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COMPETITIVE Brawl+: Code Agenda


Smash Ace
Oct 22, 2006
Burnaby, BC
Meh, I see buffering in this game the same way I see the huge hammeron/pulloff window in Guitar Hero 3, it's rewarding you for being imprecise. That's not even mentioning all the annoying parts of Brawl's buffer system.

If you can't humanly do it on the first frame it's available then why should you be able to do it at all? Because the inputs are so lenient? I'm just not convinced.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 19, 2005
Nashville, TN
We weren't able to change Melee Fox though. We just had to deal with what we were given. I just don't think one attack of one character should be an excuse to leave in such a poorly implemented buffer system. Doesn't he have other viable approaches (in Brawl+, not Brawl)?


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2006
Glen Cove/RIT, New York.
You're wrong on so many levels it's not even funny. If ganon shffl's his dair it will not come out. You will literally not be able to hit with it if you try to shffl it. The startup is offset by your aerial control so you can move before it actually connects. The dair hits right before ganon reaches the ground in an AC, so the lag gained by landing during the dair far surpasses the lag lost by being able to shffl it. The dair has huge landing lag.
Huh? I've seen MANY a Auto-Canceled Dairs, and it has always connected right at the peak of the jump. see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyZUlALAArc for evidence

How many frames of landing lag does Ganon's Dair have? how much is that halved? and how many frames does he spend in the air after the AC dair connects. And can someone test SHFFL'ing it and see if you can still followup? If you can CHARGE an UPSMASH afterward, it seems like there's a lot of room for error :laugh:

I'd like to see someone actually analyze this before clinging to the sloppy universal buffer system for one specific technique (that you could still do without it, it would just take, you know, skill) and telling me that I have no idea what I'm talking about.


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
Let's go through his approach list for a moment here...

Dash attack - laggy, so if it's shielded you're gonna get wrecked
Murder choke (sideB) - also laggy, but it's a grab so they have to spotdodge; it's also very easy to hit through due to its startup and low disjointedness
Fair - even with the ALC, its lag is still quite considerable, and it doesn't set up for combos very well; mostly used at high percents when it will kill
Nair - one of his better approach options now imo; decent enough range and can set up combos/edgeguarding, but its easy to hit him out of
DownB - startup and lag make this questionable, although it can set up edgeguarding nicely if they're near the ledge and have decent damage; probably his most situational approach option

And then we have...

Dair - zero lag, so it's very hard to punish after it's already been executed; usually, if your opponent tries to hastily punish, you can get a jab in, which will start techchasing; it's both one of his best combo starters and also functions as a kill move, so it's good if you land one at almost any percent; its drawbacks come in the huge startup of the move, during which time your opponent can either hit you out of it if they have a disjointed hitbox, or just avoid it entirely, which is fairly easy to do

It isn't a broken move by any means, but it makes ganon a lot more viable. Once you apply lag to the move, it becomes one of his worse approach options simply due to how easy it is to avoid and punish.


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2006
Glen Cove/RIT, New York.
Let's go through his approach list for a moment here...

Dash attack - laggy, so if it's shielded you're gonna get wrecked
Murder choke (sideB) - also laggy, but it's a grab so they have to spotdodge; it's also very easy to hit through due to its startup and low disjointedness
Fair - even with the ALC, its lag is still quite considerable, and it doesn't set up for combos very well; mostly used at high percents when it will kill
Nair - one of his better approach options now imo; decent enough range and can set up combos/edgeguarding, but its easy to hit him out of
DownB - startup and lag make this questionable, although it can set up edgeguarding nicely if they're near the ledge and have decent damage; probably his most situational approach option

And then we have...

Dair - zero lag, so it's very hard to punish after it's already been executed; usually, if your opponent tries to hastily punish, you can get a jab in, which will start techchasing; it's both one of his best combo starters and also functions as a kill move, so it's good if you land one at almost any percent; its drawbacks come in the huge startup of the move, during which time your opponent can either hit you out of it if they have a disjointed hitbox, or just avoid it entirely, which is fairly easy to do

It isn't a broken move by any means, but it makes ganon a lot more viable. Once you apply lag to the move, it becomes one of his worse approach options simply due to how easy it is to avoid and punish.
(What about Bair? Also Uair?)

