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COMPETITIVE Brawl+: Code Agenda

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
I hate pictochat's transformations. It just promotes camping/both players waiting out until it changes back to normal on certain transformations. I actually ban it in tournaments every time. I just see the freezing of it as it being a Final Destination that you can't go under and doesn't have an edge that sticks out. But we all have our different opinions.

As for the catapult on Pirate Ship. It's just always there and visible, but it does absolutely nothing (it doesn't even act as a wall, since you can just walk right through it).


Smash Ace
Feb 28, 2009
Northfield, MN
Hey, I found a bug with the Corneria Size code. If Pokemon Trainer is in the match, it goes back to normal size. It JUST happens with him, if you have independent Poke's and you use one of them, it doesn't happen. I don't know about the Yoshi's Island size though, I can't really tell. The death boundaries stay the same, though.

(sorry if this is the wrong thread to post this in)


Smash Champion
Mar 27, 2009
****, kupo, that is a hot codelist! I love Captain Falcon! I can combo like mad! Also, it is pretty balanced: now, Snake is WAY less overpowered.

I love this codeset!

I found a glitch. Go to mushroomy Kingdom Underground, and the Death point modifier is completely screwed up. You might want to fix that.

If you just added in these, it would be perfect:

File Replacment: v2.1a[Phantom Wings]
225664EC 00000000
0401BFE0 4858BE20
065A7E00 00000070
38A00067 38810020
3CE0805A 60E37C18
4BE52531 38A0007F
3883FFE8 38610020
4BE52521 38A00068
60E47C18 38610020
9421FF80 BC410008
38610088 4BA74DB9
7C7C1B78 2C030000
4082000C 38210080
4800001C B8410008
38210080 4BE524E5
38610008 4BA742E1
7C7C1B78 4BA741E8
0401CD0C 4858B1F4
065A7F00 00000018
2C030000 4182000C
4BA7DD51 48000008
8078000C 4BA74DFC
043EE9D8 48000014
043EEBD4 48000014
043D8B9C 48000018
043E9B4C 38600000
043E9D38 38600000
043D8C80 60000000
80000000 80406920
80000001 805A7C00
8A001001 00000000
045A7C10 2F525342
045A7C14 452F7066
E0000000 80008000
Texture Hacks say hi!

Save Tags in Replays v3 [Y.S.]
0404B140 38A00000

Over 1000 Snapshots/Replays/Stages
040C464C 48000184

Replays over 3 Minutes
040E5DE8 60000000
04953184 60000000
04953224 60000000

Unrestricted pause camera [Link, original Y.S.]
040A7D60 4E800020
04109D88 38800001

Allow Overlapping
01521D58 00000001

Unlimited objects
05529E5E 00000000

Pick Any Color You Want [Igglyboo]
0469A2B4 60000000
0469A3C4 60000000
04696FD4 60000000
04684E84 60000000

cookieM0Nster's CSS
0668310C 00000030
387E006C 3B600000
3C808068 38840DE0
7CBB20AE 7CA50775
41800014 94A30004
3B7B0001 2C1B0032
4180FFE8 48000038
04690338 48000068
066900d8 00000008
2c170028 41820168
02680DE0 0022FFFF
06680DE0 0000002D
00090D05 285C5D5E
080C0713 25281606
1F0E0F28 28282320
02241426 2803040B
19112117 18281012
1B28280A 29000000

 Regular Zelda Icon (CSS) [spunit262]
046900E8 60000000

CSS fixes for Samus/ZSS and Zelda/Shiek V2 [spunit262]
80693D50 38800004
06693D6C 00000008
38000000 3880000F
046900E8 60000000
04697F58 60000000
04697EEC 60000000

Independent Pokemon Engine +no wreck My Music V2 [spunit262]
06407BD0 0000000E
04030F0D 1E1B1F1B
201B211B 221B0000
C2684964 00000007
881400B8 2C00003F
41A00028 2C03001D
40A20008 3860001E
2C03001F 40A20008
38600020 2C030021
40A20008 38600022
987400B8 00000000

CSS fixes for Giga and Company V2 [spunit262]
C2684940 00000002
9BB400B8 57BD06BE
2C1D001B 00000000
040AF8D4 546025B6
040AF964 546025B6
040AF830 546025B6
040AF528 546025B6
040AF810 546025B6
040AF880 546025B6
040AF848 546025B6

Custom Random V1 [spunit262]
06685824 0000000C
3C608068 7C630214
88630E80 00000000
046857F0 3AE00028
06680E80 00000028
00010203 04050607
08090A0B 0C0D0E0F
10111213 14151617
18191A1B 1C1D1E1F
20212223 24252627
Seriously, I would love you if you added those codes, no homo of course, lol


Smash Lord
Jan 16, 2009
In space
Did you know, that by increasing ugrav and fixing the jumps you solve this problem? Hmmmm..

Gaw doesn't feel bad and DDD I realize falls fast but he is a big slow character so it only would make sense. I do realize that atm its a little awkward because he rises slower than he falls which I still need to fix. After you play several matches, you realize he doesn't really fall as fast as you thought.

