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COMPETITIVE Brawl+: Code Agenda


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2007
closest to Sterling Heights, MI on your wii foreca
well just for the heck of it i just tried 10 in the lagless edges code (41200000)...its pretty much instant, but it appears you lose alot of invincibility. i dont remember how much you got in melee, but its less than half a second with this.

oh, and dashdancing is too good. pika's is almost as long as a BF platform.

EDIT: well, comparing the invincibility frames to normal brawl, its not too much of a difference. i dont think it will change much.


Flute-Fox Only
Feb 7, 2007
I tested a bunch of characters with good or unique dash dances from previous games such as falcon, fox, and sheik. After playing with all of them for a few rounds in 64 (not sheik) melee, and brawl+, here's my impression:

PW nailed the length of the dash dance right on. However, characters are bigger in brawl than predecessors, so the same length actually feels shorter relative to the size of the player. Does this make sense and does anyone else feel this way? Also, tomorrow I'm going to try MuBa's dash ending animation remover with the new DD code. It should be crazy.

I also tried out the no buffer. It really pissed me off at first, and then just faded to annoyance. I can definitely see it clicking and working after three hours or so like Yeroc said, though. I think it will feel fine to most Melee vets, but I can't see most Brawl players giving the game a 3 hour chance. Plus, I agree with Magus that learning to use a 3-4 frame buffer effectively would be beneficial.


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2008
Nice vids, sketch, but would it have hurt to also enable no tripping? :laugh:

Anyway, I just tested every character, and I must say, this code is SPOT ON. Samus and Sheik DD just like in Melee. Falcon is almost the same, though the distance does seem a bit shorter, but still great. Sonic's is, of course, insane due to how fast it is. And Squirtle mains are going to love his DD, since it goes well with the shell dance.


Flute-Fox Only
Feb 7, 2007
Is the DDing code easily modifiable in any way, shape or form?


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2008
Winter Park, FL
Nice vids, sketch, but would it have hurt to also enable no tripping? :laugh:

Anyway, I just tested every character, and I must say, this code is SPOT ON. Samus and Sheik DD just like in Melee. Falcon is almost the same, though the distance does seem a bit shorter, but still great. Sonic's is, of course, insane due to how fast it is. And Squirtle mains are going to love his DD, since it goes well with the shell dance.
I know! I was so hasty :laugh:

Turned it on for the last two though :p

I also want to try out Dash Dance + Dash Cancel

Dash Danceling FTW


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
After playing around with the ledge and DD codes im very happy, those codes work great. Now I dont agree with the 0 buffer, There should be somewhat of a smaller one but I dont agree with 0 it takes away too much. I kno I will get verbally assaulted for this but the buffer code takes away stacking at 0, I think we should go a for a little higher buffer than 0.


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2008
This is false

0 buffer in NO way take out AC-ing. it does, however, make the game much more precise. Please learn to time your moves correctly before jumping to conclusions.

Also, yes, this means SH-> Aerial instantly in Melee was possible too.

Seriously, the crouch-before-jumping animation is on avg 5-6 frames anyway(know this from Melee, may be slightly different in Brawl, but definitely not lower), which gives you time to go input the aerial you want. Buffering is unnecessary, and clinging to it so you can do one specific thing easier and sloppier is not really proper justification.
I just tested to performe autocanceled down air with ganon, in 1/4 speed in training mode to be sure. IT DOES NOT WORK, 0 buffer sucks ***.
And no, instant aerials was impossible in Melee that's why auto cancelling was basically a new tech in brawl.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
After playing around with the ledge and DD codes im very happy, those codes work great. Now I dont agree with the 0 buffer, There should be somewhat of a smaller one but I dont agree with 0 it takes away too much. I kno I will get verbally assaulted for this but the buffer code takes away stacking at 0, I think we should go a for a little higher buffer than 0.
though i don't mind 0 buffer that much i am starting to see the downside of it. falco's sh single laser is rediculously difficult. if anything, because of 0 buffering, one will mess up more than with vanilla brawls massive buffer window. seriously. with that said, i don't think thats a good thing. also i couldn't tell if i could drop off the edge as fast as before -- thanks to buffering. if the code worked 3-4 frames of buffer would be great.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2006
Indianapolis, Indiana
though i don't mind 0 buffer that much i am starting to see the downside of it. falco's sh single laser is rediculously difficult. if anything, because of 0 buffering, one will mess up more than with vanilla brawls massive buffer window. seriously. with that said, i don't think thats a good thing. also i couldn't tell if i could drop off the edge as fast as before -- thanks to buffering. if the code worked 3-4 frames of buffer would be great.
Buffer = training wheels

