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COMPETITIVE Brawl+: Code Agenda

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
oh ok. So file replacement before snap shot and nothing goes in the bins. Thanks!
Either I'm misunderstanding you or vice versa... By "Snapshot code", I mean the code that tells the Wii to look at snapshots... The Brawl+ codes should still be saved in snapshot format (i.e. .bin).
What was the SD loader code? I went back to look at the link that Kupo posted, but it didn't download. :urg:
The SD loader code is a code that tells the Wii to load codes from a .gct file in the "pf" folder. It's just a way to bypass the 256 line limit. But with the snapshot method, you don't really need to use this one.


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
Kupo, I don't remember the date exactly, but I think it was 4/21.

Also, kb is determined by floatiness and weight, more so floatiness than weight. This s why a heavy floaty character is hard to combo(Samus)
Eh... yes and no. Floatiness is just how much gravity pull you down during the kb, but kb, itself, is a value that is derived directly from launch speed of a move, which for the most part, does not include a character's gravity in its calculations. I say "for the most part" because a very very small portion of tumble hits is made up of a value that takes into account the character's vb grav (meaning our grav modifications have no influence on this).

Then you have hitstun which is calculated based on launch speed and a division constant based on the character's vb floatiness (where floatier means a lower division constant and therefore more hitstun).


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
Either I'm misunderstanding you or vise versa... By "Snapshot code", I mean the code that tells the Wii to look at snapshots... The Brawl+ codes should still be saved in snapshot format (i.e. .bin).
Yea. The gct has the file replacement and snapshot code so that bin files actually work and the snapshot code should be last in the gct.


Smash Champion
Mar 27, 2009
edit: nvm, I got it.

can we add codes to the GCT other than the file replacement and snapshot loader? i know that the loader must be the last code, so don't type that.


Smash Cadet
Apr 27, 2009
I just tried your newest version, Kupo, but there is a problem I hope you can fix.

You see, I am a wolf mainer, I tested it, and it seems that spiking someone is suicidal, if I hit someone off the edge, and I jumped off the edge, and spike someone, if I only used 1 jump I have barely any chance of getting back, if I used 2 jumps, by the time I can do up b, I'll be to far away to make it.

So I was hoping you could somehow make spiking with wolf less suicidal. :)


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
I just tried your newest version, Kupo, but there is a problem I hope you can fix.

You see, I am a wolf mainer, I tested it, and it seems that spiking someone is suicidal, if I hit someone off the edge, and I jumped off the edge, and spike someone, if I only used 1 jump I have barely any chance of getting back, if I used 2 jumps, by the time I can do up b, I'll be to far away to make it.

So I was hoping you could somehow make spiking with wolf less suicidal. :)
Sure thing. I thought I sped up the cool down of the dair like the plussery but I guess not


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2006
Glen Cove/RIT, New York.
lolol Kupo Melee Airdodge? Someone elaborate please.

I don't have the time to watch matches because I'm writing an essay, but I have time to posts on smashboards. Go figure.


Smash Cadet
Apr 27, 2009
Apparently he has decided to completely take out the air dodge in his set for testing purposes...

This just makes my head spin and makes me want to try it even lesser...
No, he put them back in, I tested, don't you guys read? :l


Smash Cadet
Apr 27, 2009
He posted videos of it so I ASSUMED it was still gone (the AD).

No need to get a little annoyed at me. =\
Nah, I wasn't getting annoyed at you, but in the previous page he asked me if airdodge was still gone, I checked, they weren't, they were still in.
The next post were vids of him testing without airdodge, which I assume were vids of the tests, which are why he needed to confirm they were still in.
I only said that cause if you had read the previous page, you'd realize they were still in. :S


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
Btw, what does that camera code that causes the rocket ship noise do anyway?:confused:
You don't out run the screen
Kupo, why does your set have melee airdodging in it? This just makes it Melee 2.0!
lolol Kupo Melee Airdodge? Someone elaborate please.

I don't have the time to watch matches because I'm writing an essay, but I have time to posts on smashboards. Go figure.
I kno, i wuz like wtf as well.
Apparently he has decided to completely take out the air dodge in his set for testing purposes...

This just makes my head spin and makes me want to try it even lesser...
Meh, I will just edit it the way that I want.
No, he put them back in, I tested, don't you guys read? :l
He posted videos of it so I ASSUMED it was still gone (the AD).

No need to get a little annoyed at me. =\
Oh, ok. nvm then.
Nah, I wasn't getting annoyed at you, but in the previous page he asked me if airdodge was still gone, I checked, they weren't, they were still in.
The next post were vids of him testing without airdodge, which I assume were vids of the tests, which are why he needed to confirm they were still in.
I only said that cause if you had read the previous page, you'd realize they were still in. :S
What are you guys talking about? Melee air dodge? What? Where did you get that from? My set that I have in the public will always have air dodging in it and I will never use Melee air dodge.