Yes I do think its necessary to have universal gravity for two reasons:


When you alter gravity, launch speed does not change and this is what hitstun is based on. Each character has a value assigned to them as too how hitstun is calculated for them. For example, Samus is floaty and light so attacks naturally send her further away. If hitstun was calculated equal for everyone, then samus would be nearly impossible to combo because the hitstun isn't enough for how much she gets sent. So the formula gives her more hitstun to compensate for this. Vise versa with heavy characters, they stay closer so if hitstun was equal, then these characters would get comboed too easily which is why hitsun shaves off a couple frames for them. So what you have is a system that balances hitstun for the characters depending on their weight.

Now what would happen if you decided to give everyone a different gravity value? Well, you would throw this system out of balance because in relation to each other, they are sent away at unintended distances and hitstun does not compensate for this. So you can make floaty characters easier to combo than they should be or heavy characters less easily comboed then they should be or you can make heavies completely screwed by making them even more heavily comboed. When you change their "weight class" so to speak without adjust how the hitstun formula works, it throws everything out of wack.

By using universal dgrav (which is what hitstun uses) the relationship that was established between the characters remains the same thus stays balanced and this is very important.

Also, there is no consistency with attacks because you can have two of the same characters with the same attributes, but act differently when you hit them. If they are the same class but they both have different dgrav, then the consistency of the move is not there in the trajectory and the stun and this is out of wack throughout the entire cast when you mess with different dgrav. This also makes the killing relationship between characters odd as well

leaf, feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

Okay, I didn't want to pull this arguement, but G&W is my main, and I say he feels too heavy, and I would think that would know my character better than you, Kupo. If I remember correctly, you like to use Captain Falcon, right? I've never known you to use G&W, or DDD for that matter. Thus, I don't think you can pass accurate judgement on them.

I've tested with my buddy, and we've concluded that DDD falls at about the same speed as Fox. Also, we noticed that Bowser felt floatier than DDD. How can this not be a problem? DDD is a character who floats using multiple jumps, using these to float about stage ad to edgeguard effectively as well as to recover. A fast fall of this magnitude all but ruins his recovery, and makes edgeguarding a difficult task that could lead to a bad position.

Also, tried MK, and he feels heavy too. Jumping with him and edgeguarding off stage feels awkard, as well as using jumps to combo onstage.

As for hitstun, that can be changed without ruining the way characters feel: Request a code to edit the character constants for hitstun. I'm sure it can be done.

And for consistency, that sounds silly. Kirby and jiggs are in the same 'class', but chances are they are going to react differently anyway when I hit them because Kirby is heavier than Jiggs in the first place. The consistency doesn't make sense because every character is unique, or at least almost every character. This, and the small changes in dgrav wouldn't make enough of a difference anyway to be noticable in a character being comboed unless it is a significant amount. Character specific hitstun changes this, anyway.

And Kupo, just because 55 people download it doesn't mean you're doing something right. I downloaded it, and was thouroughly dissappointed with it. So some people prefer the faster speed. I can do without it, so long as my characters actually feel like they should.

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
Hm...maybe it's better to just leave stages the size they originally were. Is the change in size so important that it warrants all of this extra trouble of fixing these bugs? Like, I don't really mind Yoshi's Island being the size it was, before. Corneria, on the other hand, feels more nostalgic since it's closer to the size it was in Melee. :laugh:

Oh, and I found out why the .bin files of mine weren't encrypting. (I guess I should have done more research before. LOL) It seems that due to legality issues on SmashBoards, Shortfuse couldn't include those two "missing" files.


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
Hm, so I was playing Ice Climbers on the 10% bigger Yoshi's Island, and occasionally, when I walk from one side of the stage to the other, either me or the partnering Ice Climber would teleport ahead (literally) a distance a little less than the length of that upper platform. I don't know the exact way to trigger it right now, but I'm quite sure the re-sizing of the stage is the main factor in causing this. I would post a video, but my friend is borrowing the equipment I use to upload it onto my computer.
ICs glitches having nothing to do with YI. The codes simply do NOT affect Nana (hitstun, dash speed, tech window, dashdancing, etc.) except for a few. The reason why Nana mighta been teleporting is because of the dash speed not affecting her. It has nothing to do with YI's boundary changes.


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2008
About freezing pictochat.
Is it really necessar? We already froze luigi's masion (luigi's front yard as i like to call it) pokemon stadium 2 and warioware. I think thats enough neutrals (including the ones we already have)


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee

And the Snapshot method to load Brawl+ is pretty convenient, I just noticed. Since I can choose to load either the "official" version, or any other custom version, without having to go to my computer. (Too bad I still can't make my own .bin files at the moment due to the aforementioned problem.) But I wonder what would happen if, let's say, I load kupo's snapshot, then later, without turning of the Wii or anything, load the "official" Brawl+ snapshot. Would ALL of the codes from kupo's deactivate, would both codes try to work as best as they can together (and crash if something conflicts), or what?
Im not sure if you can do that. I know it will crash if you select more than one snapshot and I heard that when someone had multiple snapshots ready, it actually loaded all of them but I am not too clear on the details. It would be great if the code was updated to forget all the coding put into it with the first snapshot so you can cleanly load the second.
I hate pictochat's transformations. It just promotes camping/both players waiting out until it changes back to normal on certain transformations. I actually ban it in tournaments every time. I just see the freezing of it as it being a Final Destination that you can't go under and doesn't have an edge that sticks out. But we all have our different opinions.