I was messing with Metaknight and he is completly off the chain. He's beatable with mind games but it is definitely an uphill battle for almost any character.

Team Giza

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2006
San Diego, CA
Metaknight is definitely gonna be taking some character specific nerfs after we decide on a standard. :laugh: PW did this dashdance code great. Been messing around with it for quite awhile now. Good stuff. Cannot wait to play this with my friend tomorrow.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2006
Indianapolis, Indiana
Metaknight is definitely gonna be taking some character specific nerfs after we decide on a standard. :laugh: PW did this dashdance code great. Been messing around with it for quite awhile now. Good stuff. Cannot wait to play this with my friend tomorrow.
If he isn't outright banned in Brawl+.


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
So I'm wondering what the Dash Dancing code does to Squirtle. We all know that his pivot animation is the cornerstone of his AT's and mindgames. Does this code in anyway affect it? Does it make it better?


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2006
Indianapolis, Indiana
So I'm wondering what the Dash Dancing code does to Squirtle. We all know that his pivot animation is the cornerstone of his AT's and mindgames. Does this code in anyway affect it? Does it make it better?
I wouldn't know, but someone said earlier that his DD goes well with his "shell dashing" or whatever it was.


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
Nevermind, just saw this in the previous pages:

Tested both new dash-dancing and lagless edge codes. Dash-dancing works exactly as it's supposed to as far as I know (never done it before, had to research it first), and doesn't take away Squirtle's advance techs.
I am pleased. =D

Team Giza

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2006
San Diego, CA
So I'm wondering what the Dash Dancing code does to Squirtle. We all know that his pivot animation is the cornerstone of his AT's and mindgames. Does this code in anyway affect it? Does it make it better?
It shouldn't. The dashdancing code seems to only effect the point in time between the normal brawl dashdance and when you can turn around (basically the whole initial dash). So Squritle should still be able to do his turn around craziness just fine.

If he isn't outright banned in Brawl+.
Yeah we aren't gonna do that. We'll nerf him.


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
Yeah, I'm not seeing how we'll have the space for character specific nerfs/buffs over other codes.
The only character specific code that NEEDS to be in standard, if you ask me, are the PT codes by PW. Goodness are those needed...

Also, I agree that SOME buffer is better than 0 buffer. It just makes the game feel so much more fluid. Doesn't matter how much time you invest practicing with 0 buffer, two things remain true:

1) It does not feel like Melee did.
2) It does not feel right on Brawl.

It just doesn't fit and takes away from, really, the FUN of the game. And, as has been stated before, it cripples the accessibility and adoption rate of Brawl+ because the game will feel like crap to newcomers from Brawl. And remember, we want widespread acceptance in order to get recognition, a scene, and tourneys. 0 buffer just really isn't helping out this project.

Reduce the buffer window, but keep some buffer. I think I'm seeing the consensus of 3-4 frames in the responses?


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2006
Indianapolis, Indiana
Yeah, I'm not seeing how we'll have the space for character specific nerfs/buffs over other codes.
The only character specific code that NEEDS to be in standard, if you ask me, are the PT codes by PW. Goodness are those needed...

Also, I agree that SOME buffer is better than 0 buffer. It just makes the game feel so much more fluid. Doesn't matter how much time you invest practicing with 0 buffer, two things remain true:

1) It does not feel like Melee did.
2) It does not feel right on Brawl.

