowserjr::ultvillager: are in danger of falling behind all the time, :ultpiranha: Buffs were a start but it was not enough to really adress its current core flaws

mid-low tier characters that have been gotten buffs over the patch history. :ultdk: as well since he had pre 4.0.0 Mewtwos issues likely worse that Mewtwo himself. What admittedly notable strengths he does have cannot make up for how appalingly bad his disadvantage is
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Smash Stick Space Cowboy
Jan 30, 2019
Tennessee (US)
Switch FC
:ultganondorf: has been absolutely demolished by both the advancement of the meta naturally, and the fact every character near him tier-wise just about has been some kind of buffing. I really wouldn't be shocked to hear people considering him a low tier again at this rate. I'd say the meta / time has hurt him more than any other character in this game.. I mean lord god people (including myself) were considering this character a candidate for low high-tier earlier on.. now look at him.

:ultmewtwo: is gonna be a threat now, I can just.. I can feel it. I feel we'll start seeing a lot more of this character, I still feel he's too flawed for top tier but with optimization he could carve out a slot in High Tier + with a little work from his players. The two waves of buffs he's gotten has done a lot of good in fixing the character's most glaring flaws, and while by no means perfect he's a lot better off. M2 is kind of in the opposite position of Ganon right now.
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Smash Ace
Apr 10, 2015
The menu isn't even what's bonkers about the character. (Or rather, it's bonkers, but he's not short on stuff like that lol.)

My personal opinion right now is that Hero's best move is Frizz, largely for the uncharged version, but they're all very good. Same for his other specials.
This; I played Dabuz for like 6-7 matches ( I won a couple as Peach) and Hero best move is literally Frizz and his side-b, the amount of reward he gets for it is insane and it controls so much space LOL. His best down-b move is magic burst, oomph, accelerate, and psych up. Magic Burst while incredibly good can be counter-played depending on the character ( characters with multiple jumps or PEACH LOL) can just wait it out if baited / timed correctly.


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2019
To me the bottom 5 now is the likes of :ultkirby::ultjigglypuff::ultlittlemac::ultisabelle::ultkrool:. Most Lower tier characters have at least some qualities that give them some fighting chance.

But yeah Is say the likes of :ultganondorf::ultrobinf::ultbowserjr::ultvillager: are in danger of falling behind all the time, :ultpiranha: Buffs were a start but it was not enough to really adress its current core flaws

mid-low tier characters that have been gotten buffs over the patch history. :ultdk: as well since he had pre 4.0.0 Mewtwos issues likely worse that Mewtwo himself. What admittedly notable strengths he does have cannot make up for how appalingly bad his disadvantage is
You forgot :ultzelda:.
Everyopne below got buffed and she's starting to fall behind as well.

The thing is that you can't really buff her in a good way because she's extremely oppressive in casual play (i.e. when Final Smash is present).
Dunno, she's not really meant for competitive play.


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
You forgot :ultzelda:.
Everyopne below got buffed and she's starting to fall behind as well.

The thing is that you can't really buff her in a good way because she's extremely oppressive in casual play (i.e. when Final Smash is present).
Dunno, she's not really meant for competitive play.
If it mattered that much they could always just nerf her Final Smash to compensate, but as funny as Alpharad makes her FS seem I don't think that's a major balancing concern when those moves are meant to be busted.

What's probably more concerning for her future is online play. Nayru's Love is really obnoxious when lag is factored in.


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2019
If it mattered that much they could always just nerf her Final Smash to compensate, but as funny as Alpharad makes her FS seem I don't think that's a major balancing concern when those moves are meant to be busted.

What's probably more concerning for her future is online play. Nayru's Love is really obnoxious when lag is factored in.
Her FS is completely busted, probably the best in the game with Peach's and that by a long shot. Nerfing the windbox it creates would be a good thing, though.
I wonder about Online as well but not really in that way. I don't think Nayru is that big. Spamming it against "good" players Online is a horrible idea and I think/hope the balancing team sees it this way, too.
However, Sakurai has implemented a tournament mode that apparently run during set time intervals.
Wouldn't be surprising if the balancing team would extract from the tourney mode specifically from now on.


Smash Champion
Apr 15, 2014
the attic I call Magicant
You forgot :ultzelda:.
Everyopne below got buffed and she's starting to fall behind as well.

The thing is that you can't really buff her in a good way because she's extremely oppressive in casual play (i.e. when Final Smash is present).
Dunno, she's not really meant for competitive play.
She could be decent, if she had a Fair and a Bair instead of suspiciously empty slots, and a Nair that could hit the opponent's hurtbox, and a Dtilt that is positive on hit, and a charge move that she can hold for pressure.....More than not meant for competitive play Zelda is poorly designed and has arbitrary restrictions other characters don't have. She barely became a functional character after being trash tier 3 games in a row.

Das Koopa

Smash Master
Writing Team
Jun 13, 2014
behemoth post ahead lads

There's a lot of commentary on the character ban process, but I think it's worth looking at a very under-observed area of how these things have started to develop. There really seem to be only be a handful of reasons character bans are even proposed;

Type #1: A character has standard tools that excel to the point where they severely outmatch the rest of the cast in terms of neutral play, and possibility other areas. :metaknight:

Type #2: A character has a punish game that is excessively good. :popo::4bayonetta:

Type #3: A character is too based in RNG with certain RNG effects being too good. :ulthero:

Meta Knight is an interesting case because you can very easily rely on comparative data to argue he's too good, the same way it was very easy to reference numbers alone in favor of a Cloud ban in Doubles format in Smash 4. The problem is that, with Hero, it's now the case where the majority of characters that have come under hard-ban discussion do not fit this standard mold. This is a problem for a lot of reasons.