As for the catapult on Pirate Ship. It's just always there and visible, but it does absolutely nothing (it doesn't even act as a wall, since you can just walk right through it).
Me too which is why its frozen in my set. I also don't play pirate ship anymore because 2 minutes water fights don't appeal to me and its still stupid even with my reduced water lag. I would much rather have water act like melee except your gravity is lower.
****, kupo, that is a hot codelist! I love Captain Falcon! I can combo like mad! Also, it is pretty balanced: now, Snake is WAY less overpowered.

I love this codeset!
Neat. less hitstun is always a plus also

I found a glitch. Go to mushroomy Kingdom Underground, and the Death point modifier is completely screwed up. You might want to fix that.
I am aware of the scrolling level glitches and it has to do with the camera codes but they will never be played competitively.

How is the death zones mod messed up? Its great and I only affected some stages. I know that once you die in Shroom, you can never return to the stage....quite funny!
If you just added in these, it would be perfect:

File Replacment: v2.1a[Phantom Wings]
225664EC 00000000
0401BFE0 4858BE20
065A7E00 00000070
38A00067 38810020
3CE0805A 60E37C18
4BE52531 38A0007F
3883FFE8 38610020
4BE52521 38A00068
60E47C18 38610020
9421FF80 BC410008
38610088 4BA74DB9
7C7C1B78 2C030000
4082000C 38210080
4800001C B8410008
38210080 4BE524E5
38610008 4BA742E1
7C7C1B78 4BA741E8
0401CD0C 4858B1F4
065A7F00 00000018
2C030000 4182000C
4BA7DD51 48000008
8078000C 4BA74DFC
043EE9D8 48000014
043EEBD4 48000014
043D8B9C 48000018
043E9B4C 38600000
043E9D38 38600000
043D8C80 60000000
80000000 80406920
80000001 805A7C00
8A001001 00000000
045A7C10 2F525342
045A7C14 452F7066
E0000000 80008000
Texture Hacks say hi!

Save Tags in Replays v3 [Y.S.]
0404B140 38A00000

Over 1000 Snapshots/Replays/Stages
040C464C 48000184

Replays over 3 Minutes
040E5DE8 60000000
04953184 60000000
04953224 60000000

Unrestricted pause camera [Link, original Y.S.]
040A7D60 4E800020
04109D88 38800001

Allow Overlapping
01521D58 00000001

Unlimited objects
05529E5E 00000000

Pick Any Color You Want [Igglyboo]
0469A2B4 60000000
0469A3C4 60000000
04696FD4 60000000
04684E84 60000000

cookieM0Nster's CSS
0668310C 00000030
387E006C 3B600000
3C808068 38840DE0
7CBB20AE 7CA50775
41800014 94A30004
3B7B0001 2C1B0032
4180FFE8 48000038
04690338 48000068
066900d8 00000008
2c170028 41820168
02680DE0 0022FFFF
06680DE0 0000002D
00090D05 285C5D5E
080C0713 25281606
1F0E0F28 28282320
02241426 2803040B
19112117 18281012
1B28280A 29000000

 Regular Zelda Icon (CSS) [spunit262]
046900E8 60000000

CSS fixes for Samus/ZSS and Zelda/Shiek V2 [spunit262]
80693D50 38800004
06693D6C 00000008
38000000 3880000F
046900E8 60000000
04697F58 60000000
04697EEC 60000000

Independent Pokemon Engine +no wreck My Music V2 [spunit262]
06407BD0 0000000E
04030F0D 1E1B1F1B
201B211B 221B0000
C2684964 00000007
881400B8 2C00003F
41A00028 2C03001D
40A20008 3860001E
2C03001F 40A20008
38600020 2C030021
40A20008 38600022
987400B8 00000000

CSS fixes for Giga and Company V2 [spunit262]
C2684940 00000002
9BB400B8 57BD06BE
2C1D001B 00000000
040AF8D4 546025B6
040AF964 546025B6
040AF830 546025B6
040AF528 546025B6
040AF810 546025B6
040AF880 546025B6
040AF848 546025B6

Custom Random V1 [spunit262]
06685824 0000000C
3C608068 7C630214
88630E80 00000000
046857F0 3AE00028
06680E80 00000028
00010203 04050607
08090A0B 0C0D0E0F
10111213 14151617
18191A1B 1C1D1E1F
20212223 24252627
Seriously, I would love you if you added those codes, no homo of course, lol
I have the replay codes in. What would the file replacement do? What does the pick any color code do? I will be adding a CSS code when I find one that doesn't have any glitches reported. You have to be careful with unlimited stage mem because I hear you can over write other data that you don't want to do.