It just doesn't fit and takes away from, really, the FUN of the game. And, as has been stated before, it cripples the accessibility and adoption rate of Brawl+ because the game will feel like crap to newcomers from Brawl. And remember, we want widespread acceptance in order to get recognition, a scene, and tourneys. 0 buffer just really isn't helping out this project.

Reduce the buffer window, but keep some buffer. I think I'm seeing the consensus of 3-4 frames in the responses?
Any amount of buffer still messes with your precision. The game feels fine to me at 0 buffer I don't have any issues with it. You have to ease newcomers into 0 buffer and let people know that they wont be having thier hands held an that they need to time thier attacks better. What do you mean by "FUN"?


Smash Lord
Dec 7, 2005
San Antonio, Texas
Both Dash Dancing code and 0 Buffer feel great to me.
The 0 buffer is really nice as it feels like the game takes at least some knowledge of the game and skill now. DDing for spacing is the greatest thing ever, so glad it's back =)

One thing that really seems to need attention to me is a code that allows you to shield during your initial dash animation. It could be done in both 64 and melee. In brawl you can't do this and it didn't matter too much before due to how short initual dash animations were. Now though with the new dash dance code which lengthens the initial dash animation of all characters anytime you dash you have a large window in which you cannot shield which makes dash approaches very unsafe. Anytime I start dashing my opponenets seem to immediately do the fastest thing they have to punish me for my mistake of using a dash and leaving myself open. The dash dance helps as I can dash away and I've learned to pivot roll back to avoid things... but it's just not right not being able to shield for that long.
I think adding this feature back in will allow many more approaches and many more options over all for all characters and will expand the depth of the game.

Deleted member

ok .lot's of new codes and I actually have to port them in a few hours (not kidding, some friends coming to test barwl+ :p )

anyways, DD looks sweet, lagless edges seems a lot easier to port now so that is good too.

btw nerfing MK is less linedemanding than you would expect, dropping the knockback he gives should be 1 line, same for knockback taken. best value to mess with would be his speed but I'm not sure if that's so easy too.

EDIT: kith, we can't keep making that many more improvements, I think we already have a pretty good codeset, and even without MAD we are getting short on space.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2006
Indianapolis, Indiana
Both Dash Dancing code and 0 Buffer feel great to me.

One thing that really seems to need attention to me is a code that allows you to shield during your initial dash animation. It could be done in both 64 and melee. In brawl you can't do this and it didn't matter too much before due to how short initual dash animations were. Now though with the new dash dance code which lengthens the initial dash animation of all characters anytime you dash you have a large window in which you cannot shield which makes dash approaches very unsafe.
I think adding this feature back in will allow many more approaches and many more options over all for all characters and will expand the depth of the game.
The ability to block during your initial dash could be added to the DDing code.


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
In all the complaining people have made against Brawl, I have never heard anyone say that "Brawl is less precise than Melee or 64".
"Precision" was never something people saw as a problem in Brawl.

In fact, almost everyone that complained about the buffer in Brawl complained specifically because of the "got shield pushed off stage and buffer made me die" issue.

Precision is not a problem. No one felt they were being "imprecise" in Brawl. In THEORY, yes you would be more precise with 0 buffer. Unfortunately, in practice, no one has that kind of reflex anyway. You'd have to be a robot.

The end result is that the buffer actually makes you feel MORE precise because every input you enter actually gets recognized and enacted.


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2008
And again:
I just tested to performe autocanceled down air with ganon, in 1/4 speed in training mode to be sure. IT DOES NOT WORK, 0 buffer sucks ***.
And no, instant aerials was impossible in Melee that's why auto cancelling was basically a new tech in brawl.
That alone makes it inacceptable for Cpt. Falcon and Ganondorf.