And... your point is? I said nowhere to apply lag to it. Without the buffer system it would still be entirely possible to AC Ganon's Dair, it would just require a little bit of Tech skill, which is something Brawl really needs. I was merely also suggesting an alternative available with L-Canceling. With L-Cancel, you can do the Dair closer to the ground (saving you frames of going from top of jump to landing), because the landing lag is HALVED. If it isn't the same speed as an AC, the lag frames gained would likely be very minimal, and likely would be negligible (the fact that you can Charge Ganon's Upsmash as a followup to an AC Dair if it connects is testament that it could spare a few frames without losing effectiveness.

Again, you're putting words in my mouth. In no way would 0 buffer take out AC Dair. It would make it harder (which is nothing to cry about), and with L-Canceling in, there's possibly a completely different option to do the same thing anyway.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
We weren't able to change Melee Fox though. We just had to deal with what we were given. I just don't think one attack of one character should be an excuse to leave in such a poorly implemented buffer system. Doesn't he have other viable approaches (in Brawl+, not Brawl)?
Your forgetting one thing....we didn't have to change melee fox in the first place because melee was smart about their buffer system. You have more control over what you do in melee than you do in brawl.

Some buffer catastrophes:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRChvPf3vt0#t=1m44s (jab)

Oh and forget about dair stomping to a retreating knee with falcon..your do a roll instead..


Smash Ace
Oct 22, 2006
Burnaby, BC
Let's go through his approach list for a moment here...

Dash attack - laggy, so if it's shielded you're gonna get wrecked
Murder choke (sideB) - also laggy, but it's a grab so they have to spotdodge; it's also very easy to hit through due to its startup and low disjointedness
Fair - even with the ALC, its lag is still quite considerable, and it doesn't set up for combos very well; mostly used at high percents when it will kill
Nair - one of his better approach options now imo; decent enough range and can set up combos/edgeguarding, but its easy to hit him out of
DownB - startup and lag make this questionable, although it can set up edgeguarding nicely if they're near the ledge and have decent damage; probably his most situational approach option

And then we have...

Dair - zero lag, so it's very hard to punish after it's already been executed; usually, if your opponent tries to hastily punish, you can get a jab in, which will start techchasing; it's both one of his best combo starters and also functions as a kill move, so it's good if you land one at almost any percent; its drawbacks come in the huge startup of the move, during which time your opponent can either hit you out of it if they have a disjointed hitbox, or just avoid it entirely, which is fairly easy to do

It isn't a broken move by any means, but it makes ganon a lot more viable. Once you apply lag to the move, it becomes one of his worse approach options simply due to how easy it is to avoid and punish.
If you use PW's dash cancel code then you can add his dtilt because it's actually an amazing approach. It's quick, has excellent range, and sets up for combos.

It baffles me why some people aren't using this code. I'm with Yeroc, I could not play without the dash cancel code anymore.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2006
Indianapolis, Indiana
If you use PW's dash cancel code then you can add his dtilt because it's actually an amazing approach. It's quick, has excellent range, and sets up for combos.

It baffles me why some people aren't using this code. I'm with Yeroc, I could not play without the dash cancel code anymore.
Yeah, it's nice too bad you have to have plenty of space to use it. Because it cancels the running animation and not the initial dash.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2007
How does the dash cancel code work? Muba's 12 line code lets you crouch from a dash and do any move (tilts, smashes, etc., although I find a running fsmash tricky to time). Does PW's have any improvement over that?

Also, I switched to 0 buffering and can't imagine going back. Occasionally I have troubles doing what I want, but I've come to the realization that that's caused purely due to sloppy playing. As I've practiced with it I'm back to feeling 100% in control, while before the code I only ever felt, to use an artibtrary number, like 90% in control.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2006
Indianapolis, Indiana
How does the dash cancel code work? Muba's 12 line code lets you crouch from a dash and do any move (tilts, smashes, etc., although I find a running fsmash tricky to time). Does PW's have any improvement over that?

Also, I switched to 0 buffering and can't imagine going back. Occasionally I have troubles doing what I want, but I've come to the realization that that's caused purely due to sloppy playing. As I've practiced with it I'm back to feeling 100% in control, while before the code I only ever felt, to use an artibtrary number, like 90% in control.
I used the CC for a bit but found it's not much better than Muba's code and costs more lines.

