Some note-taking and stuffz, sort of as a warm-up before Top 8:
The Bad Stuff:
- Despite the strong rep

had under his belt, not a single Mario solo main placed Top 32 or higher; two Marios getting 33rd at a big tournament at EVO is good news, but ANTi, Prodigy, and Dark Wizzy were all knocked out pretty early, which is especially unfortunate after Dark Wizzy had such a good run at Thunder Smash. Hopefully, Dark Wizzy will truly be able to shine at Smash Con, but for now, the jump man is at a stagnant place at the moment.
THAT said, one Mario main in particular completely surpassed my expectations, and anyone who was watching EVO closely would know who I'm talking about: MastaMario. Aside from outplacing nearly every Mario solo main except Zenyou, MastaMario had an impressive Loser's Bracket run, 2-0ing Fatality, Dark Wizzy, and Larry Lurr all in a row before losing to Myran. Given that he outplaced his seeding by quite a bit (33rd vs. 125th), I hope this marks the beginning for something truly great.

is continuing to see success, but after what seemed like a dominance of Snakes in the early metagame of Ultimate, his grip over the competitive scene has been noticeably loosened. Salem and Shogun both had impressive runs, placing 33rd and 17th respectively, but MVD unfortunately fell short at 65th, and no Snakes were able to make it to top 8 (Scatt and Mr R did have two Snake secondaries and placed 13th, so that's pretty good, at least). I still feel that Snake is a top tier, but other characters/players are definitely catching up to his little tricks and shenanigans. And in that regard, I think I'm starting to see why Ultimate has not nerfed him at all as of yet, even if he is blatantly bonkers.
- Today was not a good day for


, or

To start with the really bad stuff, ven did not do well, placing a whooping 193rd at EVO (over 100 ranks lower than his seeding); Ven had an unfortunate run in with YMCA

early on, and things went downhill from thereon. I really hope ven is able to bounce back, because things are not looking good for Zelda right now. Captain Falcon did not fare much better, as Fatality ended up placing 97th after losing to MastaMario; while C. Falcon shows great promise as a counter-pick, he hasn't been able to go much beyond that, and based on his tweets, Fatality is not happy with Captain Falcon currently. Cookieslayer was only able to place 129th after an unfortunate run-in with Maister early on; YL's presence is diminishing slowly, and from the looks of it, it'll be up to Supashimmie to represent him.
- Neither


did very well, contrary to what their seedings would suggest; T unfortunately lost to both Mr R and then Eim immediately after, landing him a 65th place, a fair amount lower than his seed. Cosmos had his worst placement yet, placing 65th after losing to Larry Lurr, and just when Inkling needed it most, Abadango decided not to pull her out at all, instead opting for Wario the whole tournament. Cosmos didn't seem to be all that focused judging by his early set with Dank, so it's possible that's the biggest reason for his low placement. Good news for Inkling, though, she's still riding off her major success in Smash Factor 8, so not placing that well in EVO isn't too much of a blow to her top tier status. Link, unfortunately, doesn't have that luxury.

seemed to suffer a MAJOR case off "Fox at CEO" syndrome, because almost every major Greninja main (Lea, Stroder, and iStudying) were all forced to fight through the same bracket; with that kind of luck, it's no wonder why only one of them was able to make it to top 32 (who also had to fight WaDi right after, RiP). As a result, Greninja didn't do quite as well as I had hoped (though still pretty good), but I feel this is more of a product of just a really unfortunate arrangement.

is really struggling to retain the same level of oppressiveness that his pre-patch version was capable of, with not a single Pichu main even breaking top 48; I didn't think that Pichu's nerfs affected it all that much, but out of every nerfed character at first, but after seeing how unkind the meta has been to it as of late, Pichu is definitely feeling the sting of the balance patches the most. Unless things suddenly turn up overnight (hey, it can happen), I think it's a safe bet to say that Pichu is probably not a top tier anymore.

just can't seem to get rid of the "amazing at regionals, eeeeeehhhhhh at majors" stink he has on him, with not a single Ness breaking top 48 (Gackt placing 49th is pretty good, though); BestNess dropping didn't help things at all, but in terms of meta development, Ness has probably been one of the most stagnant characters in all of Ultimate.