In melee, you didn't recognice not being able to instant aerial attack that much because the whole gamespeed was faster.
I'm fine with a nonglitchy 3 or 4 Buffer, since it still let's you doing instant aerials, but for me it's not worth the codespace because it doesn't offer me anything, i never had a problem with the brawl buffer.


Smash Lord
Dec 7, 2005
San Antonio, Texas
The ability to block during your initial dash could be added to the DDing code.
This would be the greatest thing ever and I think brawl + would be almost perfect if this could be done.
Though I still don't like how dairs force you to auto fast fall but I guess I can live with that.

In all the complaining people have made against Brawl, I have never heard anyone say that "Brawl is less precise than Melee or 64".
"Precision" was never something people saw as a problem in Brawl.

In fact, almost everyone that complained about the buffer in Brawl complained specifically because of the "got shield pushed off stage and buffer made me die" issue.

Precision is not a problem. No one felt they were being "imprecise" in Brawl. In THEORY, yes you would be more precise with 0 buffer. Unfortunately, in practice, no one has that kind of reflex anyway. You'd have to be a robot.

The end result is that the buffer actually makes you feel MORE precise because every input you enter actually gets recognized and enacted.
Let me clarify this. 0 buffer doesn't make you more precise it makes you be more precise. Without the precision of knowing the exact timings of your moves you won't be able to sting combos or do attacks or anything when you want to. It adds a nice and what I think is a much needed element of skill and necessity for game knowledge to the game.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2006
Indianapolis, Indiana
In all the complaining people have made against Brawl, I have never heard anyone say that "Brawl is less precise than Melee or 64".
"Precision" was never something people saw as a problem in Brawl.

In fact, almost everyone that complained about the buffer in Brawl complained specifically because of the "got shield pushed off stage and buffer made me die" issue.

Precision is not a problem. No one felt they were being "imprecise" in Brawl. In THEORY, yes you would be more precise with 0 buffer. Unfortunately, in practice, no one has that kind of reflex anyway. You'd have to be a robot.

The end result is that the buffer actually makes you feel MORE precise because every input you enter actually gets recognized and enacted.
It's all relative. The buffer in brawl has always stood in my way so the first chance to get rid of it I got I did away with it.

People who play with buffer can't easily play without it and those who play without can't play with it.


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
If the goal of Brawl+ was to up the skill value of Brawl, then the manual L-cancel would have been chosen as the standard. But auto-L was chosen instead.

The same reasons for auto-L over manual-L can be applied in this scenario.

We need a standard, so eventually, what's relative will have to collide with what's appropriate. This means we can expect plenty more discussion to take place until a consensus is reached.

For my part, I just don't see why technical necessity should get in the way of the accessibility of Brawl+.

In the same way that we picked auto-L over manual-L, in the same way that the SF2:HD Remix made some moves easier to execute, I'll apply that same philosophy here:

You shouldn't be focusing on how you're going to execute things, but instead on how you're going to apply things. The execution should never hamper the application, and I feel 0 buffer does that - like manual-L does.

Team Giza

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2006
San Diego, CA
It'll cost lines to nerf Metaknight.
No duh. I think that best thing to do would be to get heavily nerf the knockback down+smash and up+B.

:( Time to panic guys. I'm getting freezes with Olimar and I have no idea what code is causing it. Try it out yourself. Grab an enemy and just keep jabbing them and the game will end up freezing up.

edit: Haven't tested it yet, but it probably has to do with my grab release code.
edit 2: Yep definitely my code. Turn it off guys.


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2008
I'm sorry but both parts of this sentence are very, very, incorrect. :urg:
If you think so than go Training mode in melee and try to instantly aerial attack, do it at 1/2 or 1/4 speed to see clearly that it is not instant. The character only starts the aerial attack animation after he jumped 1 half feet length. With Brawl buffer, you can immediatly start the aerial attack right off the ground.


Smash Ace
Oct 22, 2006
Burnaby, BC
If the goal of Brawl+ was to up the skill value of Brawl, then the manual L-cancel would have been chosen as the standard. But auto-L was chosen instead.