P.S. If you want to do a running f-smash try holding down until you see your character start to duck then hit the C-stick forward.


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
(What about Bair? Also Uair?)

And... your point is? I said nowhere to apply lag to it. Without the buffer system it would still be entirely possible to AC Ganon's Dair, it would just require a little bit of Tech skill, which is something Brawl really needs. I was merely also suggesting an alternative available with L-Canceling. With L-Cancel, you can do the Dair closer to the ground (saving you frames of going from top of jump to landing), because the landing lag is HALVED. If it isn't the same speed as an AC, the lag frames gained would likely be very minimal, and likely would be negligible (the fact that you can Charge Ganon's Upsmash as a followup to an AC Dair if it connects is testament that it could spare a few frames without losing effectiveness.

Again, you're putting words in my mouth. In no way would 0 buffer take out AC Dair. It would make it harder (which is nothing to cry about), and with L-Canceling in, there's possibly a completely different option to do the same thing anyway.
I'm not putting words into your mouth because I wasn't responding to you. I didn't look if there were new posts when I hit the post reply button, but I was responding to the person above me.

As for frame data, mario (who is quite a bit floatier than ganon is) takes either 10 or 12 frames to go from the peak of his jump to the ground non-fastfalled (I don't remember which, but this is actual data from the game). So let's say ganon takes 6 frames to reach the ground when FFing and 9 frames when not FFing. He would then save 3 frames due to landing quicker, while gaining some 12 or so frames from the lag of the dair (this thing has at least 24 frames of lag normally, and I think it's actually more). What has less lag? 18 frames? or 9 frames? I'm quite sure it's the 9 frame one. Also, I have reason to believe that ganon's AC dair requires you to be near frame perfect if not frame perfect, judging by how little you have to increase the upward gravity to make it impossible. Although removing the buffer does not remove the AC dair, it does make it needlessly technical. It also makes sideB -> jab/ftilt/dtilt needlessly technical, as you just barely have enough time to execute those moves normally before they can roll out.

And I never once argued that if you hit with the dair that the lag would pose a problem, although now that you mention it, I think I will. There's no way you could do a low percent dair -> usmash if the dair had lag, or just about any low percent combo, meaning your only option is to techchase if you hit someone with it at zero and it doesn't AC. At higher percents, having lag isn't an issue at all, as most of the time you need to wait for them to fall a bit anyway, and the dair does have considerable hitstun.

The main problem with not ACing the dair is that it makes it terrible for approaches. It's already easy to avoid in the first place, mainly being useful for gaining ground on your opponent and getting a jab or grab in. With lag, the only thing it's really good for is techchasing.

Also, you mentioned uair and bair as approaches... Uair requires you to FF it against the vast majority of characters, not only losing the AC but also making yourself really easy to hit in the mean time due to its hitbox being above him, and dair works better as a launcher at lower percents and you may as well just use a kill move at higher percents. Bair also needs to be FFed to hit most characters and is mainly used as a quick kill move, although unlike the uair, it is viable if you get the chance to use it.

Starscream said:
If you use PW's dash cancel code then you can add his dtilt because it's actually an amazing approach. It's quick, has excellent range, and sets up for combos.
I don't, but I was actually thinking about including it anyway, since it is a very good launcher. It's just used much more often as a counterattack option rather than an approach, so I left it off.


Smash Hero
Nov 17, 2005
How does the dash cancel code work? Muba's 12 line code lets you crouch from a dash and do any move (tilts, smashes, etc., although I find a running fsmash tricky to time). Does PW's have any improvement over that?