This is even more lopsided in favor of #2 being the standard issue Smash characters face when you look at Jigglypuff in Melee and Ice Climbers in Melee - two characters that have excessively good punish games and effectively "play a different game" than any other character. Rules have straight-up been implemented to avoid a ban on them.

However, Melee exists in its own aether, which is why the term "post-melee" exists, since it's essentially two larger communities with two smaller ones (PM, 64.) Older titles & mod titles are separate, Melee is separate, but all post-melee titles carry the same general playerbase & patterns.

Scary reasons for #2 being the standard issue:

1: There is a lacking perception, in comparison to #1, that the playerbase of this character is skilled. The consistency of this statement greatly increases when you look at how Ice Climber and Jigglypuff players are often treated in Melee. This is an injection of poison, and it's the starting issue that comes to ultimate define these kinds of characters.

2: The reaction to these characters is innately more negative because they enact their punish games in bursts comparative to an opponent "playing the game", in a traditional sense. This is why the former perception exists.

3: These characters are very often difficult to immediately optimize and thus very slowly infiltrate the metagame over a period of months to even years. By the time they become an issue, a playerbase already exists. This is true for #1, as well, but #1 does not have a lot of the issues #2 has.

4: The culmination of all of these traits result in a character that will steadily begin to infuriate people long-term.

Social media has advanced and developed significantly in terms of scale since the end of the Brawl era. In my mind, the Bayonetta crisis is exactly the cycle we can expect for any Type #2 character in the modern metagame. The cycle is something like;

-Players of a type #2 character "appear" in a metagame sense. This may be initially tolerate or celebrated, but long-term, the repeat of excessive punish games will lead people to turn on these players, and new players that turn up later will likely be treated with hostility.

-These characters become progressively more prominent as time goes on because their tools have been optimized. Counterplay likely exists, but the core issue is that "counterplay" is a term that's largely applied but about 1%> of the active scene. Spectators who play online will likely not want to even fight these characters, let alone slog through the process of learning aforementioned counterplay.

-The optimized look of these characters is quintessentially "toxic" for viewers because it represents reason 2 - it happens in very sudden bursts. The longer these characters exist and the personalities using them exist, the more likely it is that people will begin to associated the problem as the people using those characters. In Bayonetta's case, I think this was partially exaggerated by the showboating nature - in game, or out - of several of her prominent mains. Players that were less vocal or showy appeared to receive less hate (but it was still there.)

-A community war, naturally, begins. Accusations, anger, flaming, whatever - it all starts to fall apart because now people who will continue to be successful with Type #2 characters won't suddenly stop being successful. It will only get worse as they continually exist in the game. Failures they have will be celebrated, slights they make will be eaten at disproportionately, and after a certain point it's likely that on-scene crowds will get involved.

The end stages of this are where nobody wins; Player mains of these characters will inevitably become frustrated with a constant barrage of hate and likely lash out, which will then be attacked because the public perception ultimate becomes a mindset of "they threw the first punch by using the character or not dropping them."

We have seen this with :jigglypuffmelee: and :4bayonetta:- I have no doubt this would've happened with :popo: if the scene was as active as it was today, and the only thing stopping things getting extreme enough towards :icsmelee: is the fact that they are, all-in-all, kind of bad even with wobbling, and not really viable in upper brackets. I think Type #1 characters can experience similar hate, but in my opinion, it's more likely that it's either partially accepted, or the scene dies, since Type #1 characters will attract a higher number of top players since they appeal to traditional game fundamentals rather than extremes of one aspect of the game.

The social nature that this becomes makes it where banning is pretty much infeasible because it means capitulating to a side of the community who became increasingly ugly and/or aggressive. The frustrations of non-bayo players towards these pro-bayo-ban groups in 2018 was very clear - VoiD and MVD rebuking crowd chants, Keitaro and False aggressively ranting about the morally questionable behavior of people who attacked Tweek & Zack over maining her, the constant jabs at reddit (by far the most pro-ban location in the community by mid-2018), etc.

There was an impression that I got that the push to ban the character was infeasible by mid-2018 because the pro-ban movement learned nothing in the months since the debate started and continued to get more hostile, and nobody who ran the scene wanted to give in to them. It's hard to say if, Ultimate wasn't coming out in December of that year, if TOs would've eventually caved. I think they might have if reasonable pro-ban arguments were put forward (which I believe existed by July/August, data-wise.)

What does any of this have to do with Hero?

Well, I haven't discussed our newly crowned Type #3 character, because he just... exists, now, for some reason. I don't think anybody speaking in a competitive mindset will disagree that Hero is a terribly designed character. Menu is bad enough on its own, but he has several moves that scream "overpowered", but only exist tied to RNG ala Menu. Magic Burst will likely be the most commonly cited example of why he's an issue. Thwack/Wack on ledgetrapping will probably garner some talk.

*Hocus Pocus was discussed, but post-datamining, I think it's fair call it one of the worst moves in the game. It has a horrendous risk-reward ratio and is almost always going to be suboptimal in the situations you're selecting Menu for. There's around a 20% chance you just put yourself in a death scenario, a 20% chance you're greatly inconvenienced out of advantage state, a 45% or so chance what you do is useless, a 9% chance you get a decent common menu effect, and a 6% chance you actually become broken. It's atrocious

I think this is probably going to fall largely into the Type #2 camp if he's actually good, a proposal I don't really agree with. His frame data is bad, he lacks a lot of good combos in most situations, his Smashes (while silly if they crit) are slow and don't have great hitboxes, and he's a very slow, combo-able character. His best attributes are likely his neutral & side b.

