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  • Heya Spino. Do you wanna do a few matches?
    • Like
    Reactions: Linkmain-maybe
    Won't be able to play online till August ha
    Oh, ok. Why is it that you can't do online til then though?
    In my relatives' house with terrible internet
    Can I just say that I love your Dipper avatar?
    False Sense
    False Sense
    I can barely even remember a time when there weren't months between new episodes... And making us wait after an incredible episode like Not What He Seems...
    We only got that episode this Thursday here in Ireland haha. It was incredible though, but I already can't wait for the next one. :V
    False Sense
    False Sense
    It took that long? That's gotta be hard...

    By the way, did you know there's a Gravity Falls group here on Smashboards? You could talk to Mega Bidoof about joining if you'd like.
    Wario is so much fun

    Why did I not main him before
    Because you'd rather use boring characters like Fox and Falco for whatever reason smh
    Captain Rage Quit 69
    Captain Rage Quit 69
    ayy for real though I'm making Wario my new secondary, I have seen the light. He'll be right next to Fox and Falco on my list of scrub-destroyers.

    I'm gonna have to send you some replays of mine in the future for critique, I'm taking him serious now.
    You're doing me proud.

    Send away!
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