I could make you a personal bin with these codes if you want
Okay, I didn't want to pull this arguement, but G&W is my main, and I say he feels too heavy, and I would think that would know my character better than you, Kupo.
But of course. But you also didn't give me much info either. You just said he feels too heavy and you never told me specifically what the problem was. It could be fall speed, it could be fast fall so how am I supposed to read your mind?
If I remember correctly, you like to use Captain Falcon, right? I've never known you to use G&W, or DDD for that matter. Thus, I don't think you can pass accurate judgement on them.
Which is why I ask for feedback. I don't want to change something because someone said so. I want to know more about it before I do not just "change it because." My friend also plays DDD so I have some experience with DDD.
I've tested with my buddy, and we've concluded that DDD falls at about the same speed as Fox. Also, we noticed that Bowser felt floatier than DDD. How can this not be a problem?
Its strange to me also. They must have programmed bowser to be floaty
DDD is a character who floats using multiple jumps, using these to float about stage ad to edgeguard effectively as well as to recover. A fast fall of this magnitude all but ruins his recovery, and makes edgeguarding a difficult task that could lead to a bad position.
Then I can decrease the fast fall on him. No biggy, but no one has given me criticism on my code set up until now. I can't change problems that are not presented.
Also, tried MK, and he feels heavy too. Jumping with him and edgeguarding off stage feels awkard, as well as using jumps to combo onstage.
Then maybe I need to boost his jump power
As for hitstun, that can be changed without ruining the way characters feel: Request a code to edit the character constants for hitstun. I'm sure it can be done.
Leaf and I already requested this code over a month ago and no one seems to care about it being made. It should.
And for consistency, that sounds silly. Kirby and jiggs are in the same 'class', but chances are they are going to react differently anyway when I hit them because Kirby is heavier than Jiggs in the first place.
If they are different weights then they are in a different "class" because hitstun affects both of them differently
The consistency doesn't make sense because every character is unique, or at least almost every character. This, and the small changes in dgrav wouldn't make enough of a difference anyway to be noticable in a character being comboed unless it is a significant amount.
Consistency within the same weight group. There are only 6 (I think) different groups so obviously there is more than one character in each class. If you make each character within the same group have different gravity, then consistency is all screwed up because hitstun is being applied the same when it shouldn't.

Also, dgrav affects vertical kb. So if you have different dgravs for the same class, then each char will behave differently when they should be more consistent in their own group instead of being in another group. So if anything, I would be willing to have character specific gravity for each weight class but universal gravity for the characters in that class with the inclusion of the hitstun fix
Character specific hitstun changes this, anyway.
If we get it
So some people prefer the faster speed. I can do without it, so long as my characters actually feel like they should.
Well then explain to me in more detail what is wrong. I can't and won't fix something until I have more of an understanding of the problem. I don't know all the characters but if you want your characters to feel right, you need to educate me so I can work with you.


Smash Master
Jun 29, 2008
http://www.mediafire.com/?zj2oddmz0yy for ZSS fix!
I have the replay codes in. What would the file replacement do? What does the pick any color code do? I will be adding a CSS code when I find one that doesn't have any glitches reported. You have to be careful with unlimited stage mem because I hear you can over write other data that you don't want to do.
file replacement is for textures
pick any colour allows two people to be the same costume (which we already could do by switching back and forth between team battle and ffa, but this is easier)

My latest css hasnt had any problems, but it doesnt have an icon for pt (not sure if that's a problem)...all csses with blank spaces have some sort of problems
http://www.mediafire.com/Maestro26 (Vertical Groupings v2.3)


Smash Champion
Mar 27, 2009
I am aware of the scrolling level glitches and it has to do with the camera codes but they will never be played competitively.

How is the death zones mod messed up? Its great and I only affected some stages. I know that once you die in Shroom, you can never return to the stage....quite funny!

I have the replay codes in. What would the file replacement do? What does the pick any color code do? I will be adding a CSS code when I find one that doesn't have any glitches reported. You have to be careful with unlimited stage mem because I hear you can over write other data that you don't want to do.

I could make you a personal bin with these codes if you want
O, yeah. Well, I was playin a CPU on Mushroomy Kingdom, whenthe CPU was dying off of the top until the end of the match.

File Replacement lets you load textures from your SD card. This is always great, because we can play as`Obama Falcon, Smurf Olimar, etc.

The Pick any color code would let you have more than on of the same texture at a time. So, Shadow vs. Shadow, etc. You can see where i am going with this.

In the next update, you should add textures (along with their folders), placed in the SD card. We would have a common set of texture hacks that would be AWESOME! A 100% save file would attract more people to this, btw.

I have to work on that CSS more, as it is just an untested version.

Also, It would be cool to have a SSS. This way, we can have fair stages in the "brawl stages", and unfair stages in the Melee stages. Also, we could put hacked stages, like target test in the Melee Stages, lol!

Maybe you should add stage textures as well! This would be fun. Not every stage, though. Just some of tem.

Also, if you could give me a personal bin, that would be sweet. Textures is really all that this is missing. If you could just add the File replacement, all 3 replay codes, the same color code, unrestricted pause camera, No Time limit on Masterpieces, Unrestricted Replay Camera, and Never Drown [Y.S.] (yours isn't working), that would be BEAUTIFUL! if anything has been known to cause bugs, take that code out.

Yea, the textures would be a lot of work, but There are some ready made texture files available for download. Character Select Portraits would be sick as well!

Just my 2 cents.

Honestly, if you did this, your codeset would become more popular than Brawl+ (even though it technically is Brawl+). You at least let us give our opinions! Yeah, your codeset is definitely better than Brawl+ ATM. Keep up the good work!