I'm concerned about where we go as a community, however, if the character is viable enough to be picked up and used in late bracket - say, top 16 or so, because I do not believe his long-term reception will be very good. Bayonetta had the advantage of subterfuge via early nerfs (the initial reaction to her, like Hero, was aggressively bad) while Hero has a lot of issues that make nerfing his most absurd mechanics difficult. Crit Upsmash confirms are insane, Magic Burst is insane, and Thwack/Wack are good RNG die rolls if you're at a distance. (Thwack is about 45~ frame of startup counting the menu, if memory serves.)

Consider that we're living in a drama-infused scene at the moment where every week is meshed with something escalating somewhere, somehow, and mesh it with a newcomer or top player (especially a divisive one) picking up Hero and doing well. I don't think it will turn out well for anybody and will follow the same track as Type #2 does. It seems like a powder keg destined by Hero's horrendous game design, and it's only the third of six, at minimum, DLC characters. God help us if there's a wave 2 and we're in 3 out of 11.

I don't know if this means we should look at bans more so than we should look at how controversies are handled, or something, but I'm a little concerned about the next 2-3 months. Smash Con will probably be quiet, but I can't say the same about Big House or Mainstage, or any potential late-year 2GG Saga.

I will be posting a ban-related poll on like Tuesday or Wednesday via a google form so I can word things well. The debate as it stands is about the innate anti-competitive nature of RNG, and the poll will reflect that, but I personally think the "soul of Smash" part will be dropped or sidelined the moment a Hero main does well, because any success could be seen as an excuse to ban in combination with his RNG mechanics.

As it stands, I think what we need - beyond a willingness to not act like lunatics or a willingness to maybe be more ban-happy - is some crisis management plan. We do not need another Smash 4 incident. I am not convinced that there has been much of any healing from that, outside of more people being willing to let the EVO Grands thing go and not dwell on it.


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2019
She could be decent, if she had a Fair and a Bair instead of suspiciously empty slots, and a Nair that could hit the opponent's hurtbox, and a Dtilt that is positive on hit, and a charge move that she can hold for pressure.....More than not meant for competitive play Zelda is poorly designed and has arbitrary restrictions other characters don't have. She barely became a functional character after being trash tier 3 games in a row.
The problem with fAir/bAir could be the "inconsistent" sweetspot but there is a visual cue where the sweetspot is located. The real problem, in my opinion, with these moves is that they are both the same thing. Would be better if one of them had another purpose other than killing, like for example something like Inkling's bAir that effectively can keep opponents out.
Not sure what you mean with Nair and dTilt. Nair hits the opponent, the problem is that the moves doesn't connect with all hits and that you can't combo out of it. Dtilt is super positive on hit, the problem is that there are no real follow-ups anymore because of the unfavorable knockback which is just too much. With bad Di you can still get a fAir or Dash attack...


Smash Ace
May 20, 2010
Paris, France
We have dealt with an arguably Top1-5 character incredibly impacted by RNG for 8 months ( :ultpeach::ultdaisy:) just because she was released back in Melee and we have unconsciously accepted it, I think we can deal with :ulthero: if he's not too good (which seems to be the general consensus as of now).

And to people who think Peach isn't as impacted by RNG as Hero is, look at how many turnips she pulls per game.
Look at the situations where she pulls them while the opponent is out of ressources and a stitch/bob-omb would kill.

There are dozens of examples of games being ruined by RNG. Last example I have is Mr. E getting killed because Samsora pulled a stitch while he was in disadvantage during the first stock of the 5th game, hit him once with it at 70% then a second time on his recovery, killing him, making him tilt to oblivion and eventually leading to Samsora's victory. We will NEVER know what would've happened, had Samsora not pulled a stitch in that situation.

What would you think people would say if Peach was released today?
A character that can spawn an item (again, it's been accepted by the community but imagine if :ultdiddy::ultrob: etc... didn't exist?). With a chance of it being almost an OHKO (bob-omb) or an insanely broken item (Stitch face). Not to mention the beam sword in SSBM/SSBB.

She can also FLOAT which is completely unique to her (and super busted, I don't know how low tier she would be without it).

What would you think people would say if they saw those 0-70 / 0-death clips on Twitter for a character that just got released?

Some people would DEFINITELY want to ban her, but right now no one wants to ban her. It's all about context. People like some novelty, but hate having to change and adapt. I was probably the most disappointed player when the Hero's moveset was revealed by Sakurai, as I was really interested by the character until then.

But the truth is, people will never be happy with DLC.
:ultpiranha: A bad character? **** Nintendo, buff the plant #plantgang
:ultjoker:A good character? **** Nintendo, nerf him, we don't want DLC ruining the game.
:ulthero:A seemingly average character with an awful design competitive-wise? **** Nintendo, right?

We made Smash a competitive fighting game, but it wasn't intended to be played that way and Sakurai reminded that to us.

We got a really great designed character, with beautiful animations and an unique gameplay, and that's already more than we can ask.

If you want to make the game completely fair, there is a lot more than :ulthero:to remove.

Give it time and look at what the character does in tournaments. Only then will we be able to take an educated decision.
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Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
We have dealt with an arguably Top1-5 character incredibly impacted by RNG for 8 months ( :ultpeach::ultdaisy:) just because she was released back in Melee and we have unconsciously accepted it, I think we can deal with :ulthero: if he's not too good (which seems to be the general consensus as of now).