Also, I switched to 0 buffering and can't imagine going back. Occasionally I have troubles doing what I want, but I've come to the realization that that's caused purely due to sloppy playing. As I've practiced with it I'm back to feeling 100% in control, while before the code I only ever felt, to use an artibtrary number, like 90% in control.
I'm glad to hear 0 buffer works well, I plan on trying it soon, but most of my buddies returned back to college already and mine doesn't start for 2 weeks :O. Anyone in the southwestern CT area? :p


Smash Ace
Oct 22, 2006
Burnaby, BC
How does the dash cancel code work? Muba's 12 line code lets you crouch from a dash and do any move (tilts, smashes, etc., although I find a running fsmash tricky to time). Does PW's have any improvement over that?
PW's code works just like a crouch cancel from Melee without the knockback reducing effects. It does take up a lot of code (23 I think) but I wouldn't want to see it just scrapped. I'm hoping that a coder can take a look at it, see what makes it so long, maybe find a way to shorten it. Maybe it can be shortened by combining it with other codes. Either way, I have the space now so I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

What's the code for Muba's? Is that the one that also lets you do anything out of a shield? Because I wouldn't want that. Doesn't this one get rid of dash stop/turn animation? Also, if I recall correctly, his code is an action modifier. I'm already running Giza's action modifier grab release fix so I can't use them both at once unless someone puts the grab release fix into his code.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
I'm glad to hear 0 buffer works well, I plan on trying it soon, but most of my buddies returned back to college already and mine doesn't start for 2 weeks :O. Anyone in the southwestern CT area? :p
I want to wait a little longer until we had time to test 0 to make sure its fine. Has anyone tried an even number yet?


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2006
Glen Cove/RIT, New York.
I'm not putting words into your mouth because I wasn't responding to you. I didn't look if there were new posts when I hit the post reply button, but I was responding to the person above me.

As for frame data, mario (who is quite a bit floatier than ganon is) takes either 10 or 12 frames to go from the peak of his jump to the ground non-fastfalled (I don't remember which, but this is actual data from the game). So let's say ganon takes 6 frames to reach the ground when FFing and 9 frames when not FFing. He would then save 3 frames due to landing quicker, while gaining some 12 or so frames from the lag of the dair (this thing has at least 24 frames of lag normally, and I think it's actually more). What has less lag? 18 frames? or 9 frames? I'm quite sure it's the 9 frame one. Also, I have reason to believe that ganon's AC dair requires you to be near frame perfect if not frame perfect, judging by how little you have to increase the upward gravity to make it impossible. Although removing the buffer does not remove the AC dair, it does make it needlessly technical. It also makes sideB -> jab/ftilt/dtilt needlessly technical, as you just barely have enough time to execute those moves normally before they can roll out.

And I never once argued that if you hit with the dair that the lag would pose a problem, although now that you mention it, I think I will. There's no way you could do a low percent dair -> usmash if the dair had lag, or just about any low percent combo, meaning your only option is to techchase if you hit someone with it at zero and it doesn't AC. At higher percents, having lag isn't an issue at all, as most of the time you need to wait for them to fall a bit anyway, and the dair does have considerable hitstun.

The main problem with not ACing the dair is that it makes it terrible for approaches. It's already easy to avoid in the first place, mainly being useful for gaining ground on your opponent and getting a jab or grab in. With lag, the only thing it's really good for is techchasing.

Also, you mentioned uair and bair as approaches... Uair requires you to FF it against the vast majority of characters, not only losing the AC but also making yourself really easy to hit in the mean time due to its hitbox being above him, and dair works better as a launcher at lower percents and you may as well just use a kill move at higher percents. Bair also needs to be FFed to hit most characters and is mainly used as a quick kill move, although unlike the uair, it is viable if you get the chance to use it.
you're assuming that SHFFL'ing Ganon's Dair requires you to execute the Dair as soon as you leave the ground. because the Dair execute at the peak of the jump (ie. before you start fast-falling) starting it immediately and FF-ing it stil has the Dair hit earlier than it should for optimal speed. if you SHFFL'd it correctly, you'd slightly delay the start of the Dair as to have it hit the opponent (or their shield) when you are as close to the ground as possible (if executed perfectly you'd land one frame after the end of the Dair's hitlag.

Now assuming Ganon's Dair has 12 Frames of lag L-canceled and using the AC takes an additional 9 Frames to fall + 1 frame to land (is regular landing lag 1 frame, or more?) that's 12 frames (SHFFL) vs. 10 frames (AC) from time of impact to being able to act again. Obviously a normal person won't be able to SHFFL it perfectly 100% of the time, but let's say they're good at it and can consistently do it to within 3 frames. That's an approximate 5 frame difference you're looking at here, which I'd definitely call a viable alternative.