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
file replacement is for textures
pick any colour allows two people to be the same costume (which we already could do by switching back and forth between team battle and ffa, but this is easier)

My latest css hasnt had any problems, but it doesnt have an icon for pt (not sure if that's a problem)...all csses with blank spaces have some sort of problems
http://www.mediafire.com/Maestro26 (Vertical Groupings v2.3)
Alright, Ill check it out
O, yeah. Well, I was playin a CPU on Mushroomy Kingdom, whenthe CPU was dying off of the top until the end of the match.
Yea, camera codes makes this stage worth while :)
File Replacement lets you load textures from your SD card. This is always great, because we can play as`Obama Falcon, Smurf Olimar, etc.

The Pick any color code would let you have more than on of the same texture at a time. So, Shadow vs. Shadow, etc. You can see where i am going with this.
Epicness. Don't I also need another code in the starting gct as well?
In the next update, you should add textures (along with their folders), placed in the SD card. We would have a common set of texture hacks that would be AWESOME! A 100% save file would attract more people to this, btw.
I have NO idea how to do textures or anything.
Also, It would be cool to have a SSS. This way, we can have fair stages in the "brawl stages", and unfair stages in the Melee stages. Also, we could put hacked stages, like target test in the Melee Stages, lol!
Also, if you could give me a personal bin, that would be sweet. Textures is really all that this is missing. If you could just add the File replacement, all 3 replay codes, the same color code, unrestricted pause camera, No Time limit on Masterpieces, Unrestricted Replay Camera, and Never Drown [Y.S.] (yours isn't working), that would be BEAUTIFUL! if anything has been known to cause bugs, take that code out.
I don't have a never drown code on and wouldn't the Masterpieces code have to be in the gct and not the .bin? I believe you need to use the preloader. Can you post the master pieces code?
Yea, the textures would be a lot of work, but There are some ready made texture files available for download. Character Select Portraits would be sick as well!

Just my 2 cents.

Honestly, if you did this, your codeset would become more popular than Brawl+ (even though it technically is Brawl+). You at least let us give our opinions! Yeah, your codeset is definitely better than Brawl+ ATM. Keep up the good work!
Will do. This has become my set and storm's code set and storm knows how to do textures I'm pretty sure.


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
Honestly, if you did this, your codeset would become more popular than Brawl+ (even though it technically is Brawl+). You at least let us give our opinions! Yeah, your codeset is definitely better than Brawl+ ATM. Keep up the good work!
You're an idiot. Kupo's set isn't for you to make all your texture requests on. You wanna put in custom textures? Fine. Put them on yourself. Asking for the file replacement code is one thing. Asking for a texture pack to be included in the download is another. This set is an exploratory set into the idea of universal gravity. He makes a few other tweaks, but other than that, that's really what this set is meant for. Not saying I do or do not endorse this set; I haven't even tried it yet. But you whine about so much inconsequential junk it's ********. Plussery set lets you put your own textures on, too. Did you forget that?


Smash Champion
Mar 27, 2009
Kupo, masterpieces aren't a good idea, as they will mst likely freeze all the time.

The file replacement code is all that you need for the textures.

A sample SSS that i got off of youtube is:

Stage Select Screen
066B1E64 00000048
7F43D378 7F24CB78
480070E5 80180040
2C000002 41820010
2C030029 41820078
4800005C 4B9FD78D
2C030033 41810068
2C030028 41810048
2C030024 41810058
4800003C 60000000
046B1F04 4800002C
046B8F5C 7C802378
046B8F64 7C6300AE
040AF618 5460083C
040AF6AC 5463083C
040AF6C0 88030001
006B929C 0000001F
066B99D8 0000001F
00010203 04050709
080A0B0C 0D0E0F10
11141516 1A191217
0618131D 1E1B1C00
006B92A4 00000012
066B9A58 00000012
1F202122 25242326
27282A2B 2C2D2E2F
30290000 00000000
06407AAC 00000062
01010202 211B0D0D
130F0303 16120404
19150E0E 0C0C1410
09090B0B 2E3B3038
2B34323A 1D171511
2F372A33 241E2C35
2D36330A 1E18221C
231D0606 29320707
251F1C16 1F191814
08080505 3139201A
17130000 26642864
34643564 36643764
38640000 00000000

It might have bugs, but i tried it a lot, and it seemed OK.

NVM, could you just put these in the gct for me?: Stage Select Screen (maybe, if you want to), File replacement, all 3 replay codes, the same color code, unrestricted pause camera, unrestricted replay camera, and MK26's CSS(if u want to. i can test it out if need be)


Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2005
You at least let us give our opinions!
Dang plussery. All this time i thought they listened to our opinions and now i see the light. They apparently dont let us have a say in it at all and the whole thing is just Shanus and Cape running the whole game. Shew, it's a good thing someone came along and gave an opinion back to the people.



Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
Dang plussery. All this time i thought they listened to our opinions and now i see the light. They apparently dont let us have a say in it at all and the whole thing is just Shanus and Cape running the whole game. Shew, it's a good thing someone came along and gave an opinion back to the people.

Absolutely. We all know how one-man shows go. Oh hey Sakurai. I herd u leik bread

/so serious teh intrnetz asploded

In all seriousness though, kupo's set experiments with things the plussery set is too scared to go into. Even if Brawl+ in general doesn't go in the direction kupo wants it to, I'm sure there's something to learn from his set.


Smash Champion
Mar 27, 2009
I'm a little busy. Here is the txt file of the loader

Ugh... I can't get Brawl+Tweaker to work... Whatever, just give me the thing whenever, please?