And to people who think Peach isn't as impacted by RNG as Hero is, look at how many turnips she pulls per game.
Look at the situations where she pulls them while the opponent is out of ressources and a stitch/bob-omb would kill.

There are dozens of examples of games being ruined by RNG. Last example I have is Mr. E getting killed because Samsora pulled a stitch while he was in disadvantage during the first stock of the 5th game, hit him once with it at 70% then a second time on his recovery, killing him, making him tilt to oblivion and eventually leading to Samsora's victory. We will NEVER know what would've happened, had Samsora not pulled a stitch in that situation.

What would you think people would say if Peach was released today?
A character that can spawn an item (again, it's been accepted by the community but imagine if :ultdiddy::ultrob: etc... didn't exist?). With a chance of it being almost an OHKO (bob-omb) or an insanely broken item (Stitch face). Not to mention the beam sword in SSBM/SSBB.

She can also FLOAT which is completely unique to her (and super busted, I don't know how low tier she would be without it).

What would you think people would say if they saw those 0-70 / 0-death clips on Twitter for a character that just got released?

Some people would DEFINITELY want to ban her, but right now no one wants to ban her. It's all about context. People like some novelty, but hate having to change and adapt. I was probably the most disappointed player when the Hero's moveset was revealed by Sakurai, as I was really interested by the character until then.

But the truth is, people will never be happy with DLC.
:ultpiranha: A bad character? **** Nintendo, buff the plant #plantgang
:ultjoker:A good character? **** Nintendo, nerf him, we don't want DLC ruining the game.
:ulthero:A seemingly average character with an awful design competitive-wise? **** Nintendo, right?

We made Smash a competitive fighting game, but it wasn't intended to be played that way and Sakurai reminded that to us.

We got a really great designed character, with beautiful animations and an unique gameplay, and that's already more than we can ask.

If you want to make the game completely fair, there is a lot more than :ulthero:to remove.

Give it time and look at what the character does in tournaments. Only then will we be able to take an educated decision.
Peach/daisy are nothing like hero with their rng, that argument really needs to end. They only have it on one move, and when they do get a stitchface, bob-bomb, or saturn, they still have to actually aim and hit and opponent with it. Otherwise the turnip is a fairly average projectile.

Meanwhile hero has the rng on all his smashes that can let him kill incredibly early (even 0%) if he got snooze and got a fully charged crit), and his downspecial, including possibly a move that damn near covers the entire stage, and is impossible to avoid if he gets it while opponents are recovering.

Peach/daisy’s rng on turnips, as well as luigi’s missfire, and gw’s judge, aren’t remotely similar to what hero has, so trying to compare them is a bit ridiculous.


Smash Ace
May 20, 2010
Paris, France
Peach/daisy are nothing like hero with their rng, that argument really needs to end. They only have it on one move, and when they do get a stitchface, bob-bomb, or saturn, they still have to actually aim and hit and opponent with it. Otherwise the turnip is a fairly average projectile.

Meanwhile hero has the rng on all his smashes that can let him kill incredibly early (even 0%) if he got snooze and got a fully charged crit), and his downspecial, including possibly a move that damn near covers the entire stage, and is impossible to avoid if he gets it while opponents are recovering.

Peach/daisy’s rng on turnips, as well as luigi’s missfire, and gw’s judge, aren’t remotely similar to what hero has, so trying to compare them is a bit ridiculous.
Comparing misfire and judge would indeed be ridiculous, but definitely not turnips. :ultpeach: has rng on her MOST USED move. How crazy is that? It's not about knowing which character has the most RNG in their kits, it's about knowing where we draw the line.
Banning :ulthero: because he's the most RNG would be unfair since we never did that before, banning him because his RNG often changes the outcome of a game would also be unfair since Peach does that as well (while :ultluigi: and :ultgnw:, not so much).

The argument of having to land the hit can entirely fit for :ulthero: so that really doesn't make sense as I intentionally talked about disadvantage (where your options are limited). You are comparing Magic Burst in advantage state to turnips in neutral and I think that's extremely unfair. Some characters have a way to combat magic burst and I suspect that SDI + tech can be used in combination with vectoring to avoid untechables until reasonable %, but that's off-topic.

We obviously don't have high level footage of Hero but I'm very confident that his smashes won't see much use at the % where critical hits matter. His set ups are very telegraphed if you have any idea of how the character works, and 1/8 for moves that won't see much use, after removing the situations where the crit wasn't necessary and the ones where it didn't kill, I'm not sure how often we will see this kind of jank. I obviously still hate this feature.

I however do like that you're specifically talking about magic burst, because I think that's where the RNG comes the most into play. I can deal with their menu being random, since we both can see what they can do, but magic burst is too polarizing. And having access to it while your opponent is offstage should happen approximately once per game, so we can't call them lucky if it only happens once, that's just part of the character. I can deal with 1 magic burst per game if the character isn't super good. Depleting your MP bar is a pretty huge deal, but people don't realize that yet.

I hope Nintendo does something (one magic burst / game?), but I'm afraid they won't.

One thing I'm sure of is that I will not take part into any tournament that bans :ulthero: and allows :ultpeach: until the former proves to be banworthy.
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Smash Lord
Jul 14, 2014
Hero isn't what I'd like to call a well designed character, and he's probably going to be an incredibly frustrating character to play against at a higher level in bracket, but I kinda think spectator perception toward him is going to be favorable more so than it isn't.