And again, if you practice and can do it consistently, you can obviously still AC the Dair and get that 10 Frame window there, and inputting a Dair immediately after a jump (not much harder than doing a perfect Wavedash) is probably easier than doing a frame-perfect SHFFL.

It doesn't make it needlessly technical. It's already inherently technical. Brawl makes it needlessly less technical with it's unnecessary buffer system.

Also, those other approaches I just threw there rather jokingly, so don't take me too seriously on that (although I do believe a Shffl'd Uair [again, close to the ground; have you ever played Melee Roy?] would be a better approach than a Dash Attack, lol.)


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
Alright, I'm just gonna say it. Ganon's dair is a TERRIBLE approach. Think about what makes an approach good for a bit and it should make sense. In order for Ganon to do this he has to be right on top of his opponent. Considering he is one of the slowest characters in the game and most of his moves are good at range, this isn't exactly his "optimal" spacing. Yeah, it's ****in great if you do get inside, but seriously, he won't fall apart if it is harder to do the thunder stomp.


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2006
Glen Cove/RIT, New York.
Alright, I'm just gonna say it. Ganon's dair is a TERRIBLE approach. Think about what makes an approach good for a bit and it should make sense. In order for Ganon to do this he has to be right on top of his opponent. Considering he is one of the slowest characters in the game and most of his moves are good at range, this isn't exactly his "optimal" spacing. Yeah, it's ****in great if you do get inside, but seriously, he won't fall apart if it is harder to do the thunder stomp.
I was thinking this before, but figured I'd back off on account of not playing Ganondorf (or Brawl to some extent) that much.

But lol.


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
Alright, I'm just gonna say it. Ganon's dair is a TERRIBLE approach. Think about what makes an approach good for a bit and it should make sense. In order for Ganon to do this he has to be right on top of his opponent. Considering he is one of the slowest characters in the game and most of his moves are good at range, this isn't exactly his "optimal" spacing. Yeah, it's ****in great if you do get inside, but seriously, he won't fall apart if it is harder to do the thunder stomp.
I've already stated that's it's hard to land. The point of the dair approach isn't to dair them. It's actually to jab them, which starts techchasing from 0% in brawl+; hitting with the dair would just be bonus. Unless you're fighting a marth it's a very safe move. Most people will either shield it or try to avoid it entirely, and those who try to hit you out of it will usually just trade hits if their hitbox isn't disjointed, which puts you in a better position than them, usually so you can at least get a nair off. It is a good approach option on its own if your opponent is advancing as well, although that holds true for most of ganon's approaches, so whatever.


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
The point of the dair approach isn't to dair them.
The point of an approach isn't to already be on top of them to use it. What you are talking about is shield pressure.
Unless you're fighting a marth it's a very safe move.
It's very safe if you are already right on top of them, but otherwise no, it's not a safe move at all.
It is a good approach option on its own if your opponent is advancing as well, although that holds true for most of ganon's approaches, so whatever.
Fair/bair/and uair would be better to capitalize on an approaching opponent than dair. Fair has way better range, something you can use to space defensively with, and bair and uair have more range than dair and are fast. Dair is a circumstantial move that with thunder stomp can pressure shields, it's simply not an approach.

It also isn't *that* good, and with all the other buffs he gets from Brawl+ it wouldn't be that bad if it ended up being harder to perform.


Flute-Fox Only
Feb 7, 2007
I'm sorry to be so impatient, but has PW said anything to you about dash dancing, kupo?


Flute-Fox Only
Feb 7, 2007
Someone threw out the idea that an even number of frames was necessary to buffer correctly. Anyone test this? Also, Kupo, did you miss my post there?


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
Yes I did miss your post. Sorry.