Also, i tested out the textures that I pm'd you, and they all work. So, you will have to add File Replacement to the code list no matter what, and tell people to download the folder. Just post the link to it in your page. Obama Falcon isn't there, so you should take out one of the pac files in the Captain folder, and switch it with wahtever you want. The best textures are here. Joining is well worth it:


Also, to all who are reading this, you can switch out any .pac file for new ones, but I only recommend switching the C.Falcon ones, because they need it. Jiggz is awesome, because there is a Captain Jiggly texture for her in the CSP.

There are some pervy ZSS textures in there, so delete them. It says which texture is nasty in the pf folder. Just click on the folder, and then click on the text file within the folder. This will tell you what you must delete. I DID NOT MAKE THIS, SO DO NOT BLAME ME FOR IT!!!

Lets go to the lighter side of the Plussery! lol,jk


Smash Lord
Jan 16, 2009
In space
Okay, Kupo, I'll elaborate on G&W, DDD, Kirby, and MK.

G&W feels heavy due to down grav. Whenever he jumps, I can feel something pulling him down. This is rather bad as this constant downward force is causing him to be even more susceptible to combos, and he could already be easily comboed in the first place. The dgrav, I felt, pushed him out of semi-floaty range and into regular range or so. He doesn't have the weight to back up this change, nor does he have the tools to be aggressive enough to facilitate this change. If he needs dgrav, put him at around 1.2 or so.

By DDD having a fast fall, I meant he had a fast regular fall, not a fast fast fall. His regular fall is kinda ridiculous, as it makes him more susceptible to combos, and makes it very hard for him to recover and edgeguard off stage, which shouldn't be the case since he was designed to edgeguard off stage and recover well with his multiple jumps and such.

Me and my friend played as Kirby and MK, and it felt like we were moving through a down flowing stream of syrup. Jumps felt awkward, as did trying to chase in the air and edgeguarding. However, while I'm sure dgrav is the issue, I'm not sure if you should lower that or simply increase upgrav to make their jumps feel tighter. I recently played melee, and characters there fell pretty fast, but they rose preety fast too, and thus the physics made sense. However, with this increase in gravity, the off stage game was lost, which I find to be awesome in brawl+. Thus, I don't really know what you should do for them. You could try decreasing dgrav a bit for them, or you could increase upgrav and see what happens.

Also, my friend dabbles in Wario, and he stated that Wario has lost his floatiness, which is a hallmark of Wario, and I'm sure many a Wario+ main would be remiss if he were no longer floaty. I can only assume it was dgrav that caused this, as my riend had the same complaint I did with G&W about Wario feeling heavy and bogged down.

Though, oddly enough, when I tried Ness, he felt AWESOME. I'm not sure why, but it just felt so right for him to be able to combo people the way he did, with dash attacks into bairs and dthrows into almost anything, Ness felt really good, and I wish for the Brawl+ BR to look into Kupo's values for Ness to see if they could refine them.

And I owe you an apology, Kupo. I did overreact a bit, because my usual characters felt so very off with your set. However, others felt great, which led me to believe tht this set is great for some characters but very bad for others, and generally you set seems to favor naturally heavy fallers and it seems to hate naturally floaty fighters, though there are exceptions(Ness).

As for your response on consistency, I think I see what you're getting at. However, the chracter division constant is based on floatiness or lack thereof, not weight. I'm sure weight is a factor, though, considering how it affects launch distance. Like I said, if we had character specific hitstun, we can mess with these values more than we can now.

No one wants it except me, leaf, and you? Well, who could make it for us? PW is on hiatus, and spunit has a borked computer, What about Almas, could he do it?


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2008
Plenty of people would enjoy a character specific hitstun modifying code. It is not trivial to find. I'm sure I could given enough effort, but my workload is consistent and I've got other codes to produce first.


Smash Champion
Mar 27, 2009
Plenty of people would enjoy a character specific hitstun modifying code. It is not trivial to find. I'm sure I could given enough effort, but my workload is consistent and I've got other codes to produce first.
Almas, if you worked on this code, we will all love you, lol jk

srsly, that would be awesome if you made it


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
Ugh... I can't get Brawl+Tweaker to work... Whatever, just give me the thing whenever, please?

If you need a gct, you can just use a code manager
Okay, Kupo, I'll elaborate on G&W, DDD, Kirby, and MK.

G&W feels heavy due to down grav. Whenever he jumps, I can feel something pulling him down. This is rather bad as this constant downward force is causing him to be even more susceptible to combos, and he could already be easily comboed in the first place. The dgrav, I felt, pushed him out of semi-floaty range and into regular range or so. He doesn't have the weight to back up this change, nor does he have the tools to be aggressive enough to facilitate this change. If he needs dgrav, put him at around 1.2 or so.

By DDD having a fast fall, I meant he had a fast regular fall, not a fast fast fall. His regular fall is kinda ridiculous, as it makes him more susceptible to combos, and makes it very hard for him to recover and edgeguard off stage, which shouldn't be the case since he was designed to edgeguard off stage and recover well with his multiple jumps and such.
I first would like to ask which build you tested.

I'll group these together because I have the same response. I don't understand how you can say that either of these two felt more susceptible to combos because since dgrav is universal, they are no more susceptible to combos than the other characters because the relationship of susceptibility remained the same. Also, a lowered hitstun would make them even less susceptible. It isn't like I jacked up only DDDs and Gaw's dgrav to make them more susceptible than others.