I only altered my set to take out air dodge because we wanted to see what it would be like. It was cool and fun but it shouldn't be taken out. As much as I hate the concept of air dodging in smash, you lack a little part of the strategy. I still think the current air dodge is too powerful so I can't wait for them nerfs


Smash Champion
Mar 27, 2009
Oh, ok. I thought that you meant Melee airdodge, so I asked a question about it, and everything got all wierded out. Sorry.

Also, did you add the file replacement code? It really needs to be added! We NEED our textures, Obama Falcon FTW!!! lol

Edit: GOOOOOOO Tingle Olimar!!!

Edit 2: we should add unrestricted pause & replay camera to the set, becausethey are ver sweet!

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
Oh, it turns out that when you have multiple code snapshots, it loads all of them. You don't even have to view them; all you have to do is load the screen with the snapshot thumbnails, and it'll load ALL of those snapshots. So I was playing some hybrid of kupo's codeset and the official codeset all this time. LOL But when codes conflicts, one file would dominate over the other (still not sure how this is determined, though), which caused it to play pretty much like kupo's real codeset.

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
Oh, I totally didn't see your question. And yes, the file replacement goes into the .gct file in the codes folder, before the Snapshot code. And I've been playing kupo's code with all of the bonus stuff like unrestricted cameras, etc, since the I first downloaded kupo's codeset. Just search around, read those tutorial threads, and put in the codes yourself. I've only learned how to soft hack my Wii 10 days ago (2 weeks ago, I didn't even know how to get homebrew), and I'm already doing all of these things, so there shouldn't be an excuse for not knowing how to do it yourself if you already have the necessary hardware.


Smash Champion
Mar 27, 2009
Oh, I totally didn't see your question. And yes, the file replacement goes into the .gct file in the codes folder, before the Snapshot code. And I've been playing kupo's code with all of the bonus stuff like unrestricted cameras, etc, since the I first downloaded kupo's codeset. Just search around, read those tutorial threads, and put in the codes yourself. I've only learned how to soft hack my Wii 10 days ago (2 weeks ago, I didn't even know how to get homebrew), and I'm already doing all of these things, so there shouldn't be an excuse for not knowing how to do it yourself if you already have the necessary hardware.
no, I cannot get brawl+tweaker to work. So, I need 2 kno if kupo added the code to the .gct.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
The next build will have more goodies

EDIT: Oh boy, we REALLY have been off topic. I need to create a thread for my set or something. We plan on organizing nightly builds this week

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
no, I cannot get brawl+tweaker to work. So, I need 2 kno if kupo added the code to the .gct.
Is it saying that you're missing sdiv.bin and sdkey.bin, by any chance?

BTW, kupo (or anyone else that knows), do you know if it's possible to get it so that perfect shielding reflects projectiles in Brawl like it did in Melee? Oh, and since people are trying to get it so one button is footstool only while another button is regular-jump only, is it possible to make the footstool only button to also serve as the walljump button, and disable the walljump function on the regular-jump only button?


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2006
Glen Cove/RIT, New York.
Is it saying that you're missing sdiv.bin and sdkey.bin, by any chance?

BTW, kupo (or anyone else that knows), do you know if it's possible to get it so that perfect shielding reflects projectiles in Brawl like it did in Melee? Oh, and since people are trying to get it so one button is footstool only while another button is regular-jump only, is it possible to make the footstool only button to also serve as the walljump button, and disable the walljump function on the regular-jump only button?
This. Wall-Jumping with the jump button just pisses me off. Walljumping in brawl in general pisses me off with its on and off responsiveness, but this has been lessened in B+ so yay


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
Is it saying that you're missing sdiv.bin and sdkey.bin, by any chance?

BTW, kupo (or anyone else that knows), do you know if it's possible to get it so that perfect shielding reflects projectiles in Brawl like it did in Melee? Oh, and since people are trying to get it so one button is footstool only while another button is regular-jump only, is it possible to make the footstool only button to also serve as the walljump button, and disable the walljump function on the regular-jump only button?
reflectiveness is definitely possible. We are not sure if we can distinguish between the two jump buttons but at the very least for wall jumping, we should be able to remove it from jump I hope. I hate wall jumping. It is so messed up in this game

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
I don't mind wall jumping being set on a button (since this allows for immediate backwards DI after a wall jump), just as long as it's not the same button as my regular jump, since I hate accidentally wall jumping when I want to regular jump (on occasions, I would try to ledge hop double lazer with Falco, but when I'm not careful with not DIing to close to the wall when I jump, I would wall jump then double lazer, causing Falco to die :ohwell:).

But if distinguishable jump button commands isn't possible, then I guess turning off wall jumping on a button would be better than leaving it as is...


Smash Cadet
Apr 27, 2009
Btw, Kupo, I was trying to tell them that air dodge was still in, lol.

Anyway, I hope next one fixes my problem.

Oh, and on a side note, I think if you want to include the file replacement code, you should have a version with and without it.

And yeah, a new thread would be nice, lol.
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