No he has not gotten back to me yet and from my experience working with him, that means he will do it. Usually he lets me know if he can't or won't atm.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2007
PW's code works just like a crouch cancel from Melee without the knockback reducing effects. It does take up a lot of code (23 I think) but I wouldn't want to see it just scrapped. I'm hoping that a coder can take a look at it, see what makes it so long, maybe find a way to shorten it. Maybe it can be shortened by combining it with other codes. Either way, I have the space now so I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

What's the code for Muba's? Is that the one that also lets you do anything out of a shield? Because I wouldn't want that. Doesn't this one get rid of dash stop/turn animation? Also, if I recall correctly, his code is an action modifier. I'm already running Giza's action modifier grab release fix so I can't use them both at once unless someone puts the grab release fix into his code.
Run Cancel - Stop Turn Cancel - Shield End Cancel (12 Lines) (Muba)
4A000000 8077F780
D2000000 0000000A
2C030000 41820010
2C1C0005 40820008
3B800000 60000000
2C030000 41820010
2C1C0008 40820008
3B800000 60000000
2C030000 41820010
2C1C001C 40820008
3B800000 60000000
939E0038 00000000
You know, it probably DOES let you do anything out of shield. I never even messed with that. It is an action modifier (or three action modifiers to be exact) that are compressed into one, so if you're using another then it won't work, yeah.

I don't know if I'm the only one still using this code or not anyways, but I like it.


Smash Champion
Jun 11, 2008
Copiague, New York
why is it better?
Very strange but I seem to mess up less when I'm on 0 but I like 5 the most, I think that everyone here can compromise on 5 because it gives enough freedom but at the same time won't give any credit to sloppy movements.

I like Brawl better only in the department when it comes to the buffer system but at least meet people half way with this one and settle at 5.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
Very strange but I seem to mess up less when I'm on 0 but I like 5 the most, I think that everyone here can compromise on 5 because it gives enough freedom but at the same time won't give any credit to sloppy movements.

I like Brawl better only in the department when it comes to the buffer system but at least meet people half way with this one and settle at 5.
How about glitches? Any glitches in either 0 or 5 like we have been hearing in 3?


Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2008
Run Cancel - Stop Turn Cancel - Shield End Cancel - Neutral Grab Release (15 Lines) (Muba+Giza)
4A000000 8077F780
D2000000 0000000D
2C030000 41820010
2C1C0005 40820008
3B800000 60000000
2C030000 41820010
2C1C0008 40820008
3B800000 60000000
2C030000 41820010
2C1C001C 40820008
3B800000 60000000
2C030000 41820010
2C1C003B 40820008
3B800040 60000000
939E0038 00000000
I think I did it right. From what I remember, you take the very last letter of line two and change it to the amount of lines of codes beneath. Before it was A for Muba's original thing. Under the A was 10 lines. In hex, A=10. I added in Giza's grab release thing which is an extra 3 lines so there are 13 lines under it. D=13. If you want to combine modifier codes, leave the first and last lines the same, and change the last letter of the second line to the amount of lines of code under it. To take out the action modifiers you want, just use the middle three lines, since you don't want to use the first two lines or the last one.
At least I think that's how you do it. Giza taught this to Muba, and Muba taught it to me a long time ago. Someone check if this is right.

Also a couple pages back when someone was saying that there is extra RAM the wii uses other than the 256 for some games. I sort of pointed it out when I put in 289 lines of code and my GCN controller stopped working. If we can change it so the Wiimote doesn't respond instead, we can get more than 256 lines in. At least that's what I think.
/end wall of text.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
His dair is a form of movement actually, all of his canceled aireals are the upair, bair, and dair....he can do dtilt, jab wizick, murder grope, and sparta out of them, it is really used for mind games not approach thunder close then > dtilt, then **** and there you go you stated a combo. Ganon does need his dair, its like taking away falcos dbl laser, its like taking away peaches turnips...it is like taking away metas gayness...


Smash Journeyman
Aug 4, 2005
I'm gonna go off tangent a bit but have any of you played level 9 CPUs with these codes on? I have noticed that some characters play much better than they do in regular brawl.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
Yeah I agree they do improve with hitstun, I think the game had a higher hitstun at some point and then they just scrapped it.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2007
They also play better without the auto sweet-spotted ledges. Doesn't mess with their recovery, but I've been perfeclty edgeguarded by a G&W level 9 once and it was crazy. Of course, if I had know the character I was playing better (Wolf I think?) I probably could've aimed my recovery properly, but the fact that it sat on the edge and would hit me every time amazed me.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
I thought I was the only one who knew this, computers are not garbage anymore lol
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