I think a main factor in to him feeling a little heavier than he should is ugrav. It is still set to 1 so the difference between up and down is pretty big. I still need to work on ugrav so it feels better. Ugrav would probably be 1.1 for gaw and I don't plan on going higher than 1.2 for anyone right now. Also, how long have you tested my set out for? Because once you adjust to it, they don't feel so heavy anymore.

How does gaw not have the tools to be aggressive? He has great priority and disjointed hitboxes and speed. I realize I have the dsmash slow down which I should have removed a long time ago. It will be out for my next release.

I'll also look into DDD
Me and my friend played as Kirby and MK, and it felt like we were moving through a down flowing stream of syrup. Jumps felt awkward, as did trying to chase in the air and edgeguarding. However, while I'm sure dgrav is the issue, I'm not sure if you should lower that or simply increase upgrav to make their jumps feel tighter. I recently played melee, and characters there fell pretty fast, but they rose preety fast too, and thus the physics made sense. However, with this increase in gravity, the off stage game was lost, which I find to be awesome in brawl+. Thus, I don't really know what you should do for them. You could try decreasing dgrav a bit for them, or you could increase upgrav and see what happens.
Yea, Project05 told me kirby feels bad and that his jumps are awkward. His stats are 1 ugrav so that is untouched and I need to (and plan on) making it more consistent.
Also, my friend dabbles in Wario, and he stated that Wario has lost his floatiness, which is a hallmark of Wario, and I'm sure many a Wario+ main would be remiss if he were no longer floaty. I can only assume it was dgrav that caused this, as my riend had the same complaint I did with G&W about Wario feeling heavy and bogged down.
How about increasing jump height and/or giving him a lower than 1 ugrav so he floats a bit more during the jump so he can do his crazy air control stuff?
Though, oddly enough, when I tried Ness, he felt AWESOME. I'm not sure why, but it just felt so right for him to be able to combo people the way he did, with dash attacks into bairs and dthrows into almost anything, Ness felt really good, and I wish for the Brawl+ BR to look into Kupo's values for Ness to see if they could refine them.
This is great to hear
And I owe you an apology, Kupo. I did overreact a bit, because my usual characters felt so very off with your set. However, others felt great, which led me to believe tht this set is great for some characters but very bad for others, and generally you set seems to favor naturally heavy fallers and it seems to hate naturally floaty fighters, though there are exceptions(Ness).
Well, I do like speed and stuff but I also play pit who is floaty. I also like how pit feels now. So is those 4 the only ones you have problems with? I still have to attend to ugrav for most of the cast so keep that in mind. I guess I will leave ness' ugrav untouched then! ^_^
As for your response on consistency, I think I see what you're getting at. However, the chracter division constant is based on floatiness or lack thereof, not weight. I'm sure weight is a factor, though, considering how it affects launch distance. Like I said, if we had character specific hitstun, we can mess with these values more than we can now.
Well, isn't floatiness the same thing as weight? The less you weigh, the slower you fall, the more floaty you feel.
No one wants it except me, leaf, and you? Well, who could make it for us? PW is on hiatus, and spunit has a borked computer, What about Almas, could he do it?
I don't know who else wants it. But leaf presented the case and some others kinda nodded but nothing is being done. I wonder if the code should be standalone or added to the jump/grav filler. This code is competing with the Char spef friction mod for the filler spot. Maybe one or the other can be a stand alone.

All I know is that with universal dgrav, a lot of side effects are avoided and I want to see how great I can make it with universal dgrav before other unorthodox changes happen.


Smash Champion
Mar 27, 2009
Kupo, I cannot load more than 252 lines on my codemanager, cuz of a stupid glitch, i told u that a while ago.... wow, why did I change from 1.0 to 2.0?


Smash Lord
Jan 16, 2009
In space
Well, G&W is the second lightest in the game, and him being comboed = death. DDD, though, I supppose isn't soo bad. It just felt like people could hit me with mroe stuff that I felt that I could have avoided, but couldn't because the attack didn't send me as far as it usually did.

As for what to do with them, Wario included, I want them to be floaty again, not to be floatyish with tight gravity. I liked the way they felt in the BR's set than I do in your set, and I'd prefe rif you leaned more towards that set than increasing upgrav.

And floatiness=/=weight. Look at G&W, he really isn't floaty, more like semi-floaty. But he is second lightest in the game. Look at Bowser and Samus, they are crazy floaty, but are rather heavy, as is Yoshi. A character can be heavy and still be floaty. It adds to the uniqueness of brawl, and I liked that.

As for G&W not being aggressive, he honestly isn't fast enough to be aggressive. All he has is priority, but not the speed to back it up. Look at Sonic and Falcon. They have no priority, but have no trouble being aggressive. Fox has this trait as well. In order for G&W to be aggressive, he needs more speed, more aerial momentum, and slightly faster aerials, ad their speed is actually mediocre, not great.


Smash Champion
Mar 27, 2009
I am dead serious right now, G&W is still good. Kupo will most likely fix it in the next couple releases. For now, just wait, and you will most likely get your widh.