Let's face it, despite how players will always prefer abiding by the notion that games should be held within the parameters of its own internal rules and laws, there's something to be said about the flair and excitement of a character that is is owed the opportunity of an insurmountable x-factor. Players hate to have their shield broken by a Peach plucked Mr. Saturn, they hate to have their stock invalidated by a Luigi misfire, and they do not want to get a low-percent grab combo into a 9 Judgement by Mr Game & Watch.

But audiences are always going to be wired differently. The unexpected is going to be the spice of life, the opportunity to witness some absolute jank is never going to escape because of being wired to vicariously enjoy watching things get built up as much as they enjoy watching it getting torn down. Audiences want that shield break. They want that 9 on the Judgement. And sure enough they're going to want all those little dice rolls Hero has to work.

Getting a ladder combo with Bayonetta in Smash 4 wasn't the exception, it was the rule. It was the same story we've seen before time and time again, after a fashion it was expected that every Bayonetta had a combo route that would either lead into taking the opponent off the top or to the sides. You have to anticipate that any time Bayo was in a set, that there was a higher likelihood due to her innate design, that she was going to do it when that was optimal strategy.

But if we go into EVO 2020 grand finals with Hero vs Wolf, game 5 with Hero on the verge of resetting the bracket, Hero is on kill percent while Wolf is on 0%, and Hero lands a Thwack that manages to steal that KO - that is absolute lunacy. That is comedy and tragedy incarnate. That makes for a good story. The odds of getting that hit are extremely slim when you already have to hope for the command to roll up, for Hero to actually land it, and then for the very disadvantageous percentage range to match up. That's not going to happen often. A lot of people will call bull**** on this - obviously - but there's no doubt in my mind that the sheer insanity of that kind of feat would make the crowd go wild. It's the kind of unpredictable small chance that people live for, the desire to see astronomically low odds get procured. To see it all come tearing down because things can go wrong.

Audiences love a Hero after all.
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Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2019
I don't think you can compare :ultgnw: or :ultpeach: to :ulthero: in terms of RNG.
Samsora may be overexaggerating but when he said that the turnip pulls have been skill instead of luck, he was partially correct.
True, in order to get a Bob-Omb or a Stitch Face you need luck but you have to hit your opponent. On top of that, your opponent can catch the Stitch and presumably the Bob-Omb as well. You can react to that as the opponent.
GnW's 9 is only viable during a specific %-range and after a throw. You can also read your opponent of course. But Maister does rarely user 9 at all.

Now, what makes Magic Burst (probably the worst offender) different from these 2 moves?
1. You don't have to read your opponent when they are off-stage or anywhere on stage. It's pretty much a tamer version of Zelda's FS in Ultimate.
2. You can't really react to Magic Burst when Hero is positioned correctly. It covers a huge area and most/all character can't really escape this killing move.

These are pretty big differences, at least in theory.
I still say we have to look at actual matches, though. We have seen nothing of the Hero in action and it'S only natural that you get trumped by a new character when they are just released.


Smash Ace
Sep 15, 2014
Saying that if Hero is banned from tournaments then peach or g&w needs to be as well is a huge reach.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 12, 2018
Without a centralized power and the community being too big decisions are more difficult to do and will took longer, not to mention that the modern smash community has serious ptsd from brawl so anything that comes close to put the game in "danger" is now a catastrophic event that eventually will kill the game if not addressed, now add social media to this and you can see why "smash drama exist almost every day", infact I would say drama is one of the strongest negatives of this game.

Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
If you're going to make such small changes, one every other week wouldn't be as bad as you make it look. They're making some progress, but it is very slow and the game would probably be more enjoyable by now if there were more updates. No update shifted the meta as of now. Even the projectile one didn't have a huge impact (even though it had one).

I'd rather have them updating ~every other month like they do, but actually make noticeable changes.

As for :ultkingdedede:, I do not claim that the gordo nerf killed the character, he was already not that good to begin with, it just made him less likely to win due to match-up inexperience (and straight up nerfed his match-ups with the bad characters who couldn't handle gordos well like :ultkirby:). I however think the character is not suited for higher levels of play (we're still relatively early into the game, 8 months isn't that long), and aside from Zaki, I don't see any player who could do great in a big tournament with him. But you never know in smash.

Edit for below : I believe Snake's U-Throw interacts differently with grenades since the patch.
Don't take this wrong way please.

You are a lunatic.


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2016
Wow, shouldn't we at least wait and see if Hero is even good before discussing bans? It's been, what, about a week? That's hardly enough time to make a conclusive argument.


Aeon Hero
Feb 27, 2014
Ontario, Canada
I know I've read somewhere in this series of threads (more likely one of the Smash 4 ones) that the average reaction time is somewhere in the teens in terms of frames. 14-17 frames, somewhere around there. Hero's spell menu appears frame 1 but a spell can not be chosen until 19 frames after and the fastest attacking spells he has access to are frame 6 I believe. The cursor can be moved on the menu upon the second frame of the menu being up. That's 25 frames to react to what Hero is doing and most of the spells on the list can be easily dealt with by shielding. Plus this is generally assuming the Hero player is mashing as well since any decision making they do just adds more time for the opponent to react. As time goes on, people will also get a feel for when Hero players generally choose to pull up the menu. There's 21 individual spells that can appear and only 4 can be selected at any one time. Plus a spell cannot appear twice in a row on 2 separate menus, meaning after the first menu, there's 17 spells that can be pulled. The Heal spell can also only appear twice per stock so if it has then there's only 20 spells that can be pulled but it'd actually be 16 (or 17 right after the second Heal) since again, spells can not appear twice in a row. There's also very clearly individual percentages for each spell to appear on the menu as Hocus Pocus, Kamikaze and Magic Burst tend to appear way less often than the other spells. Not sure what the exact numbers are though.