The same reasons for auto-L over manual-L can be applied in this scenario.

We need a standard, so eventually, what's relative will have to collide with what's appropriate. This means we can expect plenty more discussion to take place until a consensus is reached.

For my part, I just don't see why technical necessity should get in the way of the accessibility of Brawl+.

In the same way that we picked auto-L over manual-L, in the same way that the SF2:HD Remix made some moves easier to execute, I'll apply that same philosophy here:

You shouldn't be focusing on how you're going to execute things, but instead on how you're going to apply things. The execution should never hamper the application, and I feel 0 buffer does that - like manual-L does.
You're making it sound like we want you to waveshine repeatedly to make you do things in Brawl+, it's not like that at all. 0 buffer just requires you to be more precise, it's not making things more complicated, it's not adding a huge strain on you. It's not like there are long preset button combos in Brawl like traditional fighters where a small buffer window does help.

And a large part of the L-cancel debate was the fact that you would always want to L-cancel over not L-cancel and the outcome for a failed L-cancel was the same as not attempting to L-cancel. That part of it doesn't apply. The other part of adding unnecessary tech skill kind of does but 0 buffer doesn't make you press extra buttons. It's just making YOU input your actions when they are actually available, not before.

And I wouldn't say execution should NEVER hamper application. If you input something too slow, too fast or just plain sloppily then why shouldn't it hamper the application? You messed up, you pay the price.

Plus I'm just really annoyed by crouch after shffls. :bee:
If a really small buffer window makes it into to Brawl+ I won't cry or not play it, but I would just really prefer none at all. It really doesn't make the game slow or not fun at all. It's more fun for me anyways. And Brawl's buffering always annoyed me, I'm just not the kind of person that *****es on forums about these kind of things. Just because you don't see something doesn't mean it isn't there.

Oh yeah, DD is totally awesome. Good job PW. I like the new ledge code too. I've been using the default value posted and it works just fine, why are some people changing it?

What other codes are an absolute necessity in Brawl+? Air momentum, and shorter short hops would be awesome but I wouldn't say are necessities. I think a vertical knockback modifier is though so that people can actually give higher gravity values some consideration without worrying about horizontal attack buffs and vertical attack nerfs. A shield stun without so much push back would be nice too.

EDIT: that sucks about Olimar screwing up the grab release code, I really liked it.


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2008
Okay i just found a way to adjust hitstun + fast fall values.
8% Hitstun + 1.3 fast fall is like 10% + 1.1 fast fall.
with just 8% hitstun, 1.3 fastfall is playable without easy jab locks or cheap combos.

The way i do this is following: In training mode I choose Link and the CPU Marth on FD (its not relevant which characters are choosen) I grab Marth at 0% and throw him downwards, with the second controller (i plug an auto-fire controller in here) i watch when exactly marth can jump. in 10% with 1.1 fast fall mod, he usually can jump like 2 feets bevore he was about to land. So does he at 8% hitstun with 1.3 fastfall. It's quiet simple.

For 1.5 fast fall 6% hitstun looks pretty right.


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2003
Close to Trenton, NJ Posts: 4,071
If you think so than go Training mode in melee and try to instantly aerial attack, do it at 1/2 or 1/4 speed to see clearly that it is not instant. The character only starts the aerial attack animation after he jumped 1 half feet length. With Brawl buffer, you can immediatly start the aerial attack right off the ground.
Dude, you can begin the aerial on the 1st air frame. Did you know that doing exactly that also causes you to land ~1 frame sooner (it shortens your jump ever so slightly)? Trust me, I know exactly what I am talking about and you are mistaken. My shorthop b-air wavelands with Sheik and SH u-air double jumps with Falcon which require you to begin the aerial the moment you leave the ground disagree with you, as does the developer mode where you can play the game 1 frame at a time. If you are Fox for example, whose jump startup lag is 3, and you begin holding the attack input on that 3rd frame before leaving the ground and then press Z to advance to the next frame you will clearly begin the attack on the following frame when you leave the ground.