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
...I heard that when someone had multiple snapshots ready, it actually loaded all of them but I am not too clear on the details...
Actually, I currently have both the snapshot for the "official" Brawl+ codeset and the snapshot for your codeset, and when I load one, it loads just that one. So that seems to work fine. I don't want to try loading both, though, since the Wii I'm using isn't mine, so I'm avoid anything too risky.

Oh, and as for the File Replacement code, that code goes into the .gct file in the codes folder, with the associated .pcs/.pac files where they belong, and shouldn't be in the snapshot. And with that, comes another convenient aspect, since I can easily use the same texture mods for any gameplay codeset I decide to load through the snapshots.

As for the No Color Restriction code (the one that lets multiple people pick the same color), I'm having a problem with a glitch where if someone chooses a color other than the original color of a character first, then no one else can pick the original color of that character (so if you want to use the original color, you have to select the character first). That's quite annoying, so I decided to just go without that code. LOL


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
Kupo, I cannot load more than 252 lines on my codemanager, cuz of a stupid glitch, i told u that a while ago.... wow, why did I change from 1.0 to 2.0?
Its in here
Well, G&W is the second lightest in the game, and him being comboed = death. DDD, though, I supppose isn't soo bad. It just felt like people could hit me with mroe stuff that I felt that I could have avoided, but couldn't because the attack didn't send me as far as it usually did.
What version did you try? I know I don't have numbers but what was the date?
As for what to do with them, Wario included, I want them to be floaty again, not to be floatyish with tight gravity. I liked the way they felt in the BR's set than I do in your set, and I'd prefe rif you leaned more towards that set than increasing upgrav.
I see. I'll check it out but.

And floatiness=/=weight. Look at G&W, he really isn't floaty, more like semi-floaty. But he is second lightest in the game. Look at Bowser and Samus, they are crazy floaty, but are rather heavy, as is Yoshi. A character can be heavy and still be floaty. It adds to the uniqueness of brawl, and I liked that.
Right, leaf told me about that and I forgot. But what factors in with kb? I think its weight only. Do I sense character specific floatiness code request? lol.
As for G&W not being aggressive, he honestly isn't fast enough to be aggressive. All he has is priority, but not the speed to back it up. Look at Sonic and Falcon. They have no priority, but have no trouble being aggressive. Fox has this trait as well. In order for G&W to be aggressive, he needs more speed, more aerial momentum, and slightly faster aerials, ad their speed is actually mediocre, not great.
But I don't understand, he does have faster dashes and momentum.

So its those 4 characters that you have a problem with? Maybe 3 because kriby should be fixed with a ugrav adjustment
Actually, I currently have both the snapshot for the "official" Brawl+ codeset and the snapshot for your codeset, and when I load one, it loads just that one. So that seems to work fine. I don't want to try loading both, though, since the Wii I'm using isn't mine, so I'm avoid anything too risky.
Probably not a good idea but all you would have to do is replug the wii or hold power for 5 seconds. It doesn't do harm though
Oh, and as for the File Replacement code, that code goes into the .gct file in the codes folder, with the associated .pcs/.pac files where they belong, and shouldn't be in the snapshot. And with that, comes another convenient aspect, since I can easily use the same texture mods for any gameplay codeset I decide to load through the snapshots.
Oh so the file replacement goes in the gct not the .bin. And that's it? Is there a specific order that the snapshot code and file replacement code goes?
As for the No Color Restriction code (the one that sets multiple people pick the same color), I'm having a problem with a glitch where if someone chooses a color other than the original color of a character first, then no one else can pick the original color of that character (so if you want to use the original color, you have to select the character first). That's quite annoying, so I decided to just go without that code. LOL
lol, *removed*


Smash Champion
Mar 27, 2009
Wow, thank you so much, Kupo! I can play happily now!

lol about the same color code

Also, doesn't the snapshot code go in the .bin only? Don't you use Brawl+Tweaker to transfer the file to a .bin?

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
Oh so the file replacement goes in the gct not the .bin. And that's it? Is there a specific order that the snapshot code and file replacement code goes?
Here's what MK26 said in the opening post of the Snapshot thread:
The texture swap codes cannot be loaded from a snapshot, so if you include them, they must be in the .gct file, before the snapshot code. This .gct is the one that will be placed in the "codes" folder of your sd card like a normal codeset.
The reason why the snapshot code needs to be the very last code is because the snapshot code makes the Wii start to load any future codes from snapshots, and just makes it ignore any codes in the .gct file after the snapshot code.


Smash Champion
Mar 27, 2009
The reason why the snapshot code needs to be the very last code is because the snapshot code makes the Wii start to load any future codes from snapshots, and just makes it ignore any codes in the .gct file after the snapshot code.

Wait, where does the snapshot code go? the .bin, right?


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
Here's what MK26 said in the opening post of the Snapshot thread:
The reason why the snapshot code needs to be the very last code is because the snapshot code makes the Wii start to load any future codes from snapshots, and just makes it ignore any codes in the .gct file after the snapshot code.
oh ok. So file replacement before snap shot and nothing goes in the bins. Thanks!
Wait, where does the snapshot code go?
in the gct at the end


Smash Lord
Jan 16, 2009
In space
Kupo, I don't remember the date exactly, but I think it was 4/21.

Also, kb is determined by floatiness and weight, more so floatiness than weight. This s why a heavy floaty character is hard to combo(Samus)
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