As for Hocus Pocus itself, it also has individual percentages for casting each of its potential options and it's weighed more towards giving Hero a negative rather than a positive.
Note that 'Sleep' is the odds of putting Hero to sleep, not the Snooze spell.

There's been the mention of Hero using the spells while in advantage which provides the opponent with less options to avoid whatever spells Hero happens to pull but that requires Hero to actually win neutral and it's been mentioned that Hero isn't too noteworthy outside of his specials. Meaning it takes a Hero player at least some skill to win neutral to even be able to capitalize on advantage and hoping to get the spell(s) they want at that time. Magic Burst covering ledge as well as it does is pretty silly but can also be answered by stalling offstage if possible or hitting Hero with a projectile if they pull up the menu before the opponent goes below ledge. Using a ledge attack is also an option if they don't space themselves away from its range and if they're too slow activating it. Plus it becomes less threatening the less MP Hero has and whether it hits or whiffs, Hero has no MP left, leaving them vulnerable as long as they didn't take their opponents last stock with it.

I've got a question I'd like to ask but it's not about Hero specifically so I'll save it for my next post that isn't a reply to this one.


Smash Cadet
Jan 30, 2009
Little bit of venting here about Hero, but maybe some people can offer me some pointers about playing against him.

1. The biggest problem for me playing against Hero is that the Down B menu appears by his portrait at the bottom of the screen and forces me to look away from everything that is happening on the stage. If you happen to be recovering and need to sweet spot ledge this is also extremely annoying. I can't even imagine playing against this in doubles because looking away for that long is basically losing a stock.

2. There is also the fact that the Down B menu being pulled up has no sound play and sometimes I can't react fast enough (i.e look at the bottom to see what spells are there). If Hero just mashes the first spell on the list as soon as possible there is no way I can react because that happens before I move my eyes to look at the menu.

3. (Also kinda like 2) If Hero is in the air, facing left, and has open the menu, it is hard (at least for me) to tell because his "thinking face" is not visible. The only difference is his shield and feet position shifts. Again, I think a sound effect should play when he opens it because you can't always look at the bottom of the screen to see if he has it open.

4. In what world is it okay that Sun Salutation kills at like 150% on stage, takes longer to charge, has a smaller hitbox at full charge, deals less damage, AND is slower to come out compared to Hero's Frizz spell? The only advantage is that Sun Salutation travels like 2 units farther. Crazy.

5. Why is his Side B not able to be absorbed? I mean I understand if there is a sword hitbox that wouldn't be, but I was at the max distance of his mid stage Side B with bucket out and I still got hit? This also goes for the vertical lighting strike before his full charge side B. His sword is clearly not long enough to cover that huge vertical distance so not sure why it can't be bucketed.
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Tri Knight

Smash Ace
Aug 10, 2015
Little bit of venting here about Hero, but maybe some people can offer me some pointers about playing against him.

1. The biggest problem for me playing against Hero is that the Down B menu appears by his portrait at the bottom of the screen and forces me to look away from everything that is happening on the stage. If you happen to be recovering and need to sweet spot ledge this is also extremely annoying. I can't even imagine playing against this in doubles because looking away for that long is basically losing a stock.

2. There is also the fact that the Down B menu being pulled up has no sound play and sometimes I can't react fast enough (i.e look at the bottom to see what spells are there). If Hero just mashes the first spell on the list as soon as possible there is no way I can react because that happens before I move my eyes to look at the menu.

3. (Also kinda like 2) If Hero is in the air, facing left, and has open the menu, it is hard (at least for me) to tell because his "thinking face" is not visible. The only difference is his shield and feet position shifts. Again, I think a sound effect should play when he opens it because you can't always look at the bottom of the screen to see if he has it open.

4. In what world is it okay that Sun Salutation kills at like 150% on stage, takes longer to charge, has a smaller hitbox at full charge, deals less damage, AND is slower to come out compared to Hero's Frizz spell? The only advantage is that Sun Salutation travels like 2 units farther. Crazy.

5. Why is his Side B not able to be absorbed? I mean I understand if there is a sword hitbox that wouldn't be, but I was at the max distance of his mid stage Side B with bucket out and I still got hit? This also goes for the vertical lighting strike before his full charge side B. His sword is clearly not long enough to cover that huge vertical distance so not sure why it can't be bucketed.
Why would you be the one in a disadvantage when he pulls up the menu when HE'S the one that needs to look at it. I get you wanna see what he's about to pick and that's fine and may provide a slight advantage when you see his list but it's not like you see what buttons people press while fighting other characters. Not only does HE have to take his eyes away from the battle to get the desired spell, he also has to make sure he's positioned correctly and get a nice read to land whatever it might be. Again, I really don't think his down-b is that great due to its inconsistency.

It's literally just match up knowledge that you're having issues with. Which is fine because he's like 3 days old. He, as a player, is at a disadvantage when he pulls that menu up if anything.

We made Smash a competitive fighting game, but it wasn't intended to be played that way and Sakurai reminded that to us.
Yet people still get mad when they don't make decisions that may cater to the the competitive scene. I love that.
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Iron Maw

Smash Apprentice
Sep 7, 2014
My two cents on Hero atm.