The part about autocanceling is also very misinformed. I use lots of autocanceled aerials with my Ganon. In fact, the autocancel windows on his aerials in Melee are WAY better than in Brawl. I'm not sure you really understand what autocanceling is. It has nothing at all to do with needing to start the aerial directly as you leave the ground. Ganon/CF's d-airs just happen to have the AC windows on those moves being right around the same amount of time into as the duration of their shorthops, so in order to land at or after that point in the d-air's animation from a shorthop it needs to begin immediately or they land too early and not within the autocanceling window for that attack.


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2008
Dude, you can begin the aerial on the 1st air frame. Did you know that doing exactly that also causes you to land ~1 frame sooner (it shortens your jump ever so slightly)? Trust me, I know exactly what I am talking about and you are mistaken. My shorthop b-air wavelands with Sheik and SH u-air double jumps with Falcon which require you to begin the aerial the moment you leave the ground disagree with you, as does the developer mode where you can play the game 1 frame at a time. If you are Fox for example, whose jump startup lag is 3, and you begin holding the attack input on that 3rd frame before leaving the ground and then press Z to advance to the next frame you will clearly begin the attack on the following frame when you leave the ground.

The part about autocanceling is also very misinformed. I use lots of autocanceled aerials with my Ganon. In fact, the autocancel windows on his aerials in Melee are WAY better than in Brawl. I'm not sure you really understand what autocanceling is. It has nothing at all to do with needing to start the aerial directly as you leave the ground. Ganon/CF's d-airs just happen to have the AC windows on those moves being right around the same amount of time into as the duration of their shorthops, so in order to land at or after that point in the d-air's animation from a shorthop it needs to begin immediately or they land too early and not within the autocanceling window for that attack.
please record where you do perform an auto cancelled down air with ganon at 0 buffer in brawl. thanks.


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2003
Close to Trenton, NJ Posts: 4,071
What does that have to do with anything? lol

I merely noted that your last sentence about Melee was so horribly wrong that it made me die a little inside. I'm actually in agreement with you about keeping a buffer window though =D



Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2008
No duh. I think that best thing to do would be to get heavily nerf the knockback down+smash and up+B.

I agree with K1T3 about getting rid of the ability to shield during the dashdance.

:( Time to panic guys. I'm getting freezes with Olimar and I have no idea what code is causing it. Try it out yourself. Grab an enemy and just keep jabbing them and the game will end up freezing up.

edit: Haven't tested it yet, but it probably has to do with my grab release code.
edit 2: Yep definitely my code. Turn it off guys.
I tried it, it really freezes the game.
Then i tried the older one, it won't freeze the game.
4A000000 8077F780
D2000000 00000007
2C030000 41820010
2C1C0040 40820008
3B800021 60000000
2C030000 41820010
2C1C0041 40820008
3B80000B 60000000
939E0038 00000000
It's longer and different, instead of both characters beeing in the grab release animation, the 1 who got grabbed simple has no grab release animation anymore.

What does that have to do with anything? lol

I merely noted that your last sentence about Melee was so horribly wrong that it made me die a little inside. I'm actually in agreement with you about keeping a buffer window though =D

Nah im really really sure in melee you have the exact same window after a jump where you can't performe an aerial attack like brawl with 0 buffer, the window was in melee almost not noticable because the whole gamespeed is higher than in brawl, i will start melee training mode now to see if i'm wrong.
Edit: ok you're right, my memorys tricked me, you could do instant aerials in melee at 1/4 speed, sorry 'bout that, but the brawl 0 buffer aspect remains true. I even tried to auto cancel ganons dair with auto-fire on 1/4 speed in brawl with 0 buffer, instant aerials don't work, maybe it's the codes fault but as it is now, it's not working like melee.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 10, 2007
I agree that we need to be able to shield during dash animation.

I also hate auto fast-falling with D-airs.

Question about the 0 buffer code: Does this affect teching in any way?
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