was unable to prove his supposed top tier status once more, but Samsora's game against Kome did make me understand a little better about what top players see in him; kome almost defeated Samsora and brought him to game 3, and his use of Monado Art switching was phenomenal. Still an overhyped as heck character, but I do see seeds of potential.
Now, for the good stuff:

mains are celebrating everywhere right now, because we not only had one, but TWO Duck Hunt mains in top 32, with Vintendo placing 25th (taking out Kome in the process), and Raito not in the Loser's Side of Top 8, but the WINNER'S side. Given how consistently strong Raito has been doing, given the types of players he has been defeating (Dabuz, Maister, Shuton) to reach where he's out, I honestly don't see Duck Hunt as anything less than high tier. Maybe not top tier, since it is mostly Raito getting work done, if anything, Raito is showing you can definitely get work done with him. Guess it turns out not being able to kill doesn't really seem to mean much when Duck Hunt doesn't let you play the game 95% of the time anyway.
- I dunno if Japan has a "bring your

to work" day, because that's what it certainly felt like with Abadango and Nietono shredding through the brackets with their Wario's; Gluttony in particular has improved so much since Smash Factor, now on the Top 8 Winner's Side of EVO. Wario is seriously looking like one of the frontrunners of Patch 4.0.0; it almost feels like the

apocalypse all over again.
- Despite the nerfs,

is still looking as fabulous as ever. Samsora continues to see major success with Peach, and has done a great job of covering up Peach's more noticeable weakness (i.e. having a hard time killing sometimes); the fact that Peach can still KO with BAir/NAir/cheese stocks with FAir, while also getting 80% damage off of a combo, really makes the nerfs look like nothing in comparison.
- After what looked to be a downwards spiral for

, Light is suddenly back, and with a vengeance too, defeating Marss, WaDi, and Dabuz all in a row just to get into Losers Top 8; Fox's issues may look more pronounced, but there's one thing he's still good at it more than anything else, and that's scaring the living daylights out of people at kill percents. USmash is just such an oppressive punish tool, especially when compounded with Fox's top tier speed.


continue to show decent success in the tournament scene, with Zaki, Sparg0, and Masashi all placing 33rd, each with a noticeable win (Masashi against ANTi, Sparg0 against uncivil ninja, and Zaki against both Umeki and Nicko); not much to prove they're high tier threats, but also nothing to prove that they should be slept on, especially in the case of DDD since player opinion has seemingly fallen of him.

was the definite creeper in the shadows of this tournament, because I don't think anyone expected a Villager to place 25th, much less bring Nairo of all people to game 3 AND to his last tournament stock. Kept did a great job of showing that it's sometimes really easy to get overwhelmed by Villager's barrage of slingshots and Lloid Rockets. Hopefully he's able to keep up this level of success.
- Things continue to look up for both


. Both Elegant and Maister had some excellent runs for this tournament, with both placing 17th and taking out some pretty big names (with Elegant defeating Masashi, Scatt, and ESAM, and Maister defeating VoiD, Puppeh, and Vintendo while taking a game off of MKLeo). I really hope they continue to go further, because aside from Raito, Elegant and Maister have made some of the biggest improvements I have ever seen across the Smash community. I'm not sure if I'm completely sold on Luigi or GnW being high tiers (though maybe for GnW since Regi's still great), I don't blame anyone who thinks otherwise.
- Despite Larry Lurr deciding to mostly go for

this tournament, today was a pretty good day for

. Seven by far had the biggest disparity between his placement and his seeding, managing to nab a solid 25th placement while notably taking out Prodigy in the process; I hope other players are inspired from this notable victory, because oh my lord, Falco is such a fun character to watch lol
Overall, lots of upsets, emotions, crying, happiness, etc.... TLDR, things look great for some characters, things look bad for others, and things look about the same for a few others.
EDIT: Oh yeah... AHA! I told you

was a top tier!! Okay, for real, this tournament alone is probably not enough to prove that he is, but dang, this was a good tournament for him. Kameme defeating MKLeo helped just a biiiiittttt with that.