I think he has potential a high tier character (not top) due how very good his other b moves are combined with his okay but powerful normals. That is if his mains learn leverage them right. The community is way too fixiate on the Command Menu as if that his whole character and not merely just one tool in his kit. His real threat will be how he can control space with neutral b and side b with that crazy kill power and you will be dealing with that far more often him running through a menu. He's also got great edguarding too in up b on top of being a decent recovery for a swordsman. Command Menu will at best play a role in giving Hero an edge depending situation but not something is serious mains rely heavily due to it's unreliability. Yes he gets comboed easiily by rushdown, but at same time he only needs 4-5 hits to take stock because hits like a heavy and still swordman with disjoints. So I can see him turning heads like Joker did which the commuity thought also wasn't too hot at first until Mkleo picked him up.
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Aeon Hero
Feb 27, 2014
Ontario, Canada
The question I mentioned in my last post is actually two.

1: does the percentage of a character matter when factoring how much shieldstun a projectile does? So for example, Samus hits Ganondorf's shield with a Super Missile, would the amount of shield stun Ganon goes through be affected at all if either him or Samus had 100% compared to 0%? I wanna say the answer is no but I'm not 100% sure. Not even sure about other attacks with this question but projectiles are primarily what matter to me.

2: how many characters have frame 1 invulnerable options? The only ones I'm aware of are Pokemon Trainer's Pokemon Change and Ryu and Ken's true Shoryuken but only on their arm until frame 4. I wanna say Shulk might thanks to his Monado Art activation granting him invulnerability but that might've just been a Smash 4 thing.

Asking since I'm labbing stuff for Isabelle. Namely her options after landing a jab, with jab to Pocket Throw potentially being affected depending on the answer to the first question and jab to grab being affected by the answer to the second question.


Smash Cadet
Jan 30, 2009
Why would you be the one in a disadvantage when he pulls up the menu when HE'S the one that needs to look at it. I get you wanna see what he's about to pick and that's fine and may provide a slight advantage when you see his list but it's not like you see what buttons people press while fighting other characters. Not only does HE have to take his eyes away from the battle to get the desired spell, he also has to make sure he's positioned correctly and get a nice read to land whatever it might be. Again, I really don't think his down-b is that great due to its inconsistency.

It's literally just match up knowledge that you're having issues with. Which is fine because he's like 3 days old. He, as a player, is at a disadvantage when he pulls that menu up if anything.
I feel like the spells have different counter play though, which is why I need to be aware at the options. Shielding beats things like Snooze and the slashes. but loses to Hatchet Man and Magic Burst and sitting in shield can give him Oomph, Psych Up, Bonce, etc. for free. Running away beats the slashes but loses to the projectile ones (esp. the one that has the windbox - Kaboom I think?) and again can give him the boosts or a heal for free plus stage control.

I find that if don't look at the menu, you are either getting your shield broken from staying in it or at risk being read getting out of it with a jump or roll. If you run you are giving Hero stage control...
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Smash Lord
Jul 14, 2014
4. In what world is it okay that Sun Salutation kills at like 150% on stage, takes longer to charge, has a smaller hitbox at full charge, deals less damage, AND is slower to come out compared to Hero's Frizz spell? The only advantage is that Sun Salutation travels like 2 units farther. Crazy.
Kafrizz costs 36 MP. It's the best charged projectile in the game but it also has the biggest impact on his resources and is the least abusable one. At best you're only going to be able to do two within a close proximity, and that's assuming the Hero player isn't opting to manage his MP pool elsewhere.

All things considered the move is more akin to a Limit Break given that it's not always available and has some ramifications if you fail to make the most of it.
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Smash Ace
Oct 14, 2014
Magic Burst is really powerful. It’s also incredibly context dependent on how useful it is.

- Hero needs to have well over half his MP for it to be adequately powered.

- His opponent needs to be recovering low

- His opponent can’t have reliable stall options

- His opponent can’t have a large get-up attack

- His opponent can’t have a recovery option that could bypass him and the ledge (teleport, flipkick, etc)

- He needs to have to appear in the first menu he summons at the ledge

- His opponent can’t have a transcendent projectile that could interrupt it, as he is not invincible during casting, and runs the risk of losing all his MP

- He recognizes that he will be unable to recover if sent offstage, so it’s far less useful if he is playing from a stock down

It’s MU and stage dependent to the extreme. I doubt most higher level Heroes will go for it as an option all that much, especially against high and top tier characters.

The risk of losing all your MP is a heavy cost for an edgeguard, when you could try to extend your lead off of a more traditional edge guard attempt that conserves your MP.


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2016
Kafrizz may be obnoxious, but it's not the hardest thing to dodge or block either. How many times fighting a Hero have you simply jumped over it?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 8, 2015
I disagree pretty strongly with the notions that Hero should be banned and that his design is atrocious. I actually think his design (generally speaking, anyway) is quite solid, barring some over-tuned options (magic burst and Kafrizz come to mind). The only RNG I find a touch troublesome are the crits -I've never liked throwing a chance for bonus effects on a move you'd already be prone to use anyway (turnips are a long-standing gripe of mine, for the record), but I'd also argue that the crits aren't so detrimental that they ruin anything...most matches with Hero across all levels of play with finish without a single crit landing, and the range where a crit would kill whereas a non-crit wouldn't are much more slim than, say, misfire or stitchface.

