1) He has kill setups via Fair1 and edgeguarding. "Severe" lack of killing is an overstatement
I'm sorry but with exception to the usage of Arsene, there is not one kill confirm Joker has in his base form. Someone show me evidence that Base Joker has any kill confirms when the most he can combo is at about 100% and needs to get opponents up to around 120-180% (depending on the move) to get them into kill percentage.
A kill confirm means that Joker can true combo into some move and get a legitimate kill out of it. This may be very much true for Arsene, but someone name me a single kill confirm that Base Joker has? You people keep mentioning that Joker actually has kill confirms and I honestly don't know if you just mean Arsene or not because I haven't seen jack from Base Joker.
Palutena, assuming it wasn't changed in the patch (didn't really check) had a kill confirm via Down-Throw to Fair. You could literally true combo that up to as high as 250% and it pretty much killed at around 150%. Base Joker doesn't have one thing to his name that would account for a kill confirm. In fact, Base Joker's killing power is so weak that

actually has more killing power in the majority of his moves. A character who is notorious for having weak killing power.
I mean Base Joker might have one against a really light character like Jigglypuff or Pichu, but he certain isn't comboing Lucina to death without Arsene.
2) His unoptimized throw combos already do great damage so this is completely off base
None of Base Joker's combos work past 100% In fact I don't know if any of them go past 80%. He's got a few true combos at low percent such as:
Down-Throw+Nair/Fair and Uair. It takes some good timing but he can do Fastfall Nair+D-tilt. Utilt can be comboed into a few moves up until around 50%. These are not good damages but the thing is, that sense of "damage lacking" may very come from the fact that Base Joker has such poor killing power.
If Joker could kill like any normal character, 100-120%, that might make the build up of the combo damage seem reasonable. But that's no the case, chances are until you get Arsene, you won't be killing until around 150-180%, his base attacks just weren't designed for having killing power and thus the damage he does seems insignificant compared to the percentages he usually needs to get people at.
It was already brought up but thanks to increase in knockback thanks to Arsene, it's now much harder to consistently land combos with it. It's like you gain one thing and lose another. I said that Arsene probably has kill confirms but I'm not sure if that's true. Is there anything Persona Joker can combo that goes into a kill confirm? I ask that mostly of genuine curiosity.
3) Eiha is a decent spacing tool. Eigaon is a top class projectile, and his gun is decent/underutilized
Sorry to say but I don't see much use in his gun beyond very select points. Get a bit of chip damage, do a little bit of spacing. It's basically a much worse Fox Blaster and it desperately needs either damage increase or hitstun...aka what Persona gives it. Eiha is honestly a much better projectile that does allow for some spacing, but is also heavily laggy and easily canceled by a lot of regular attacks. I don't know if I can say Eigaon is a top class projectile but being the buffed up version of Eiha, it's certainly more useful.
But I'm not talking about Persona am I?
4) (Down) Gun is an absurdly effective edgeguarding tool
You mean the gun that has nearly no damage or hitstun? Sure that might work against Little Mac or Ganon but it's not going to do much against anyone with a decent recovery. You may mean Gun Special via Persona/Arsene and in that case, perhaps so. I make it very clear I'm talking about Base Joker, without the buffs he gets from Persona and I'm starting to question if anyone is actually getting that.
Right back at ya.
6) KO ability = / = survival ability
It kind of does though. If Base Joker needs to get people up to 150% on many of his moves but dies at around 120%, that means he needs to put more effort in both landing hits and avoiding damage. Most character's don't have this problem. Even

with his poor killing power can at least survive a good 150-180% thanks to combination of his weight and recovery. Character's usually have a balance of some sort between their killing power and the percentage they're usually killed at. Arsene seems to ultimately be what helps Joker balance out hat issue.
7) You can build Arsene up passively on your first stock; you don't need to go out of your way to get him (unless you want)
That sounds like an episode for trouble. Why would I want to build up something passively, unless you mean passively different than what I think. Do you mean like, do it via damage taken and not counter? There's only three ways to get that gauge up.
1.) Simply letting time go by, much like Cloud's limit, will raise the bar, but it's very slow and more likely the other two options are how you'll get it.
2.) Successfully landing counters which still does damage, but not by much. To get a full gauge from 0% will usually net you about 20% damage overall, not a bad trade perhaps.
3.) Taking damage will refill it as well. Here it takes about 60% damage to fill a gauge completely.
There's also a technical 4th one where once you have it, landing attacks (I don't know if any or if particularly powerful ones) will help keep it raised. The opposite is also true, taking damage depletes it.
I don't think anyone is denying that Persona Joker at least feels like a decent to good character but I have yet to see what makes Base Joker, who is arguably going to be in around at least half of the match unless you're really good at getting and keeping Arsene, into anything but a below average character.
It also hasn't been mentioned but Arsene also has another weakness and it's the same as Cloud's Limit. In that it has...well...a limit. Any character with good mobility and/or a decent projectile can effectively space, zone and keep out of Arsene's range.

I'd argue that all of these character's have either the mobility/and or projectile game to keep out Arsene's range and do chip damage to the gauge while even having good enough neutrals to deal with Joker even if he does get in.
Persona is a golden opportunity for Joker and once he misses a kill out on it, I say once again, Base Joker gets put into a distinctive disadvantage.