I respect the hell out that opinion, and based on my time with Joker I'd have to say my opinion changed too. Low tier, not mid tier, far too gimmicky with way too many problems and people are wayyyy too eager to look past the tons of better options and kits on other characters to play pretend with his.
He still feels like another PP to me, and until I see hard results, I don't think I can change my mind. He just FEELS underwhelming, looks it.. the whole shebang. On top of being literally full of holes, it's not a good place to be. People keep theorycrafting and REALLY stretching to fit him into these boxes to make him look good, there is literally jack **** people can say clear and concisely, laying it down on the table with confidence, to show he's got proper high chops. It's a lot of paragraphs, essays, theorycrafting, stretching and lab videos.. that's like the low tier denial starter kit.
All the technical potential in the world means nada, look at IC's. He also gets completely blistered in a lot of REALLY important MU's so far. I don't think he has viability at all, honestly, I think people are going honeymoon over him.
I am EAGER to be proved wrong, I want him to be good, I paid for the damned character like everyone else. I'm not eager to call him trash.. but I'm not gonna be anything less than honest about my experiences with him thus far. Not only is he underwhelming, I'd call him a handicap to his player. I hope someone makes me look like an idiot, I REALLY do. Right now all I see are a bunch of people in denial / the honeymoon phase / character loyalty phase trying to literally force him into boxes he doesn't fit in. I keep seeing tons of videos.. in the lab. He feels like another IC's, and they've STILL yet to pull any of this hidden magic out that people swear up and down they have. The reality is, MAYBE Sean is right.. but maybe that player never picks up Joker. I think comparing him to Shulk is short-sighted, and even naive, a little overly-optimistic. Shulk can actually hold his own without a ton of technical skill.. Joker can't. That's not the trait of a top/high tier.
Shulk is a good character with amazing potential. Joker is a.. bad character who feels incomplete, with really gimmicky and meh potential that I can just start freehand naming better instances of on the roster. Why would you want to pour heart and soul to a character.. just to develop him to the peaks of mid tier tops? I don't get it, I really don't. I dropped my main for greener pastures, I don't see why other competitive (that's the keyword) players can't wise up and do the same when we're all a bunch of crusty idiots trying to win and make money.
Sometimes... characters just suck. It's an unfortunate reality, but it is a reality.
When PP came out I, and a lot of others, had immediate thoughts that he was not that great. You could just tell, within 2 or 3 games of playing him that he wasn't very good. He's got some wonky kill options and is deceptively heavy, but that's it. Otherwise slow and lacks range. The fact that you can walk right through the poison cloud made what could have been an amazing kill confirm move into something fairly useless. Not getting the same vibes with Joker at all. I'm skeptical of the overall usefulness of his gun, but other than that, he's already a lot more playable than PP.
So what's the gimmick? He plays out like a classic singles fighter with a comeback mechanic. He's fast, he can combo, he has a good recovery, and can edgeguard. And that's without Arsene. With Arsene, he can kill at fairly low percents...fsmash can kill at like 70 at the ledge. He has a good anti-zoner tool and combo breaker with both down Bs. Good get off me tools with his tilts. He can already do a lot of things PP and several other perceived low tiers can't. He's kind of a lightweight, and can't zone well himself without Arsene, but that's beside the point.
The comparison to Shulk was only in how I'm guessing top players are going to rank him. They always tout potential and say that the right person needs to pick him up and he'll be top tier easy if someone does, but no one ever tries. I actually think speculating he's low tier at this point is the naive way of thinking. And I would say the same if you said he's top tier. Most people have only had the character for a day or so. We need to give it a little bit more time before dropping crazy hot takes. Maybe he has some issues against swordfighters, okay. Something to work around. Maybe he won't be an easy top tier or whatever, but I don't think he's an overall bad character.
I don't really know how to respond to this...
Why would you want to pour heart and soul to a character.. just to develop him to the peaks of mid tier tops? I don't get it, I really don't. I dropped my main for greener pastures, I don't see why other competitive (that's the keyword) players can't wise up and do the same when we're all a bunch of crusty idiots trying to win and make money.
...except for that this is what I think a large issue is with the mindset of a lot of Smash players. Are you sponsored by a high-profile organization and getting performance reviews on your tourney placements and in-game performance? Is your goal with this game to win internationals and be #1 in the world? If not, this really doesn't matter nearly as much. If you're just playing at locals, or online, or whatever, it matters much less. Play who you want and develop the character to the point where you feel satisfied. If it's not satisfying, don't play the character. I dropped Cloud, though he's perceived better than some of the other characters I play, because I didn't like the way you had to play him to be successful at a higher level. The game didn't let me play him the way I wanted to play him. But I still stick with Richter sometimes because he's still enjoyable to play and improve with, even with getting gimped and all. The money is a minuscule factor at these levels, and tiers matter much less than at the absolute top. Your skill at the game will be the end-all at lower levels.
I feel like suggesting players drop who they like playing and who they have success with for a perceived better character is what robs the game of its identity. There are a lot of dark horse characters, so I'm hoping the status quo will not always be in place.
I posted about this some time ago in this same thread, and I think it still carries some weight. I still believe a lot of characters will go drastically underdeveloped in this game, and it saddens me a little bit. Maybe it makes me a bit of a scrub for saying so, but I'll wear that crown if need be.