But aside from the crits, all of Hero's RNG takes a conscious decision to roll the dice from the player. As far as I'm concerned, the decision to gamble on your down b menu (or any of the spells therein) is no different from, say, committing to a roll read by smashing in the opposite direction of your opponent; both actions require spending precious time on something that might not work in any capacity. Now, the obvious counterpoint to this is to take qualms with the scope of the risk-reward options -the question becomes Is Hero's potential reward far greater than the risk needed to use it? I would argue that the answer to that, generally speaking, is no, but I find that I greatly value being non-committal (ironically, this probably stemmed from Smash 4 D3, who was so committal with all of his tools that the only way to play him was to be very choosy with your strikes...or just keep throwing out SH bair and tomahawk "mixups"...), so maybe I'm biased here. Why pull out down b when I could be charging Kafrizz instead?

And ultimately, while his menu spells are "random," they also pull from a limited pool and (aside from Hocus Pocus, which is a move that will almost never be seen in high-level play beyond some exploit being found with it) have very rigid effects to them. Yes, there are a lot of different options that he may get to choose from, but you should know what sort of areas could be affected by them. The majority of his spells are either stat buffs or horizontal strikes/projectiles -he doesn't have any that truly cover him from above (except Magic Burst of course), and only about three (Fire Slash, Kacrackle Slash, and Snooze. Technically Hatchet Man and Thwack as well, but they are well within "react-able" territory) cover any space diagonally above him.

But isn't it unreasonable to expect the player to be mindful of so many options at once? No. Again, a lot of his spells are more-or-less reskins of each other: he's either going to launch a blockable projectile directly horizontally, swing at you with a blockable melee hit [except Hatchet Man, which is slow], buff himself, Magic Burst, or use something useless. If you can't handle these options then I apologize that Wii Fit Trainer has caused you so much grief in the past.

If you want to be mad about Hero, I think you should direct your attention on how over-tuned the Frizz and Zap family are. Getting upwards of 20% off of very basic and fast-charging projectiles (or in Zap's case, "projectile") is pretty frustrating. However, all this being said, I'm pretty biased in favor of extreme risk-reward interactions, so take this rant with a healthy few grains of salt.


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2019
Is that ok? I know Zelda isn't the heaviest character but that was unbuffed and she was at 24% (and even if it wouldn't kill she was at over 70% afterwards).
It's not just Magic Burst. True, it comes to mind fast, but these random crits aren't really healthy for the game. Games should be reproduceable and the Hero's mechanics goes against this very point in not only his downB but also in his Smash attacks.
Not even Ganon would've killed here and D3 is much slower than Hero. But at least D3 and Ganon are consistent when they land a smash attack.

Envoy of Chaos

Smash Ace
May 9, 2016
Rock Hill, SC
I feel like the spells have different counter play though, which is why I need to be aware at the options. Shielding beats things like Snooze and the slashes. but loses to Hatchet Man and Magic Burst and sitting in shield can give him Oomph, Psych Up, Bonce, etc. for free. Running away beats the slashes but loses to the projectile ones (esp. the one that has the windbox - Kaboom I think?) and again can give him the boosts or a heal for free plus stage control.

I find that if don't look at the menu, you are either getting your shield broken from staying in it or at risk being read getting out of it with a jump or roll. If you run you are giving Hero stage control...
You don’t even need to read the menu to react to most of his spells he could use. Snooze is slow moving and easily avoidable, got a platform? You’ve now completely made Snooze and while we are at his most of his projectile spells irrelevant. He can’t just sit in the menu either he closes after a few seconds if you don’t choose anything. Not that he wants to sit in it he’s a open target.

Thwack and wack are a bit different in terms of speed and space they occupy but lose to shield and again aren’t something you should be getting hit by aside ledge coverage or a yolo menu click when covering tech options before the hero even gets a chance to read what he clicked. (I don’t have to explain why this almost never will play in his favor)

His melee spells, metal slash is useless in competitive play, his fire and ice slash are quick but a simple menu peek negates any chance he has of hitting you with them outside of covering ledge options and Hatchet Man is slow you don’t need to read it to avoid it.

Again the only spells that are actually useable outside of specific situations are his buff spell, magic burst which is rare and zoom. Other than those, his spells range from too situational (admittedly good in those situations) , easy to avoid or just straight up worthless. His Down B menu is getting all the attention because it’s a new thing unlike any we’ve seen in smash and twitter clips show casing people with MU inexperience which is understandable given the character just came out and Hero players aren’t providing good experience yet because they themselves don’t know what they are doing but where attention needs to be much like your seeing in this thread his is B and Side B those moves are far superior to all his Down B spells combined and are going to straight up carry him in a lot of MUs I can see.

Unless menu storage gets discovered that is. (And I honestly expect something like it to come around one day.)


Smash Ace
May 20, 2014
I feel like the spells have different counter play though, which is why I need to be aware at the options. Shielding beats things like Snooze and the slashes. but loses to Hatchet Man and Magic Burst and sitting in shield can give him Oomph, Psych Up, Bonce, etc. for free. Running away beats the slashes but loses to the projectile ones (esp. the one that has the windbox - Kaboom I think?) and again can give him the boosts or a heal for free plus stage control.

I find that if don't look at the menu, you are either getting your shield broken from staying in it or at risk being read getting out of it with a jump or roll. If you run you are giving Hero stage control...
not true you can 100% block magic burst, the only thing hero can do that beats a block is hatchet man, if you sit in block while he buffs himself and then he shield breaks you after that, thats on you man


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2016
It is a bit bothersome that they can kill sooner than Ganondorf. At least he has tons of lag to make up for it, plus hitting super hard is kind of his thing. It also bugs me that they essentially have just a better version of Link's dash attack. All that said, I'm not convinced they'll be good, let alone broken. Yes, the crits and a several of their spells are obnoxious, but I wouldn't say ban worthy. At least not this soon out of the gate.
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